This is the second time Poland said nie to a plan for cutting carbon emissions; being the only party pooper in the EU to do so, and thus scuttling the whole deal.
EU treaties provide that member states are independent in shaping their energy balance. EU should remember about it's own laws.
Why the veto?
Poland already curbed more than 20% carbon dioxide emissions (20% is a level set for EU countries from 1990 by 2020). That goal was partly acheived by replacing communist-era power plants with more modern ones, though also fuelled with coal.
This plan is contradicting EU strategy to completely eliminate coal as the heaviest carbon dioxide emitter. Coal energy is to be costlier than gas or wind energy - thats the basic meaning of EU climate policy. So what gumishu wrote here is true:
My electric bills are already much higher since January 2012. Pantsless I don't know where you live, but it's probably not Poland. Your comment about gumishu's post shows that you clearly have no idea about effects of rising energy cost on Polish industry and ordinary people here.
"Pure coal" technologies, such as storing CO2 underground, will never be implemented, because it costs too much. At this point you can see enormous hypocrisy of EU. They only talk about pure technologies but in reality they introduce gas or nuclear power plants. It's probably not a coincidence that several countries that loudly bemoan Polish veto are countries that specialise in technologies they want to introduce in Poland. France with it's nuclear industry; Denmark and Gemany with their wind generators. West is already a saturated market for those commodities and they need to expand.
Moreover climate is a public good (also in economic terms), so it needs to be treated as such. Europe can't protect global climate by itself. In past 2 decades, when Europe cuted coal consumption by about 300 mil. tons per year (at great economic cost), China increased it's use by 2,5 billion tons per year. So whats the point of this?