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Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

30 Apr 2017   #1
It seems like the EU are racist self-haters and only want to let in non-whites because apparently to them Ukrainians don't matter. We have let in 1 million refugees yet they claim that we don't want to let in refugees.

Why would we let in Middle Easterners or Africans? Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, are all refusing their own brothers and sisters to come in as refugees.

Saudi Arabia has over 100,000 spaces in air conditioned tents where refugees could be held but instead they let in only a very limited symbolic number.

Help stop propaganda against Poland.

Africans and Middle Easterners come in because most Europeans are cowards and let them in. They have guilt over colonization or past actions but honestly this is just natural selection and the strong survive while the weak must perish. This is nature and has been happening since the dawn of life on Earth. The EU needs to strengthen its borders and preferably shoot on sight anyone trying to illegally cross the borders. This will stop illegal immigrants very quickly and effectively.
gregy741  5 | 1226
30 Apr 2017   #2
Western Europe is degenerated cuckhold states(Poland is not much better tho).yea their hypocrisy is just baffling.
in one hand they call Russian aggression war on Ukraine,in the other denying Ukrainians war refugees status ,saying there is no war there.
well,Poland accepted between 500k to million ukrainians in the past years,problem is that EU dont see them as refugees but as economical migrants.

sure ,one could argue that over 96 % of muslim are not refugees but economic immigrants,but one must realise that you dont argue with people who accept facts or truth.

EU is ideologically driven outdated mafia like organisation,facts ,reason and logic are the last things they ever consider
cms  9 | 1253
30 Apr 2017   #3
I thought that many of these Ukrainians have not claimed refugee status. The number that has is quite low - in the thousands.

Many of the Ukrainians I know here travel back to Ukraine during holidays to visit family - hardly the behavior you would expect of refugees but perfectly in line with their status as economic migrants.
30 Apr 2017   #4

You want people shot on sight for entering the EU?

Maybe those Europeans don't hate Poland, just the abnormally high level of nazis among the young male population here.

There are scumbags and chancers among all ethnic groups. Far be it from a Korwin/PIS voter to take the moral high ground. Living in Krakow, I have met scumbags form Poland, scumbags from Saudi Arabia and scumbag right-on liberal-minded drug addicts from Scandinavia. But the other scumbags don't try to make me believe their shite, unlike the local nationalist scumbags who try to force their social views on the rest of us.

Discriminating against or between refugees is also racist. Under International Law, there is no such thing as a white refugee and a brown subhuman one, just refugees, but then again with your 1920's view of border control you probably think international law is a Jewish communist conspiracy.
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Apr 2017   #5
There are scumbags and chancers among all ethnic groups

Indeed. Spot on even.

Under International Law, there is no such thing as a white refugee and a brown

Very much so. Unfortunately there's an issue now in Poland about refugees from the former Soviet Union. Some are 'acceptable, and some not - can you guess which ones get turned away?
gregy741  5 | 1226
30 Apr 2017   #6
Very much so. Unfortunately there's an issue now in Poland about refugees from the former Soviet Union

issue? let me guess,you probably whine about not enough muslims being allowed refugee status.and in which post Soviet Union republic,there is currently war ongoing?since you call them refugees.
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Apr 2017   #7
you probably whine

You probably don't keep abreast of current affairs, not least Poland being censured over the issue.
gregy741  5 | 1226
30 Apr 2017   #8
since you keep up to date with all affairs,surely you could easy point me former SU republic that is currently at war.

not least Poland being censured over the issue.

what issue again?please explain
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Apr 2017   #9
You think war is the only reason people have to leave their home?
gregy741  5 | 1226
30 Apr 2017   #10
no,economical is another,but eco immigration doesnt grant you war refugee status.understand?
war ongoing-war refugees do you see relation?
so stop this idiocy whining about not enough russian muslims being given war refugees status in Poland.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
30 Apr 2017   #11
You think war is the only reason people have to leave their home?

It doesnt give them the excuse to wander into any country they feel like, If invited by a government then fine otherwise they need to find another country that is more accomodating.
nothanks  - | 626
30 Apr 2017   #12
Many of the Ukrainians I know here travel back to Ukraine during holidays to visit family - hardly the behavior you would expect of refugees

"Asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq and other war-torn states who are registered as refugees and receive social benefits in Germany do not hesitate to opt for a "vacation" in their war-ravaged countries, a German media report has discovered"
Crow  155 | 9699
30 Apr 2017   #13
Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

Because EU leading powers works against Slavs. From Czechoslovakia, former Yugoslavia and Serbia, to Macedonia, Ukraine, Russia and now Poland. Its nothing personal. They want our resources.
nothanks  - | 626
30 Apr 2017   #14
Ukrainian refugees doesn't influence the 3rd World. The master plan is to turn the entire West into a melting pot so their problems are also our problems. I.E. "oh my gosh look what is happening in Turkey and how our Turkish population is voting". Poland doesn't care because we don't have many Turks.

Long story short we will import the 3rd World and then those migrants will show their family/friends back home how superior our way of life is etc. That is their plan. They want to open immigration and make it easier
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Apr 2017   #15
We have let in 1 million refugees

Factually incorrect.

I thought that many of these Ukrainians have not claimed refugee status. The number that has is quite low - in the thousands.

Not even in the thousands. I don't know the latest number, but at the start of the year, the number was 4, combined with a couple of hundred under protection, which I think were the Mariupol Poles.
gregy741  5 | 1226
30 Apr 2017   #16
yea,they are treated as economical immigrants,
and the same should apply to Syrians.
just wonder,why east Ukrainians are not eligible to be treated as war refugees,while Syrians are.even in peak of ukraine war,there were over 1 milion ukrainians displaced,and still EU refused to grant them refugee status.they are just obsessed with Muslims for some reasons

those are standards in EU.all hypocrisy
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Apr 2017   #17
the excuse to wander into any country they feel like,

I doubt any refugee ever has "wandered into any country they feel like".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Apr 2017   #18
just wonder,why east Ukrainians are not eligible to be treated as war refugees

Shouldn't you ask Poland that question?

I think at least in the case of Syria, the answer is obvious: nowhere is safe in Syria.
gregy741  5 | 1226
30 Apr 2017   #19
Shouldn't you ask Poland that question?

Cant ask Country any question. tho EU Poland and US were hugely involved in provoking and escalating this war.granting war refugee status to those war victims,would be an admision to this massive tragedy they initiated.

not to mention costs of it for Poland,since by international law and Dublin article,host country is responsible for all wellbeing ,accommodation,money provisions towards Poland would rather just relax borders,so Ukrainians have to work to acquire those ,rather than gets free from the state.

I think at least in the case of Syria, the answer is obvious: nowhere is safe in Syria

vast majority of Syrian population lives in Assad controlled areas,relatively safe.only in contested areas is dangerous.
but apart of Syrians ,EU grants free pass to afganis,pakistanis,erytreans nigerians ect.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Apr 2017   #20
tho EU Poland and US were hugely involved in provoking and escalating this war

Another pro-Russia view on here. The war was started by Russia and continues because of Russia. If Russia pulls out, there will be peace.
gregy741  5 | 1226
30 Apr 2017   #21
The war was started by Russia and continues because of Russia

yea,i know such theory exists but mostly among illiterate people
the truth is that this war was started by CIA founded nazis
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Apr 2017   #22
the truth is that this war was started by CIA founded nazis

The truth according to Russia, right? I mean, that isn't Poland's view.

Strange how you're pushing a pro-Moscow version of events here. Why?
Ironside  51 | 13083
30 Apr 2017   #23
Discriminating against or between refugees is also racist. Under International Law,

state exactly who and where can claim refugee status and who cannot. Those people trampling across a dozen of European borders on their way to Germany according to the regulation of the International law are noting but illegal immigrants.

You want people shot on sight for entering the EU

I think you should be shot for your cheap rhetoric.
nothanks  - | 626
30 Apr 2017   #24
I doubt any refugee ever has "wandered into any country they feel like".

The definition of refugee is so vague. What Africans are currently doing definitely seems like wandering.
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Apr 2017   #25
The war was started by Russia and continues because of Russia. If Russia pulls out, there will be peace

In a word, yes. Just as it's in Putin's favour to turn Poland against the EU by provoking sanctions.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Apr 2017   #26
What Africans are currently doing definitely seems like wandering.

I think the classic term is "benefits immigration" ('welfare immigration' for Americans). Most Sub-Saharan Africans are "fleeing" countries that are at peace and no more corrupt or violent or oppressive than the (admittedly high) Sub-Saharan norm.
Marsupial  - | 871
1 May 2017   #27
I think Poland should help whatever ukis want it and continue to refuse western politics refugees. That is the ones who were created by major western powers and russia. Plenty of countries in western europe and plenty of room in russia for all the victims of their meddling.
nothanks  - | 626
1 May 2017   #28
^ I think the pressure will increase after France and Germany both elect Pro-EU leadership. The variables might change by then: Syrian War ending, EU getting serious about external borders or everything could worsen. So I'll save my speculation
Marsupial  - | 871
1 May 2017   #29
That's called negotiation. Some compromise has to be made somewhere. Some refugees cannot be made into a national matter where it's affecting everything else. It's not worth it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Jul 2017   #30
EU is ideologically driven outdated mafia like organisation

Will the frogs never learn? Swarms of rampaging Third World migrants attacked a car in which a couple of Polish fiancés were traveling several km from Calais. The swarthy-faced scum pounded on the car, one brandished a pistol, another jumped on the bonnet, but luckily the Poles managed to drive a way only to find a barricade of flaming branches down the road. In the mirror they could see scores of the dusky vermin running after them so they had no choice but to crash through the blazing barricade, damaging their car in the process.

Dont' the frog police have shootable nets that can engulf an entire crowd and drag them to some penal compound? The same nets should be used againt Hamburg*s lefitst scum. The rights of decent, peaceful, law-abiding citizens should always take precedence over those of criminals, wreckers and rampaging loons. Unfortunatrely, the wimpy West Europeans don't agree and think they must constantly beat their breasts and apologise for being white, Christian and European.

Home / News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

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