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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

G (undercover)
28 Jan 2018   #61
Hahaha. Israel has actually the 2nd largest tech industry in the world.

They are great in several sectors but overall their economy is tiny, far smaller than the Polish one. And it's them trying to sell us several things at the moment, not the other way around. They need to get slapped in their stupid faces and shut up.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
28 Jan 2018   #62
They are great in several sectors

Yes we could do with poaching those brains and getting them over here
Ironside  50 | 12312
28 Jan 2018   #63
Yes we could do with poaching those brains

There plenty of brains leaving Poland and had been for decades. What Poland need is a system that would made a good use of those brains or a one that would allowed them to bloom in Poland.

You have no idea what crappy system Poland has, all straight from Commie-Poland.
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #64
Israel is only 70 years old. What would have been the point of their illegal land grab and oppression of the Palestinian people if countries began allowing Zionists to settle anywhere they want to in the world? Poland of all countries should not be "poaching" the scrambled neurotic entitled heads of Zionist Israelis and giving them access not only to jobs in Poland but effectively sanctuary after having committed human rights violations.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
28 Jan 2018   #65
You have no idea what crappy system Poland has, all straight from Commie-Poland.

Well I have cos I live here, but over the last five years the commie site changed considerably, in fact when asked if I have done certain things I say I don't do that commie shite and the answer is usually ok then , fact is some of these old commie laws are still in place but no more consequence in terms of fines etc if u ignore em.

But I have been warned not to go on about commies and their shite in case I might offend some, still waiting for the knock on the door, but this pesell shite relic needs to go for sure.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
29 Jan 2018   #66
The saga is still going on and I have to admit I am following it with a keen eye.

It's all over both the Polish and Israeli media, although a lot of the Israeli media is very anti-Polish and very much against this potential law. Check out some of the quotes from this piece from the Times of Israel published today.

Titled 'Poland pisses off the bubbes,' the article more or less gives an overview of what has been going on in the Israeli press for the last couple of days.

As a day earlier, though, the paper fills its first two pages with accounts from survivors and their families about how terrible the Poles were, with an apparent emphasis on grandmothers.

"Grandma always told us that the Poles were more horrible than the Germans," one woman is quoted saying. "The Poles were the worst of all, that's what my grandmother told me, and I'll never forget it until my last day," adds columnist Telem Yahav.

and another

Not to be outdone, Israel Hayom also turns to the grandmas and like Yedioth also borders its pages with barbed wire. While it doesn't feature any Polish on its front page, the tabloid shows only an old woman's arm, numbers tattooed on it, next to the headline "stop the disgraceful Holocaust bill."

The quote is from a series of letters from survivors to Polish President Andrzej Duda against the bill.

"Your law is an attempt by the Poles to hide from their responsibility," one woman writes. "Hitler knew the Poles would cooperate and so the killing of the Jews happened mostly in Poland. It would not have happened in a country that loves Jews."

and there's also this

The paper also quotes Krakow Rabbi Eliezer Gur-Aryeh who says the law is just one part of a larger Polish effort to paint themselves as victims of the Holocaust.

"When you get to Auschwitz, the Polish guide mostly talks about the suffering of the Polish people and how 200,000 Poles were killed in the camp," he's quoted telling the paper.

In a way, I think it's good this has happened. I think a false image was painted of the great friendship between Poland and Israel. Here we clearly see, just how many Jews not only believe Poland had a hand in the Holocaust, but were worse than the Germans.
G (undercover)
29 Jan 2018   #67
Screw these psychos. It means we're moving in the right direction, same with Gerries. Just punish them financially.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jan 2018   #68
Sure, then watch as the Germans then go after the Polish government for all the slanderous things they've been saying. Who loses? Poland! Yaay!

I think a false image was painted of the great friendship between Poland and Israel.

It was an absolutely false image. The only question is where Jonny Daniels is hiding, he hasn't exactly been afraid to open his mouth for the last few months, so where is our great friend now?
Ironside  50 | 12312
29 Jan 2018   #69
Screw these psychos

Rather try to get some deal.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
29 Jan 2018   #70
The only question is where Jonny Daniels is hiding

Oh he's doing what he can to calm things down - at least in some interviews for various Polish papers and on social media.

He has said that there were no Polish death camps, that it's a false term and anybody who uses it lies, but at the same time he hasn't said he supports the new law banning the term from bring used, or criticised any of those in Israel and elsewhere, who have attacked Poland in the last few days. How diplomatic of him.
G (undercover)
29 Jan 2018   #71
Lapid retorted: "I am a son of a Holocaust survivor. My grandmother was murdered in Poland by Germans and Poles. I don't need Holocaust education from you. Your embassy should offer an immediate apology."

Turns out his grandmother has never even been in Poland. These feckers must be punished.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
29 Jan 2018   #72
Yep - he lied. Imagine my shock.
Ironside  50 | 12312
29 Jan 2018   #73
Turns out his grandmother has never even been in Poland

A Russian mole?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jan 2018   #74
Zionists whining again? Nothing new here... just more holocaust industry

President Andrzej Duda said Monday that he would never allow Poland and Poles in general to be "vilified" though "false accusations."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jan 2018   #75
How diplomatic of him.

Your scorn is well justified, I think. He's made some very mild criticism, but as you say, he's completely failed to stand up for the government on this one despite sucking up to the government so much.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
30 Jan 2018   #76
Yep, the mask is slipping. He's much more keen to defend the Israeli side, than Polish side - even jumping to the defence of this trash Yair Lapid, who said there were Polish death camps.

SigSauer  4 | 378
30 Jan 2018   #77
I suppose anything to get the media's attention off of them using vigilantes to round up the undesirable African migrants, in order to "preserve the Jewish state." Totally fine for Israel to have an ethnostate.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Jan 2018   #78
More on israels ignorance

The writer is correct - thats the smell of Zionist prejudice against Polish goyim
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Jan 2018   #79
Yep, the mask is slipping.

If there's one good thing about this, it's that people have started to wake up to him. I agree with you completely that he's taking the Israeli side here, though people are clearly calling him out on his crap.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
30 Jan 2018   #80
Well there were voices who were saying he shouldn't be trusted and is no friend of Poland for a while now, but others preferred to believe he really was there just to try and improve Israeli-Polish relations and probably felt any criticism of him was caused by anti-Semitic prejudices. He did after talk a very nice talk, praise Poland and even organised events commemorating those who saved Jews during the war.

I was always sceptical of him, although didn't want to pre-judge. I preferred to just watch and see what happens [much like I was sceptical about the PiS reconstruction, but again, was and still am prepared to watch and see how it goes since not much time has passed since it took place].

Anyway, too may times now his true colours have shone through. I agree, it's good people are starting to catch on to his real intentions and it's good that Israel has kicked off such a stink about this law, because it shows their true colours too.

He delph, something we seem to be in complete agreement over - what a rarity.
G (undercover)
30 Jan 2018   #81
More on israels ignorance

Full version anywhere ?
spiritus  69 | 643
31 Jan 2018   #82
@wielkipolak Interesting article you posted there and some of that sentiment is exactly what one of the members on here said in a previous thread i.e. that Hitler built camps in Poland because he knew the Poles would cooperate with him.

It's disappointing that there is a widespread Jewish school of thought that Poles were just as bad as the Nazis. Many Poles risked their lives to save Jews during the war, many Poles LOST their lives as a result.

It irritates me that Jews seem to claim a monopoly over these dark years and only they were the victims and I also find it distasteful of the trend to walk around concentration camps with Israeli flags and banners like a crowd on their way to a football match.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
31 Jan 2018   #83
Knesset today has voted that the law Poland is planning to pass, would be considered Holocaust denial.

As if reacting hysterically to the potential law wasn't bad enough, now they seem to be going for an all out war against Poland.

So effectively, if Poland passes thir law without corrections [that is looking likely], Israel's law will say that Poland's law is, against the law [if you get my drift].

I'm not quite sure how that would work though, since Poland and Israel's laws and for their own nations, so I don't see how an Israeli law can say a Polish law, meant for its own land, is illegal, but it would be illegal to Israelis as Holocaust denial is illegal in Israel.

What an absolute mess this is turning out to be.
G (undercover)
31 Jan 2018   #84
gumishu  16 | 6181
31 Jan 2018   #85
now they seem to be going for an all out war against Poland.

fook' em :)
Crow  154 | 9207
31 Jan 2018   #86
That`s it. I spreading word on Serbian forums on this Polish-Israel conflict. Israel should be more elastic with Poland.
Braveheart16  19 | 142
31 Jan 2018   #87
Poland's President Andrzej Duda says he will review controversial plans to outlaw any suggestion of Polish complicity in the Nazi Holocaust.

I am completely unaware of the background to this proposal to change the law as already discussed in the media, but is there a reason why after a period of 60 years Poland wants to make new laws relating to this terrible event in history. We all know about the atrocities carried out and that yes people did collaborate with the Germans during the war, which includes countries such as France and no doubt other countries..... but why introduce a new law when really the government would gain more credibility and would I am sure, be widely applauded if they introduced new laws on pollution...job creation...employment law...the health service...issues which matter to the Polish people.....
gumishu  16 | 6181
31 Jan 2018   #88
laws on pollution

you know these things cost - the cost would be covered either by the state or by the taxpayers directly (which means it would be paid by the taxpayers either way) - and you expect it to be applauded? - currently coal heating is the cheapest option in Poland - and many Polish people can't afford changing it to other types of heating

all your proposals for policies cost real money - the money that the government and the population don't have at the moment
Braveheart16  19 | 142
31 Jan 2018   #89
Yes I agree about who would pay but this is what happens in most other democratic countries....there needs to be a starting point at which it becomes necessary for the public or government to pay a little more to introduce a new law which will benefit the majority otherwise the Polish economy will just not progress...yes there is a cost and I am sure that if the government really wants to make a difference to the lives of Polish people then they will find the money.....but at the moment it all seems like papering over the cracks and they are not really concerned with the lives of people but more with projecting some sort of image designed to tell the world how great Poland is.....sorry but the government need to get real and focus on domestic issues rather than international ones....they are not ready yet to enter the international arena and confront other nations with their ideas....credibility is a real issue.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
31 Jan 2018   #90
but is there a reason why after a period of 60 years Poland wants to make new laws relating to this terrible event

Yes. The reason is for many of those years they were under Soviet occupation, so nothing was done to put this right. For the last 25 + years, there were various governments and presidents - most of them crap. This is the first time Poland has an actual patriotic party and patriotic president in charge and they have decided they've had enough of the false accusations, starting with Polish death camps. Hence, the law.

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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