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Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Sep 2022   #241
the monarchy and the way it links past, present and future in one apolitical and unambitious person

I think at one time a monarchy would have been good for Poland which badly needed a figure in situ who stood above political divisions.... (JPII was the closest but he was not physically present in the country enough). It's too late now but it could have made the late 1990s and early 2000s a lot more civil.

I think the monarchy was very good for Spain after Franco (and the King's taking a stand against the 1981 coup attempt gave the monarchy legitimacy for a few decades which he ultimately p[ssed away)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
13 Sep 2022   #242
Poland has a maybe-possible-royal family?
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Sep 2022   #243
I wonder if it will all fizzle out now slowly with her gone.

I don't think so. I think people have warmed to Charles a bit over the years. I think there is a lot of sympathy towards him at the moment and William is very popular. It all hinges on little George. It's not so much a question of the people not wanting a monarchy, but whether George's generation will want to continue being Royals with all the restrictions that imposes on one's personal freedoms.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
13 Sep 2022   #244
@Bratwurst Boy
Poland has a monarch, no need for another one...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
13 Sep 2022   #245
Poland has a monarch

I didn't know that....
Kashub1410  6 | 580
13 Sep 2022   #246
@Bratwurst Boy

Here you go
Kashub1410  6 | 580
13 Sep 2022   #248
@Bratwurst Boy
Which is why any secular "king" doesn't make any sense in Poland. Would been unlawfull at first to say the least.

Larger chance for a elite to be formed that has Poland's interest at heart that would be outside the legal framework, much like Prussian army as a faction in Germany.

Just instead of army, something else.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Sep 2022   #249
disagree....IMHO it was definitely her personality which made the monarchy bearable

They said the same about most of Her predecessors and will about Her successors

Anyway, Her personality wasn't often on show.

For Poland, that system never really worked. In the UK, it does.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Sep 2022   #250
I have been living in all my life

Of course not, stop lying, coz you spent 29 years in the USA and came back last October. Ha!

Yet you know better.

No, he knows the same what you do. There is a draw.

Seek doctors help.

Never! Those doctors are veritable butchers. You are really crazy.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
13 Sep 2022   #251
During the '50's, the French were still discussing the idea of a United Europe:-)

Why should Poland be exempt from EU participation? Probably if you were English, you would have voted against the BREXIT!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
13 Sep 2022   #252
I meant "FOR the BREXIT", sorry, I misstyped.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Sep 2022   #253
the case of RuSSia not paying reparations is unfair.

And the Word has become Flesh!
The opposition is planning to present their resolution calling for both German and RuSSist reparations:

"The Seym of the Republic of Poland (...), guided by the highest values ​​in human relations, which include justice and truth, calls on the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Russia to unequivocally accept political, historical, legal and financial responsibility for all consequences caused in the Republic of Poland and citizens of the Republic of Poland as a result of the unleashing of World War II by the Third German Reich and the USSR "

A very good move coz now PiS will have to include RuSSia into reparations which they preferred not to do before.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
13 Sep 2022   #254
Once more, seems to me far too much for WAY too late in the game! Still not clear as to why now of all times is Poland making such egregious demands on her neighbor, particularly as war continues to rage in Ukraine. A distractionary tactic, perhaps?
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Sep 2022   #255
is Poland making such egregious demands

Coz PiS is in power and they are moronic vengeful rightards who think they have to retaliate on Germany for the EU`s rejection of PiS` internal abuse of the rule of law.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
13 Sep 2022   #256
Well put there, paw!
A real exercise in sheer futility.
PiS actually thinks Scholz will even give such demands the time of day??!

Wariatem jest LOL
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Sep 2022   #257
Wariatem jest LOL

Yes, those rightards are all loonies. The true pity is they turned Poland into a loony house similar to what it was under communism. While it had been going so well since Poland threw off communism in 1989.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
13 Sep 2022   #258
I think at one time a monarchy would have been good for Poland

I thought it was just a crazy talk by some fringe nerd or outright nutters. After a careful consideration I think that Poland or rather Polish people have that deeply ingrained need for a monarchy system, even if they don't really are awere of it.

You are really crazy.

I think you have real issues. Seek help with your mental problems.

Why should Poland be exempt from EU participation?

it is self evident that German EU works for Germany and France and in the future it will be even more skewed like that. So all benefits Poland had are not more or will be no more and more and more exploit of Poland is going to happen.

Only stupid people or those big know nothings can't see that.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Sep 2022   #259
fter a careful consideration I think.that.Poland.or.rather.Polish.people have that deeply ingrained need for a monarchy system, even if they don't really are awere of it.

If it had been the right person at the right time, it could have made a lot of difference. I know there had been much discussion once.

EU works for Germany and France and in the future it will be even more skewed like that.

As De Gaulle said: "Europe is France and Germany. All the rest is just decoration".

Together we can destroy that Francogermanian axis and create something better, a Europe of nations.
amiga500  5 | 1505
14 Sep 2022   #260
Once more, seems to me far too much for WAY too late in the game!

If Greece and now Namibia can push for reperations now, why not Poland? Or are your potato eating polnische neighbours somehow worse than others?

Opposition leader McHenry Venaani also wants a clear, legal recognition of the genocide. In his open letter to Baerbock, he wrote that the atrocities "cannot only be recognised in a moral and political sense."

In his interview with DW, he referenced reparations again, describing the aid deal - worth €1.1 billion ($1.34 billion) to be paid out over 30 years under the Joint Declaration - as an insult.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
14 Sep 2022   #261
Because unlike Poland, the matter with Namibia was never legally settled in form of a treaty.

Namibia can actually argue that it soes have a legal claim for reparations.
amiga500  5 | 1505
14 Sep 2022   #262
Because unlike Poland, the matter with Namibia was never legally settled in form of a treaty.

The treaty was signed by a puppet goverment under soviet occupation, by proven soviet agent Beriut, with only his sole signature on the paper. Considering the amount of russian troops in poland at the time, one can make the case it was not the actions of a free and sovereign government.

Namibia can actually argue that it soes have a legal claim for reparations.

And what about Greece?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
14 Sep 2022   #263
Pushing for that kind of narration, you do know that it will cause further harm towards Germany? All Poles will know that performing shady lawful deals with Germans will be perfectly acceptable, which could lead to others thinking: "Why aren't we doing it aswell?"

Basically a fictional company after another would sign contract with German firms, get paid. Then declare bankruptcy, and no Polish lawyer/judge is going to bat an eye about it. (Well it's what they do to us anyways)

While fighting a PiS government who is in a failing way trying to fix it rather amateurishly.

Can't get more paradoxical then that!
Tacitus  2 | 1264
14 Sep 2022   #264
signed by a puppet goverment

None of that matters in international law. Loathsome as the government may have been, it was the internationally recognises government at the time (there was an Exil government sure, but even the Western governments send ambassadors to Poland).

Not to mentiok that the treaties later signed with the FRG firmly put the issues to rest. Pol


Greece's demands for reparations is also futile. The only "advantage" they have over Poland is that Athens and Berlin did not sign as many treaties later on, which means that they argue that unlike Poland, they never implicitely waived further demands.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Sep 2022   #265
I think that Poland or rather Polish people have that deeply ingrained need for a monarchy system

Instead of I think, you should say I believe coz your "thinking" is like of little Joe playing a king in a kindergarten and you discredit yourself admitting to it so openly. :):)

Simply speaking, it is utter bs. Poles are republicans by character.

Do you mean you left the ranks of naziopolaken and joined monarchists?? There are a few guys in their pathetic party and they all can be seated on one couch.There will still be room for you. hahahahahaha
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Sep 2022   #266
The treaty was signed by a puppet goverment under soviet occupation,

This is true. They were not legitimately elected as the government of Poland.

None of that matters

Morality always matters more than trivial clauses in contracts.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Sep 2022   #267
Na sowas.....

In its $1.3t demand from Germany, Poland seeks reparations for Jews killed by Poles

Leading Polish researcher decries government report as 'political, not historical,' says its authors willfully ignored Polish involvement in atrocities

A report released by the Polish government last week to justify its demands for reparations from Germany for World War II cited the deaths of Jews who were killed by Polish citizens, not Nazis, in an apparent effort to whitewash Polish crimes during the Holocaust.....

But since there is still not anything official....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Sep 2022   #268
Ach ja....about the reparation treaties...

Poland was to be excluded from the proceedings of the IARA by demand from the Soviet Union. The Allies agreed as part of the Potsdam Agreement, that the Soviet Union collects and distributes the Polish share of reparations. Furthermore, the Soviet Union would extract its share of reparations mostly from the territory in its own occupation zone...,Poland,distributed%20by%20the%20Soviet%20Union.

I really wonder why K. isn't as hot on demanding reparations from Moscow as he is with Berlin.....

And why the heck was Austria exempt from all that? As if Austria hadn't been an important part in all this???
Kashub1410  6 | 580
14 Sep 2022   #269
@Bratwurst Boy
Of course they ignored any of those things they cite. First and foremost the crime would have to been comitted in the first place!

That newspaper behaves as if Poland is responsible for the holocaust writing like that.

It's fairly evident!

Either way the German government has stated they won't give a penny. So it's a waste of time and taking attention from more important issues at hand.

That Sholz fella is trying to bolster his position in Germany, while holding his cards close to his chest.

It remains to be seen what type of SPD politician he will prove himself as. Idealist, pragmatist or trade unionist looking after most basic needs of workers in Germany.

If trade unionist he might find common ground with PiS-PO cabal, as long as he isn't focused on ideals

Cause it seems Austria was to be neutral ground of some sort, Norway and Austria were the few countries Stalin withdrew his troops from
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Sep 2022   #270
That Sholz fella is trying to bolster his position in Germany,

Well....he is shaping up to become the most unpopular Chancellor Germany ever had in the shortest amount of time...he needs any bolstering he gets.

Cause it seems Austria was to be neutral ground of some sort,

What neutral ground? Half of the Wehrmacht and SS had been austrian....not to speak from that failed painter himself!

Home / News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

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