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Poland's post-election political scene

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Feb 2016   #1141
harassing opposition members

Another delphic misdefinition: If someone from PO, KOD, PSL or Petru u is suspected or investigated in connection witi a crime, that is harassment. But if a PiS meber is, that's justice. Moralność Kalego is still with us! (Google for explanation!)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Feb 2016   #1142
Could you explain to the members why PiS made that cat Duda pardon the criminal Kamiński, but then went after members of the opposition?
Ironside  50 | 12828
29 Feb 2016   #1143
The harassment

Delphi defender of the downtrodden white collar criminals. What a surprise.
goofy  1 | 39
29 Feb 2016   #1144
S made that cat Duda pardon

watch out English, in Poland it is against the law to offend the President of the Republic.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Feb 2016   #1145
Poor Duda-cat, doesn't he like his feelings being offended?

Delphi defender of the downtrodden white collar criminals. What a surprise.

Which criminals? I thought you were supposed to be anti-Communist Ironside, so calling someone a criminal before they've been convicted in a fair trial is...well...
goofy  1 | 39
29 Feb 2016   #1146
I thought you were supposed to be anti-Communist Ironside, so calling someone a criminal before they've been convicted in a fair trial is...well...

Krzywonos, Walesiak and the gang.. anything to do with Solidarity ahahahahhahahahahahah XDDDD

yet again i direct you to what Walentynowicz and Gwiazda said about the commie lot
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Feb 2016   #1147
Krzywonos, Walesiak and the gang.. anything to do with Solidarity

Don't worry Goofy, no-one will ever regard you as doing anything heroic.
goofy  1 | 39
29 Feb 2016   #1148
Pack your things Delph, you are living on the first train tomorrow ;)

Ironside  50 | 12828
29 Feb 2016   #1149
Which criminals? I thought you were supposed to be anti-Communist Ironside, so calling someone a criminal before they've been convicted in a fair trial is...well...

What are you talking about Delph. I'm not taking a part in their legal preceding or a part in the investigation I can call them whatever I like to call them in the same way you are allowed to talk about president in such a disrespectful way.

Cut down amount of manure you produce on his forum posting such a rubbish.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Feb 2016   #1150
Pack your things Delph, you are living on the first train tomorrow ;)

Poor goofy. He's absolutely desperate to use instruments of repression against the political opposition, just like in the old Communist days.
mafketis  38 | 11090
29 Feb 2016   #1151
Duda-cat, doesn't he like his feelings being offended?

I tought I taw a Duda-cat

duda cat one

I did! I did taw a Duda-cat!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Feb 2016   #1152
Still my favourite political banner of all time.

Funny how PiS are so desperate to use power against the opposition, isn't it?
goofy  1 | 39
29 Feb 2016   #1153
Funny how PiS are so desperate to use power against the opposition, isn't it?

remember when ABW stormed into a certain newspaper office?

remember when anti-terrorists have a rude awakening at 5am to a certain games developer?

take your memory pills, you seem to be needing them buddy
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Feb 2016   #1154
so desperate to use power

Remember how PO raided the Wprost offices over the tape scandal? They weren't concerned about top PO figures banqueting at taxpayers' expense nor the rubbish they uttered to embarrass their government but only wanted to track down whoever had done the taping. I seem to recall that some 80 journalists were placed under surveillance. And good ol' Delph turned a blind eye to the whole business. Wonder why? I know. Delph's sense of fair play = PO good, PiS bad.
goofy  1 | 39
29 Feb 2016   #1155
Delph reminds me of Pustyni i w Puszczy ( In Desert and Wilderness) Kali's morality ;'D
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Feb 2016   #1156
the opposition

The so-called opposition are a band of selfish, self-centred crudballs who have bled Poland dry for 26 years and still haven't sucked their fill. They must be curbed, curtailed or otherwise restrained, because justice, not undeserved cliquish elitism, must prevail. Long live PiS!

Too bad it took this long for IPN to go after PRL criminals. Jaruzelski stopped being president after a hsort term and for 25 years nobody thought to demand the return of state documents. He and Kiszczak had tonnes of them destroyed at Konstancin papermill but otehrs are probably still in exisentce. They could well be the key ones the red badnits held onto as their insurance policy.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
29 Feb 2016   #1157
Poland's post-election political scene thread reminds me of Our President Hussain Obama and his failure after failure when he got elected.
At least the Americans gave him a chance to fail where delph started his crying the first day after the Polish elections and hasn't quit yet.

(And he isn't even a Polish citizen)
I wonder how long it is going to take for these cry babies to catch on that there isn't a damn thing they are going to do about it except drive every one else nuts listening to their daily discontent rants. Wha Wha Wha !

The Polish people have voted and spoke and That is That.
Poland's "Political Scene" consists of a lot more then just what has happened since the elections.
Ironside  50 | 12828
29 Feb 2016   #1158
I tought I taw a Duda-cat

I though you are a grown up man, a serious person albeit with inflated ego and here you are just a little stupid punk. Run boy run lol!

Still my favourite political banner of all time.

#Really? You have an idiocy threshold set really high.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Feb 2016   #1159
Latest news :

Poland is under intensifying pressure to reverse course on what critics see as government overreach following last year's parliamentary election, with a commission of the Council of Europe saying Monday it will look into new legislation that regulates police surveillance of correspondence.

The Council of Europe is who the Venice Commission belongs to. This pretty much ensures that the EU will follow their lead, leaving PiS pretty much isolated.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Feb 2016   #1160
The Council of Europe i

The Council of Europe initially admitted it had reacted to media reports of the leftstream Michnikite press,bounced back by ideolgocially kindred NYT, BBC, CNN, FAZ, et al. For ideological reasons, the clever, crafty slogans of those propaganda mills underlie the narration that goes out into the world. But that does not make it objective or truthful.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Mar 2016   #1161
Another day brings another splendid example of nepotism and corruption from within PiS.

This time, it concerns the supervisory board of PGE.

Janina Goss, who borrowed Jaroslaw Kaczynski 200 thousand. zł, is now a member of the supervisory board of the largest energy company - PGE

Her qualifications to sit on the supervisory board are minimal, as...

This will be her first contact with a large energy company. Janina Goss has spent over 20 years working for the Cooperative Grocers "Społem" as a legal advisor.,147744,19702614,przyjaciolka-domu-kaczynskich-weszla-do-rady-nadzorczej-pge.html?disableRedirects=true#ixzz41fPgvpq2

The level of blatant nepotism is unbelievable here.

Meanwhile, ordinary Poles have seen the price of their shopping rise by over 4% this year alone. They certainly aren't benefiting from positions on the supervisory board of large companies!
Ironside  50 | 12828
1 Mar 2016   #1162
Another day brings another splendid example of nepotism and corruption from within PiS.

Nah, it proves that German owned media in Poland are PiS focused. All examples of after mentioned corruption , criminal negligence and incompetence in the rank and file of PO and PSL have been swept under the carpet by the biased media during previous eight years
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Mar 2016   #1163

The Kosher Tribune is not a reliable source. It is biased in favour of the Salon.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2016   #1164
A small voice, but a significant one nonetheless. The President of the World Arabian Horse Organisation, Peter J Pond, published an open letter about the events last week. In the letter, he makes it absolutely clear that Dr Trela, Mr Białobok and Ms. Stojanowska are recognised internationally as experts in their field, and that the success of the Polish Arabian Horse is partially down to their very good management, but also down to the fact that the breeding centres relied on years of experience. All three individuals have a huge amount of experience with horsees - for instance, Mr Białobok is a well recognised international judge at competititons while Dr Trela is the vice president of the WAHO.

It's worth pointing out that none of the three were politically appointed by the previous government.

The letter is well worth a read, as it makes it very clear that the WAHO consider this to be a dreadful regressive step.

Either way, it just shows how for PiS, it's more about jobs for the boys and girls than about promoting Poland internationally. This is yet another example of cronyism and nepotism - and no matter what the Polonia PiS lovers might say, these acts harm Poland and do lasting damage.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1165

PiS-bashing in his last post of the day, more of the same in the following day's first one. Doesn't this character have anything better to do?!
InPolska  9 | 1796
2 Mar 2016   #1166
@Pol3: probably better to be bashed than to be ignored! Only significant people are bashed ;) so don't worry too much!
mafketis  38 | 11090
2 Mar 2016   #1167
PiS-bashing in his last post of the day

In other words, you can't defend the firing of apolitical world renowned experts in favor of party cronies with no relevant experience.

For someone who claims to care about the Polish brand you're awfully cavalier about this potentially devastating blow to one of the most iconic Polish brands.

Party loyalty uber alles?
cms  9 | 1253
2 Mar 2016   #1168
I am not so bothered about the stud farm and TVP but the appointment of this lady to PGE is a disgrace - it is a major company, she is totally unqualified and what kind of signal does that send to the employees and customers of PGE ?

What is more of a concern is that I am sure there are people in PiS, sensible people who would have said the same thing, but they are being overruled, or are too afraid to speak up in front of Kaczynski.
mafketis  38 | 11090
2 Mar 2016   #1169
I am sure there are people in PiS, sensible people who would have said the same thing, but they are being overruled, or are too afraid to speak up in front of Kaczynski.

Hey, they're just as guilty as he is in my book. Stand up and be counted. Which is more important, apolitical expertise or party loyalty?

Poland isn't Hungary or Russia and JK's attempt to follow the Orban/Putin road will not end well.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2016   #1170
no relevant experience.

It's like Delph cannot see the forest for all the trees. The big picture is the government's bold march to re-Polonise the country, trim the monopolistic self-centred post-RT Salon or mafia down to size and spread the benefits to the rest of the thus far underprivleged nation. Tiny bits and snippets along the way are peripherals not worth bothering about for anyone except mean-sprited nitpickers whose sole purpose is to malign, discredit and spew venom.

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