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Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

InPolska  9 | 1796
15 Sep 2015   #61
@Avalon; you and your friends don't mind living in multicultural societies, which offer you more than what Poland shall ever offer you ;).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #62
Untrue, Cameron has already stated that those already employed would not be asked to leave.

They would be entirely at the whim of the government, and would be asked to obtain residence and work permits. They might not be asked to leave, but they could find that work permits would suddenly no longer be granted, which would achieve the same result.

The EU is a joke at the taxpayers expense. Everything they do is an epic, fail.


A lot of stuff that the EU does is never really mentioned. Erasmus+ for instance really, really opened up Europe.
InPolska  9 | 1796
15 Sep 2015   #63
@Delph: you'll notice, that they enjoy living in multicultural societies ;)
mafketis  38 | 11127
15 Sep 2015   #64
Erasmus+ for instance really, really opened up Europe.

I've seen it up close and it's not that pretty (academically speaking). The main goal seems to create class consciousnes among students so they think they have more in common with students in other countries than their countrymen who don't make it to the university.
jon357  72 | 23482
15 Sep 2015   #65
Given that there's only one party that's somewhat against EU membership (Kukiz), it seems hard to imagine that elections will change anything.

Absolutely. The only difference is that PiS would handle it less competently.

I've seen it up close and it's not that pretty (academically speaking). The main goal seems to create class consciousnes among students so they think they have more in common with students in other countries than their countrymen who don't make it to the university.

To suggest that's 'the main goal' is just tinfoil helmet stuff.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #66
I've seen it up close and it's not that pretty (academically speaking). The main goal seems to create class consciousnes among students so they think they have more in common with students in other countries than their countrymen who don't make it to the university.

Yes, it's not perfect - the problem is that each university seems to interpret the requirements for Erasmus students differently. The UK for instance expects them to study exactly the same way as the local students, while Spain has a reputation for providing ridiculously easy English courses that anyone could pass. But I'd argue that it has done wonders for mobility - people see other countries and realise that they can live there. And it's no bad thing to have a lot of educated people mixing and interacting - it might just be one of the things that stops us all killing each other (again) during our lifetimes.

My only issue with Erasmus+ is that there's still no real mechanism for establishing longer-term schoolchild exchanges. You can get funding for short term exchange trips, but my dream is to take kids for 3-4 months to another school somewhere in Europe.

As far as breaking down barriers and building links, I'd say that Erasmus has done a fantastic job, and perhaps that's the real goal, not academia.
Avalon  4 | 1063
15 Sep 2015   #67
@Avalon; you and your friends don't mind living in multicultural societies, which offer you more than what Poland shall ever offer you ;).

What part of "I live in Poland", confuses you?

Everybody, keep to the topic please.
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
15 Sep 2015   #68
Nearly 1million Poles would be expelled from the UK

Good, those people are needed in Poland. Most of those who would like to say can take uk passport.

would be an economic disaster for a country
that has been exporting unemployment.

It has been exporting unemployed because of the bad governance and of a role of the German and France colony. In fact Poland need those people to improve her economy.

Much needed funding from the E.U for modernising, infrastructure, public institutions (including schools and hospitals), residential and recreational areas
would be stopped and that would adversely affect the development of the country.

Nope, those funds where spend mostly in costly building spree and at the same time indebted the country more as for each of those aqua parks local council took loans to meet 50% funding requirement. The way those funds works seems to work as a trap for unwary.

3. Then there is funding for different projects that help to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich.

After Poland joined the EU poorer started growing poorer and rich richer, you may say western trend but no gaps were filled. (for that there are statistics and numbers, look for it)

The list is endless.

The only endless list I'm aware off would a list of human stupidity, all other lists have being and end.

Sad to say, but that is a fact.

I did respond to your views because these were not arguments but your opinion based on your pro-EU propaganda, facts begs to differ and that is that!

y only issue with Erasmus+ is that there's still no real mechanism for establishing longer-term schoolchild exchanges. You can get funding for short term exchange trips, but my dream is to take kids for 3-4 months to another school somewhere in Europe.

Looking for a charge free trip to exotic location? tsk tsk
15 Sep 2015   #69
@Avalon; you and your friends don't mind living in multicultural societies, which offer you more than what Poland shall ever offer you ;).

"multicultural" societies were barely affected by WWII, they didnt have Communism, and they got rich from colonialism and slavery.
And thats the only advantage a "western" country has over Poland (they have more wealth).
Culturally and socially speaking Poland is superior to those "multicultural" societies.
But hey if you hate Poland so much you are free to leave :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #70
Culturally and socially speaking Poland is superior to those "multicultural" societies.

What's so superior about widespread domestic violence and alcoholism?

Good, those people are needed in Poland. Most of those who would like to say can take uk passport.

Needed...where? They won't go back to work for Amazon for 13zl/hour. As for getting a UK passport - easier said than done these days.

It has been exporting unemployed because of the bad governance and of a role of the German and France colony. In fact Poland need those people to improve her economy.

Poland couldn't do anything with those people, and you know it. What use is someone without a Matura from Nowy Sącz?

As for bad governance, why did people keep leaving in the 2005-2007 period?

Nope, those funds where spend mostly in costly building spree and at the same time indebted the country more as for each of those aqua parks local council took loans to meet 50% funding requirement. The way those funds works seems to work as a trap for unwary.

It depends what was built. Those aquaparks are a laughable mess in many cases, but that's just a small fraction of what was funded. A lot of vital infrastructure was partially or heavily EU funded, and you can't deny it.

After Poland joined the EU poorer started growing poorer and rich richer, you may say western trend but no gaps were filled. (for that there are statistics and numbers, look for it)

That's what capitalism does to people. Poles voted for it, so they have to live with it. The gap always gets wider as a country gets richer.

Looking for a charge free trip to exotic location? tsk tsk

For the kids? I'd like them to spend 3-4 months in Finland to benefit from their wonderful education system.
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Sep 2015   #71
What's so superior about widespread domestic violence and alcoholism?

so,polish culture is about beating wifes and being alcoholics?
funny,how those "tolerant" "open minded" people",are openly racist towards poles here.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #72
so,polish culture is about beating wifes and being alcoholics?

It's as much a feature of Polish life as excellent literature and cinema.

Nothing "superior" about Polish culture at all.
Avalon  4 | 1063
15 Sep 2015   #73
Everybody, keep to the topic please.

I am sorry for replying to Inpolska's post, but, she seems to be under the impression that I am not qualified to discuss Poland. I have been here for 13 years and I do not live in a multi-cultural society. I left that behind, Deo Gracious.
nothanks  - | 626
15 Sep 2015   #74
And British culture is beheading people on busy street corners

What a ghetto dump. UK not even once. Eww
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
15 Sep 2015   #75
And British culture

Polish culture

British, Polish or any other cultures are not subject of this thread - could you place stick to do topic or mods will close that thread - or that is what you want?
nothanks  - | 626
15 Sep 2015   #76
My apologies Ironside
Avalon  4 | 1063
15 Sep 2015   #77
But hey if you hate Poland so much you are free to leave :)

Do you understand English? What makes you think I dislike Poland?
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Sep 2015   #78
British, Polish or any other cultures are not subject of this thread

it is...whats the point being in union with narrow minder racists,who see us as alcoholics and women beaters...lecturing us about tolerance and at the same time.time to part ways
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #79
Time to go home, then.

Good luck paying increased taxes to cover the huge cost of resettling 2 million+ unemployed Poles.

Poland leaving the EU would be an economic disaster for Poland, and she knows it. Even Samobroona (who were originally completely against the EU) suddenly changed their mind when the cash came rolling in.
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Sep 2015   #80
Good luck paying increased taxes to cover the huge cost of resettling 2 million+ unemployed Poles.

good luck replacing those poles with Somalis
Avalon  4 | 1063
15 Sep 2015   #81
Good luck paying increased taxes to cover the huge cost of resettling 2 million+ unemployed Poles.

If we cannot kick out murderers and rapists, what chance have we got to kick out hard working Poles?. Get real.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #82
Plenty of chance, especially as the EU wouldn't be able to influence the UK anymore on the matter.
nothanks  - | 626
15 Sep 2015   #83
Haha. You Brits can't even handle blacks

You are a cuckold people
OP Ironside  50 | 12928
15 Sep 2015   #84
Plenty of chance, especially as the EU wouldn't be able to influence the UK anymore on the matter.

Go uk go uk.....sugar! I would like to see it. All those Poles coming back to Poland and kicking out of their offices all useless bureaucrats ,,,and layouts
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #85
Wishful thinking, Ironside. They'd probably go straight to the Urzad Pracy as no-one would employ them.
Avalon  4 | 1063
15 Sep 2015   #86
Plenty of chance, especially as the EU wouldn't be able to influence the UK anymore on the matter.

To kick out the Poles, the UK would have to leave the EU. If they did, the EU is finished anyway. 3rd, largest nett,contributor. We both know that Germany would not stay, especially with the hit from Greece and having to pay for all the migrants they have just imported.

The EU was recently awarded the Nobel peace prize, and, yet, they will be the most likely cause of civil unrest/war in Europe.
This bunch of sanctimonious idiots are only trying to secure their jobs and fat pensions and they will do anything, yes, anything to prolong this farce. No matter the cost in human lives or suffering.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
15 Sep 2015   #87
I don't even know why you are having this debate, I mean, it is not about to happen is it>?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #88
To kick out the Poles, the UK would have to leave the EU.


They would no longer be EU citizens and no longer able to benefit from freedom of movement rules. The UK would never agree to give work permits to dish washers and so on - so they would be gone naturally.

If they did, the EU is finished anyway. 3rd, largest nett,contributor.

Wouldn't make a huge difference if the UK left, because the UK would be almost obliged to contribute to a Norway-style agreement in order to keep favourable access to EU markets. More to the point, if the UK even thought about leaving, the EU would most likely slap on a tax on financial services to offshore destinations - in other words, the City would be in huge trouble.
Marsupial  - | 871
15 Sep 2015   #89
What an insane idea to leave the eu because of some migrants. With ideas this bad no wonder poland falls in a hole often. Sounds like an idea coined by putin.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Sep 2015   #90
Putin has so much to gain from Poland leaving the EU that it's not even funny.

Rational observers know that the only protection Poland has is from the EU, even if it's not perfect.

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