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Poland's PiS party members and crime

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
18 Nov 2015   #151
Gays, come on. It just doesn't work anymore. If you go on with your Kaczynski obsession, next time Platfuses won't make 5%.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Nov 2015   #152
Again, nothing to do with PiS and crime.

Why am I not surprised that you support a PZPR-era prosecutor who chose to ignore the crimes committed by a paedophile priest?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Nov 2015   #153
the kind of people

Someone might even take your accusations seriously were it not for one fact: no-one ever remembers you focusing on a single ex-commie in the PO camp which was riddled with far more PZPR types than PiS.

For instance, you've never bothered to mention that Komorowski's top adviser was ex-PZPR member Nalęcz and that a communist general Koziej was appointed to head the super-sensitive National Security Council of Free Poladn.

Coincidence? Ignorance? Or a deliberate attempt to cloud and confuse the issue? Everything points to the latter option!
18 Nov 2015   #154
a PZPR-era prosecutor who chose to ignore the crimes committed by a paedophile priest?

Maybe PIS think that it's a human right of priests to rape children and it's a human right of undemocratic regimes to ignore the rule of law as and when it suits them (for example by defrauding the tax payer and by pardoning convicted criminals). If that is what they think, then who could be better than a a PZPR-era prosecutor who chose to ignore the crimes committed by a paedophile priest.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Nov 2015   #155
Yes, it indeed seems as if they chose the right man for the job.

Notice how the usual PiS-apologists completely fail to address the issue and instead resort to pointing fingers at PO.
18 Nov 2015   #156
Yes, it indeed seems as if they chose the right man for the job.

Or perhaps PIS wished to make it clear to all how highly they will respect human rights and justice and so picked a man who thinks that children don't have the right to not be raped and who has proven that he'll happily put justice a distant second to what the unelected leader of the country tells him to do.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Nov 2015   #157
I suppose it's entirely in line with his career. He would be entirely used to being told what to do by political bosses, so he's probably the right man for the job in the eyes of PiS.

Strange how Polonius is normally so quick to talk about child molesting, but he's gone silent here.

All goes to show how PiS, for all their talk of being anti-Communist, are actually incredibly pro-Communist when it comes down to it. Couldn't they find a single prosecutor that started his/her career after 1990?
18 Nov 2015   #158
He would be entirely used to being told what to do by political bosses, so he's probably the right man for the job in the eyes of PiS.

Not only his political bosses: the way he rolled straight over when faced with a religious boss made him even more the right man for the job in the eyes of PIS.

Couldn't they find a single prosecutor that started his/her career after 1990?

Obviously not one reliable enough. And certainly not one who sends such a strong message to those who might feel that their human rights might be of interest to the 19%-supported majority government ('Think about it, this guy doesn't even think that children have the right to not be raped, how much do you think he cares about your right to peaceably enjoy your possessions etc?').
Ironside  50 | 12916
18 Nov 2015   #159
You guys are writing a lot of tosh here. Slogans and opinions.
Provide solid fact based examples of numerous crimes committed by PiS members. Falling that you would prove that you are nothing but circus entertainers.
18 Nov 2015   #160
Provide solid fact based examples of numerous crimes committed by PiS members.

How about the one Duda says Kaminski committed and which Kaminski agrees he committed?
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 Nov 2015   #161
Harry i doubt people here are interested to read your fantasies.go chill down and come back once you get better. pardoning is common among presidents. Walensa pardoned 300 people,KOMO 100 ,Kwach 300.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Nov 2015   #162
How about the one Duda says Kaminski committed and which Kaminski agrees he committed

Quite. The pardon just shows their lack of respect for both law and justice.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Nov 2015   #163
Provide solid fact based examples of numerous crimes committed by PiS members.

There are plenty of examples on here.

But nothing is better than Duda actively pardoning Kamiński, which means that he admits his guilt.
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 Nov 2015   #164
there are plenty of examples on here.

haven see any here.only thing i see here is desperate wailing of some butthurted leftist
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Nov 2015   #165
Now now Gregy. I'm aware that you were brought up to not see the criminal actions taking place in order to preserve your father's Party membership, but you really don't need to pretend here. The facts aren't in doubt : Kamiński is a convicted criminal.
G (undercover)
19 Nov 2015   #166
There's a difference between being a a convicted criminal in a civilized country with independent courts and in a country run by corrupted gang that was trying to turn it into a banana republic. According to your logic Kamiński is a convicted criminal since early 80's when as a teenager he was put into prison for anti-commie activities.
19 Nov 2015   #167
a civilized country with independent courts

That sounds like the Poland that's in the European Union, although sadly the description may have to change.

a country run by corrupted gang that was trying to turn it into a banana republic.

You mean like a gang where the figurehead leader has demonstrated that he's more than happy to defraud the Polish taxpayer by claiming as expenses the costs of flights taken on personal business and where the real leader has shown that he's more than happy to have a pardon issued so that a convicted criminal can sit in the cabinet.

According to your logic Kamiński is a convicted criminal since early 80's when as a teenager he was put into prison for anti-commie activities.

Actually not, his only previous guilty verdict came when he was a juvenile and so was expunged when he reached the age of 18. Also, he wasn't into prison for anti-commie activities, he was sent to reform school for vandalising a monument to those who died fighting Nazis in Poland. Why do you bother with such pointless lies?
gregy741  5 | 1226
19 Nov 2015   #168
your lies are pointless.let me guess,this monument of soldiers "who fought nazis" they were not polish soldiers were they?
19 Nov 2015   #169
Given the way that large numbers of Polish volunteers were declared to be Soviet citizens and put into the Red Army, and given the fact that the First Polish Army was part of the First Belorussian Front of the Red Army, it is highly likely that at least some of those who the vandalised monument memorialised were Polish heroes.

And even if not a single one of them was Polish (which is extremely unlikely), vandalising any monument to the dead, especially those who died fighting the forces of evil, is a despicable act and very rightly a crime. In some ways it is a pity that Kaminski's criminal record was expunged at the age of 18 but I suppose that a lot of children make childish mistakes and later grow into useful members of society. Unfortunately in Kaminski's case he didn't and now he is a convicted criminal who is making Poland an international laughing stock.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Nov 2015   #170
was put into prison for anti-commie activities

Quite right! Kamiński has been an unswerving anti-communist freedom-fighter since his teens when he destroyed a monument to the Stalinist enslavers of Poland. Rather than liberate Poland, the Red Army scum replaced the Nazi occupation with nearly half a century of Soviet subjugation. And the barbaric bolshies looted, destroyed what they couldn't carry and raped as they steamrollered their way across Poland.

Unlike PO bugologist and badmouther Niesiołowski, who also destroyed a Soviet monument, Kamiński did not snitch on his fiancée during SB interrogation nor agree to become a red informer to save his own skin.
G (undercover)
19 Nov 2015   #171

Yawn... Meanwhile Bury got arrested :))))))),1342,title,Jan-Bury-zatrzymany-przez-CBA,wid,17983422,wiadomosc.html
Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Nov 2015   #172
Bury got arrested

Wait till the CBA finally gets after all the Platformer scammers and other of their hayseed allies! No wonder the Platformers were in such a hurry to rush through the appointments of their hand-picked Constitutional Tribunal members. But no such luck. The United Right is ever vigilant and can finally rectify PO blunders, abuses, violations and mislegisaltion.
19 Nov 2015   #173
when he destroyed a monument to the Stalinist enslavers of Poland.

Kaminski vandalised a memorial to war dead, that's the mark of a criminal scumbag; sadly he didn't grow out of his criminal habits or his scumbaggery.

Kamiński did not snitch on his fiancée during SB interrogation nor agree to become a red informer to save his own skin.

And how do you know that? From the same IPN files in which not even a single SB agent, official, employee or informer ever so much as even wondered why The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski didn't have a girlfriend? Well those must be reliable. Or are you basing your report on information that you gained about who else was a commie collaborator?

The United Right is ever vigilant

Really? So when will they be pressing charges in the matter of that MP who defrauded the Polish taxpayer by claiming as expenses the cost of numerous flights he took from Warsaw to Poznan and back on weekends when he was lecturing at a private university just outside Poznan? Or have they all been told that The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski will instruct Duda to give himself another of those blank pardons and so there's no point in prosecuting that crime?
Ironside  50 | 12916
19 Nov 2015   #174
Kaminski vandalised a memorial to war dead,

Harry you have overstayed your welcome. Siding with the Soviet occupier of Poland just take the biscuits. Go to the North Korea where you belong, you apologist for totalitarian regimes.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Nov 2015   #175
overstayed your welcome

You can say that again. On more than one occasion I have noted that some PF-ers will always take the anti-Polish side of any controversy. I had mistakenly assumed that referred only to antagonistic nations or ethnicites. It turns out some will even defend the Evil Empire, mankind's greatest scourge, if only to strike a blow at Poland, Poles or things Polish. Anyone know why he even bothers to live in a country he seeths with such hatred towards? One wonders whether he also advocates honouring the Nazi and SS war dead with monuments on Polish soil?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Nov 2015   #176
Kamiński has been an unswerving anti-communist freedom-fighter since his teens when he destroyed a monument to the Stalinist enslavers of Poland.

Destroying a monument doesn't take much effort. If anything, it shows him to be rather small minded.

The United Right is ever vigilant and can finally rectify PO blunders, abuses, violations and mislegisaltion.

Yes, we all know that you regard a fair and independent legal system as being a threat to Poland.

Anyway, this thread is about PiS members and crime, not PO.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Nov 2015   #177
being a threat to Poland

No, a threat to the remnants of the PO scam machine.

not PO.

Too bad, because the PO have a much thicker portfolio of crimes and abuses of every type.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Nov 2015   #178
No, a threat to the remnants of the PO scam machine.

Why is it that it's not a threat to the PiS scam machine, as personified by Duda?

Too bad, because the PO have a much thicker portfolio of crimes and abuses of every type.

Then start a thread about it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Nov 2015   #179
Duda actively pardoning Kamiński

As I understand it, Kamiński has not withdrawn his appeal and wants it to take its course for full exoneration which is tantamount to a verdict of not guilty. Clemency or pardon indeed implies an offence, and in this case none was involved. He was framed by PO-beholden judicial officials. After 3 courts had dropped charges or acquitted Kamiński, the PO regime finally found one willing to convict him on trumped-up charges. I reckon they knew what side their bread was buttered on.
Ironside  50 | 12916
19 Nov 2015   #180
Why is it that it's not a threat to the PiS scam machine, as personified by Duda?

You are talking about President Delf and let me remind you that contrary what you claim that article about alleged misuse of representative traveling privileges are not in breach or any law.

Those newspapers were writing about it during election as a part of mudslinging. Even then they were carful enough to frame those allegation in the form of questions.

Sating out fault that President Duda has somehow acted with disregard of the law or what not makes you liable to be sued for slander.

Sure take you changes but don't say you haven't been warned./

How about the one Duda says Kaminski committed and which Kaminski agrees he committed?

Excuses excuses details and links please and more than one at least three.

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