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Poland's post-election political scene

Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Jul 2020   #3961
@ziemowit @pawian, you are a funny fellows. You will support anything which, in your perception, would hit PiS even if it is against the interest of Poland.

That's sad, but fortunately you're a part of - loud but shrinking - minority of 'useful idiots' (no offence, that's a political term popularized by exKGB officers to describe this type of behaviour) I'm afraid.
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3962
@ziemowit @pawian, you are a funny fellows.

yes, we know. Anything that we don`t know?

would hit PiS even if it is against the interest of Poland.

You are so wrong. Containing PiS` wicked plans is solely in the interest of Poland.

but fortunately you're a part of - loud but shrinking - minority of 'useful idiots'

hahaha minority which amounts to 10 million people. Now YOU are a funny fellow. buhahaha
And a little naive if you have mentioned her dismissal at all.
Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Jul 2020   #3963
@pawian, I was referring to a loud minority of "useful idiots'" and not to all those 10 million people who voted for Trzaskowski.
In those 10 mil. voters I see many different categories of people.
And certainly among them there are groups which could be persuaded to change their minds in the future.
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3964
A diplomat is just a messenger.

Yes, in a normal country. Not in Poland under PiS, though. She has to intervene when PIS boys play too brutally - like a mother overseeing kids in a sandbox. She knows PiS fellows are puppets so she treats them likewise. Simple.

loud minority of "useful idiots'"

You haven`t run any polls to establish how many Trzask`s voters are ready to become loud minority, have you?

So, you can`t refute my claim that all of them are loud minority, can you? hahaha
Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Jul 2020   #3965
That's very simple to estimate. It is measured by a level of shouting and a number of an empty political declarations. And just like KOD will quickly disperse without solid structures and funds.

Correction: faster than that since they know already how KOD ended.
mafketis  38 | 10913
17 Jul 2020   #3966
which could be persuaded to change their minds in the future.

or else?
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3967
It is measured by a level of shouting

Hey, I saw such voting in outdoor quiz shows during summer holiday kid games! The contestant who gest the longest applause wins. That`s how you measure your numbers?? hahaha
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Jul 2020   #3968
would hit PiS even if it is against the interest of Poland.

Not correct. I would be equally furious if PO or any other party had plans to curb government-independent media because they don't like them or because they are not objective (in their opinion) or because in their opinion they act against the interests of Poland.

Just listen more attentively to yourself. In fact, you don't like certain media because they are against your views. Then you put forward all excuses for wiping them out from the countryside with the most prominent one of them being that they are "against the interests of Poland". This is one of the most favorite excuses of all the loonies or all the autocrats or all the dictators: they don't like government-independemt media because - as they say - those media act against the interests of the nation which translates directly they are against the interests of the loonies who wish to have a free hand in doing things and remain out of all scrutiny.

In the first months of the PiS rule I was even in favour of TVP taking on its new emploie since they presented a point of view different from the existing and more or less unanimous voice that had been heard until then. But in the next step, TVP has gradually gone mad broadcasting the kind of commie-style propaganda which often is worse than the one heard in the Gierek times. And you are lucky, young man, not to have experienced this kind of reality of the media that existed in those times and that you are happy to promote now.

This, in short, is why I like Georgette acting the way she does here in Poland even if I am well aware that she stands for defending American interests first.
mafketis  38 | 10913
17 Jul 2020   #3969
. This is one of the most favorite excuses of all the loonies or all the autocrats or all the dictators

As I outlined in #3931, this is a standard political play....

Viva Georgette! Viva independent media! Viva scrutiny and investigation of governmental operations!
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3970
Viva Georgette! Viva independent media!

Don`t forget about: FVCK PiS!! hahaha
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Jul 2020   #3971
this is a standard political play

Yes, I remember. Your four-point development plan in which we are in Phase One right now. Let is hope things don't go beyond it ...
gumishu  16 | 6182
17 Jul 2020   #3972
of view different from the existing and more or less unanimous voice that had been heard until then.

as you can see now the ground is level contrary to PO-PSL time when opposition media were niche
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Jul 2020   #3973
The problem is they demand more and more now and their excuse for that is that government-independent media act "against the interests of Poland", I shall remind you that the excuse of the commie folk at the time was that Radio Free Europe broadcasting from Munich acted "in the interest of American imperialists". Sounds familiar?
gumishu  16 | 6182
17 Jul 2020   #3974
The problem is they demand more and more now and their excuse for that is that government-independent media act

the postulated repolonisation of the media was raised since the start of PiS rule and nothing materialized - and I doubt it will any time soon - so you have your fears against reality

btw what do you think of the Fakt manipulation before the second round of the presidential election
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3975
That was tabloid`s typical trick to attract attention, not connected with any foreign influence at all. Rightwing papers do the same thing.
gumishu  16 | 6182
17 Jul 2020   #3976
not connected with any foreign influence at all.

maybe it was maybe it wasn't - but since you claim that it wasn't : please provide a source :)
mafketis  38 | 10913
17 Jul 2020   #3977
repolonisation of the media was raised since the start of PiS rule and nothing materialized

Yes, let's hope they're lying and konfederacja going off on Georgette is their own suicide mission and not part of another catastrophic PiS plan....
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3978
but since you claim that it wasn't : please provide a source :)

The source is in the head of an averagely intelligent person who comprehends the reality they live in hahaha
Gumi, do you know we live in capitalism and its basic imperative is to gain profit??? Do you realise how much Fakt earned on their infamous cover and how much they saved on advertising after the scandal broke out??

As shrewd businesspeople, they would be mad not to take advantage of that opportunity.
Don`t make such advanced ideology out of it.
gumishu  16 | 6182
17 Jul 2020   #3979
not part of another catastrophic PiS plan....

what PiS plans have so far been catastrophic?
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3980
The "reform" of the schooling system. Believe me. hahahaha
gumishu  16 | 6182
17 Jul 2020   #3981
an averagely intelligent person

yeah, every averagely inteligent person who reads Wyborcza knows that the pilots involved in Smoleńsk crash said: 'Tak lądują debeściaki' (roughly Behold, best pilots land like that') - only that this is an outright lie

The "reform" of the schooling system.

the gimnazjum was obsolete - it didn't give any added value (unlike the German case (because there was no or hardly any co-operation with job markets) - and the problems with secondary education will pass after the double year leaves the schools
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3982
the gimnazjum was obsolete - it didn't give any added value

Why do you repeat PIS lies? What will you say when it turns out PIS reform also doesn`t give any added value?
gumishu  16 | 6182
17 Jul 2020   #3983
Why do you repeat PIS lies?

I speak from my experience in schools and especially the liceum - it did give an added value as compared to elementary school - maybe it is different now
Lenka  5 | 3484
17 Jul 2020   #3984
I believe removing gimnazjum was a good idea BUT PiS f**ed it up. They rushed through it and made nothing to actually prepare the change properly.

The same with 500. In itself not a stupid idea BUT if meant as a fertility booster- fail. If meant as a help to poorer families why give it also to people with big incomes?

Court reform- desperately needed. But instead of trying to make the cases quicker, the system more user friendly they go to war with judges that they seem enemies.

That is the whole problem imo
gumishu  16 | 6182
17 Jul 2020   #3985
the system more user friendly they go to war

what makes you think that judges are interested in the courts being more friendly to people - I guess you have an idealistic view of many things
Lenka  5 | 3484
17 Jul 2020   #3986
Who cares what the judges want? PiS is in power and could put through laws that would make the system better. But they did nothing to address that did they?
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3987
But they did nothing to address that did they?

Their primary aim was to intimidate and pacify judges so that they decree rulings according to PiS`expectations. It didn`t work coz judges resisted and PiS pressed more and more. Eventually, the EU had to intervene.

PiS are intellectual losers who aren`t able to build anything new, they are only able to introduce destruction.
Lenka  5 | 3484
17 Jul 2020   #3988
But what does it tell us that the opposition can't beat them? It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad
pawian  219 | 24792
17 Jul 2020   #3989
Being an intellectual loser doesn` t mean one is weak physically. :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Jul 2020   #3990
But what does it tell us that the opposition can't beat them?

That PiS reflect society, for better or for worse.

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