extracts members
No-one can be extracted against his will! As for Merkel, moving tricky Don to Brussels may be her only claim to fame. She really botched up the refugee thing. Had glib, slick and slippery Donny remained in Warsaw, he may well have succeeded in keeping the wool pulled over the eyes of the Polish public a while longer.
Now the orphaned but ever power-hungry Platformers are thrashing about in impotent, frustrated fury. They seem to forget that in a democracy one party cannot always win, but they appear determined to continue the Polish-Polish War they started in 2005 by deriding, slandering and discrediting their successors and undermining and sabotaging their efforts. Apparently they hope the incesssant attacks and provocaitons will somehow, some day enable them to derail or overturn the government and lead PO back to the feed trough.