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Poland in the European Union. Polexit?

26 Oct 2016   #31
Polend, Czechout, Hungover
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Oct 2016   #32
By the good God, this Ivica Dacic..... Serbia continuing to stubbing EU with penis... once again, beautiful example how should venerable Poland behave with EU

Serbian FM: Stop lying that Russians are to blame

Ivica Dacic on Friday denied the claims that Serbia failed to open any new EU accession negotiations chapters in October because of Russia.

28 Oct 2016   #33
Hey Crow, being occupied by the West, but not being part of it -- how's that working for you?
Marsupial  - | 871
28 Oct 2016   #34
Crow the only thing occupied is your brain. Honeatly mate time for a holiday.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Oct 2016   #35
brain? Marsupial dear, what are you now tries to do? To f** me in the brain? i warning you. i have belt of virginity around my head

Hey Crow, being occupied by the West, but not being part of it -- how's that working for you?

No, they aren`t West. They just declared themselves to be, poor greedy creatures.

Anyway. Joy is ours. All ``Empires`` that tried to digest Serbians at the end drooped dead, so these would drop, too.

Back on topic please
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Oct 2016   #36
Any country wishing to leave the EU after the 31st of March 2017, will have to have the permission of 20 other European member states

Really? Bummer they must hurry up!

No surprise this idea comes on a Polish forum.. I

Nah, this is an American forum, and talking about specific countries or union is just a fantasy of one Serbian.
There is an idea to form - something better than EU in this region.

not necessarily shared by Lithuanians..

Well, that a complex story but to put it bluntly those are impostors not to be listen to.
30 Oct 2016   #37
Any country wishing to leave the EU after the 31st of March 2017, will have to have the permission of 20 other European member states

Really? Bummer they must hurry up![/quote]
Yeah, the penalty for not getting permission is expulsion from the EU
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Feb 2017   #38
Serbian media bringing info that Polish FM Vitold Vaščikovski insist on remodeling of EU. He suggest new contract/agreement between Poland and EU.

"Nova ugovorna osnova nužna je da se spreči dalja integracija koja je u suprotnosti sa našim interesima

translation: New agreement is necessary to prevent further integration that is opposite to our interests
Source: b92/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2017&mm=02&dd=20&nav_category=1262&nav_id=1232347

Poland is unbreakable. Yes, yes. Many tried to push Poland and at the end finished sunk on Polish penis, to tell it in artistic fashion.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
20 Feb 2017   #39
Vitold Vaščikovski

Don't know the guy. Maybe you're talking about Witold Waszczykowski because that's his name?
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Feb 2017   #40
Pan brat Witold Waszczykowski and gospodin brat Vitold Vaščikovski is one and same person. Heh, we Serbians translating his venerable name into our version, just for the linguistic purposes.

Brat is popular in our media. This with EU and Witold`s suggestion got full attention in Serbia. Eurosceptics and pro-Polish fanatics (most of Serbia) immediately pointed out.. ``see how Witold talk to vermin. That`s the spirit.``
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Jan 2018   #41
Judging by development of situation, Poland would exit EU with big-bang.

European political scene is so exciting.
Ironside  50 | 12916
9 Jan 2018   #42
Poland would exit EU with big-bang.

Nope, they'll cave in. On all or most points of contest.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Jan 2018   #43
Anyone wanna talk about the changes in the government?

Macierewicz, Waszczykowski and Szyszko (three of the biggest stinkbombs) are out!

Health minister is out too (healthcare is the achilles heel of the current government).

I'd say this is clearly a sign that they want to make nice with the EU getting rid of a couple of the biggest impediments thereto.
Ironside  50 | 12916
9 Jan 2018   #44
Macierewicz, Waszczykowski and Szyszko (three of the biggest stinkbombs) are out!

I have no opinion on Szyszko/
Waszczykowski should be out - not sharp enough.

Maciarewicz. Commie mafia scored a big point. F Duda vel Adrian.
AM the best minister after 89.

I don't know if Morawiecki is inexperienced or plainly doesn't understand politicks in Poland beside technocratic attitude. His twit about an alleged racist attack - another fake news produced by the usual suspect and he fell for it like a babe or was it because he signals that he will be playing by the PC rules.

I have no high hopes for this gov.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
9 Jan 2018   #45
I would just say that having an opinion is fine, but trying to force material change in a country in which you don't live and are unlikely to live in on a massive issue such as EU membership for a country that will be unable to stand on its own, is something else. Those not living in Poland have no business throwing around internet petitions on EU membership. Come and live here, then you are allowed to have a say.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Jan 2018   #46
AM the best minister after 89.

That's a joke, isnt it? How much time and how many resources did he sink into his sick Smolensk fixation? What does he have to show for all the time and effort and money?

And... he has one coup attempt on his conscience, I'm not anxious to give him another chance. Appointing that mentally unfit goon to office was a slap in the face to the electorate that had been promised he was history.

Good riddance.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Jan 2018   #47

A deranged idiot, and the book alleging links with Russia cannot easily be ignored.
Wulkan  - | 3136
9 Jan 2018   #48
links with Russia cannot easily be ignored.

At least he has no links with Soros, that would be far worse.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Jan 2018   #49
Soros and Russia are about equivalent in my book, I wouldn't trust either as far as I can throw an elephant.

Has Soros made any public appearance lately? There are rumors....
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Jan 2018   #50

Trump's best friend, and possibly his downfall. He'll try to sacrifice some of his staffers (and possibly relatives) first, however his treason will go down in history.


Any rumours sound like hysteria - the philanthropist Dr Soros is 87 so he's more likely to be tucked in bed choosing good causes to bequeath to with a hot drink than appear on Dancing with the Stars.

Weird that the silly person above who was trying to defend the demented Trump mentioned him at all, but hey, who knows what swirls round in such a 'mind'.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
9 Jan 2018   #51
however his treason

When was Trump convicted of treason ?
I know that the Dems have tried to find collusion with Trump and Russia for well over a year now coming up nothing. NATA !
However the ongoing investigations against Crooked Hillary have found undisputed evidence of collusions that she was involved in.
That story is going to make Water Gate look like child's play.
That will be the top story of 2018, not the frivolous attempt by the Dems to impeach Trump by collusion with the Russians.
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Jan 2018   #52

Trump is genius.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Jan 2018   #53
More of a Vicky Pollard.

I know that the Dems have

We all know that the prosecutor is dealing with it, and it's barely got started.

I wonder if the combover fool could even find Europe, let alone Poland on a map. And if he did, I doubt he could fold the map up again.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
9 Jan 2018   #54
So Trump hasn't been convicted of treason as you implied.
Now you are saying he is being prosecuted for treason ?
Sources please as this is news to me.
It has been going on for a year and a half and you say it has barely started ?
jon jon, stop with the Commie propaganda and start listening to Sean Hannity, he will straighten you out with the facts.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Jan 2018   #55
convicted of treason as you implied.

More lies. As you know, I didn't say he's been convicted yet, I said he's guilty of treason. His downfall is yet to come - and it's started.

start listening to Sean Hannity, he will straighten you out with the facts.

johnny reb  49 | 7974
9 Jan 2018   #56
How can Trump be guilty if no proven collusion happened ?
Crooked Hillary has been proven to have many collusions breaking the laws so that DOES make her guilty.
Now it is her who is just getting started for her down fall, not Trump.
Lock her up !
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Jan 2018   #57
guilty if no proven collusion happened ?

The prosecutor has plenty of work yet to do.

to have many collusions breaking the laws so that DOES make her guilty.

One person who doesn't have a special prosecutor.

Or the absolute absence of dignity and restraint we see in the orange lecher.

And interesting that the demented fool is being talked about in a thread about Europe. Reminds me of a joke I heard in Poland:
"Q. What's tound and hates Trump?
A. The World."

Not much logic in your post there JR...
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Jan 2018   #58
More of a Vicky Pollard.

no. You don`t understand. You think daily politics is everything but its not.

Trump helping USA to found its place in Multi-Polar world. That is why he won elections and was supported from within USA and from outside USA. Its because USA was only greedy and pushed too hard before Trump and only alternative was nuclear war, end of civilization as we know it. Obviously US got clear signal to it and, here comes the Trump.

So, Trump may looks like joke to you but, he is just the man of transition. In Russia it was perestroika. In US, I would call it transition.

This is just my opinion. Non on Net speak of it, not even those naive who love conspiracy theories. Still.
cms  9 | 1253
9 Jan 2018   #59
Clinton is yesterday's news. Put her on trial and lock her up if shes guilty.

But Trump is the person in the post now. Obviously he is mentally unstable- question is whether he is also a crook or merely a dupe of Putin ?
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Jan 2018   #60
Clinton is yesterday's news.

I agree. While Trump play his role, Hillary don`t pretend. She is really mentally moved and deranged.

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