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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

jon357  72 | 23483
11 Jun 2024   #331
Britain is probably not worse

Definitely not worse.

One thing about healthcare is self-evident. It does cost money, requires selflessness, altruism and an absence of profit motive. And it costs. That's not a problem since it's society's money, to be used for the good of all and of the future.
Feniks  2 | 809
11 Jun 2024   #332
Now lets talk about your countries government, BRITIAN, for once.

You have the nerve to tell people to stay on topic when you're dragging this thread completely off-topic.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jun 2024   #333
pray to Tusk every night!

Exactly!!! Night and morning!

the chances of Poland joining the EU increases.

Let me remind you Poland already joined the EU in 2005. Your info is a bit outdated. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jun 2024   #334
But he will prove

Stop making a fool of yourself with silly prophecies. You have tried to diminish Mr Honourable Prime Holy Minister Donald Reverend Tusk for years. And what? Nothing. Dogs are barking while Tusk is doing his job well and moving the caravan on. Don`t be a silly dog, please.
Ironside  50 | 12946
11 Jun 2024   #335
I am not.

You are, you constantly whine, you are doing it here. Yawn, You cannot refute anything I have said in that post. So you aim to distract me, change the subject, and try to belittle me. You are either so desperate, dumb, or both that you don't realize that it is itself proof that I was right. lol!

Each consecutive post with your usual crap you dazzle silly children with is yet another reminder that you are wannabe and nothing else. Ha! (I'm mocking you with that ha lol but don't take it personally otherwise you are too boring to handle).


it's kinda worrying t

Why is that worrying? do you still think that the Tusk government is good for Poland? You should kick out K-mysz and PSL should try to play a bigger role not just butt-boy to Tusk.

By the way, are you going to sulk for long? I called you a moron because your remark merited that and you told me to F off so we are even. Now be an adult and stop sulking like a woman.


and is swinging to the left.

What difference does it make? On immigration and woke agenda and a few other issues Tories and left are the same.
The only difference they like to increase welfare funds and use the NHS to found bigger boobies for women.
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Jun 2024   #336
woke agenda

That is a meaningless term.

increase welfare funds and use the NHS to fund bigger boobies for women.

Very good!
Torq  8 | 1023
11 Jun 2024   #337
be an adult and stop sulking like a woman

How am I sulking? I'm just not replying to everything (or I can miss something posted somewhere).

As for PSL, they should indeed kick K-K out and move towards more conservative position (preferably with Sawicki as the leader).
Ironside  50 | 12946
11 Jun 2024   #338
How am I sulking?

It is OK if you don't.!
Sure Sawicki would be better, hell anyone would be better than K-mysz. I have never seen a more useless politician than him.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jun 2024   #339
Tusk government is good for Poland

The best!!!

So you aim to distract me

You underestimate me gravely.:):):) My mission is to unnerve you to the foaming stage. Am I pawian for nought??? hahahaha
Torq  8 | 1023
11 Jun 2024   #340
It is OK if you don't.

Sure. Calling somebody a "moron" or telling them to "f*ck off" is ordinary courtesy on PF. Everyday dialogue. It's like telling "Good morning" to your neighbour in the real life. :)

I have never seen a more useless politician than him.

True. Also, I have certain reservations regarding his moral standards, but I don't want to elaborate on the topic. Not my favourite politician and PSL would be better off without him.

The reason I vote PSL is not because I don't notice their numerous flaws, I do. It's because I still believe in Polish peasants as a social stratum. Most down to earth, commonsensical and resistant to new fashions group in Poland. Go peasants!
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jun 2024   #341
Go peasants!

most farmers and "peasants" vote for PiS now if you haven't noticed so far
Torq  8 | 1023
11 Jun 2024   #342
most farmers and "peasants" vote for PiS now

That's because the PiS bolsheviks managed to fool them into believing that they are a Catholic party. This is a weak spot with peasants (and with me too) so they fell for it.

Hopefully, the peasants will soon realise that nobody hurt and corrupted the Church in Poland as much as PiS did in recent years, and will switch their sympathies back to PSL.

Nie rzucim ziemi skąd nasz ród! Nie damy pogrześć mowy.
Polski my naród, polski lud, Królewski szczep Piastowy.
Nie damy, by nas zgnębił wróg! Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

Polish peasants forever!!!
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jun 2024   #343
Polish peasants forever!!!

you haven't included "Who feed and defend" - and who are facing bankruptcy thanks to the current government refusal to impose an embargo on Ukrainian agricultural products
Ironside  50 | 12946
11 Jun 2024   #344
olish peasants forever!!!

How come you support Tusk who agrees that all EU policies will render them null and void and wipe them out as farmers?

thanks to the current government r

PiS is to blame as well!
Torq  8 | 1023
11 Jun 2024   #345
you haven't included "Who feed and defend"

Indeed. I apologise for the omission...


... as for going bankrupt, don't underestimate Polish peasants - they survived harder times than these, they will survive the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, which is in fact decreasing and grain subsidies for Polish farmers have been announced (over 2 billion pln for the January-May 2024 period).

How come you support Tusk

Lesser of the two evils. And, mark my words, the idiotic green "reforms" will be cancelled. The writing's on the wall.
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jun 2024   #346
PiS is to blame as well!

yes, PiS is not without the blame in this case - however they at least had the balls to stand up to the EU and impose an embargo on Ukranian stuff
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jun 2024   #347
however they at least had the balls to stand up to the EU

Like a madman/madwoman who first starts a fire and then rushes to put it out. That`s PIS` tactics - like in communism - bravely struggle with problems they incited on their own. Thank you.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Jun 2024   #348
Sounds like Britain is in worse shape then Poland is.

Maybe, but in better shape than the USA who have to chose between a doddering old dolt and a criminal maniac!

Now lets talk about your countries government, BRITIAN,

Where is "Britian" you stupid, ignorant country bumpkin?

Tusk is doing his job well

Those are words you will live to regret....
Ironside  50 | 12946
14 Jun 2024   #349
The idiotic green "reforms" will be canceled.

It's unlikely, but Tusk has canceled other vital projects like CPL for example.
Tusk takes in illegal migrants from Germany.
Torq  8 | 1023
14 Jun 2024   #350
Tusk has canceled other vital projects like CPL for example.

As far as I know, CPK has not been cancelled.

As for migrants, millions will have to be let in because Poles don't have enough children. The point is to select the migrants we want instead of taking the thugs that Merkel let in. If Tusk is doing that, he's an idiot.
Ironside  50 | 12946
14 Jun 2024   #351
Pot. Kettle. Black

Sadly, a seasoned PF member doesn't know how to push the long-term poster button. You lack intelligence, diligence, and dedication here. Let me help you. It doesn't ruffle him in the slightest that pot thing, he makes nuddles in it. You should instead call him Karen. Type - stop your whining Karen and watch the steam raising. lol!


CPK has not been cancelled.

It has been canceled for all practical purposes. Stop lying to yourself at this stage it is obvious, the only reason is not said explicitly because of backlash from public opinion that is all. He is just playing a waiting game with public opinion and by he I mean Tusk.


As for migrants, millions will have to be let in because Poles

No sir that's not the way but still we are getting illegal migrants from Germany, it getting bigger and bigger, and a sad part of that is Morawcieki was doing the same but on a much smaller scale. It seems like that's going to be huge and people don't realize how big it gonna be at this very moment. When they realize there is a problem is going to be too late mark my words.

As a cheery on the top that Syrian illegal who was shot by a border guard in the leg is not being deported but is demonstrating in Poland against police brutality. Torq just F wake up!
OP pawian  226 | 27509
14 Jun 2024   #352
canceled other vital projects like CPL

Another nationalist lie.
Why do you, nationalists, lie at all times in each post of yours here???

CPK has not been cancelled.

Of course not. Those rabid nationalists see and hear things. They need a doctor instead of polluting the forum with their lies.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
14 Jun 2024   #353
Those are words you will live to regret.

No, you don`t know what you are talking about. It is typical of you. Remember how you claimed that Russia wouldnever attack Ukraine????
Ironside  50 | 12946
14 Jun 2024   #354
Another nationalist lie.

No, it is Tusk's lie. he is known for his lies, ups he lied again.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
14 Jun 2024   #355
Another nationalist lie.

Nationalist is another word for patriot.Are you not a patriot Pawian?

No, it is Tusk's lie. he is known for his lies,

He is a supreme socialist, pro EU liar and holds the EU as far more important than Poland.In my eyes, that makes him a traitor.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
15 Jun 2024   #356
Nationalist is another word for

A murderer who dreams of killing others. I reject murder as a means of solving problems. And I reject people who have such inclinations. Simple.
Alien  25 | 6399
16 Jun 2024   #357
Nationalist is another word for patriot.

Not in Europe and also not in Poland. A patriot does not have to be a nationalist, he can even be a leftist.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
8 Aug 2024   #358
EU elections:

I traditionally voted for a female from the most decent party of all in Poland.

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Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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