The question of whether he was a traitor or not is totally unrelated.
Sure, but in the context of all that going on about. Like certain Americans (Jewish) have issue with Poles having issues with other Poles(Polish citizens). Like Isreal that have issues and even brazen claims with what were Polish citizens doing (or not) to other Polish ctizens.
So my question is what the hell is going on and how to make a sense out of it.
So far seems like a magical trick played on people to get them conned - now you see us, now you don't. In the context where I can gain something I'm a Jew if I stand to loose I'm not. If you go after me for reasons I can hide behind a sheld by claiming anti-semities are after me, and so on.
That is BS, you can get away with it in the USA where Jews are not that many and well off.
What kind of meaning does that have for a peasant like you?
To me it means nothing. In a historical perpective Jews and aritsocunts like you were in cahoots to enslave and con peasants. If anything you and Jews should pay me a compensation. If one belive in such things and seems to me you and some Jews do think that Jews should get money out of Poles majority of which are of peasant stock and had been exploited by a team of nobles and Jews.