The point was raised to me that a fetus is not a baby,
I argued that nonsense by asking: when does a "fetus" become a baby? It's a valid question since there is no such thing as 30% fetus and 70% baby, for example. So it must be a snap.
The abortion feminazis never answer that question. To pass the vomit test, they just play word games.
I admit that 5 minutes after conception, it's not a baby. It's life, though. This brings us to the detectable heartbeat test. When we hear it, now, it's a baby - with every organ, legs, hands, and head. Plus, we all can see it on the screen. End of discussion.
The most moronic of all arguments is that "fetus" has no consciousness, and, therefore, it's a fetus, not a baby. It's so stupid that I will not dignify with my response. How about if knows the alphabet...