8 years of scams, scandals, affairs, nepotism and unkept promises scored by
8 years of scams, scandals, affairs, nepotism and unkept promises scored by the dodgy Platformer clique is something no other party can match. Additionally they are masters of PR, propaganda and pulling the wool over the public's eyes. But the Polish nation have finally caught on them (better late than never!) and is poised to deal them a crushing defeat in October.
"Teraz k***a My"
That is simply a colourful way of saying "now we're up to bat". That kind of lingo BTW is typical of informal PO conversations as witnessed by the secret tapes of Sikorski, Rostowski and other Platformer flunkies. In public they spout pious platitudes without end, in private they sound like low-life drunks, thugs and lumpenproles. Cultural schizophrenia or garden-variety hypocrisy?
Poland's most successful government
If that is how you define scams and unkept promises, then all one can say is: consider the source. You are indeed an Orwellian through and through: Ministry of Truth (manufacturing propaganda and disinformation), scams = success, white is black, perversity is virtue, etc.
Nic sie nie stało
The phrase "Nic się nie stało" was attributed to the Tusk clique after every scandal (AmberGold, gambling, uncompleted Euro 2012 motorways, shipyard fiasco, clandestine tapes, cases or oldboy nepotism, the list goes on...)