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Abortion still under control in Poland

pawian  224 | 27236
20 Oct 2023   #2791
Can somebody here finally tell me what changes in the Polish abortion laws you want?

I already did

Already did.


Novi, wake up.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Oct 2023   #2792

Austria - 1.3 per 1000 women
Italy - 4.9
Poland - 10

If Austria can exist with 1.3, Poland can exist with 10 per 1000 women.

Six sob stories are not enough to change anything - no matter what it is.
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Oct 2023   #2793
Six sob stories are not enough to change anything

Remember this principle in other threads, please.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2023   #2794
Experts are unanimous - PIS` decision to drastically restrict the right to abortion in 2020 was the turning point for Poland - it was the time when PiS permanently lost the support of moderate voters some of whom had voted for PIS before.

It means the society and its views on abortion have changed in recent years., Anybody who plans keeping or gaining power in Poland has to take it into consideration from now on.

Such a climate, my dear. I can`t help it.
Alien  25 | 6353
25 Oct 2023   #2795
It means the society and its views on abortion have changed in recent years

Are you implying that PiS is a victim of abortion? 🤗
Novichok  4 | 8748
25 Oct 2023   #2796
How should the Polish abortion law be changed?
Alien  25 | 6353
25 Oct 2023   #2797
How should

Abortion should be allowed until the end of the third month of pregnancy.
Joker  2 | 2390
25 Oct 2023   #2798
The Democratic party condones infanticide and leftards want abortions on demand all the way until birth.

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A push by Virginia Democrats to loosen restrictions on late-term abortions is erupting into a fierce partisan clash because of a viral video in which a lawmaker acknowledges her legislation would allow abortions up until moments before birth.

Leftards arent decent ppl like Pawian tries to have you believe..
Novichok  4 | 8748
25 Oct 2023   #2799
Abortion should be allowed until the end of the third month of pregnancy.

I would like to know what changes Polish women want.

The Democratic party condones infanticide and leftards want abortions on demand all the way until birth.

I would go a step further...

We should pay for an abortion at any time in pregnancy and beyond if the pregnant woman is black, a Democrat, or if the sperm donor is doing time.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2023   #2800
I would like to know what changes Polish women want.

I already provided it for you. Stop azholing.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2023   #2802
Plenty but they refuse to get involved with azholes who can`t read.
Lenka  5 | 3531
25 Oct 2023   #2803
Hey, any women here?

I already share mine. The only other Polish women here that I know of is Paulina. If I'm not mistake she share her view as well. Are you hoping for different answer every time you ask?
Novichok  4 | 8748
25 Oct 2023   #2804
I already share mine

Give me the link.
Plus, I didn't ask what YOU want. I asked:

I would like to know what changes Polish women want.

Today. Nowadays. The majority. Or women's organizations.

Please don't give me any crap that they are too shy to say what they want.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2023   #2805
Today. Nowadays. The majority

Check post 2780.
Paulina  17 | 4465
25 Oct 2023   #2806
@Novichok, here's some info about what Polish women want based on IBRiS poll:

Unfortunately I can't quote it, because after I entered the article for the second time it turned out to be payed.

If I'm not mistake she share her view as well.

What view? I defenitely don't want the current law to stay in place.

Today. Nowadays. The majority. Or women's organizations.

Then why did you ask: "Hey, any women here?" That implied that you want to know the opinion of women writing on PF.
Lenka  5 | 3531
25 Oct 2023   #2807
What view?

I think you said in the past that you are more or less happy with the law we had before the change? 3 instances when the abortion is legal. Sorry if I'm wrong.

That implied that you want to know the opinion of women writing on PF.

Took it the same way.

Give me the link

Why should I bother since soon you will ask the same question, saying how nobody can answer it and blah, blah, blah?
Paulina  17 | 4465
25 Oct 2023   #2808
I think you said in the past that you are more or less happy with the law we had before the change?

Yes, going back to the previous law would be enough for me already. I don't know about kids with Down syndrome though, because I think the previous law allowed for abortion in such cases and it looks like Poles were divided on this issue too (I'm not sure now) - this is a poll from 2020:,aborcja-zespol-downa-legalna-czy-nie-sondaz-cbos.html
Paulina  17 | 4465
25 Oct 2023   #2809
Btw, according to that poll from 2020 I linked to the most liberal attitude towards abortion in Polish society was displayed by women below 35 years of age, especially those between 18-24. It was similar with young men (although to a lesser extent than in case of women). What a "shocker" :)

In this context it's not surprising that young people in Poland turned against PiS, I guess.
Novichok  4 | 8748
25 Oct 2023   #2810
I would like to know what changes Polish women want.

Then why did you ask: "Hey, any women here?"

Simple. I need somebody to represent and speak for the masses out there - as long as it is not some pussified, women-are-always-riight a-hole guy.

12 weeks seems reasonable and matches the French law, as far as I know.
There, the case is closed - as long as that change does not start the slippery slope process leading to the day of natural birth.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2023   #2811
as long as it is not

Darling, you are not eligible to set conditions here. Either you take it or leave it. Simple.
Novichok  4 | 8748
26 Oct 2023   #2812
There, the case is closed -

No, not really...

With more abortions, women will continue dying from complications and depression. But that's OK as long as the screamers are happy, I guess...

And then those unborn human beings...To prevent that one-too-many death, Poland will terminate tens of thousands of lives. But that's OK as long as the screamers are happy, I guess...

Then Poland will discover that it does not have enough people to work, or pay taxes, and will do what the US did: open the borders!!! Problem solved!!!

One problem with this approach...In 50 years, white native Poles will be a disappearing minority - just like white Americans in California.

Now, children, we will look up "unsustainable"... All because one broad died in 2022 and the mindless me-me screamers were given a cause to scream about...
Alien  25 | 6353
26 Oct 2023   #2813
women will continue dying from complications and depression.

It seems to me that unwanted pregnancies cause more deaths in women than abortion, which today can even be performed pharmacologically and almost painlessly.
Lenka  5 | 3531
26 Oct 2023   #2814
Then Poland will discover that it does not have enough people to work, or pay taxes

Poland have one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world. Guess what? The birth rate is sinking quickly.
Novichok  4 | 8748
26 Oct 2023   #2815
It seems to me that unwanted pregnancies cause more deaths in women than abortion,

Not true.

In the last decade, only one woman died when she got sepsis and the confused moron doctors didn't save her life as the present law allows.
Novichok  4 | 8748
26 Oct 2023   #2816
The birth rate is sinking quickly.

Guess what...Abortion on demand for any reason will, of course, reverse the trend. Sure...
It's like telling an anorexic chick that she is fat and should go on a diet. You and other feminazis are so brilliant...
If you are typical, the greatest mistake ever was to let all women vote. On my island, only those with a fully developed logical side of the brain would be allowed in.
Alien  25 | 6353
26 Oct 2023   #2817
It seems to me that unwanted pregnancies cause more deaths in women than abortion,
Not true.

Very true, women become depressed due to unwanted pregnancy and commit suicide or suffer physical degradation and die earlier. And all this could be avoided by allowing them to have an abortion by the end of the 3rd month.
Novichok  4 | 8748
26 Oct 2023   #2818
In 2022, how many pregnant Polish women committed suicide solely because of the abortion laws and to the exclusion of all other reasons?
You can round it off to the nearest 50.

Hey, Alien, could you stay out of it? I want to give the feminazis here a chance to justify and defend their own demands.
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Oct 2023   #2819
here a chance .

Darling, you can`t abuse people and expect answers from them at the same time. It is illogical of you. Think harder.
Novichok  4 | 8748
26 Oct 2023   #2820
So how many Polish women committed suicide in 2022 because of the Polish abortion law?

OK, sisters, you should know it so don't be shy...

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