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Abortion still under control in Poland

OdrowazP  8 | 40
13 Nov 2021   #2101

But you are happy to have the women die. Why? Is she not innocent?

To the contrary, death by pregnancy is tragic. But at least murder was not committed. As far as the Innocence... we all are a lot more guilty of evil then a "fetus." Go ahead pile on top of that intention to kill

Well for nisandrists, men are scum and are worthless, isn't that the case too? At the end of the day, we all suck. The, feti....? The whatever the plural form of fetus just happens to suck the least in this world. A rapist is worse, a murderer is worse, a child who throws a tantrum over broccoli is worse then the fetus.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
13 Nov 2021   #2102
But at least murder was not committed.

There is no murder if the life is on stake. The first duty of the doctors is to save both a mother and a child. If not posssible that would try to save the one that has a better chance of surviving. That mostly mother.

Unless she express a wish to save a child over her in those rare situations there is a choice to be made. Otherwise the mother's life would be an obovius medical choice.

People here are clueless and they talk as if there was a conspiracy that wants to murder women and only use their wumbs ( I know its spelled womb, better still uterus) to bring children to the fore.

I don't know from what dark S-F they came from but they are not realistic at all. Either stupid people or pro-abortions freaks.
What is sad there are women who somehow see children as a threat to them, some cowards who see an abortion for all as some kind of safety measure in case something will go wrong with their pregnacy. Ignorant.

Your take doesn't help them see the reality for what it is. You help them keep living in their fantasy world from the pages of a dark S-F book with your take.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2103
isn't that the case too

Misandrists are rare, not that it's relevant.

A woman's life is worth more than that of a foetus.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Nov 2021   #2104
A woman's life is worth more than that of a foetus.

Passing over the spelling mistake, that is very true.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2105
fetus is a medical term, baby is an emotional one

OK, I accept this but it does not change things one damn bit. Let's use medical terms. What's the medical term for an ex-fetus? A child? A citizen?

How about an LHB - a living human being?

Now that we got the labels all straight, at what point an abortable "fetus" becomes a very un-abortable LHB?

When I was getting a stent shoved up my ass, I was able to watch the whole process on the screen right next to me. How about showing the process of aborting a "fetus" the same way? Too repulsive?
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2106
spelling mistake,

mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Nov 2021   #2107
at what point an abortable "fetus" becomes a very un-abortable LHB?

it's a fetus until birth, at which point it's a newborn/neonate

in terms of natural limitations, my biases run toward natural viability (the earliest it can survive outside the mother without massive, heroic intervention) abortion should, IMHO, be more available before that and more difficult to receive after that

IIRC it's somewhere between 5 and 6 months...
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2108
it's a fetus until birth, at which point it's a newborn/neonate

Let's go slow...Giving birth is not a binary step function. It takes time as the "fetus" emerges. First the head, torso, hands, and finally legs - if I got it right.

At what point along this process does killing the "fetus/LHB" become premeditated murder?

my biases run toward natural viability

A person in the state of induced coma is not viable outside of the ICU but we can't kill him.

My vote is for a detectable heartbeat.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2109

It's not a 'baby'. It's a foetus.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2110
Just as a gay guy is not a man?
Joker  2 | 2390
13 Nov 2021   #2111
A gay guy complaining about abortions is scroll by for me. Not much value in libtard viewpoints.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2112
So what. Abortions are still available on demand in civilised countries (and this will only increase), no matter how much some elderly American ex-factory worker with ADHD dislikes that fact and posts drivel about it here. No matter how nasty someone on an internet forum wants to try to be, their views won't change the slightest thing.

If a woman wants to get a foetus flushed out, so be it. It's her choice.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2113
Abortions are still available on demand in civilised countries (and this will only increase)

That's probably why the so-called "civilised" countries are invaded by muslim hordes (and this will only increase). God has used muslims as a scourge against sin in the past and we are witnessing it at the very moment now.

If a woman wants to get a foetus flushed out, so be it.

That's a horrible way to describe murdering a baby. I wonder where the hatred towards innocent, helpless children in their mothers' wombs stem from. It seems demoniac.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2114
countries are invaded by muslim hordes

Are they?

murdering a baby.

Removing a foetus. No 'murder' involved.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2116
Removing a foetus. No 'murder' involved.

It's murdering a child.

And of course it will be punished; in some cases already in this world and most certainly in the next.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2117

Not in the opinion of most or Europe.

Which is why abortion is freely available.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2118
Not in the opinion of most or Europe.

Opinions are irrelevant. God's law applies.

Which is why abortion is freely available.

For now. When muslims take over the apostate countries, they will sort it out. Whether you like it or not when it happens is a completely different mater.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2021   #2119
God's law applies.

Which is an important matter but what about atheists? Do you want to force them to adopt your or my beliefs? Thank you, we already went through the Inquisition and burning stakes horror.

I suppose you believe that if you contribute to banning abortion, you will gain special merits to enter Heaven. No, it doesn`t work this way, I am afraid.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
13 Nov 2021   #2120

If not posssible that would try to save the one that has a better chance of surviving. That mostly mother.

That's partly but I mean, if you had a chance to save only one life, and the baby was bound to die regardless, and save the woman. But, I still maintain that if the baby is perfectly healthy and has a chance to survive, save the baby, while making every best effort for the mother is survival, without compromising the well-being of the human being whose only crime was existing. And again, majority of abortions carried out are scarcely for the woman's survival, but merely out of convenience.


Misandrists are rare, not that it's relevant.
A woman's life is worth more than that of a foetus.

There are a lot more misandrists then you think. Ask for the woman's life being more worthy than that have a fetus, I already mentioned earlier that's even the toddler throwing a tantrum is more morally reprehensible than a crimeless fetus.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2121
Which is an important matter but what about atheists?

Atheists are clueless. They, of course, have to be tolerated but must not be allowed to wallow in their antinomian mud too much or, in any case, undermine God's decrees. It's only for their own good - we, Christians, tolerate them but Muslims won't. Can you imagine the ordeal of women or LGBTQ people under Sharia law? That's why we have to stop the God's scourge, Muslims, from taking over. Common sense 101.

I suppose you believe that if you contribute to banning abortion, you will gain special merits to enter Heaven.

I'm a Christian; I believe I am saved by Christ's sacrifice and God's grace, not by any of my deeds or merits.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
13 Nov 2021   #2122

It's not a 'baby'. It's a foetus.

I already went over that earlier. A fetus is not a baby. Neither is a baby a child. We may look at teenagers as children, but the term teenager still implies something more than just any child. Children are not adults whatsoever, though there is a blurry line between teenager and adults. Nevertheless, every single one of them are human beings.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2123
Nevertheless, every single one of them are human beings.

Exactly! :)
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2021   #2124
Atheists are clueless.

Oops, you are adopting a fanatic attitude right now. Funny - you used to be like that in the past, then you relaxed a little and now again. Have you experienced any difficulties in your life recently?

I believe I am saved by Christ's sacrifice and God's grace

Not so fast. First you need to pass the scrutiny at St Peter`s Gate. :):) Until you do, you can`t say you are saved.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2125
you are adopting a fanatic attitude (...) you used to be like that in the past

Thank you.

then you relaxed a little

Well, we all have our weak moments...

Have you experienced any difficulties in your life recently?

Everybody has difficulties in their lives. The point is to hold fast to the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and then all the difficulties stop to matter. :)

Until you do, you can`t say you are saved.

Yes, I can. The assurance of salvation and the perseverance of the faithful are one of the most glorious aspects of Reformed confession to which I currently subscribe, after finally being liberated from the popish nonsense. :)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
13 Nov 2021   #2126
A fetus is not a baby.

A foetus is a human being in its later stages (older than eight weeks) of development before it is born.
So yes, a foetus is a human being by all definitions meaning if you kill a foetus you are killing a human.
Only a very ignorant person would try to debate that fact.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2127
God's law applies.

Not in court...

Ask for the woman's life being more worthy than that have a fetus

It is. Which is why most places allow abortion and will continue to do so.

Atheists are clueless

On the whole, yes.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2021   #2128
The assurance of salvation

Who told you about it? Was it God Herself or some human?
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2129
Who told you about it?

God did.

And not only to me, but to everyone that has eyes to see and ears to hear...
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2021   #2130
God did.

Wonderful. Then, if you are already saved, you can relinquish and give up that forceful christianization of pagans. Why do you care? Heaven will be less crowded and you will have more room for yourself after you enter it.

Also, you can quit this fanaticism about abortion. According to your theory about salvation, a woman who has a dozen abortions is also saved as long as she believes. And the fetus which is a part of her will also be saved if you think it is a human being with a soul. What do you think about this logic?

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