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Poland's PiS party members and crime

Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Nov 2015   #241
extracts members

No-one can be extracted against his will! As for Merkel, moving tricky Don to Brussels may be her only claim to fame. She really botched up the refugee thing. Had glib, slick and slippery Donny remained in Warsaw, he may well have succeeded in keeping the wool pulled over the eyes of the Polish public a while longer.

Now the orphaned but ever power-hungry Platformers are thrashing about in impotent, frustrated fury. They seem to forget that in a democracy one party cannot always win, but they appear determined to continue the Polish-Polish War they started in 2005 by deriding, slandering and discrediting their successors and undermining and sabotaging their efforts. Apparently they hope the incesssant attacks and provocaitons will somehow, some day enable them to derail or overturn the government and lead PO back to the feed trough.
Ironside  50 | 12928
28 Nov 2015   #242
It's amusing that anyone who criticizes PiS is automatically a PO supporter

Your BS is getting old Bs. If somebody who consequently criticized PO during their long and crime ridden rule would came on this forum and to criticize PiS nobody would say a word.

Yet those unsuspected strangers standing out like dried drops after shytstorm that after only two weeks of PiS in charge are bringing all alleged crimes, real, made up or imaginary in an attempt to mudsling which are so obvious and pathetic.
29 Nov 2015   #243
A honest and fair person doesn't fear criticism. PiS is such an easy target - it's easy to criticize just by stating facts.

Contrast this with the way PiS criticizes - they rarely criticize in a rational way, by using arguments. I guess that's why they reject invitations to TOK FM radio - they have no confidence in their argumentation. They need entire new media set up for them where the interviewer doesn't ask inconvenient questions. Naturally, they say they boycott on purpose, because it's all manipulation and propaganda.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Nov 2015   #244
PO had the decency of doing that in secret, hiding it from public

That's a new one. Being sneaky and not getting caught is a virtue in the PO bible, I reckon.
29 Nov 2015   #245
Once you see a party like PiS - a party that breaks the law saying "Everyone does that" or "There's nothing wrong in that" - sneaky thieves start looking good! Sneaky thieves can be kept in check by audits and media. And they fear law.

There are two kinds of goverments - those which can be removed violence, and those that can't. The former is a democracy or a republic, the second a tyranny or dictatorship. According to this rule by Karl Popper, Russia is not a democracy - despite having a parliament Putin can't be removed without violence. £ukaszenko can't be removed without violence. China's government can't be removed without violence. PO-PSL goverment was removed without any violence. PiS goverment is rapidly heading towards the one that can't!

Anyway you will be soon told to attack another party. PO is no longer the 2nd most popular polish party. Which one is will be left as an exercise to the reader.
Ironside  50 | 12928
29 Nov 2015   #246
PiS goverment is rapidly heading towards the one that can't!

Stop spreading lies. You are very close to cross the line.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Nov 2015   #247
It's amusing that anyone who criticizes PiS is automatically a PO supporter in your eyes.

What's interesting is that when you look at what PiS allegedly hate, they've got plenty of them in their own party.

- A President that defrauded the taxpayer? Check.
- A criminal in charge of the security services? Check.
- A commie-era prosecutor and loyal Party man in a position responsible for human rights? Check.

And so on.
29 Nov 2015   #248
Being sneaky and not getting caught is a virtue in the PO bible, I reckon.

You seem to forget, 4A, that PIS don't care if somebody is caught: they are more than willing to appoint criminals.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Nov 2015   #249
Yes, it's quite remarkable how many people that PiS appointed have had some history with the law. Certainly, the "law" part in "Law and Justice" seems to refer more to their familiarity with the legal process as a defendant.
29 Nov 2015   #250
it's quite remarkable how many people that PiS appointed have had some history with the law.

One has to wonder if The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski ever feels a bit left out, so many criminals around him and he's never been charged with anything. Although collaborating with the commie regime should have been illegal, it wasn't (just ask 4A).
Ironside  50 | 12928
29 Nov 2015   #251
The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski

I think you are thinking about your dear leader Mao.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Nov 2015   #252
One has to wonder if The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski ever feels a bit left out, so many criminals around him and he's never been charged with anything.

Don't you remember how he said that he was discriminated against because he was never imprisoned? :D I still wonder why he's surrounding himself with so many criminals though.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Nov 2015   #253
he was never imprisoned

Michnik's " man of honour" Jaruzelski sent Lech Kaczyński to an internment camp during his martial-law crackdown on Solidarność, but let his twin brother go free. As Jarosław once told me, "I think they wanted to have someone to follow who might lead them to underground Solidarity cells, fugitive activists and clandestine printing operations."
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Nov 2015   #254
As Jarosław once told me

You've interviewed him, Polonius?

Out of interest, is he as charismatic as he appears to be in the media?
30 Nov 2015   #255
As Jarosław once told me, "I think they wanted to have someone to follow who might lead them to underground Solidarity cells, fugitive activists and clandestine printing operations."

Yes, the most likely explanation that they would want to follow somebody who can easily get lost in a crowd due to being short and looking bland. It's a much more likely explanation than him simply following the same path that his father used to avoid being locked up by the commies, isn't it. Not that collaborating with the commie regime, or even being a key part of its forces of oppression, was a crime.

Michnik's " man of honour" Jaruzelski sent Lech Kaczyński to an internment camp during his martial-law crackdown on Solidarność

You often mention that. Funny how you always fail to mention that Lech was very swiftly released and was even allowed to carry on practising his profession. Why do you fail to mention that? Surely you don't think that it would have been a crime for The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski's daddy to call a few of his old friends in the commie regime and make sure that his boys continued to get special treatment, do you?
Roger5  1 | 1432
30 Nov 2015   #256
Polonius, you old name-dropper, you. Do you still have the ear of the power behind the throne?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Nov 2015   #257

Just part of the job. I had to converse with and pick the brains of all kinds of people including commie and GW scum.

Merged: Justice has been done: Kamiński & Wąsik are free men!

A Warsaw court has overturned convictions against the former head and deputy head of Poland's Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA), following pardons issued by President Andrzej Duda in November.

Both men currently occupy key positions in Poland, with Mariusz Kamiński serving as the country's secret services coordinator and Maciej Wąsik as secretary of state in President Duda's Chancellery.

Kamiński and Wąsik had been given three-year prison sentences in March 2015, seven months before conservative party Law and Justice returned to power in the October general election.

The original sentences concerned exceeding their powers in 2007 while running the CBA during Law and Justice's coalition government of 2005-2007.
According to the March 2015 verdict, Kamiński and Wąsik had illegally started an investigation into the ministry of agriculture - then run by coalition partner the Self-Defence party. The court also found that the CBA was guilty of forging documents and carrying out illegal phone tapping in connection with the probe.

The verdict had not become final when Law and Justice came to power in October 2015. President Andrzej Duda, himself formerly of Law and Justice, pardoned both men on 16 November.

He claimed that the verdicts had a "political character" laying the blame on the Civic Platform, which led a coalition government between 2007 and 2015.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Mar 2016   #258
A Warsaw court has overturned convictions

They haven't overturned the convictions. They in fact confirmed that the President has the absolute right to pardon criminals regardless of where the case is in the legal system, meaning that the criminals Kamiński and Wąsik have had their guilt confirmed, as you can hardly pardon an innocent person.
30 Mar 2016   #259
the criminals Kamiński and Wąsik have had their guilt confirmed, as you can hardly pardon an innocent person.

And as they accepted their pardons, they accepted their guilt: an innocent man cannot accept a pardon for something which he did not do.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Mar 2016   #260

Even manner of glib sophistry cannot change the fact that the court has overturned the rigged, highly-politicsed PO-era convictions used by the PO/PSL ruling camp to thwart and get even with two dedicated corruption-exposing functionaries. That's par for the course for the Platformer scam-mongers who had many a black spot of their conscience.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Mar 2016   #261
the court has overturned the rigged, highly-politicsed PO-era convictions

The court hasn't overturned anything. They have simply recognised the state of affairs according to the Constitution - that those two criminals have been pardoned and that there is no other way to deal with it except to consider the matter closed.

They did not find them innocent, but rather accepted that the President has a right to pardon criminals and that's that. The correct ruling was made, as it was in accordance with the Constitution. It's worth pointing out that the defence wanted to keep the trial process open so that they could be cleared - but they will remain officially pardoned as criminals.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Mar 2016   #262
as criminals

And their main crime was wanting to energetically weed out widespread corruption in the scam-friendly Tusk era.
jon357  72 | 23482
1 Dec 2016   #263

Did Pilecki's execution/murder have anything to do with either the Military Prosecutor Wilhelm Świątkowski or the Minister of Justice in the Bierut regime, Henryk ŚwiątkowskI?

And did ŚwiątkowskI have any famous relatives, one alive today...
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2017   #264

PiS appointed ambassador to Germany revealed to a Communist-era snitch

Andrzej Przyłębska, PiS-appointed Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, has been revealed as a Communist-era snitch. His wife - illegally appointed President of the Constitutional Tribunal.

Państwo Przyłębscy to rodzina...beneficjentów dobrej zmiany. Ona - prezes Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. On - ambasador Polski w Niemczech. Cały Twitter żyje tym, co udało się znaleźć na stronach IPN. W Inwentarzu archiwalnym Instytutu jest strona poświęcona dawnemu Tajnemu Współpracownikowi PRL-owskich służb. Imię i nazwisko - Andrzej Przyłębski. Pseudonim operacyjny - Wolfgang.,pis-chcial-wojny-na-teczki-no-to-ma-maz-prezes-trybunalu-ambasador-rp-w-berlinie-andrzej-przylebski-to-tw-wolfgang

The Przyłębski family are a family that are the beneficiaries of "good change". She - the president of the Constitutional Tribunal. He - Polish ambassador to Germany. Twitter comes alive on what has been found on the IPN website. The "inventory archive" of the Institute is a site dedicated to former communist collaborators to Communist-era secret services. Name - Andrzej Przyłębski. Nick operating - Wolfgang.

PiS really have outdone themselves this time. Appointing the wife of an Communist snitch to the Presidency of the Constitutional Tribunal is unbelievable, as is appointing such a snitch as Ambassador to one of the most powerful countries in Europe. As we've said all along, PiS = PZPRbis, and this just proves how much they are in bed with the scum.

Polonius, your comments please? Would you please explain your position on TW Wolfgang, and if such a person is suitable to serve as Ambassador to Germany, and whether you think that his wife (who was trained in the PRL and can be considered a Communist-era judge) should serve as a judge?
mafketis  38 | 11127
2 Mar 2017   #265

Could the mods manage to explain why they merged this with a completely different topic?

Working as a TW was not a crime when it happened and it's not a crime now. If anything it's a question of hypocrisy.

Are the mods trying to cover for this and make sure it doesn't get discussed?
Ironside  50 | 12928
2 Mar 2017   #266
Oh, so those commie rats and prominent lackeys of the Commie system that are not take heed to bunch with all that post-commie group solidarity are exposed and branded by their own . What a scum!

How about make public names and faces all snitches, prominent beneficiary of the commie regime? All of them!
How about that? I'm all for it.
Nah, the same people who are talking about the case would scream a bloody murder if grovemnat were to expose their cronies.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2017   #267
Are the mods trying to cover for this and make sure it doesn't get discussed?

I'm thinking the same. This is the husband of the (illegitimate) President of the Constitutional Tribunal that we're talking about and a prominent ambassador, not just some random Party member.

Then again, it's nice to see this topic revived so that we can remind ourselves just how many criminals are within PiS.

One wonders why Polonius hasn't shown up yet to denounce this snitch.

How about make public names and faces all snitches, prominent beneficiary of the commie regime? All of them!

Good idea, Ironside. We would perhaps find out how some people were able to live comfortable lives in the PRL, for instance. It's mysterious that some workers were able to gain luxury (for that time) accomodation in a wealthy part of Warsaw, while other workers were living in tiny cramped accommodation.

I'm all for it.
Ironside  50 | 12928
2 Mar 2017   #268
the (illegitimate)

I don't think that you realize how deeply and how completely that side that you support in the Polish political scene is implicated into stuff with snitches, commie secret police and such. They would never go along with the idea of exposing it all out in the open.

Other than that your radical partisan stance on the side of PO or rather anti-PiS platform makes debate with boring and fruitless.
jon357  72 | 23482
2 Mar 2017   #269
Then again, it's nice to see this topic revived so that we can remind ourselves just how many criminals are within PiS.

The things you hear about them at a local level is horrific.
gumishu  15 | 6228
2 Mar 2017   #270
and whether you think that his wife (who was trained in the PRL and can be considered a Communist-era judge) should serve as a judge?

wait a second - so you claim that judge Andrzej Rzepliński was not trained in PRL?

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