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Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations?

gumishu  15 | 6227
9 Feb 2020   #151
I've seen Germans in Poland since I was a kid. No one points fingers at them

there was an incident where a Polish university professor was head butted for speaking German to a German colleague on a Warsaw tram - it happened in 2016 - I haven't heard of any similar incidents though
10 Feb 2020   #152
there was an incident

Yes, it was widely discussed in Polish media, and the consensus that was reached by the experts was that the incident had nothing to do with any anti-German sentiments but rather with phonological effect that the German language, spoken with Polish accent, has on people. It is often claimed, all around the world, that the German language, in its spoken form, lacks any intrinsic and profound beauty. Whether it is true or not is, of course, debatable. However, no one in his/her right mind can deny that German spoken with Polish accent is a phonological atrocity.

a Polish university professor was head butted for speaking German

Let me be clear on this matter: I certainly do not, and I couldn't stress it more firmly, condone such behaviour. It would, after all, seem somewhat uncivil to headbutt a complete stranger on a public tram (whether said stranger is a university professor or a representative of any other profession). But I do understand what caused the lamentable incident.

Would I, personally, headbutt a Polish person for speaking German? No... I like to think that I wouldn't... but my honesty forces me to admit that I'm not 100% sure.
kaprys  3 | 2076
10 Feb 2020   #153
Yeah. I remember now. But I doubt anyone willing to head butt another person sees the difference between any accent.
10 Feb 2020   #154
He might not be aware of what causes the aggression; he might even lack sufficient education to fully understand what an accent or phonology/phonetics is. But the psychological-phonological effect is very much the same. A person can die in an atomic blast without understanding how atomic weapons work.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #155
Is that a joke?

Look, German has brought up some of the greatest poets in the world, like Goethe and Schiller.

For a German polish or russian sounds harsh and robotic. That doesnt mean i would attack someone speaking it.

Im a calm guy with the intention to avoid trouble. But if someone headbutt me, i assure you that person would end with broken jaw.

I would never use physical violence if someone uses words to insult me, the moment someone would attack me in your trains, i would hope your railway company has good cleaning crew and im sure your law allows self defense.

That said, someone who atacks a professor for speaking German obviously has a psychological problem and needs to be locked up.
10 Feb 2020   #156
Is that a joke?

Certainly not.

Look, German has brought up some of the greatest poets in the world, like Goethe and Schiller.

Of course. I can still recite Erlkönig from memory (my German teacher at school insisted that we learn it by heart). I sometimes do that when I'm alone (to avoid being headbutted). As you can imagine, our German lessons at highschool very often turned into headbutting fests. Aaah... the fond memories of my youth...

if someone headbutt me

Do you speak German with Polish accent? If not, then you are absolutely safe on Polish public trams.

someone who atacks a professor for speaking German

For speaking German with Polish accent (can nobody read with understanding anymore?).

obviously has a psychological problem and needs to be locked up

Would you say the same thing about someone who chases Arabs on the streets?
gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2020   #157
the moment someone would attack me in your trains,

I don't know, maybe such incidents have never been commented in mainstream media but I never heard of a similar incident to the one I described in my previous post - I have a cousin who is born German and he never faced such problems in Poland (he was married to a Polish girl and has been living and working here (in Poland) on and off for several years now and before he frequently visited) - he speaks some Polish but with an accent - I can speak some German but not enough to have any real form of a debate especially on a forum like this one - also there are thousands of elderly German tourists visiting Danzig especially every year and i have never heard of any form of harrassment against them
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #158
I know only one women from poland here who speaks german. She works as translator at a farm to make communication with harvest helpers more easy. She speaks German with a polish accent but very well.
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Feb 2020   #159
German has brought up some of the greatest poets in the world, like Goethe and Schiller.

Thats's true. XIX century was a pinnacle of German culture. And since then we could only observed a downfall of it: WWI, nazism, WWII and now a widespread cultural marxism of Wessi Germans countered by rebirth of neo-nazism in the Ossieland. And you're one of sparkling examples of that phenomenon, Weimarer...
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Feb 2020   #160
I know only one women from poland here who speaks germa

My dog don`t speak German but cope to understand.

Serbia is an asylum for insane mono-maniacs.

And what would so normal Poland without us from asylum? Without insane mono-maniacs, as you name us?

Who in Poland will dare say that Vatican worked and works against Poland. That is Vatican no.1 enemy of Poland, followed by Germany in no. 2 and then France and Britain on position no. 3 and just then comes Russia on no. 4, immediately followed by USA and Israel on no. 5.

Tell me, who in Poland would tell you that? You Poles needs to reset and only Serbians can reset you.
gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2020   #161
My dog don`t speak German but cope to understand.

your dog is a brilliant lignuists then - Polish dogs are not that bright :P- there was a case of a relinquished Alsatian in a shelter in Britain whose masters were Polish and the dog could not understand commands in English
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #162
bla bla bla

comrade if you want insult, try at least to be creative. I could now counter insuts against Poland but what for?

Maybe before hurling insults at your bigger neighbor country, make potato salad or something. Its just cheap and kinda pathetic.
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Feb 2020   #163
You Poles needs to reset and only Serbians can reset you.

That's an interesting theory, Crow, but I guess we can reach reset button ourselves ;-). It has already started.

Serbia relies too much on Russian "friendship". One could argue that you don't have much choice since the disintergration of Yugoslavia. Modern Serbia is being surrounded by hostile states and, unfortunately, is also rejected by most European countries.

In my opinion it started with Central European Initiative which was seen by Germany as a threat for their position in Central Europe. They've hit, using their soft power and political influence, the most unstable link to eliminate one of the vital members and to send a clear message to the rest of them.

They've tried to do the same with V4 and 3 Seas Innitiative but they're to weak for that now. And they also have to deal with ethnically homogenous countries.

If anything we could try to destabilize Germany using their 7-8 million strong Turkish minority.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #164

Your german hate is funny.

Today is no day for argue. Its a day for joy. Merkels minion AKK announced to step back. The AfD election sucess in Thüringen, exposed her weakness.

Its a great day. Merkelism starts to crumble apart
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Feb 2020   #165
They've tried to do the same with V4 and 3 Seas Innitiative but they're to weak for that now

But they hold Croatia, so they control 3 Seas Inn. And if Germans have problems its because they stumbled on Serbs and around Serbian question.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #166

What are you talking about? Nobody in Germany cares about Serbia.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Feb 2020   #167
Sure. They just care for Serbian natural interests and seek meddling in them. Like destruction of Yugoslavia and helping in transition of ethnic Serbs into something else, like Croats.

See, Germany control Croatia and Croatia isn`t Croat land. Things aren`t that simple. Its actually land of Serbs. So, Germany do have serious problem with Serbs. Now, NATO is or WAS behind Germany and Serbs were alone. Now Serbs aren`t alone anymore. Many powers are with us and Germany seams itself came on menu.
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Feb 2020   #168
Your german hate is funny.

Hate is too strong of a word. I share a historically, politically and culturally motivated deep distrust towards the state of Germany and its society. And I'm not isolated in this opinion.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #169
Thats ok, i think we can live with that.

As i said, today is a day to celebrate. AfD managed to shot down Merkels planned sucessor.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Feb 2020   #170
Next scandal is collapse of Deutsche Bank
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Feb 2020   #171
And the construction of Berlin-Brandenburg airport ;-)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #172

Do you have Airports in Poland?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
10 Feb 2020   #173
Nevertheless, Weimarer, the lessons of the Hitler period ought to remain a warning against complacency against extremism from the Far Right!

Easy answers never bring good solutions, only quick ones.
Remember, "Act in haste, repent at leisure."
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #174
History says same about far left.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
10 Feb 2020   #175
History says same about far left.

Great response. You just beat me to it. Besides, Hitler were not far-right. That connection is used to smear and discredit conservatives by creating this fake chain: conservative = right = far-right = NAZIs = very bad people.
10 Feb 2020   #176
Hitler were not far-right.

Hitler was a socialist (of a nationalistic kind, but a socialist nonetheless). Why do people always forget about the sozialistische bit in "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"?
kaprys  3 | 2076
10 Feb 2020   #177
Nah, we don't have airports here.
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Feb 2020   #178
Hitler period ought to remain a warning against complacency against extremism from the Far Right!

Hitler and his minions weren't far-right, they were national-socialists. When it comes to the economical views they were on the left side of a political spectrum. Neighter they relied on a traditional values but rater wanted to create a "new men" just like Soviets did in the USSR.

Left leaning media and persons of influence have brainwashed over decades a public opinion into thinking that Nazi troglodytes were "far-right". They were just national-socialists with a racist twist as opposed to an international socialist from the USSR.

National-capitalists, Conservatists, Nativists are the real Right. A movements which combine a set of conservative values, natural law and personal freedoms including a financial one.

That's pretty far from young German troglodytes marching on the streets celebrating the birthday of Rudolf Hess* ;-)

mafketis  38 | 11137
10 Feb 2020   #179
Do you have Airports in Poland?

An...... air? port!?? what kind of strange infernal device is that!!!!
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2020   #180
Hitler was leftist communist scum.

Why you think Hitler hated Emperor Wilhelm II and evrything the old wilheminian empire did stand for.

Only the most retarded would support Hitler and the only party that stands for that is NPD, which is below 2%.

AfD is conservative, standing for powerful patriotism, personal freedom, against public indoctrination and leftist gender gaga.

And one thing, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Pol Pot...same ****, different name.

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