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Abortion still under control in Poland

jon357  72 | 23361
17 Dec 2022   #2521
the influence that Roe has had on the occurrence on serial killers in the USA.

Apparently crime rates in general started to drop significantly about 18 years after Roe.
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Dec 2022   #2522
crime rates in general started to drop significantly

That`s why Novi is quite inconsistent with his support for the ban, especially when he is whining about the high crime rate in the US.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Dec 2022   #2523
Apparently crime rates in general started to drop significantly about 18 years after Roe.

It could be causation, correlation, or coincidence. We would have to have a reference country without Roe to tell which.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
18 Dec 2022   #2524
Rich, I can't for the life of me fathom what on earth abortions have to do with school shootings, really I can't!

I'd think if anything, the opposite would be the case, namely, that the UNwanted offspring of teen moms would be messed up enough to commit such massacres.

If mothers, that is, if families in general can't afford children, certainly they oughtn't be mandated to have them.

Perhaps in small, rural, religious communities, an "accidental" pregnancy can more easily be absorbed into the society than in large urban centers, if for no other reason than there's more of an ingrained social network, allowing close family to pitch in no matter what, or face the consequences later on.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Dec 2022   #2525
his support for the ban

Fortunately, the right to choose will still be enabled without Roe v Wade.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Dec 2022   #2526
No. There is no such thing as the "right to choose". Rights are in the Constitution - the federal and state. There is no fee or tax attached to rights or they would not be rights but privileges.

Abortion is s medical for-fee procedure doctors are licensed to perform in the states where the procedure is allowed by that state's law. State legislatures permit but do not compel doctors to perform abortions. If there was a right to abortion, the state would be performing abortions at no cost. Like voting.

johnny reb  49 | 7974
19 Dec 2022   #2527
Fortunately, the right to choose

Is this another of your Woke new 'Norms' ? Disgusting.
I was not aware that there is a right to choose to murder an innocent human.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Dec 2022   #2528
In the world of perversions, there is. Besides, what's another one...Big deal. But to make it easier to swallow, let's call it a right. Sounds more lawyerly...
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Dec 2022   #2529
. Rights are in the Constitution - the federal and state

We're talking about Poland, not some other place.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
19 Dec 2022   #2530
Are you suggesting that murdering an innocent human in Poland is any different than any other civilized country ?
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Dec 2022   #2531
Aside from abortion being murder, are you trying to suggest that Poland should follow America's values?
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Dec 2022   #2533
Aside from abortion being murder, are you trying to suggest that Poland should follow America's values?

Are you suggest that a Christian country like Poland shouldn't follow Christian values ?
Are you suggesting that murdering an innocent human being is a Polish value ?
Sorry joun but your personal values are not the new Norm for Poland as bad as you want to promote them as such.
Aren't you glad that you and your husband don't have to be concerned with this issue ?
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Dec 2022   #2534
that a Christian country like Poland shouldn't follow Christian values ?

Anybody can follow what they please.
Also, everybody must keep away from his or her compatriots` lives. It is none of their business what other people believe in and do in their lives.

Are you suggesting

Are you suggesting you dream of forcing people to do sth against their will and views? E..g, you want to make them adopt Christian values? It is curious you were born and raised in a country which has always promoted multiple personal freedoms but you seem to be going against them now.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
20 Dec 2022   #2535
It's not murder, folks!
Once "life" has been removed from a non-formed, partial being, it never even knows what happened.
The law defines murder as the willful extirpation of a sentient being.
The fetus is as yet a nascient, while NOT conscious organism, therefore, the term "murder" doesn't apply, any more than it would in case of killing a dog, cat etc.

Define murder, johnny. I dare ya!
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Dec 2022   #2536
I want them to follow the law that says

That law is controvercial coz it limits your personal freedom and enforces some beliefs on you that you deem alien. That is why some US states have it while others - not. The same in Poland - today we have it, tomorrow not. And so does this world go round.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Dec 2022   #2537
That law is controvercial

Yeah, while it is still murder.
Define a woman Lyzko. I dare ya !
Korvinus  4 | 600
20 Dec 2022   #2538
willful extirpation of a sentient being

The entire argument over whether a fetus is fully conscious or not is a big misconception that plays into the perspective of the moderns because once the process of gestation has begun we are now talking about a person in the making, whose "being" comprises its entire development. That's one of the reasons why abortion is a sin.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Dec 2022   #2539
Yes, "thou shall not kill".
These Woke Libitards Pagans refuse to get that life begins at conception and if you take that life by aborting it/killing is called murder.
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Dec 2022   #2540
we are now talking about a person in the making, whose "being" comprises its entire development.

Yes, but that`s what you or me know and believe in. While millions others - don`t. Forcing them to adopt our views is a serious violation of the personal freedom of choice.

Similarly, you could order all people to start attending Sunday mass service in one of Christian Churches. Anybody who doesn`t pays a huge fine or faces imprisonment. Why not??? Then, atheists, Muslims, Hindu, Jews and others non Christians will rebel and you will be confronted with a civil war. Is that what you want???
Lenka  5 | 3531
20 Dec 2022   #2541
That's one of the reasons why abortion is a sin.

Keep the sin for the church. If your argument is sin then I as an atheist don't give a damn.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
20 Dec 2022   #2542
Korvinus, women decide what to do with their bodies, not men, as it's the woman who must bear the full burden of carrying the child to term....or not!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Dec 2022   #2543
Keep the sin for the church.

The sin of murder extends past the church and into our societies.

women decide what to do with their bodies,

Really, have one go down on main street with a for sale sign on it with a price tag.
Korvinus  4 | 600
20 Dec 2022   #2544
Yes, but that`s what you or me know and believe in.

Well, we are in fact culturally superior. I'd say in the main we are also morally superior (if we are going to include moderntards as whole) but that's neither here nor there. We don't declare to the have right to judge others, but we do have a right (and a duty) to speak the truth, and sorry, but saying that abortion just as normal as Childbirth or that there's no issue with it is just more satanic 2+2=5 sh*it.

Or should we allow them muslims do "honor killings" of theirs? Or they

will rebel and you will be confronted with a civil war.

Lyzko  44 | 9745
20 Dec 2022   #2545
Johnny, you're repulsive!
That's not what I mean and you know it.

And herein lies the eternal double standard; a woman who does what she has to to make a living's deemed a slut. When a man does, he's called "one reg'lar fella".
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Dec 2022   #2546
That's not what I mean and you know it.

You shouldn't be so fag in your ramblings.

deemed a slut.

What in the hell are you rambling about now !
We are debating killing living beings, not hose bags for a buck.
Please try to stay On-Topic here
Joker  2 | 2390
21 Dec 2022   #2547
Define murder, johnny. I dare ya!

Define a Women?

Unless youre not a biologist! LOL

How stupid are these leftards! You cant get any dumber than them!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Dec 2022   #2548
You answer MY question first, Johnny!
Words such as "fag", unless referring to either a cord of wood (faggot) or "to fag" aka to wait on an older classmate in 19th cent. British public schools, are beneath your dignity, if you've got any, and have no place in mature discourse.
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Dec 2022   #2549
If your argument is sin then I as an atheist don't give a damn.

Yes, the voice of women and other people who don`t believe in sin mustn`t be ignored.
Believers view abortion as a sin. And they have the right to it.
Non-believers don`t and also have the right to it.
They need to meet half way somewhere. I suggest: believers do as they believe while nonbelievers follow their own choices. And everybody minds their own business. Simple.
Lenka  5 | 3531
21 Dec 2022   #2550
I think sin simply shouldn't be brought up as an argument outside of religious circles.

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