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Famous Poles die - your memories

OP pawian  226 | 27558
17 Mar 2024   #61
Ernest Bryll, a prominent poet, died at 89. I liked his poetry in 1980s cos it offered hope that communism would be defeated one day.

Besides, he wrote poems which later became lyrics to songs composed by famous groups - big beat, rock, pop, folk etc.
Here is one important poem he wrote in late 1970s - The Psalm of People Standing in a Queue, later turned into a song performed by a popular singer of the time - Krystyna Prońko. Very short but impressive.

What is this queue for?
For dreariness, for dreariness, for dreariness
What are you waiting for in this queue?
For your old age, for your old age, for your old age
What will you buy when you reach the counter
Tiredness, tiredness, tiredness
What will you bring home?
Stony doubt, doubt

Be like a stone, stand, endure
Someday these stones will shake
and fall like an avalanche
Through the night, through the night, through the night

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Alien  25 | 6430
17 Mar 2024   #62
1970s - The Psalm of People Standing in a Queue

Nice song, I remember it, it's a wonder they didn't ban it then.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
17 Mar 2024   #63
they didn't ban it then.

It was banned in communist media. Prońko had performed it at patriotic concerts till the martial law on 13 Dec 1981.
Pollena  - | 1
21 Mar 2024   #64
I was fortunate to have met Ernest in the early 2000s. He was a brilliant man, poet, and Pole. His home was so inviting and open that you couldn't help feeling welcome there. He is going to be truly missed.

Be like a stone, stand, endure
Someday these stones will shake
and fall like an avalanche

Great translation! Thank you!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
21 Mar 2024   #65
Great translation! Thank you!

Thanks but there is always a bigger and better fish. :):): E.g,, stone can be replaced with a rock and an avalanche with a rockfall.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
7 May 2024   #66
Two famous musicians have just died.

Jan "Ptaszyn" Wróblewski or in free translation - John "Birdy" Sparrowski - composed jazz music and played the saxophone in many jazz bands. Normally, I don`t listen to jazz out of choice, only when I was drunk at a club a few decades ago as a uni student..

But I will never forget the poster advertising his concert in 1980 - that was the time I came across his name for the first time and it got imprinted in my mind for ever.

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mafketis  38 | 11167
7 May 2024   #67
Ernest Bryll, a prominent poet, died at 89

I only now realize he also wrote the lyrics to the song sung by Danuta Rinn that discussed on the music thread before it was made clear that my presence wasn't desired there.

I was going to write a response to your comment about Bank but.... c'est la vie....

Now I'm interested in other things he wrote....
OP pawian  226 | 27558
7 May 2024   #68
that my presence wasn't desired there.

Come on, sb made a simple mistake with your input and you still can`t forget it. Just do your job and stop bothering yourself with infantile problems. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 May 2024   #69
Two famous musicians have just died.

The other one was Jacek Zieliński, one of the originators and leaders of big beat Skaldowie (Bards) group who made headlines in late 1960s.

Born 1946, died of cancer.

Skaldowie with Jacek Z. sing their famous Sleighing Song.

OP pawian  226 | 27558
11 Jun 2024   #70
I was delaying with this sad news, looking for proper videos with Janusz Rewiński, a famous comedy actor and a stand up comedian, known and loved by millions of Poles and Polesses for his unforgettable roles in cult films.

He will be never forgotten.
I first watched him in TV Olga Lipińska`s Cabaret in late 1970s. He played a role of the director of a bankrupt theatre. Nickname Teddy Bear.

Watch him in a scene made for 1981 episode in which the theatre staff are discussing ration coupons - they can`t establish which coupon is for what and finally the boss drifts away from reality under too much stress.

Only in Polish

OP pawian  226 | 27558
11 Jun 2024   #71
known and loved by millions of Poles and Polesses .

Apart from stand up and cabarets, he also created cult characters in films, especially in The Killer 1& 2 production where he played gangster Sulphur.

Here are a few scenes from both films:

Alien  25 | 6430
9 Jul 2024   #72
Jerzy Stuhr has died, I remember him from "Sexmisja"
OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Jul 2024   #73
Jerzy Stuhr has died

Yes, a cult actor in many cult roles.

Here, he has gone to the 7th heaven seeing a stork in the sky. How Polish!

OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Jul 2024   #74
Bogumiła Wander, a cult newsreader and presenter, died at 80. She started her career in late 1960 and most of her job on TV was live.

It turned out that the camera loved her, the viewers too; she was valued for her professionalism, they admired her charisma, the unusual timbre of her voice, her beauty and elegance

I saw her on TV in 1970s and 1980s (I stopped watching TV in 1990s). After I watched Charlie`s Angels in late 1970s, she has always reminded me of Mia Farrow.

See a video from 1978

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Torq  8 | 1043
30 Jul 2024   #75
Bogumiła Wander (...) died at 80.

Beauty and class. An absolute legend of Polish TV.

Requiem aeternam...
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Aug 2024   #76
Waldemar Marszałek has died.
Legendary sportsman was 82. He had six world championship titles and four gold medals at the Old Continent motorboat championships.

I must admit he was my role model in 1980s when he won most of his gold medals. He had a few accidents on water, one was very serious with fatal injuries but he always recovered and returned to racing. His attitude taught me to act the same in life - never give up and pursue your goals or passions despite temporary setbacks.

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Novichok  4 | 8550
6 Aug 2024   #77
Racing is competition, not a sport. Pushing the gas pedal is not sports and doesn't make the pusher an athlete.
A person who is legendary does not need "legendary" in his bio, It's like calling Chopin a famous composer.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Aug 2024   #78
Waldemar Marszałek

His surname translates as Marshall. Yes, indeed, he was one in motorboat racing. Whenever there was an important race somewhere in Europe or the world, I could always hear: Marshall, Marshall.
Novichok  4 | 8550
6 Aug 2024   #79
If Marshall spent more time walking he wouldn't look like this at 80.

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OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Aug 2024   #80
Yes, you look much better at his age. You will die slim and fit. However, Marshall will be remembered by millions for decades while the memory of you will vanish when your close family and forum posters like me pass away.
Novichok  4 | 8550
6 Aug 2024   #81
You can be famous and not a fat pig.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Aug 2024   #82
Hey, Rysiek, I have just counted it and you are 80 this year. Amassing! Happy birthday!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Aug 2024   #83
you are 80 this year.

Oops, sorry. I counted it again after recalling you had mentioned being 2 when the Rising of 44 broke out. You elaborated extensively on how Germans saved you from insurgents` fury and how grateful you were. So, you are 82 this year. Happy birthday anyway!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
6 Aug 2024   #84
you are 82 this year.

The same as Marshall when he died. How long do you expect to surpass him???
OP pawian  226 | 27558
7 Aug 2024   #85
he was my role model had a few accidents one with fatal injuries but he always returned to racing.

He survived many serious accidents and came close to death several times, including in April 1982, during a competition near Berlin on Lake Gatow, he even experienced clinical death.

His boat shot into the air, crashed, and he fell out of it mid-flight. He hit the water. His life was saved by his rival, Helmut Faustmann. The German stopped his boat and jumped into the water.

- The wind was blowing hard then. I was at the front of the pack and at one point the boat with me shot up and then crashed into the lake. I lost consciousness. I was floating face down in the water - he recalled in an interview with TVP Sport.

He fell into clinical death, resuscitation lasted 25 minutes. The Marshal also had a lung pierced by ribs, a severed tendon in his leg, a shattered hip, a broken femur, a skull injury, a damaged optic nerve, a torn heel...

- I was operated on the spot, on the shore. After three or four days I regained consciousness, and I was in hospital for five weeks - he said on Polish Radio.

In the autumn of the same year he won the competition in Berlin. The following season he won another world championship title. In one of his interviews he said that the accident only made him give up cigarettes.

Alien  25 | 6430
8 Aug 2024   #86
accident only made him give up cigarettes.

At least that much.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
13 Sep 2024   #87
This latest death has really saddened me. At 80, Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz died. He was a legendary sexologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, academic teacher, professor of medical sciences. Long-time chairman of the Polish Sexological Society. He was the author and co-author of several hundred publications in the field of sexology and psychiatry and several thousand popular science articles.

I read a lot of his books. Whenever they appeared in bookshops, they were immediately sold out. I still have a few in my library, even now I can see Sex in the Cultures of the World on the shelf over my head.

Thanks to education I found in his publications I have never had any problems with physical love and my partners, either. I can say I owe him a lot.

Goodbye, dear Mr Professor. I presume you will successfully teach angels in Heaven how to have satisfactory sex life.

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Lenka  5 | 3539
13 Sep 2024   #88
This latest death has really saddened me.

Me too. Really iconic figure.
People like him who manage to make important, scientific issues a popular thing arr worth their weight in gold.
Alien  25 | 6430
13 Sep 2024   #89
teach angels in Heaven how to have satisfactory sex life

OP pawian  226 | 27558
13 Sep 2024   #90
Alien, stop laughing, the matter is serious. I wasn`t joking. I meant that the Professor was such an outstanding educator that he is able to teach asexual angels sth new.

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