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Abortion still under control in Poland

Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Nov 2021   #2071
No, the baby is innocent

But I still killing the mother.

If the baby can survive, do not murder the baby

So if the treatment saves the mother but kills the baby (not normal abortion but side effect of the treatment ) it's a no no too?

I'm happier and happier that I'm not Catholic.
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Nov 2021   #2072
No, the baby is innocent.

A fetus is not a baby. A fetus that threatens the life of the mother might have to be killed. If that sticks in your craw that's on you. The mother (a sentient adult) has more moral standing than a fetus. Always.
Crow  154 | 9463
12 Nov 2021   #2073
Woman are free to decide.
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Nov 2021   #2074
Well a foetus (young life) is a person.

A foetus is not a person. They have no consciousness.

Which is why most countries here in Europe do not ban abortion.
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Nov 2021   #2075
The thing is pregnancy and giving birth always poses certain risk. Every women does (or should) take that into account. But not to be given the right to save yourself when possible is...well scary.

There are of course women that make such decisions and they should be given every support but a women that decides differently should be equally supported.

I don't know how I would feel if for example my mom was a single parent of 4 and decided to sacrifice herself and leave me and my siblings...
johnny reb  49 | 7974
12 Nov 2021   #2076
A foetus is not a person.

They are a living being with a soul.
Killing a living being is murder one.

They have no consciousness.

Neither do you but God still loves you.
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Nov 2021   #2077
Killing a living being is murder one

Not under the law.

If a deity exists and can create a Universe, S/he can just as easily deal with 'souls' of foetuses.
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Nov 2021   #2078
If a deity exists and can create a Universe,

Then it can create a Universe where pregnancy doesn't endanger women's life.
Novichok  4 | 8748
12 Nov 2021   #2079
They have no consciousness.

That's a stupid argument. When I was under anesthesia yesterday I had no consciousness. So what?

Women are free to decide. we don't have to approve their choices by not licensing what they want.
I want the little finger of my left arm amputated. Now what? So much for that idiotic "my body, my choice".
johnny reb  49 | 7974
12 Nov 2021   #2080
Not under the law.

Which law ?
The "Thou shall not kill law" ?
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Nov 2021   #2081
Then it can create a Universe where pregnancy doesn't endanger women's life.

Within this corner of the Universe that S/he created, medical procedures are constantly developing. Including safer abortions available on demand.

yesterday I had no consciousness.

And he didn't even notice...
OdrowazP  8 | 40
12 Nov 2021   #2082

But its still killing the mother.

Not purposely, only existing.

So if the treatment saves the mother but kills the baby it's a no no too?

If the intention is to kill the baby, that's bad.
Lenka  5 | 3531
12 Nov 2021   #2083
No, the intention is to save mothers health/life but the treatment kills the baby.

Within this corner of the Universe that S/he created, medical procedures

Would have been better if there was no need for them
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Nov 2021   #2084
True, however in the absence of that, there's no reason at all for abortion not to be free and on demand.
Novichok  4 | 8748
12 Nov 2021   #2085
OK, skip double negatives and tell us why we should allow abortion to be free and on-demand. And don't forget my little finger I want to be amputated - freely and on-demand.

Go. I am all eyes.
jon357  72 | 23361
12 Nov 2021   #2086
Go. I am all eyes.

Nobody needs to justify their opinion to you.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
12 Nov 2021   #2087

A fetus is not a baby.

Like a child is not an adult, irrelevant.

A fetus that threatens the life of the mother might have to be killed.





No, the intention is to save mothers health/life but the treatment kills the baby.

But there is an innocent life.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2088
Nobody needs to justify their opinion to you

You have to have one to justify. "Free and on-demand" is so embarrassingly stupid that no adult with a functioning brain should ever ask for it.

You don't even know what "free" means. You just saw some screaming broads on TV and are now parroting it.
You saw that stupid "my body, my choice", too, and want to convert this insanity into a law.

So, what about my little finger. Nobody will amputate it for me...Damn...

Like a child is not an adult, irrelevant.

Next time ask if there is a single woman anywhere who said: "my fetus" just kicked. Not a single one. They all said, "My baby just kicked".
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2089
"Free and on-demand" is

Was normal in Poland once and is the norm in swathes of the world.

so embarrassingly stupid that no adult with a functioning brain

Learn some manners or be quiet.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2090
Was normal in Poland once and is the norm in swathes of the world.

So what? The death penalty was once normal in Poland.
Your kind is too scared to explain what "free and on-demand" means. I asked for the definition and all I got was some pussified clown to blow it off and from you - silence.

know that slogans are easier when the brain is not working very well.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2091
So what? The death penalty was once normal in Poland.

A pointless false equivalence, made for the sake of saying something. Meanwhile, a woman has died in Poland due to the recent 'court' ruling.

I asked for the definition a

You can keep on asking. Better still, go back over the thread since all issues concerning Polish abortion law have been covered already here.

Your kind ... some pussified clown ...the brain is not working

Statements like that reflect badly on you.

And you wonder why people don't want to discuss things with you.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2092
OK, I looked. "Free and on-demand" is not defined anywhere. You are a liar.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2093
Why not read the thread. It's 70 pages long and you can see every opinion here.

Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2094
I don't give a damn about "every opinion". You used the term "free and on-demand", you define it.
The crap you are giving me now means you don't have clue what that term means. You just saw it on some screaming broad's shirt.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
13 Nov 2021   #2095

They all said, "My baby just kicked".

Not sure what the opposition is. The point was raised to me that a fetus is not a baby, which I deemed irrelevant. Just as an adult is not a child and a teenager is not a toddler, a fetus is not a baby. But all are still human beings.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2096
The point was raised to me that a fetus is not a baby,

I argued that nonsense by asking: when does a "fetus" become a baby? It's a valid question since there is no such thing as 30% fetus and 70% baby, for example. So it must be a snap.

The abortion feminazis never answer that question. To pass the vomit test, they just play word games.

I admit that 5 minutes after conception, it's not a baby. It's life, though. This brings us to the detectable heartbeat test. When we hear it, now, it's a baby - with every organ, legs, hands, and head. Plus, we all can see it on the screen. End of discussion.

The most moronic of all arguments is that "fetus" has no consciousness, and, therefore, it's a fetus, not a baby. It's so stupid that I will not dignify with my response. How about if knows the alphabet...
OdrowazP  8 | 40
13 Nov 2021   #2097
Oh I will agree with you there a lot.
There should be thoucg a lot more embracing of the word "fetus" from Latin fētus meaning "offspring." Embryo, fetus, baby, they're all stages of human development, and we can't let people get away with using the word fetus to dismiss the humanity of the "baby.:
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Nov 2021   #2098
when does a "fetus" become a baby?.... it must be a snap.

fetus is a medical term, baby is an emotional one - the two are orthogonal, it's like asking when a strawberry becomes delicious....
Lenka  5 | 3531
13 Nov 2021   #2099
But there is an innocent life.

But you are happy to have the women die. Why? Is she not innocent?
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Nov 2021   #2100
For misogynists, a woman is always guilty where as a foetus is 'pure'.

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