The Baltic gas pipe should be open by October and Poland will then start getting gas from Norway.
Should Poland pay for gas in rubles?
johnny reb 49 | 7941
3 May 2022 #32
Poland says it's ready to help Germany with stop using Russian oil.
How? How would they do that?
Why would germany continue to pay for hydrocarbons in roubles while dragging their heels on, if not directly obstructing, aid to Ukraine?
It's as if they would be happy with russia defeating and occupying Ukraine.
It's as if they would be happy with russia defeating and occupying Ukraine.
johnny reb 49 | 7941
3 May 2022 #35
How? How would they do that?
Google: Poland says it's ready to help Germany with stop using Russian oil.
Cojestdocholery 2 | 986
3 May 2022 #36
are in breach of EU sanctions
What do you know? EU sanction LOL!
Anything else???
Why only Poland has to do it? the EU don;t care and talk about doing it but doesn't do it!
the EU talk about doing it but doesn't do it!
Rushing is good only when you are hunting for fleas. Be patient, give them more time.
Cojestdocholery 2 | 986
3 May 2022 #38
Be patient, give them more time.
Sure when that war ends they will say oh too late now.
@johnny reb
Poland is perhaps ready to help Germany but Germany isn't. The refinery in Schwedt is still in russian hand.
Poland is perhaps ready to help Germany but Germany isn't. The refinery in Schwedt is still in russian hand.
johnny reb 49 | 7941
3 May 2022 #40
but Germany isn't.
But Germany isn't what ?
Which source did you read when you Googled " Poland says it's ready to help Germany with stop using Russian oil."
@johnny reb
Refinery in Schwedt produce gasoline for Notheast Germany and Northwest Poland. Schwedt is a German city on the Polish border with access to Jamal pipeline from russia. The idea is Poland could send oil from Gdansk over Jamal pipeline to Schwedt. This is the only one option, but refinery in Schwedt is in russian hand. That's a main problem.
Refinery in Schwedt produce gasoline for Notheast Germany and Northwest Poland. Schwedt is a German city on the Polish border with access to Jamal pipeline from russia. The idea is Poland could send oil from Gdansk over Jamal pipeline to Schwedt. This is the only one option, but refinery in Schwedt is in russian hand. That's a main problem.
johnny reb 49 | 7941
3 May 2022 #42
That's a main problem.
I didn't know that.
US oil exports to Europe have surged to the highest point since Washington lifted its export ban in 2016.
The US sent 48.8 million barrels of oil to Europe from major terminals in Texas and Louisiana last month.
It is not just a question of demand but also logistics. Germany's pipeline network is still a relict of the German division. There is no direct connection between East and West Germany. East Germany has to rely on Schwedt which os now problem, but one that might be solved soon.
You can squirm as much as you want but the fact is that Germany messed up big time and it was mainly down to silly old Mutti Merkel.
You can squirm as much as you want but the fact is that Germany messed up big time and it was mainly down to silly old Mutti Merkel.
Germany messed up big time
They've become a real object of contempt around the world right now. Especially since there are still rouble payments for hydrocarbons and the back word and heel-dragging over helping with armaments. France is doing a little better however they've not has their gas cut off and I'd like to hear whatever is said in phone calls between Macron and Scholtz.
Poland says it's ready to help Germany with stop using Russian oil.
See, this is good one. Its fine that Poland help Germany goes down, while Poland can buy oil from Hungary and Serbia.
Poland says it's ready to help Germany with stop using Russian oil."
But will the ubermensch krauts force themselves to swallow their pride and buy gas from the stupid polish and batlic savages?
stupid polish and batlic savages
As De Gaulle said, "Europe is France and germany. All the other countries are decoration." That's rebounded on them once already and is doing so again. After this is all over, there may well be some shifts in power and economics that are not to the advantage of either of those countries. Starving russia of currency by not buying roubles is part of that, and the emergence of Poland as a highly respected major power in partnership with the Anglosphere and other states is another."
and the emergence of Poland as a highly respected major power in partnership with the Anglosphere
Oh boy. Not a drop of irony either. Perhaps you could benefit from consulting some of ex-FM Sikorski's quotes on the subject?
Edit: Here, I found it for you:
Radosław Sikorski, Poland's Oxford-educated foreign minister, was caught dismissing Poland's relationship with the United States as "worthless."
"Complete bullshit. We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians, and we'll think that everything is super because we gave the Americans a blow job," he allegedly says in the recording from January 2014, published vin Wprost on June 23. "Losers. Complete losers."
We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians
Isn't that happening now and only likely to increase?
Who was he speaking to and how much had he had to drink in the restaurant? I saw him up close once and though he's very sensible in some ways, he's got a real boozer's face.
Like,it or not, the shape of the world is changing fast; those countries who are craven enough to support russia by buying roubles may find some surprises.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11874
4 May 2022 #51
We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians
Isn't that happening now and only likely to increase?
Isn't that happening now and only likely to increase?
When had that ever ended well for Poland?
Do you think that smart?
One of the big achievements of EU and NATO was to put a stop to that unluckly development....but you would love to hop right back into it? Can't wait to show the finger to both of them at the same time? Again? Hoping for rescue from far away places? Again?
Very. It's happening now. Why should two countries dominate the EU?
And why would anyone pay russia in roubles?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11874
4 May 2022 #53
Why should two countries dominate the EU?
...which are not Poland? You forgot to add..... :)
And why would anyone pay russia in roubles?
It seems the EU isn't quite clear on that.....
Italy demands clarification!
which are not Poland
If a country or countries dominate economically, why not Poland?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11874
4 May 2022 #55
why not Poland?
Yeah...good question....
I compare that abit to the situation of the ex-GDR....even after so many years now after the incorporation into rich West-Germany the East lacks in big part, we still are behind...Poland will take as long to catch up.
Why should two countries dominate the EU?
Indeed. How silly. Germany merely has the largest population in the EU, produces 25% of its economic output, and is the real lender of last resort for parasites like Greece and Spain. Russia - is just the largest supplier of energy, metals, chemicals, and fertilizers to the Continent. Makes much more sense to be friends with retard Brits who don't even want to be part of your union, and are themselves about to lose Scotland.
If a country or countries dominate economically, why not Poland?
in coalition with several other countries inc czech/slovaka and the baltic states. And the three seas initiative that is supported by the US.
One day, perhaps AUKUS could be PAUKUS...
And the other 75% deserve more than just being "decoration".
Not given the polls showing support for the union or the fact there's no referendum planned. Some do point out that England and Wales would be richer without them though.
And of course we've seen the self-serving perfidy of certain states that try to dominate the EU during this war in which Poland has stepped up and shown true leadership, not least by refusing to cave into russian demands for roubles and supplying arms to brave Ukraine while others have profited by selling arms to russia.
So no, there should be no rouble payments at all.
One day, perhaps AUKUS could be PAUKUS...
the largest population in the EU, produces 25% of its economic output
And the other 75% deserve more than just being "decoration".
and are themselves about to lose Scotland.
Not given the polls showing support for the union or the fact there's no referendum planned. Some do point out that England and Wales would be richer without them though.
And of course we've seen the self-serving perfidy of certain states that try to dominate the EU during this war in which Poland has stepped up and shown true leadership, not least by refusing to cave into russian demands for roubles and supplying arms to brave Ukraine while others have profited by selling arms to russia.
So no, there should be no rouble payments at all.
Cojestdocholery 2 | 986
4 May 2022 #59
ex-FM Sikorski's quotes on the subject?
You can always find some quitotes or other - who cares what that bufffon says?
Do you think that smart?
Yes it is smart, does it makes harder for Russia - so sorry.
into rich West-Germany
Seems like that richness has a lot to do with Russian cheap gas, and Poland workforce and market. See how rich Germany really is without those . Ah, scrap that green nosense, Poland should do it ASAP.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11874
4 May 2022 #60
Ah, scrap that green nosense
What nonsense?
A green Germany would be independent from russian gas and more money for the russian war chest.
That alone shold make you a Greenie!