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Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ?

Crow  154 | 9260
6 Jun 2021   #1
I find this question important considering development in Europe. Increasing pressure on Poland and other Visegrad member states by the EU leads to tensions. All that in environment of global pandemic crisis, lack of resources, high level of global pollution and crisis in relations between EU and USA on one side, and EU and Russia on the other side. Add to it increasing influence of far right and nazi ideologies in western Europe and becoming obvious that after direct clash with Islam and then merging with Islam, western Europe returning to the Drang Nach Osten.


Just this time, seams to me, Poland will be ready. And won`t be alone.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
6 Jun 2021   #2
Brussels will just make a deal with Moscow...

*ducks and runs*
OP Crow  154 | 9260
6 Jun 2021   #3
Not this time. Moscow have to take in account wishes of other players in Europe and worldwide, so Moscow either help Visegrad or behave neutral on conflict... or, how things stand, even enter war on the side of Visegrad. Like in a case of Swedish yoke, when Poland and Russia cooperated.

*shows butt in a Celtic fashion*
OP Crow  154 | 9260
2 Jul 2021   #4
Frictions between Visegrad Group on one side and EU on other around `Serbian question`. Behind all is fact that Brussels represent sole interest of western Europe, while Belgrade represent true and authentic European interests. Brussels is globalistic, Belgrade is suverenistic center of Europe. Groupings of Europeans started. These facts are behind public conflict of Hungarian president Orban, and official Croatia that is nothing but speaker for the Germany >

Orbán outlines his EU vision in six points, the seventh being: Grant Serbia accession


> b92..../eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=01&nav_id=111144

Orbán hasn't done that because of Serbia

> b92..../eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=02&nav_id=111152

"Serbia should be granted accession to the European Union," it was written in Orbán's announcement.

membership criteria, implementation of necessary reforms and achieving measurable results. This applies to all candidate countries for membership, including Serbia," Croatian MFA says

Czech President Zeman then supported Orban >

Only one man said: "I like it, because of the seventh point"


> b92..../eng/news/world.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=02&nav_id=111157

"I like and agree with the last point, which says that Serbia should become an EU member.

I see Viktor from time to time and our views are very similar," Zeman said

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
2 Jul 2021   #5
I dunno if you listened to all the speeches in Peking to celebrate the 100th birthday of the CKP? Or at least what the experts said to that?

The next conflicts will not be between the EU and Visegrad but between the West and China!

The new Cold War is already beginning, hot proxy wars will be next (with Taiwan starting maybe) will become a matter of survival for the likes of Orban NOT to be seen as chinese Trojan Horses in Europe, that should become very uncomfortable very soon!
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2021   #6
but between the West and China!

Poland of course doesn't need to take side of the west. Hell even EU is keen not to take side of the west..

I find

What war? You Serbs are very simple minded creatures. at least you are...
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2021   #7
the West and China!

Which China will win since everything worth having is made there. Including the DoD toys that need chips to run. Why do Lenin and rope come to mind? Hmm...

Hell even EU is keen not to take side of the west..

That was a good one.
OP Crow  154 | 9260
3 Jul 2021   #8
Hell even EU is keen not to take side of the west

EU is keen not to be West anymore but rather Saudi suburb.

What war?

What war?

You know how people say... `Spit the wh*** between the eyes and she would think its a rain.`

That war around you, you stupido.

Which China will win since everything


Poland of course doesn't need to take side of the west.

The next conflicts will not be between the EU and Visegrad but between the West and China!

Poland is the West as is entire Slavic world. One and only West. Western Europe never was the West but rather usurper.

Now, war between EU and China isn`t war where West should intervene. Let western Europe sunk where it belong. In desert.
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2021   #9
That war around you,

you never fought in any war.
OP Crow  154 | 9260
3 Jul 2021   #10

Speaking strictly in connection to the topic here, I am sure that EU (ie western Europe) don`t have any chance in war against Poland and Visegrad group. Such a war would completely and finally put an end to the western European dominance over Eastern Europe and Slavs. In a first 24 hours of conflict entire Eastern and South-Eastern Europe would arise and join Poland. Russia, all Slavs, China, USA, most of humanity would stand with Poland and Visegrad. After the conflict western Europe would finish as poor and desolated place.

you never fought in any war.

I wasn`t in the zone of conflict. I was soldier but didn`t fought. Fortunately for all.
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2021   #11
I was soldier but didn`t fought

It shows....
OP Crow  154 | 9260
3 Jul 2021   #12
Good. But also NATO bomb fell relatively close to me and I survived, surely protected by combined and divine power of our young Christ and our old Svetovid. It is something of experience.
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2021   #13
After the conflict western Europe would finish as a poor and desolate place.

After WW2, with WW1 still fresh, the US and the USSR should have divided Western Europe into two occupational zones to make these idiots unable to start WW3. Plus reparations for every dead American and Russian.
rtfm  1 | 62
3 Jul 2021   #15
Not sure what the point of this posr is but tune into reality fm.
Eastern Europe would get smashed easily by their western European neighbours. France would just chuck over a couple of nukes and that's the end of that.
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2021   #16
Eastern Europe would get smashed easily by their western European neighbours.

Just like the US easily smashed Vietcong then and Taliban now?
rtfm  1 | 62
3 Jul 2021   #17
More like how germany smashed Poland in ww2 only easier. Day 1 - declaration of war by whichever side. Day 2 eastern europe captials nuked. Day 3 eastern europe surrenders or faces more nukes/ballistic missiles. All infrastructure decimated easily by ballistic missiles from afar. Within days eastern europe has no cities, power, water or hospitals.

Sorry but if you're talking about war with both sides using their arsenals then France's nukes vs Polands turnip farmers won't be much competition.
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2021   #18
It is something of experience.

yep, went into your head. Don't count on it in the future..

faces more nukes/ballistic missiles.

don't get all excited for nothing in this scenario VG has bombs of their own placed in the strategic places on the enemy territory. has means of shooting down any ballistic missiles...
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Jul 2021   #19
Yeah, France - the country that surrendered twice and quickly - would use its nukes on Poland to accomplish exactly what? The US and Russia would just get popcorn and watch the French fireworks with glee.

My bet is that the US moved the French button to DC a long time ago to make sure it will get dragged into another Euro pile of crap.
OP Crow  154 | 9260
3 Jul 2021   #20
Plus reparations for every dead American and Russian.

True. Idiots would be poorer then Congo Africans that way, but they wouldn`t become Congoans.

yep, went into your head. Don't count on it in the future..

Well, in truth, I am happier after that experience. I suppose I was well shaken.
rtfm  1 | 62
3 Jul 2021   #21
The question was one of who would win - western vs eastern europe and it would obviously be western europe with their more advanced and better funded military. Funny how any Pole can criticise France for being defeated quickly considering how easily the germans and russians walked over Poland. It's good to be proud of ones country but try not to be delusional.
OP Crow  154 | 9260
3 Jul 2021   #22
o? Not truth! Poland and Eastern Europe would win. We would fight like dragons against invading western European Nazi-Islamic force!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
3 Jul 2021   #23
Where do you see Nazi forces????

I could imagine Islamists....but Nazis???
rtfm  1 | 62
3 Jul 2021   #24
Lol you would be turned to ash on the the first day of battle from thousands of missiles smashing your infrastructure to pieces. You wouldn't even see the enemy as they would be sat hundreds of miles away pressing buttons to turn your cities to rubble from the comfort of an office chair. Be proud of your country but don't be delusional, Eastern Europe combined would be no match for any western army individually let alone all of them together
OP Crow  154 | 9260
3 Jul 2021   #25
I could imagine Islamists....but Nazis???

It was Hitler`s desire. To combine his bellowed Islam and Nazism.

See, he even experimented on terrain >


Revival is ongoing in the EU, in Hitler`s world.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
3 Jul 2021   #26
It was Hitler`s desire.

Sure....but Hitler killed himself in Berlin ' much for his desires!

You try everything to keep him alive and strong....but...WHY???
OP Crow  154 | 9260
3 Jul 2021   #27
Tell it to the EU. It islamize, it nazify, it is mad.
rtfm  1 | 62
3 Jul 2021   #28
The goal of the EU is to have one superstate. In order to do this they need to destroy national identity. To do that they import people from the toilets of the world under the guise of humanitarianism. Thankfully Poland resists for now but it only takes one weak government for the battle to be lost
Ironside  50 | 12333
3 Jul 2021   #29
he goal of the EU is to have one superstate

ruled by corporations! All that wouldn't be happening if not for big businesses meddling into it to create their own place they can rule over
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
3 Jul 2021   #30
Must be some serious b*itch, that EU....

Home / News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ?

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