Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? After all, this is not a Polish war, but Russia versus Ukraine.
Should Poland pay for gas in rubles?
No, of course not. Paying in roubles is collaborating with an evil enemy.
Are you suggesting that Poland washes its hands and does what russia asks them to?
After all, this is not a Polish war
Are you suggesting that Poland washes its hands and does what russia asks them to?
Any diffetent opinion?
Don't you agree?
No. Poland should not pay for gas in roubles.
Which countries are actually craven enough to appease russia by paying in roubles or allowing their companies to do so?
I think Poland can manage. Just. How is Bulgaria supposed to deal...I don't know.
Paying in roubles is collaborating with an evil enemy.
No. You pay in the currency of the seller. I do it every day regardless of how I feel about the US government wars.
Poland should not pay for gas in roubles.
And not take deliveries of Russian gas. Makes perfect sense.
You pay in the currency of the seller.
You pay the currency agreed in your contract.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay them in rubles? I mean long term.
Sorry, wrong edit
You pay the currency agreed in your contract.
You don't know what that contract has in it. How about a bunch of unless-es...Like, ...unless Poland gets cute and imposes sanctions to make the US happy...You know, coalitions feel so good even if they are meaningless. Like in Iraq.
When you (editorial) decide to be an a-hole the way Poland did, things happen...
You don't know what that contract has in it
It's a pity you didn't get a proper education. I made a very simple statement and, as usual, you appear unable to understand it. If the contract says roubles, you pay in roubles. If it says euros, you pay euros.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay them in rubles? I mean long term.
Do you mean literally or figuratively?
johnny reb 49 | 7926
28 Apr 2022 #12
And not take deliveries of Russian gas. Makes perfect sense.
Are you claiming that it makes perfect sense to finance a war machine that is killing innocent civilians ?
I have never understood why the people in the EU think it is the American citizens duty to sacrifice Billions of their tax dollars to help a country when they don't want to sacrifice to help a said country so they can have their cake, ice cream and eat it too.
If the contract says roubles, you pay in roubles. If it says euros, you pay euros.
You are clueless and only repeating what Russia haters told you. That "if" is proof. If you know, why "If"?
What if the contract says: If you decide to be an a-hole and slap some sanctions on the seller, this contract is null and void.
Literally, I am sure that Poland has enough roubles to pay at least first payment.
Literally, I am sure that Poland has enough roubles to pay at least first payment.
johnny reb 49 | 7926
28 Apr 2022 #15
If you decide to be an a-hole and slap some sanctions on the seller, this contract is null and void.
Is there a clause in the contract that said that or are you just interjecting some of your own b.s. ?
You are clueless and only repeating what Russia haters told you.
I'm a much better informed person than you are and I never repeat platitudes. My platitudes are all my own - wry smile. Sixty percent of the gas imported into the EU from Russia is paid for in euros, the rest in dollars. Actually it's Russia who is in breach of contract, not the EU. The proof of that is the fact that PGNIG is bringing a legal case against Gazprom.
Literally, I am sure that Poland has enough roubles
Can you not see the moral implications of doing so?
The more important moral implication is 'to pay or not to pay' lf we pay in euros/dolars they have fresh money to buy new arms. If we pay in roubles they can buy nothing.
Actually it's Russia who is in breach of contract, not the EU.
The proof of that is the fact that PGNIG is bringing a legal case against Gazprom.
What are their claims? You can sue a homeless bum for mental stress and PTSD if you wish.
If we pay in roubles they can buy nothing.
Not true but I get your point. Poland should never buy from or sell to Russia anything from this day forward till the end of time. You never know how they will use the money.
Nope - that would be a clear branch of EU sanctions against the rapist fascists
Till the end of war not time.
Till the end of war not time.
Should Poland pay for gas in rubles?
Nah, Poland should not pay for Russian gas at all.
Poland can survive without it.
If the contract says roubles, you pay in roubles. If it says euros, you pay euros.
And if the contract has a null-and-void clause because one party acts like a moron, the contract is null and void. Then the currency is what lawyers call a moot point - aka irrelevant.
Poland should not pay for Russian gas at all.
For a millisecond, I thought you meant that Poland should be getting gas from Russia for free.
Yes, Poland should pay for gas in rubles.
Literally, I am sure that Poland has enough roubles to pay at least first payment.
Why would they?
The more important moral implication is 'to pay or not to pay
A more moral or ethical solution would be to hold the money in escrow for compensation and reparations to be paid to Ukraine.
I have no opinion of my own, but politicians must take care of the welfare of their own citizens so that the public mood does not change against aid for Ukraine. It must not be cold in the houses.
I have no opinion of my own, but politicians must take care of the welfare of their own citizens so that the public mood does not change against aid for Ukraine. It must not be cold in the houses.
politicians must take care of the welfare of their own citizens
They are certainly doing so by standing up to russia. We saw the results of appeasement last time round.
It must not be cold in the houses
It certainly will be, either way.
Cojestdocholery 2 | 986
29 Apr 2022 #27
Yes, we should, and we should aslo print them in big numbers.
The countries that are paying in roubles are in breach of EU sanctions and should be taken to court. Hungary for starters
I didn't know that the sanctions include paying in rubles. Why?
Should Poland pay for gas in rubles?
No. Any deals with RuSSists are out of question until they:
withdraw from Ukraine
pay for deaths and damage they caused there
give up their silly imperial obsessions
Anything else???