Where should he be known best if not in par excellence (desptie your idiotic protests!) CATHOLIC POLAND?
Polonius, have you got any idea what you're going on about? The guy claims to be a faith healer, he claims to have brought back to life more people than Jesus... come on :/
Rather than answering in what other EU country could anything but a sporting event or rock concert or the pope himself draw such a following
But it's not a good thing! The guy is very much on the fringe of the RCC - even the Church itself seems to be rather divided. If you mentioned the rather good Lednica, we wouldn't have an argument - but you're instead choosing to highlight a charlatan of the worst kind.
But anyway, I'll humour you.
rt.com/news/197296-catalonia-independence-protest-elections - 110,000 on the streets for Catalan independence
ucb.co.uk/content/united-prayer-event-calls-christians-wembley - 65-70000 Christians at Wembley Stadium, London
pinknews.co.uk/2006/06/30/gay-community-awaiting-europride - half a million at London Europride