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Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

OP Torq  8 | 1027
13 Dec 2023   #121
So crime did he commit?

Well, spraying somebody's face with a fire extinguisher is definitely assault. Putting down the candles during a religious ceremony is also a criminal offence under Polish law (which protects acts of religious cult). Straight from Polish Policja website...

"Przeszkadzanie publicznemu wykonywaniu aktu religijnego lub obrzędom żałobnym (art. 195) § 1. Kto złośliwie przeszkadza publicznemu wykonywaniu aktu religijnego kościoła lub innego związku wyznaniowego o uregulowanej sytuacji prawnej, podlega grzywnie, karze ograniczenia wolności albo pozbawienia wolności do lat 2.",Przeszkadzanie-publicznemu-wykonywaniu-aktu-religijnego-lub-obrzedom-zalobnym-ar.html

... so, yes it looks like he commited an act of crime but more importantly he commited an act of complete and utter twattiness.
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #122
in the interests of his country which is a pretty pathetic commentary on Poland.

1. No. It's a commentary on him.
2. What he did is not a crime.
3. That woman wrestling with him may be a crime.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
13 Dec 2023   #123
Never once suggested that Braun represents a majority of Poles, thank G-d!
However, it's not too dissimilar to that Philipp Jenninger chap in the German Bundestag,
oh way back in the late '80's, whose flip comments on Hitler's rise being quite understandable,
caused shock waves throughout the country like you wouldn't believe.

We heard the same thing back then, e.g."Jenninger doesn't represent present German values.." etc.
Let's hope this fella Braun just a crackpot anomaly.

@That's right, Rich. Make the perp a victim and the defender a criminal. Nice one.
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #124
Kto złośliwie przeszkadza publicznemu wykonywaniu aktu religijnego

There was no religious activity. Candles burning are not an "activity".
Alien  25 | 6408
13 Dec 2023   #125
Candles burning are not an "activity".

There was also music playing
OP Torq  8 | 1027
13 Dec 2023   #126
There was no religious activity.

Lighting hanukkah candles is most definitely a religious activity, and the ceremony was just taking place - the Klezmer band was still playing, for f*ck sakes, and there were people from the Jewish relgious commune still present there (the woman who tried to stop Braun was one of them).
OP Torq  8 | 1027
13 Dec 2023   #127
Anyways, Rich, read the opening post again and the article linked. Braun said that he was stopping "the act of wild, talmudic cult", so he kinda admitted himself to disturbing religious activity. :)

I suppose that's why idiots commiting crimes have the right to remain silent afterwards - not to incriminate themselves. Braun chose not to exercise this right. :)
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #128
4,000 religions
According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.J

So what makes Judaism special? If some a-hole brought a sheep to be slaughtered in Sejm, and he prevented this bs...Does (art. 195) § 1 apply?

How about a sex act involving two faggots as a religious act? How about circumcision? What is a religion and what is not?

All religions are feel-good crap and are based on lies obedient bootlickers buy because that's what bootlickers always do.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #129
So what makes Judaism special?

Polish history.

If some a-hole brought a sheep to be slaughtered in Sejm

Noone would do that, because that would be gross. Lightning candles isn't gross.

How about f*ck off? :)
mafketis  38 | 11151
13 Dec 2023   #130
Braun believes he's acting in the interests of his country which is a pretty pathetic commentary on Poland

Oh grow up... he's received almost universal condemnation from the ruling coalition and the opposition (and even from some in konfa hoping to save their party?)

The fact that you interpret his actions that way is a pretty pathetic commentary on American education.
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #131
Noone would do that, because that would be gross.

So interrupting the act of circumcising is OK because it is gross. I got.

Hey. Ms. Civics, that's not how criminal codes operate. At least in civilized countries. Your feelings don't matter.

Bottom line: The man was right. Sejm is not a museum of cultures and religions.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #132
@Novichok, I didn't write anything about interrupting anything being "OK". I only wrote that noone in the right mind would slaughter an animal in the f*cking Parliament. Your comparisons are, as often, ridiculous and unrealistic.
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #133
Your comparisons are, as often, ridiculous and unrealistic.

You wanna bet that there is at least one religion among the 4000 that includes slaughtering animals, two faggots fvcking, female genitalia mutilation, and circumcision of boys.

Do you want allow them into Sejm? If not, why not?
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #134
Hey. Ms. Civics, that's not how criminal codes operate. At least in civilized countries. Your feelings don't matter.

We have laws in Poland that Braun broke. And the prosecutor started an investigation already. So, your feelings concerning this don't matter.

Bottom line: The man was right. Sejm is not a museum of cultures and religions.

If he disagreed with something he could express his disagreement in a civilised manner. Especially considering that he's a politician and not some random dude. He didn't and it looks like he may finally pay for this.
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #135
The fact that you interpret his actions that way is a pretty pathetic commentary on American education.

Now you went too far. There is nothing wrong with American education. Just ask those foreign students...

1,057,188 international students from more than 210 places of origin studied at U.S. higher education institutions during the 2022/23 academic year, a 12 percent increase compared to the previous academic year. This is the fastest growth rate in more than 40 years.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #136
You wanna bet that there is at least one religion among the 4000 that includes slaughtering animals, two faggots fvcking, female genitalia mutilation, and circumcision of boys.

1. In Poland you can only slaughter an animal outside of your farm or slaughterhouse if the animal got into an accident, got injured and it has to be killed off.

2. You can't have sex in public in Poland, no matter if you're heterosexual or gay.

3. Female genitalia mutilation and circumcision of boys isn't a public ceremony. Also, female genitalia mutilation is illegal in Poland.

Lightning candles in public isn't illegal in Poland.

So, your comparisons are absurd.
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #137
If he disagreed with something he could express his disagreement in a civilized manner.

You may be educated and dumb like a rock at the same time...
"Civilized manner"? Like sending an email to Mr. Big that would never be read?
He chose a better way...

PF has a thread on this subject ONLY because he chose an uncivilized manner. Duh!

And a poster like me is asking how many religions is Sejm obligated to accommodate. All? None? Some? On what basis?

How about some art...Like that a-hole who placed the figure of St. Mary in a glass jar with urine? Too far?

Let me guess...In Poland, insulting Christians is OK and is known as free speech. Do the same to Jews, and the mob is after you...

Lightning candles in public aren't illegal in Poland.

He didn't do it because candles are offensive. He did it because the extra special treatment of Jews in offensive.

We have the same kind of crap going on here.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #138
You may be educated and dumb like a rock at the same time...

You're a great example of that lol

PF has a thread on this subject ONLY because he chose an uncivilized manner.

And illegal, you idiot.

Let me guess...In Poland, insulting Christians is OK and is known as free speech. Do the same to Jews, and the mob is after you...

You guess wrong:;prawomocnie;skazana;za;obraze;uczuc;religijnych,80,0,1107792.html
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #139
He didn't do it because candles are offensive. He did it because the extra special treatment of Jews in offensive.

No, he did it, because he's an anti-Semite and a twat:
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #140
And illegal, you idiot.

It's called "civil disobedience" and is the ultimate in free speech - a man who takes a chance of being prosecuted to advance the cause he believes is just and worth that risk.

It takes courage. Men like this do not read Civics 101 textbooks before they act - a concept that is unknown to bootlickers like you and the other one.;prawomocnie;skazana;za;obraze;uczuc;religijnych,80,0,1107792.html

Quoiting from the above: The Penal Code states that whoever insults the religious feelings of others, publicly insulting the subject of religious worship, is subject to a fine, a restriction of liberty, or up to 2 years in prison.

The Penal Code in the USSR and PRL had exactly the same line. Quoting:

The Penal Code states that whoever insults the political feelings of others, publicly insulting the leaders of the Communist Party, is subject to a fine, a restriction of liberty, or up to 2 years in prison.

My advice to you: before you drag it out for all to see, pierdolnij sie w glowe, read it, and think the First Amendment, not some "free speech" Euro crap.

Can you buy a feelings meter in Warsaw? Or do you have Feelings Ministry...What a sh*ithole...
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #141
The Penal Code states that whoever insults the political feelings of others, publicly insulting the leaders of the Communist Party, is subject to a fine, a restriction of liberty, or up to 2 years in prison.

I prefer to live in a country where offending religious feelings is penalised rather than in one where insulting "political feelings" is illegal :)

the cause he believes is just and worth that risk.

I'm not aware of him having any sane "cause". He claims that Judaism is "satanistic" lol He's not right in the head.

It takes courage.

It takes being not right in the head to think that Judaism is a "satanist cult".

pierdolnij sie w glowe

Sam się pierdolnij, debilu :)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
14 Dec 2023   #142
I prefer to live in a country where offending religious feelings is penalised

Will you consider living in Saudi Arabia??lol There now you can get a driving license also lol
Novichok  4 | 8508
14 Dec 2023   #143
It takes being not right in the head to think that Judaism is a "satanist cult".

Some people believe that a man was able to walk on water. He believes that Judaism is a satanic cult. Dead even...

Will you consider living in Saudi Arabia?

How about it Ms. Pee?
Novichok  4 | 8508
14 Dec 2023   #144
I wouldn't want to live in a country where I could end up in prison because some as*hole says I insulted his religious feelings.

How would I know that he is not lying? Or is it the Ministry of Religious Feelings that decides such matters?

Do they stick Feelometer up the offended guy's ass to get a reading or is an MRI machine used to assess his mental anguish?

Compared to the US, Poland is a medieval joke. But then with those hurt feelings as a reason to throw people into prison, Western Europe is not even trying to be funny.

Five years for the rape of an 11-year-old and the same for offending migrants on the internet. Dom wariatow is an oasis of sanity...
mafketis  38 | 11151
14 Dec 2023   #145
He believes that Judaism is a satanic cult. Dead even.

No one cares what he believes.... his actions are what got him in trouble.
amiga500  5 | 1492
14 Dec 2023   #146
Or is it the Ministry of Religious Feelings that decides such matters?

Exactly that's the beauty of Poland, u know it used to be multi-kulti b4 ww2 right? But the point ism the parliamentarians have the legal immunity to do what they want. And if the they want to go off-piste and not politically correct. Let them! Good on them! That's the beauty of Poland.
Lenka  5 | 3530
14 Dec 2023   #147
point ism the parliamentarians have the legal immunity

That can be rovoked.
Korvinus  3 | 608
14 Dec 2023   #148
If the lady who got a facefull of fire extinguisher gas

Fun fact: the "lady" who "coincidentally" attended the Hanukkah ritual and got sprayed by Braun is a doctor who had previously promoted covid vaccines for PiS government. A hired extra?

jon357  72 | 23483
14 Dec 2023   #149
"lady" who "coincidentally" attended

You mean the lady who was at the party as an invited guest.

a doctor who had previously promoted covid vaccines

Normal enough for a doctor to encourage good health. And for one who has a government role, it would be bizarre if thy didn't

A hired extra?

That's such a ridiculous suggestion that it's barely worth a response, however you'll get two:

Firstly, I once attended a party at the Sejm together with the Andrzej Lepper and a famous but past-it lady singer of conservative outlook who drank the bar dry; are we "hired extras"?

Secondly, instead of looking at conspiriturd postings on twitter, go out and get some fresh air.
Velund  1 | 490
14 Dec 2023   #150
who was at the party as an invited guest.

If Polish Sejm is a place for religious "parties", can anyone tell me when last Pastafarian "party" taken place there?

What about Voodoo "party"? Few zloty, and you can stick a needle in the puppet of your political opponent or hated neighbor under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Home / News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

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