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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

cms neuf  1 | 1721
15 Nov 2020   #271
Well given that their platform includes abolishing income tax and making paying ZUS voluntary then I think most of Poland can adopt a strategy of bed plus vitamin C if they get the fake virus.
Marsupials ghost
15 Nov 2020   #272
Demonstrations all over Poland from totally backward pis laws. Same in the usa from backward idiot there, uk is next. Anywhere with these idiots in charge. If we all swap to the opposite it will be from the other side. They are all useless, both sides. A new more middle side is required. Macron is on the other left side, he had demos for ages. They are all pointless as they govern for half a country from one angle or another. They are all obsolete relics of the 20th century.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
7 Jun 2024   #273
The EU elections are on Sunday.
I am going to vote for PO. Sort of an ancient tradition in my case.
Amasingly, I am going to vote for the same female PO member as during the national elections last year. She won the seat in the Polish Parliament and now Mr Honourable Prime Holy Minister Donald Reverend Tusk is sending her to Brussels. She holds No 2 on the candidate list, after Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz. Interesting duel between these two.

I only doubt I will be able to post a video of her speaking English there. The same with Sienkiewicz if he is elected.

Ironside  50 | 12312
7 Jun 2024   #274
I am going to vote for PO

OP pawian  219 | 24592
7 Jun 2024   #275
And the polls suggest that my fave party will win on Sunday. Isn`t it wonderful??? hahaha
Rejoice with me, Iron. Don`t be such a wet blanket. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12312
7 Jun 2024   #276
Isn`t it wonderful???

Those bastards are responsible for the Polish soldier killed on the border.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
7 Jun 2024   #277
Those bastards

You mean PiS? Of course.
Alien  22 | 5460
7 Jun 2024   #278
Those bastards are responsible

Polish secret services will find and neutralize them.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #279
We have just voted. The turnout is low, I could see it on the list of attendance - not too many signatures by our neighbours so far.

In these elections my Lesser Poland voivodship is combined with Holy Cross voivodship - it means we are voting for the same candidates. Right now we are better with turnout than Holy Crossian Penknives.

Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #280
We have just voted

How long can you vote in Poland?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #281
till 9 pm.
Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #282
9 pm.

OK, In Germany they ended at 6 p.m. Those who were supposed to win won.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #283
supposed to win won.

Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #284
Fortunately, CDU/CSU. The AfD only won in eastern Germany.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #285
The AfD only won in eastern Germany.

Like NSDAP won in prewar eastern Germany. Traditions hold strong. :):):)
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #286
Amasing developments!

The difference in turnout between urban and rural communes is also growing - currently it is almost 5 percentage points. According to data as of 17 in villages, 25.2 percent went to the polls, and in cities, 30.2 percent. Just two months ago the situation was the opposite and the difference was 4.6 percentage points in favor of rural areas - 42.2%. to 37.6 percent This situation will have a very significant impact on the final election result.

This means that urban voters who choose pro democratic parties might get the upper hand. Rightists voted for by countryside might lose.
We`ll see in 2 minutes! Stay tuned!
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #287
People, rejoice! The exit polls suggest out fave party has won!!!!!

  • Bssseztytuu.jpg
Torq  8 | 957
9 Jun 2024   #288
Unfortunately, Trzecia Droga loses to Kонфедерация :(

PSL should disassociate themselves from Hołownia and his ilk. I bet they would get more votes if they did. When-oh-when will the favour of Polish peasants swing once again into PSL's favour and out of PiS's?

*goes to lick his wounds in sadness*
mafketis  38 | 10868
9 Jun 2024   #289
Trzecia Droga loses to Kонфедерация :(

How much of Kонфед's gain is PiS loss. I've been assuming that probably at least 2-3 percentage points. I saw a poll last week or so that revealed PiS was no longer the party with the greatest degree of support and I can't think of anywhere else that disaffected piss3rs would go....

I too would like PSL to return to the roll of peasant swing vote but they'd need to get (and keep to) some principles first.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #290
Unfortunately, Trzecia Droga loses to Kонфедерация :(

I don`t care they lost coz they fully deserved it by treating women low but I do care they lost to nationalist pro Russian Konfederacja. Our imperial Russians must be thrilled now. :):):)
Torq  8 | 957
9 Jun 2024   #291
I do care they lost to nationalist pro Russian Konfederacja

The problem is not that Kонфедерация is pro-Russian. I am pro-Russian too and PSL are fairly pro-Russian as well if you scratch the surface. Kонфедерация, on the other hand, is pro-Putinist and that's the problem. :-/
mafketis  38 | 10868
9 Jun 2024   #292
I am pro-Russian t....Kонфедерация, on the other hand, is pro-Putinist

That's a distinction without a difference.... how can you be in favor of the people that support putin without supporting putin yourself?

There is no evidence that there is any real opposition to putain in russia.... even russians who leave don't protest russian policy and tend to do crap like harassing Ukrainians.

putain = russia

how is that wrong?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #293
I am pro-Russian too

Yes, you idealise Russians though most of them support Putin and his war.
But maf is right.
Pro Russian or pro Putin - all the same today.

Never mind. Let`s talk about the elections.

vote for the same female PO member , after Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz

Sienkiewicz won the seat, while my candidate is still waiting for final results.

As I promised: Women must rule!!!

OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #294
What has changed since the last elections??

What does the KO victory and the interrupted streak of PiS victories mean?
Ph.D. Olgierd Annusewicz, head of the Center for Political Science Analysis at the University of Warsaw: - These were elections with a very low turnout. The most determined and most faithful electorate participated in them. So far, PiS has had the most such voters. Now this structure of the hard electorate has changed. It is the voters of the Civic Coalition who are the most motivated.

Yes, it is true. A lot of PiS voters remained at home coz they eventually refused to support their party`s thievery and corruption which they had practised during their 8 year rule.
gumishu  16 | 6181
9 Jun 2024   #295
but they'd need to get (and keep to) some principles first.

yeah, a peasant party that will form a coalition with anybody but PiS - how ironic
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #296
Our fave party`s victory has certainly contributed to the victory of center-right faction as the biggest body in the EU parliament.
The center-right European People's Party (EPP) won the elections to the European Parliament, maintaining or even slightly increasing support compared to the results from five years ago, according to estimates provided by the EP.

a coalition with anybody but PiS - how ironic

Yes, how ironic that PiS can`t see it they are uncoalitionable - decent people refuse to have anything in common with corrupted rightists.
mafketis  38 | 10868
9 Jun 2024   #297
form a coalition with anybody but PiS

PiS has an established history of trying to take over coalition partners so.... no point in getting in bed with a vampire.....
Torq  8 | 957
9 Jun 2024   #298

Putin is not Russia, and most of Russians who "support" him do so out of fear. You can hear it in multiple YT interviews when it's obvious they're afraid to speak against him (but still some do).

Russia, a brotherly Slavic country, will be around long after Putin and his mafia land in the trash bin of history, let's not forget that.


It's the level of theft which has been coming to light in recent months that's staggering; and the creativity with which they stole (e.g. the Red is Bad scandal)!

I wouldn't call them rightist either. They cherished working class, unemployed and social margin, whilst effectively destroying the middle class and being practically at war with teachers, doctors, nurses, most artists, business owners, and middle-class professionals. Some rightists!
jon357  72 | 22778
9 Jun 2024   #299
ussia,.......will be around long after

The way he's going, they'll be a smouldering radioactive wilderness. The 'Slavic' part is an irrelevance, not least because r*SSia is quite mixed.

Delightful to hear two bits of news today. One being that Ukraine have destroyed one of r*SSia's 'best' fighter aircraft and the other is that they've sunk one of r*SSia's 'best' ships. Hopefully with heavy removal of dangerous orcs.

Every little bit helps.
Torq  8 | 957
9 Jun 2024   #300
Hopefully with heavy removal of dangerous orcs.

See, you're being a son of a brit again, Jon.

No reason to celebrate the death of sailors, not to mention the silly name calling.

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

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