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Germany to Destroy Village in order to build Coal Mine

GefreiterKania 28 | 1292
16 Jan 2023 #1

But, but... ecology... green power... Mother Earth... but, but... :(

Poor Lutzerath - and all that to go back to the most destructive form of energy in human history. That sort of undermines (pun intended) Germany's ecological agenda.
jon357 73 | 22477
16 Jan 2023 #2
We closed ours, so they can too.

There are better ways to get energy. Nuclear is clean and efficient, as are renewables.
pawian 220 | 24664
17 Jan 2023 #3
But, but... ecology... green power... Mother Earth... but, but... :(

At last Germans follow the Polish example instead of the opposite way.

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