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European News and Poland Thread 3

Bobko 25 | 2077
21 Jun 2023 #211
PiS are going about their business in a very cool, calm, collected way

Hahaha! Good one.
amiga500 4 | 1490
21 Jun 2023 #212
Yep a very good job they're doing of it too, especially punching the russian bear in the nose :)
Atch 21 | 4159
21 Jun 2023 #213
But not the wording of those treaties,

Have you actually read any of those treaties?

it really is quite frightening how much you denigrate PiS.

Aren't you a sensitive widdle flower? :) Fwightened is oo?

PiS are going about their business in a very cool, calm, collected way

Have you ever seen KaczyƄski having one of his hysterical outbursts? He pretty much encapsulates the spirit of PIS - now he IS scary. Nothing remotely dignified or statesman like about him.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
21 Jun 2023 #214
Well, we did so it's a simple statement of fact.

No, it's not a statement of fact because there are no facts, and "fought" means nothing as it includes writing poetry as well as throwing yourself on a live hand grenade.

But it sure is a meaningless, vomit-inducing slogan...
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
22 Jun 2023 #215
This one goes into Why I like Russia folder:

WWF declared 'undesirable' in Russia
The Swiss-based NGO was allegedly working against Russian economic interests

...and other leftist scumbags like Greens, 'Friends of the Baltic', and the 'Sakhalin Environmental Watch'.
Atch 21 | 4159
22 Jun 2023 #216
there are no facts

"fought" means nothing
Luke1410 - | 168
22 Jun 2023 #217
'Aren't you a sensitive widdle flower?'

Unfortunately yes!

I don't know too much about Kaczynski but Mateusz Morawiecki seems to be very statesman like, a credit to Poland and worthy of a bit more respect.
Atch 21 | 4159
22 Jun 2023 #218
I don't know too much about Kaczynski

I thought not. You should. He's the driving force behind many of PIS's policies and the real power behind the scenes. A small man in every sense of the word. Petty, vengeful and distinctly odd. Not a nice piece of work at all. Morawiecki does only what he's allowed to do.

When I first came to Poland in 2006 I was gob-smacked at what passed for politics here. Nothing but mud slinging and never a proper discussion or debate about anything of real relevance to the people.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
23 Jun 2023 #219
Nothing but mud slinging and never a proper discussion or debate about anything of real relevance to the people.

That is the same in every western democracy and not just Poland.
Alien 22 | 5229
25 Jun 2023 #220
Nothing but mud slinging and never a proper discussion or debate about anything of real relevance to the people.

But Polish politics is predictable and there are few extremists in it.
amiga500 4 | 1490
25 Jun 2023 #221
compared to countries that have a two party monopoly system, it's quite unpredictable and intersting.
johnny reb 47 | 7290
25 Jun 2023 #222
Germany is in a heap of doo doo.
The economic forecasters from around the world, as well as those from Germany, predict that Germans are in for some difficult times ahead, and that the country is at a very high risk of a significant economic decline in the coming years.

With inflation at an all-time high and electric prices up 600%, German factories cannot afford to operate.
Thank the global warming freaks and Greenies for voting to go Green.
Europe and Greta wanted it and now it has come back to bite you Liberals in the butt.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
25 Jun 2023 #223
Unfortunately, you're correct! The AfD as usual are blaming Scholz for Germany's current woes,
while Scholz is blaming Hoecke for fomenting discontent and fanning the eternal flames of racism.

At present, looks to this observer like a lose-lose scenario.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
25 Jun 2023 #224
fanning the eternal flames of racism.

"Germany is for Germans" is not racism.
A non-EU Muslim invading Germany is a crime and should be stopped at the border without any considerations or hearings.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
25 Jun 2023 #225
However WHAT precisely constitutes "a German" nowadays, Rich? You see, easy it is not to answer this key question, different though as German is from US history!

Perhaps, Europe will gradually have to abandon many of her erstwhile cherished myths and ideologies of nationhood painful as such will surely be.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
25 Jun 2023 #226
However WHAT precisely constitutes "a German" nowadays, Rich?

Your question proves the futility of further discussion.
Real Germans know they are Germans and why. A piece of paper and fluency in German does not make one German.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
25 Jun 2023 #227
Oh, really? What does then, pray tell?
I suppose because a Frenchman feels himself to be a Frenchman, was born in France, speaks only French, attended school in France from primary school on up, grew up his whole life in France, is married to a fellow French, yet has dark skin because his people are from Africa, from a former French colony, that person's not French, is that the idea??

Boy, are you off your nut!!
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
25 Jun 2023 #228
Oh, really? What does then,

That means I could never claim I am German or French or Swede even if I was a citizen and was perfect at the local language.

that person's not French, is that the idea??

Yes, that's the idea. We have people like this here who still self-identify as African Americans - even if they can't spell "Africa" or find it on the map.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
26 Jun 2023 #229
You are neither a German, a Frenchman nor a Swede either by accident of birth, education or heritage!
Therefore, your example is irrational and your conclusions clearly racist.

While it is true that Germany never held the world colonial power of either, France, England, Spain, even Portugal, in future generations probably, don't you throw a hissy when some dark-skinned chap or gal merrily declares themselves "GERMAN" from Duesseldorf, Hamburg, Bremen along with any other traditionally homogeneous enclave,even though their folks were from Somalia, let's say!! Germany might well have to re-examine her historical "blood laws" and what it means to be of "German descent".

As the world changes, once again, we all must abandon previously held or cherished beliefs, sacred cows if you will, regarding nationhood/ethnicity. This holds true for a far off future Poland as well, like it or lump it. You can run, my friend, but you can't hide:-)
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
26 Jun 2023 #230
You are neither a German

Germans - persons born to German parents who are citizens of Germany, think German, feel German, whose DNA is German, and have ZERO loyalty to any other country, ethnicity, or race.

He also identifies emotionally with German history, literature, music, arts, the national anthem, and the flag. When Germany is in danger, he volunteers to serve in the German army and puts his life on the line to protect Germans like himself.

A black a-hole from Africa with a German passport is not German. Neither are his kids who were born in Germany before Germany managed to deport his scumbag parents.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
26 Jun 2023 #231
You seem to be conflating here two separate and distinct issues concerning racial origin vs. nationality of birth!
You're allowing your own deeply held and vicious bias against non-white people mixing with Caucasians to "color", at best, to cloud, your views, no pun intended LOL
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
26 Jun 2023 #232
You're allowing your own deeply held and vicious bias against non-white people

My "deeply-held bias" is also known as the instinct of self-preservation and is supported by US statistics showing that non-white people, aka black thugs, murder at a rate 17 times higher than whites. In Sweden, black thugs placed Sweden as number 2 on the list of highest rape hellholes.

If the German natives had any say so in the matter, there would be no black Germans. All that diversity from hell is imposed by the 1-percenters - the scum that is aka "our legal representatives" that somehow is always able to isolate itself from the consequences of their criminality.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
27 Jun 2023 #233
As when anybody talks about "survival" or "self-preservation", my response is (as in Spencer Tracy's famous last speech in "Judgement at Nueremberg"), survival as WHAT?? Man is not a rock, but a living, feeling being!

What kind are you, Rich?
Lyzko 42 | 9479
27 Jun 2023 #234
I'd like to think I'm a feeling, thinking HUMAN being, and continue to side with many enlightened Europeans who believe the average American is Homer Simpson personified:-)

Just remember, that Norwegian fellow Anders Breivik, was a murderer and a terrorist, who used the same arguments as you to justify blowing away those innocent youngsters on a vacation island over ten years ago!

What then's the rational difference between a black vs. a white thug, Richie?
Can't wait to see you finagle your way outta that one:-)
johnny reb 47 | 7290
30 Jun 2023 #235
And they worry about cow farts harming the ozone.
Europe is now smelling the smoke from Canada's wild fires.
How much CO2 and toxins are those fires pumping into the atmosphere ?
All that smoke is blocking the suns rays so the earth should be cooling now .......Right ? :-/
Ironside 50 | 12345
30 Jun 2023 #236
@johnny reb
Thanks to USA, that rot came from America, with big money grants and all that BS.
Kashub1410 6 | 649
30 Jun 2023 #237
Isn't it a very obvious attempt from corporate leadership to delegalise holidays? (National holidays and specifically religious holidays) to "decrease" labourdays

Why you think corporations are "very inclusive" and combat religion and nationalism as a whole? To gain as much possible labour, working longest possible to cheapest possible prices.

They try to have global acess to all possible workers wherever they can due to competition with other corporations doing the very same thing
amiga500 4 | 1490
30 Jun 2023 #238
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni defended her right-wing allies in Poland and Hungary after they torpedoed a joint EU statement on migration.

"I am never disappointed by those who defend their national interests," Meloni told reporters on her way out of the European Council summit after bitter resistance from Poland and Hungary forced EU leaders to settle for a solo statement on migration from European Council chief Charles Michel instead of a unified one from EU leaders.

The Italian leader tried and failed to sway the two countries earlier this morning.
Alien 22 | 5229
30 Jun 2023 #239
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni defended her right-wing allies in Poland and Hungary

The difference is that a government of Miss Meloni will last for about 6 months, 1 year at most, and governments of these 2 guys seem to last forever.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
1 Jul 2023 #240
When people from one's own turf feel ignored, they're more than likely to lash out with a vengeanc

...because they know that they are lied to before they vote every single time and wonder why they bothered.
This lasts about a year. Then they forget how they were shafted and the cycle repeats...Western "democracy" in action...

Home / News / European News and Poland Thread 3
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