Are any companies or countries still paying in roubles?
Should Poland pay for gas in rubles?
Well, paying by the Germans in rubles did not help. The russians turned off the gas tap anyway.
If you and your barstuard brothers, the Russians,
Please. Russians are closer to Poles then to Serbs. We Serbs only have better nerves.
The russians turned off the gas tap anyway.
The EU needs to turn off Kaliningrad. Simple. When that happens, RuSSists will beg us to receive their gas again.
The EU needs to turn off Kaliningrad.
Please don`t do that. Don`t fu*k up entire continent.
Please don`t do that.
Tell RuSSists to send gas to Germany according to the contract.
The Germans are afraid of the russians. They will not do anything.
They will when Poles declare deep and firm support for Germany at last. But the PiS gov is reluctant to offer it.
The pipeline from Denmark is not ready yet. Poland can not help at least not now.
No, I meant a declaration that Poles would defend Germany like Poland in case RuSSists attack.
The Germans are afraid of the russians. They will not do anything.
That is the unfortunate truth.
Merkel f**lked Germany.
Stupid cow......
Merkel was okey. She had a big affinity to Poland. It wasn't Merkel, it was a German industry which needed a good contacts to russia.
Merkel was okey.
Maybe in the beginning but she was in office a good 6 years too long....
I recently learned the term Betriebsblindheit which I think describes her final years, she was alienated from the electorate and made all her decisions for the benefit of those who had access (esp private industry)
IINM it was Schroeder who made the devil's deal with russia but Merkel did nothing to change that (despite chillier relations with poutain himself)
Now Scholz (a non-entity who might be an acceptable placeholder in good times) is out of his depth trying to deal with the systemic and catstrophic failure of the German political class....
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11874
16 Jul 2022 #104
Merkel was okey.
Merkel was so not okay.....but she had the support of most of the media.....that's why all her catastrophical misjudgements were glossed over and she was voted into office again and again.
catstrophic failure of the German political class big parts of the media!
There is not much difference between Putin's media and Germany's media.....only one is censored forcefully, the other are voluntarily boot lickers of the rulers.
I know what's worse!
Merkel was so not okay
Never a truer word spoken by a German!
She we an absolute disaster!
Tell RuSSists to send gas to Germany according to the contract.
Why do you call them `RuSSists` and at the same time ask me to tell them something favorable for you? Illogical behavior by your side.
ask me to tell them something favorable for you?
you're in touch with putain are you? tell him to go fkkk himself with a baseball bat (wrapped in barbed wire and dipped in bleach)....
russo-nazis are killing slav civilians and you're cheering them because you're... (fill in the blank)
Kashub1410 6 | 580
17 Jul 2022 #108
It's like saying: "Fu** the police! They can go do whatever! Do their job! Handcuff me! Handcuff you! Arrest criminals! Arrest innocent bystanders! I don't give a ****!
You better tell em what needs to be done cause you clearly care! I do not! Now leave me alone! Don't want to hear about them!"
Kind of, emotional outburst to say the least
It's like saying: "Fu** the police! They can go do whatever! Do their job! Handcuff me! Handcuff you! Arrest criminals! Arrest innocent bystanders! I don't give a ****!
You better tell em what needs to be done cause you clearly care! I do not! Now leave me alone! Don't want to hear about them!"
Kind of, emotional outburst to say the least
It's a fair description.
Is anyone still paying in roubles and if so, who?
The title question is as idiotic as asking if I should pay in dollars for gas in Illinois.
The question is not idiotic because the contracts are concluded in Euros.
Or must be concluded in Euros? Russia would be crazy not to include in those contracts a clause that allows them to demand rubles.
Sure it must but the dwarf putin asked for rubles.
Why would they do that?
the contracts are concluded in Euros.
High time to stop any and all petrochemicals from r*SSia entering Europe.
@Novichok "clause"
I dont think so, the ruble was cheap then and it kept falling.
I dont think so, the ruble was cheap then and it kept falling.
Or must be concluded in Euros?
Yes, it is a must. The breach of the contract will cost RuSSists additional millions in fines. I roughly guess - all countries which where cut off by RuSSists depsite valid contracts will demand about 500 million euros compensation. Nice.
Yes, it is a must.
Can you post a link to a contract that says so?
a contract
Stop daydreaming. Contracts are classified info. But they are discussed on business sites.
Contracts are classified info
And this they should not be, if they involve fuel supplies and governments.
The breach of the contract will cost RuSSists additional millions