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Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

InPolska  9 | 1796
3 Oct 2015   #241
of course, Poland will never leave the EU as Poland needs EU money and also to export Polish unemployed. Poland cannot make it with EU and therefore Poland will always be a member thereof.

Easy to understand
nothanks  - | 626
3 Oct 2015   #242
He thinks Poland became a Nation in 2004
Avalon  4 | 1063
3 Oct 2015   #243
Poland cannot make it with EU and therefore Poland will always be a member thereof.

Easy to understand

No, not really?
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Oct 2015   #244
Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

i would say that necessity that Poland abandon EU accelerate. Some would be surprised with Poland`s moves.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Oct 2015   #245
Poland will never leave the EU as Poland needs EU money and also to export Polish unemployed. Poland cannot make it with EU

Hrrr tfuuuu !!!! Feel it, you "enlightened" and "tolerant" stinking rat !
Billy9999  - | 33
23 Oct 2015   #246
We are facing cultural genocide if we continue to bow to Merkel and her incessant drive to the islamification of Europe.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Oct 2015   #247
Only naive people believed in EU. What could come out from the project of monstrous countries such are Germany, Britain and France. Abomination, that`s what
TheOther  6 | 3596
24 Oct 2015   #248
Only naive people believed in EU.

I would suggest you read up on the history of the EU, my friend. Start with the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)...
gregy741  5 | 1226
8 Dec 2015   #249
72% of poles wants Poland to leave EU. contrary to what some old bald British claim here ,that poles support EU membership.poll at bottom of this article by
smurf  38 | 1940
8 Dec 2015   #250
72% of poles wants Poland to leave EU

Wow an Internet poll, yea that's really relevant
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Dec 2015   #251
It's meaningless. The last credible poll suggested a majority wanted to stay.
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
8 Dec 2015   #252
The last credible poll suggested a majority wanted to stay.

Credible? What make it credible that you like its results?
8 Dec 2015   #253
Even if Poland doesnt go out, the Islamization Projectnof EU will fail anyway.

Muslim Merkel popularity is being destroyed and AfD is rising (fortunatelly).

And Le Pen will soon kick Hollande (and his Muslim Qatari Bosses) in the next elections.

And those are very good news for Europe.
Crow  154 | 9463
8 Dec 2015   #254
Its maybe already too late for Poland to abandon EU. In fact, Poland never had a chance. If wanted to abandon it, western Europe would found reason and way to punish Poland.

Now, only dramatic situation may lead to salvation of Poland. Poland`s abandoning of EU now must go hand in hand with formation of Intermarium. i am sure, exactly that Duda tries to do. Poland alone can`t save itself.

Why my pessimism? Just look at the processes on the west of Europe. Upload of migrants in environment of well orchestrated chaos. In next phase (that already occurring) right winged government would come to power in western Europe. More chaos. Then finally, we would see how hostility on migrants on the West of Europe pump migrants into the Eastern Europe and with it in Poland as one of the most desirable reserve option. All in all, this situation would make Poland more dependable from the western Europe if there is no Intermarium.

Things accelerate. i don`t know if Slavic Poland have any time left.
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
8 Dec 2015   #255
Its maybe already too late for Poland to abandon EU

Alone maybe you are right but there are few countries which would go along with Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Dec 2015   #256
Not really. Most countries know that leaving a huge trading bloc to go it alone would be suicide.

If you know anything about Hungarian politics, you'll notice that despite holding a clear supermajority in the National Assembly, Orban never considered leaving the EU.
gregy741  5 | 1226
8 Dec 2015   #257
Most countries know that leaving a huge trading bloc to go it alone would be suicide.

since when trading is impossible in non EU "alone"states?
Crow  154 | 9463
8 Dec 2015   #258
Ironside. Yes, i know. i count on that. But, imagine for a moment environment.... racism encouraged in France, Germany, Britain, Nordic states,.... hostilities broke out, migrants from western Europe begins to abandoning it and part for eastern Europe: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, ... Those states are under pressure and tries to coordinate how to escape from the trap, to abandon EU... economic and social pressure increases, while right wingers straighten in Poland and other Slavic countries, people is desperate, chaos, ... But then, western Europe starts to consolidate. THAT IS THE MOMENT WHEN WOULD SPIN DOCTORS TRIES TO DEAL LAST BLOW TO SLAVS (POLES) AND ASSIMILATE THEM, presenting western European racist ideologies as salvation for Slavs (for all Whites). Poland would get option > join to best (ie Anglos, Francs and Germanics) or die with the rest (ie eastern Europe, Slavs). THEY would deal this blow before Intermarium is consolidated, before there are no institutions and real collective power of Intermarium members which would offer respond. Then, interest for Intermarium would fall, things would reverse and interest would increase for everything western European and Slavic Poland would fall and those who still feel Slavic in eastern Europe would see their last days as Slavs. Only hope for Slavs/Whites in Poland would be to feel as Germanic. False hope but, actually assimilation penetrated in best possible timing. i think this is the plan. Target is eastern Europe and Slavs, as always.

Hope is only one. If we know for the danger and talk about it. Maybe that can prevent it.

add to all this grim scenario more migrants who coming from Near East, Africa, Asia,... and all heading for eastern Europe (western Europe would be racist bastion and so closed for migrants). In situation when Intermarium still don`t exist and there is no organized respond to situation, Slavs would be overrun. Then desperate, they would be targeted by racist ideologies from western Europe. That and if western European economists endure (to pay for project), would for sure broke the will of Slavs to exist as Slavs. Just then when Slavs hug western type of racism (ie germanzation) they would get `viable` support and get chance to survive as Whites. But not as Slavs. Then they have us and doing with us what they want. They would then, when establish their sole rule, decide to anyway intermix populations in great multicultural soup. That is the game.

What western Europe doing, i mean their magnates, is to fight for multiculturalism (that is for them- money friendly ideology) using racism as their main tool. They play games with people.
9 Dec 2015   #259
Only naive people believed in EU.

The idea of the Union alone is good and actually imminent because in the future (doesn't matter how distant) Mankind WILL become one. It's nessesary and it's the only option for us to prolong our existance. Mathematics never lies. To survive longer we have to leave Earth at some point and colonise distant space actually in more than one place. It's the people who pull the strings that need to be removed and (it's my opinion) an effort should be made to dimnish the importance of Germany.
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Dec 2015   #260
Mankind WILL become one.

Some say so. i`m not sure its the best for mankind.

But listen this, in fact we are already one. We are humanity. Diverse in several civilizations but still one human kind. To make one civilization of all mankind may deal a fatal blow to human creativity, ingenuity. It could reduce competition within our kind and therefore make humanity vulnerable if ever encounter hostile non-human species.

brat speaks

O k***a full pobieramy eu

Polsyr  6 | 758
10 Dec 2015   #261
"Eighty-four percent of Poles support the country's membership in the European Union",Majority-of-Poles-in-favour-of-EU-membership

Thus Poland will not exit the EU.
G (undercover)
10 Dec 2015   #262
Eighty-four percent of Poles support the country's membership in the European Union

Because no one proposed anything else.
gregy741  5 | 1226
10 Dec 2015   #263
"Eighty-four percent of Poles support the country's membership in the European Union"

also 80% were supporting komorowski. those crooks in CBOS appointed by PO needs to go...soon
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Dec 2015   #264
Your paranoid conspiracy theories are wonderful.

Only today, Szydło made it very clear that she wants the UK to stay in the EU - which doesn't sound like the words of a party that wants to leave the EU.
gregy741  5 | 1226
10 Dec 2015   #265
Your paranoid conspiracy theories are wonderful.

huh? when did i say PIS is Euro scepticis ? only korwin party and kukiz to some degree are in favor of leaving EU.but their growing support is clear indicator that poles more critical view of EU

you are paranoid it seems
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Dec 2015   #266
Eighty-four percent of Poles support the country's membership in the European Union

Thus Poland will not exit the EU.

all normal people likes ku*vas but don`t marry with them. Why would be different with Poles, ha?

Because no one proposed anything else.

pardon. Now is different already. Duda suggests Intermarium.
11 Dec 2015   #267
Far away in Serbia, it may be difficult to imagine how is it like to live in crash zone. Being between Germany and Russian Federation you're a natural battlefield. Poland as a member of EU gets economic benefits, and other countries get economic benefits from Poland being in EU. This means countries of EU wouldn't be too happy to see Poland attacked, especially if Poland had EUR as its currency. That's why Estonia adopted Euro.
nothanks  - | 626
12 Dec 2015   #268
Shaping up like Hillary will become the next US President. Her opinion of Poland is lukewarm
12 Dec 2015   #269
Trump wants to sell out Ukraine and make friends with Russia.

Not looking good from Poland's point of view, regardless of the result
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Dec 2015   #270
Trump has no animosity towards Poland or Poles. His campaign manager is Corey Lewandowski and many Poles in the construction trades have worked for him.

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