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Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations?

Miloslaw  22 | 5222
7 Feb 2020   #31
Yeah, Germans are idiots to trust Russia.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
7 Feb 2020   #32
It's simply the age-old blame game folks!
Germany claims Poland "stole" aka "purloined" (entwendet) the former's "original" lands or territories, Poland claims the Merkel Gov't. owes them compensation (resytucja/Wiedergutmachung) for lives and property lost because of German aggression during the Second World War. It's a lose-lose situation, it would appear, much as with Israel vs. the Palestinians, yet another case of pure "He said/She said.."

We're not even discussing the Jewish Question in former Nazi-occupied Europe here.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #33
Germany doesnt trust Russia. We also dont trust USA. Nations have interests and thats it. Nobody in eastern Germany is scared of Russia. Infact we see it as natural partner when it is about rescources like gas and oil.

We see Poland as american poodle and 5th column and we see poland as unimportant regarding that, which is also shown in our politics, since Germany never asks Poland for permission and just sits down with Putin and makes deals.

A good example is Nordstream 2. We want cheap gas. We wont buy american trash, that is 30% more expensive, because poland wants it. The pipeline will be completed, no matter what.

As for defense, Russia is no threat for Germany. Its an ecomomic dwarf. Soldiers in 2020 are useless, no matter if its one or 1 million. Germany is a nuclear nation that has chosen nuclear latency. The so called japan option. We can build any form of nuclear weapon in a matter of days if needed. Russia would never attack us. But also for economic and political reasons. Russia depends on our payments for oil and gas. Once that ends, they starve.

As for military, Germany has a underfunded military, true but its nr 8 in the world and magnitudes greater than polish ones.

I think the core is, USA is an enemy of Germany much more than Russia is. Also USA is a superpower in collapse. Its global influence shrinks at dramatic speed.

There is a reason why Putin wants a german - russian alliance. Our technological power and economic power plus russian rescources is a very good combo.

Putin speaks fluent German plus he knows what we want.

AfD has no problem with Putin. He is a guy we can make business with. AfD supports that russia took crimea. In an interview Putin said there might be ways that we can get land back that we lost and we can discuss that and find solutions for that.
Crow  155 | 9721
8 Feb 2020   #34
We see Poland as american poodle and 5th column

No. Its a Vatican`s deep state that hold Poland down and boost hostility on Russia, while Germany stand vigilant for resources and eternal Drang Nach Osten. In that situation, Poland turning into historical battlefield between Germany and Russia.

Only USA can truly prevent Vatican`s deep state. But, would US do that, its another question. Probably, when its fine with Vatican itself.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
8 Feb 2020   #35
...and eternal Drang Nach Osten

.....well....that is history!

Now it's the other way around..."Drang nach Westen"! Everybody and his grandmom wants to come to Germany!
8 Feb 2020   #36
Not to Thüringen though - Weimarer is chasing all the immigrants on the streets there. :D

We see Poland as american poodle

Oh, come on - poodles are meek and peaceful. We might be small, but we are full of vigour and battle-ready - you should have written at least "dachshund" (the wire-haired variety) or a "terrier". "Poodle" is both inaccurate and unfair. :(
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #37
I dont See polish as "battle ready". Poland is a weak country. Sorry but Germany never took poland serious.
8 Feb 2020   #38
That's great news! It's always a huge advantage when a potential enemy underestimates you. :)

By the way, you should apply for a honorary membership in PiS (it's a ruling party in Poland) - you are their "dream German". If they wanted to convey to Polish people an image of a typical German, they would never be able to come up with anything better than you. :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #39
Why? Because im patriotic?

Look, i travel alot. Australia, New Caledonia, Japan, Chile, Peru...but never was in Poland. Why you think it is that way? Im 23 years old, Poland is Just 2h Drive from me but i never went there yet.

Most Germans have little to no interest. Its our poor, little backwarded, sometimes annoying neighbor.

Have you ever seen how Poland is portrayed in our TV? In Comedy? We have a Show called Deutsche Welle Polen...

Just Look
mafketis  38 | 11276
8 Feb 2020   #40
I'd say it's combination of self-loathing and a lack of intellectual curiousity..... close?

little to no interest. Its our poor, little backwarded, sometimes annoying neighbor

Germany is a nouveau rich country, only interested in the outward trappings of posterity... which is why it's not producing any worthwhile art now.

Bye centuries of intellectual and artistis achievement, es gibt Geld zu verdienen!
Spike31  3 | 1485
8 Feb 2020   #41
Sorry but Germany never took poland serious.

And that's why, historically speaking, Germany had their ass kicked by Poles on many occassions.

That's great news! It's always a huge advantage when a potential enemy underestimates you. :)

Some enemy. In case of a potential conflict they would be pacified by the US military bases itself which are located in Germany. That's why they are so keen of this 'EU army' project and reducing the role of NATO (read: America) in peace keeping in Europe.

Apart of that, Poland didn't back down to IIIRd Reich and would definitely not back down to a Bundesrepublik which is a military dwarf. If Poles stood firm in the face of Hitler's and Stalin's aggression what worse could those modern German cucks unleash on us?

I'm glad that some Germans are so open about their real attitude towards Poland, and central Europe in general. Otherwise people here would be constantly deceived by cunning German weasels such as @BratwurstBoy :-)
Crow  155 | 9721
8 Feb 2020   #42
Sorry but Germany never took poland serious.

Germany knew Poland`s balance is fragile. But things changed. Germany`s balance is shaken. German position between increasingly greedy nuclear France and strong Poland within Visegrad and in general stronger Central Europe, may prove to be unpleasant. Especially when Vatican becoming more neutral, how power is Europe shifts.
8 Feb 2020   #43
In an interview Putin said (...) that we can get land back that we lost and we can discuss that and find solutions for that.

In the whole load of nonsense that you posted, this bit is actually interesting! You wouldn't happen to have a link to this interview?


BB is a Honorary Lower Silesian, and my friend. Don't even try to compare him to this half-wit, please. *rolls eyes*
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #44

Im not a cuck. :)


That said, you propably dont know Germany very well. What might try to put up a smiling face went pretty cold when we starved greek pensioners to death in 2016 so they do as we want. It took only 5 days to force Greece to ignore its own vote and follow all our demands.

As for being a military dwarf. Germany has 8 strongest military in the world. And its bigger than what we had in the 1920th. We are quite fast in changing such aspects. But we live in 2020. Conflicts are won different today.

And nouveau rich country? Germany is rich since at least 1850.
8 Feb 2020   #45
Nice photo, Weimarer. Crow-dark hair, rather dark complexion - you look a bit Turkish/Arab. Maybe when you were chasing those Arabs on the streets, they ran away because they thought you are some crazy cousin of theirs who wants to borrow money or something. :D

What might try to put up a smiling face went pretty cold when we starved greek pensioners to death in 2016

You really are proud of that, aren't you? You keep mentioning that all the time. :)

Germany has 8 strongest military in the world.

13th - behind even Italy and Egypt LOL
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #46
I ignore your insults and will show you what Putin thinks Europe should look like in 2035

In Russia they published a map regarding that. Putin says Germany should get back the land Pommern and Schlesien and also some parts of France.

He also suggests that we can talk about Königsberg.

You know Dugin? He is the most influential russian in foreign politics. His book Foundation of Geopolitics shows teh line.

If you read some core aspects of teh book, it already starts to manifest

Germany should be offered the de facto political dominance over most Protestant and Catholic states located within Central and Eastern Europe. Kaliningrad oblast could be given back to Germany. The book uses the term "Moscow-Berlin axis".[9]

France should be encouraged to form a "Franco-German bloc" with Germany. Both countries have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition".[9]

The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.[9]
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #47
you look a bit Turkish/Arab

Spot on. And not very Arian... What hit me more is the stereotypical look of a guy who cares more about his muscles than about gray matter.

He should become a poster boy for all anti AfD campains :)
8 Feb 2020   #48
I ignore your insults

What insults? You mean compliments, you handsome dark-skin, black hair Latino/Arab lover, you!

will show you what Putin thinks

No. Show me the link to the interview.


Small fish. I want to know what Putin said - the link to the interview, post the LINK! :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #49
I have no "dark complexion". I get darker in summer. Thats normal for Germans. Its called "tan".

I have ice blue eyes and get pale in winter


As for military...Poland is even behind Indonesia. So whats your point?
Spike31  3 | 1485
8 Feb 2020   #50
Don't even try to compare him to this half-wit, please. *rolls eyes*

@BratwurstBoy is more of a diplomat and full of it. Can be bit dull-witted at times but he has his moments :-)

@Weimarer is a simpleton who speaks his mind. He is young and he has that false sense of invincibility which comes with it. He has never got hit by the wall I reckon. This may change if he decides to visit Poland one day.
Crow  155 | 9721
8 Feb 2020   #51

How you deal with your Serbian self while your government lie to you - `you are a German`?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #52

Sure, he recites exactly what Dugins book says

He says Kurils can be given back Japan and we can talk about areas given back to Germany.

Putin says if he finds agreement with Germany, we should not just talk about Königsberg but also former areas of Germany, taken by Poland.
8 Feb 2020   #53
I have no "dark complexion".

Yes, you look rather pale on this photo - that's what happens to boys when they engage in too much onanism... *gently wags his finger at Weimarer* ... but the complexion still looks rather dark-type. You look like a Turk who masturbated furiously for an hour or so.

I admire you very thick pitch-black eyebrows, they go together very well with your Arab-like, crow-dark hair, and rather large nose. If you managed to grow a beard, you would be practically indistinguishable from the natives in Stambul or Kabul. Do you friends from AfD ever tease you because of your Arab looks? If they do, tell them to stop - it's not nice.

This may change if he decides to visit Poland one day.

That's probably why he never visits. ;) Or, more likely, because he's afraid that what he might see would completely destroy his stereotypical view of Poland.

but also former areas of Germany, taken by Poland.

But how is he going to achieve that if Russia is only an "economic dwarf" and "Nigeria with snow"? :)
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #54
Germany should get back the land Pommern and Schlesien and also some parts of France.

If by "some parts of France" you mean Alsace and Lorraine then dream on buddy........ even the Alsatians hate Germans.
I know this region very well and they would rather die than be overtaken by Germans.

And not very Arian

He looks Turkish to me.
8 Feb 2020   #55
Don't try to talk seriously to this guy, Milo. It's pointless.

German women are no longer willing to bear children, so ethnic German population is decreasing (most boys born in Germany these days are called Ahmed or Mehmet), and East Germany is quickly depopulating. How can Germans like Weimarer dream of conquering new lands, when they can't even populate their own?

a guy who cares more about his muscles than about gray matter.

One can only take care of what one actually has :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #56

Oh Torq, primitive insults are just that, primitive.

I neither have a large nose nor do i have pitch black eye brows and my hair is not black either. Its brownish dark blonde. It appears darker when i put styling stuff in it.


What is my stereotypical view on Poland? I only know poles who work as seasonal harvestors on the fields here to harvest Spargel.

I honor their hard work, that no german wants to do. And we have a polish cleaning women at police station where im stationed.

You insult me yet dont know me personal. Im a rather friendly one. While most of my colleagues ignore her and treat her like air, im not like that.

We had some grapes left and i offered her. I even exchange some words with her, even so she speaks little German.

Want hear what i think? Im rather neutral to Poland yet. I even think one day our two nations could form an alliance and help each other.

I would believe that we should put you in the boat if we get an agreement with Russia, if possible.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #57
He looks Turkish to me

That is the general consensus it seems, yes.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #58
Don't try to talk seriously to this guy, Milo. It's pointless.

Thanks Torq.
He is the caricature of the arrogant and stupid German that we all love to hate.
And he reveals he is a policeman too............ you just can't make this stuff up........
Luckily they are not all like him but he is not the first to grace this forum and probably won't be the last.
8 Feb 2020   #59
Torq, primitive insults are just that, primitive.

Where did I insult you? You mean this "half-wit" bit? OK, sorry, you're not a half-wit, you're just very young. *rolls eyes*

Its brownish dark blonde.

*adjusts his monitor*

No, sorry - still looks black.

It appears darker when i put styling stuff in it.

What? You put styling stuff in your hair??? Do all men in Germany do that, or are you a member of LGBT society? (absolutely nothing wrong with that!).

I even think one day our two nations could form an alliance and help each other.

That's already happening - there's this thing called the EU, and it works rather well (even if not perfect). :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #60

Its called "Gel". I use to to put my hair back, so it keeps in position during day. Im sure you know what i mean.

The EU is not working, it will not exist within next 10 years

So far Poland participates nothing for Europe. It just takes. I cant remember any event where Poland actually was useful or helpful for Germany.

Doesnt mean it has to stay that way.

Im rather neutral towards Poland regarding that. I see it as not helpful but dont know yet if that can change or not.

As for your bullshit about our women.

German birthrate is rising and very much so in eastern Germany and its actually german children born here. The trend changed around 2016. More eastern Germans also move back into Eastern Germany.

After unification, fertility rates plummeted in the former East Germany to record low levels. The number of births per year fell 60 percent. The period total fertility rate (TFR) reached a low of 0.8. Since the middle of the 1990s, however, period fertility rates have been rising in East Germany, in contrast to the nearly constant rates seen in the West. By 2008, the TFR of East Germany had overtaken that of the West.

On a friendly note, how was it in Poland after fall of the wall, regarding that? Did poland have a drop in born babies after fall of communism, like we had? Did it bound back to normal like here as well?

You know one thing i just think about, this was a very bad time for many people in Eastern Germany. I was born after reunion and i know i was lucky my father was able to keep his job. It took many years for eastern germany to stabilize and we had it easier than you guys, since we got lots of funds

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