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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #31
That,s never going to happen is it

Thanks to the new law it won't happen.

The current Polish government understands that chronic and pervasive attempts to blame Poland for Nazi war crimes is a deliberate disinformation campaign being done to get undeserved reparations out of Poland and into the hands of Zionists. It is a disinformation campaign which needs to be halted in its tracks and that is why Israel and Zionists around the world are squealing in anger about it.
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #32
Obviously, you've never been there, otherwise you wouldn't make such statements.

You telling porkies that Israel is a diverse, tolerant, multicultural-promoting and example-setting paradise isn't very kosher of you.

It will be a pleasure to see your Holocaust denying self in court.

Is Harry paying you to post on his behalf?
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #33
Poland is simply the next rich seam they want to extract from.

Again? After the Second World War Poland was already paying compensation after an agreement signed by PRL. The last payment was made in 1995. It's something many people do not seem to realise. Poland has already [rightly or wrongly. In my view wrongly] paid compensation for decades.
28 Jan 2018   #34
The current Polish government understands that

Are you speaking on behalf of the Polish government?
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #35
Not speaking on behalf of the Polish government but fully supporting this law they will enact.

I do realize though that in your warped Zionist totalitarian world people should only support Israel and always oppose their own governments when national policies run counter to globalist Zionist machinations.

Anyway Harry, one account and one IP address only please when posting on PF.

You should be respecting your permanent suspension anyway.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #36
What a bizzare claim to make!

Quite. Bieganski has always lived in a parallel fantasy world, though.

people should only support Israel

Correct. Israel is above all, as home to the Chosen Ones.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #37
I mean, just look at the headlines in some of the foreign press.

'Fury in Israel as Poland proposes ban on referring to Nazi death camps as Polish.'

Why the fury? Have they been teaching people back in Israel that they were Polish?
G (undercover)
28 Jan 2018   #38
a deliberate disinformation campaign being done to get undeserved reparations out of Poland and into the hands of Zionists.

Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #39

Why the fury? Because the so-called, self-described "Chosen Ones" have been living in a parallel fantasy world.

If you ever see the film "Defamation" (often removed from YouTube as soon as it is uploaded) then you will see the truly hermetically sealed world of entitled neuroticism they inhabit.

Fury is simply their natural reaction when reality comes crashing in.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #40
Why the fury? Have they been teaching people back in Israel that they were Polish?

I wondered that, I thought they would have seen it as a positive piece of legislation that puts the blame on the criminals who were responsible.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #41
Why the fury? Because the "Chosen Ones" there have been living in a parallel fantasy world.

Perhaps, but it's such an odd move after members of the Israeli government, whatever their true intentions might be, had spent the last few months attempting to improve and strengthen relations with the Polish government. After all that, this just seems like a diplomatic error on their part - or perhaps it has indeed shown their true colours?

Again, I would understand if Poland was bringing in a law where nobody can ever say any Polish people did anything wrong during the Holocaust, but this is specifically referring to the death camps and that they weren't Polish. It's such a stupid overreaction by the Israeli side. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the diplomats who have been trying to look favourable to PiS, will be annoyed at how this has turned out. They didn't need this

I wondered that, I thought they would have seen it as a positive piece of legislation that puts the blame on the criminals who were responsible.

Unless all long their real belief was that the criminals responsible were Polish, and with this potential law and their reaction to it, despite all the previous 'let's be friends,' the mask slipped.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #42
I mean, just look at the headlines in some of the foreign press.

Ukraine has joined in now. Things are getting very very interesting diplomatically.
Ironside  51 | 13124
28 Jan 2018   #43
the truly hermetically sealed world of entitled neuroticism

There is narrative that although mention Germany THEY basically blame all the nations in Europe for holocaust as well. Poland most than others for a number of reasons. Once of those being that Poland is not that strong as a country(not yet) and cannot kick them hard enough like for exmaple France..

Till now, post-commie scum was just playing along.
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #44

Israel is an international pariah. But it is not only regarding their crimes against humanity towards the Palestinian people and their racist immigration policies.

There are plenty of reports online as well of Jewish WWII survivors who having been living in extreme poverty in Israel itself for most of their lives despite Israel having the money from reparations. So where did all the money go and not to the survivors?

So the Holocaust is only used by Zionists as leverage to extract money from other nations since Israel itself has little to trade with and they know America will one day go bankrupt and the annual tributes from them will stop.

This law in Poland will block their parasitic attempt to siphon off billions from Poland and keep their cradle-to-grave socialism going in Israel for at least another generation.


True. It will be funny when they start going to African, Asian and South American countries and demanding reparations for having existed during the time of the Holocaust but did nothing to stop Nazi Germany from setting up death camps.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #45
Israel itself has little to trade with

Hahaha. Israel has actually the 2nd largest tech industry in the world. Again, shows how little you know about Israel.

and they know America will one day go bankrupt

I suppose we can add "anti-American" to the list of thing you are.

Israel is an international pariah.

Quite the opposite, it's very popular among Polish tourists these days.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #46
Israel has actually the 2nd largest tech industry in the world

plus agro engineering, defence systems etc, reason enough for Poland to open the doors for Jewish migration, the younger generations should not suffer due to historic failures.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #47
Exactly. We've got a lot to learn from how Israel built a viable country while others nearby made a mess of things.

Even the Israeli rocket defence system is fantastic.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #48

I have to admit it is quite ironic to see videos of people from Jewish organisations calling for a multicultural Europe and saying Europe must take in Syrian and African migrants in order to survive, while they are giving the boot to African migrants in their own nation [and threatening them with prison if they don't leave] and persecuting Palestinians.

Quite the opposite, it's very popular among Polish tourists these days.

I think you have this the wrong way around. Poland was the top destination for Israeli tourists last year.
Ironside  51 | 13124
28 Jan 2018   #49
Poland to open the doors for Jewish migration,

No thank you. Poland have had enough troubles due to that migration, not to mention sh''t Poland gets now from 'grateful' progeny of those who survived and thrived due to Poland.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #50
Even the Israeli rocket defence system is fantastic.

And this has nothing to do with their relationship with America right?

Funnily enough, you don't hear anyone complaining about the nuclear arsenal in Israeli.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jan 2018   #51
But don't forget we're talking about the chosen people.

Careful or this "Chosen People" thread will get closed or deleted too.

it's going to allow citizens (vigilantes) to arrest the African migrants they were trying to pay $3,500 a piece to leave the country voluntarily

Which is much less than the $9000 of what Israel offered the bounty hunters to arrest the "illegal" African migrants.
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #52
shows how little you know about Israel.

Israel only survives by extracting reparations from other nations and bribing corrupt politicians in the American government to top things up.

As far as Israel's so-called tech industry it's no secret that Israel steals that from other countries and then sells it on to others. They are just thieves and middle men pretending to be tech wizards and entrepreneurs.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #53
Poland have had enough troubles due to that migration

What like, my families experience with Jews as neighbours was fine, yep there were some randoms that granddad had to sort out with Pilsudsk oh and the random partisans in WWII.

but that's old history, Polish and Israeli youth don't have to carry those burdens or prejudices.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #54
Israel steals that from other countries

Works well for China, business is business could work for Poland.
Ironside  51 | 13124
28 Jan 2018   #55
What like,

Not assimilating, building their own xenophobic financial institutions and so on.... All that anti-Semitic crap, all that BS accusations of complicity in holocaust, all that racist exclusion and divisive narrative of counting only Jewish victims and carrying not one ounce for not Jewish victims, all that exertion racket.

Why should foreigners be given preferential treatment in Poland. Mainly Polish people should be the once to start companies in Poland.

Polish and Israeli youth don't have to carry those burdens or prejudices

What are Jews? All burdens and prejudices with a pitch of neurosis. They maintain that victim narrative combined with we are better than you in order to survive. If they would drop those two - we are better and all hate and harm us poor innocent victim - they would just assimilate in a generation or two.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jan 2018   #56
Polish and Israeli youth don't have to carry those burdens or prejudices.

Exactly since NONE of these youth were involved.
Forgive and forget.
Same with Black lives Matter in the U.S.A.
The Blacks think because what happened to their great great grandparents that the world owes them a living.
Milk it for all you can get.
Forgive and forget, that was then, this is now.
We all learned from the horrors of Mans Inhumanity to Man so not to ever let it happen again.
My parents suffered through the Great Depression........maybe I should be compensated for that. lol
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #57
If they would drop those two - we are better and all hate and harm us poor innocent victim

Sounds exactly like Poland, to be fair.
Ironside  51 | 13124
28 Jan 2018   #58
You sound like a freak to be fair. Doesn't meant you are a freak.
Poland history for the last 200 years had been such that all 'strange' reaction and issues are perfectly justifiable. West on the other hand has no excuse, all those spoiled brats swallowing neo-Marxist crap as their a cool aide.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #59
So true they all seem to come from privileged backgrounds with no idea of what is like to fight your way out of the swamp.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jan 2018   #60
while they are giving the boot to African migrants

Not only the boot but forced sterilization.

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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