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Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed

amiga500  5 | 1505
15 Jul 2021   #331
How else can he justify a return to Moscow's sweet embrace?

Hey mafkutas we have already proved you know nothing about polish politics, your post stating that PiS would not accept losing a mayoral election demonstrate that. So pipe down (or put your crack pipe down) and let people with a modicum of understanding engage in the debate. Your cluelessness is embarrassing.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Jul 2021   #332
In free Poland all its rulings will be annuled

You're misinformed, probably by mainstream media "journalists".

The same court ruling was given by a previous Constitutional Tribunal in 2005 [under supervision of Zbigniew Safin, currently a judge in...TSUE]:

"2.1. Art. 8 ust. 1 Konstytucji jednoznacznie gwarantuje postanowieniom
Konstytucji status "najwyższego prawa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej". "

"Constitution has the status of the supreme law in Poland" [Kwestia nadrzędności Konstytucji RP (art. 8 ust. 1) a przekazanie
kompetencji "w niektórych sprawach"]

Furthermore, the Constitutional Tribunal ruling from 2011 [under supervision of Andrzej Rzeplinski] states:

"Trybunał Konstytucyjny podkreślił, że Konstytucja pozostaje - z racji swej szczególnej mocy -
"prawem najwyższym Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej" w stosunku do wszystkich wiążących
Rzeczpospolitą Polską umów międzynarodowych. Dotyczy to także ratyfikowanych umów
międzynarodowych o przekazaniu kompetencji "w niektórych sprawach"

"The Constitution remains the supreme law of the Republic of Poland in relation to all international agreements.
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Jul 2021   #333
You're misinformed, probably by mainstream media "journalists".

Pawian, give it up. Spike is always right.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jul 2021   #334
Spike is always right.

Yes, like Stalin, the Father and Sun of Nations. hahaha
You are so right now.

Furthermore, the Constitutional Tribunal ruling from 2011

Why are you trying to twist the discussion? :):) We are not talking about the Constitution now but about the illegality of the Tribunal coz it has 3 illegal members and all rulings in which at least one of these illegals took part are unlawful and in free Poland they will be treated as non-existent. Simple.

let people with a modicum of understanding engage in the debate.

You mean only neobolshevik rightards like you are allowed to discuss??? It has always amazed and amused me how rightards openly admit they want to put a ban on independent thinking and discussion. Let me remind you that communism and its censorship ended in Poland in 1989. If you can`t live without it, go to North Korea or China - there you will feel happier with your neobolshevik views.
Ironside  50 | 12916
16 Jul 2021   #335
Why are you trying to twist the discussion? :

Well if it doesn't suit your twisted worldview just scram. You are wrong and twisted with a delusional BS spewed bo political agitators and you fully buy into their narrative fueled by foreign money.

Do you think they give those money just for free...they expect to be pay back in tenfold. The only way a political party can pay back is by selling out Polish national interest and what only they can to the great detriment of the Polish people.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2021   #336
with a delusional BS spewed bo political agitators

Your furious whining sounds like attacks on democratic opposition by communist regime in old Poland. :):) The same style of language. It proves that I am right coz you can`t find any other arguments. Thank you. hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12916
16 Jul 2021   #337
Your furious whining sounds like attacks on democratic opposition by communist regime in old Poland.

I;m talking about facts, Adenauer Foundation for one and many other, not to mention political support to so called opposition in Poland given by many political entities be it on EU level be in on Berlin level shut up and stop spinning your lies denying everything that is clear for anyone to see.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2021   #338
stop spinning your lies

What lies??? Whenever I tell the truth, you call it lies.

ot to mention political support to so called opposition in Poland

And? The pro-democratic oposition gets support from the EU, while the far right like your National Movement got support from the Kremlin. Isn`t it a wonderful example of a balance in nature???
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Jul 2021   #339
The pro-democratic

Pro globalist, sweetie.

You should learn the meaning and the usage of "globalist". It will soon be the only thing you will need to know when discussing stuff.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2021   #340
Pro globalist,

No, darling, I know what I meant. Pro-democratic means that rightard rulers are against democracy and advocate totalitarian measures.

the usage of "globalist".

No, thanks. Currently we have bigger issues to deal with in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12916
16 Jul 2021   #341
National Movement got support from the Kremlin.

prove it!
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Jul 2021   #342
Now, now Ironside we all know realm of fantasy is not your thing. How could he possibly prove it?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
16 Jul 2021   #343
why do u guys hate the kremlin so much?
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Jul 2021   #344
rightard rulers are against democracy and advocate totalitarian measures.

Like interrupting, threatening, and assaulting the speakers they don't agree with.

Oops, sorry, it's the leftards who have exclusive rights for these tactics.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2021   #345
How could he possibly prove it?

Very easily. But that will hurt you. :):)
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2021   #347
Be patient. Now I am not in the mood to dig up for nationalist connections with the Kremlin. :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Jul 2021   #348
Monthly paychecks will suffice
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2021   #349
Do you really think they are such corrupt agents??
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Jul 2021   #350
No, That's what would convince me if anyone on the right serves Kremlin
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2021   #351
So you can forget it,. I am neither a nationalist nor a Kremin official so I won`t show you any paychecks. I see the case is closed. :):)
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jul 2021   #352
I see the case is closed. :):)

OK ,I was joking, as usual. :):)

There are many articles about Kremlin sponsoring of pro Russian, nationalist groups in Eastern Europe.
E..g, this one. It describes the activities of a Belarussian agent called Usowski who receives funds from the Kremlin and then shares them with nationalists in Eastern Europe, including Poland, in exchange for pro Russian events and declarations.

Here an article about openly pro-Kremlin views of National Movement politicians. Why do they do it? Is it only national ideology which has always seen Russia as a potentially friendly ally? Or is it sth more than love?,35226.html

This article mentions a few far right nationalist groups connected with Kremlin propaganda machine: OWP, Falanga,

In 2016 the Kremlin had a dream - they desired to unite all nationalist movements in Europe under Kremlin patronage. 6 nationalist groups from Poland, including National Movement, were included in the list:

I could go on in this style for a long time. What for? Nationalists` connections with the Kremlin are widely known in Poland and Europe. We also talked about them many times here so Iron and Oath, stop denying obvious facts coz it is very infantile.

Why is the matter clear? Coz all far right groups are against the EU, just like the Kremlin. Putin would be stupid if he didn`t play this card. We know that he isn`t. Nationalists and the Kremlin have the same objectives and they need each other. .
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Jul 2021   #353
I could go on in this style for a long time

So political magazines attached to a rival political fraction are producing articles where they speculate about alleged connections between Kremlin and their political opponents/ Yes, very convincing.

In the same way CNN was yapping about Trump's Russian collusion which in conclusion was proven baloney
Try harder. Some real evidence...
I mean Adenauer Foundation giving PO money is not even a secret, Same prominent PO politician at the time openly talking about suitcases full of German money handed over to the PO from some German gov agency...That person wasn't sued by anyone to this day...

If you want you can write an article calming that JK is a son of Mugabe it doesn't make it true ...I bet some country bumkin would buy it.
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jul 2021   #354
I mean Adenauer Foundation giving PO money is not even a secret,

Coz it isn`t shame. Let me remind you that Poland and Germany are in the EU and as such are closely connected. I know you do your best to disregard this fact, but it is a fight with windmills.

While being supported or even sponsored by the Kremlin is real shame. Nationalists have no decency or shame, whatsoever - they will sell their own country to have their ideology promoted.
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Jul 2021   #355
Poland and Germany are in the EU

so what?
Taking money from a Foreign gov by a pollical party is still considered a treason or at the very least a very bad practise and a qestobalbe activity that should be condemned.

Those are international standards do you think Poland founding a German political party would be welcomed,. Do you think that German press or political establishment would stand for it? No, they wouldn[t. They wouldn't have it.

So why don't you shove your excuses. Start apologizing!

While being supported or even sponsored by the Kremlin is real shame.

BS, you and your primitive double standards no wonder Poland is treated as second class country with people like you .... All political parties taking foreign money are to be condemned you plebe.

. Still, I don't know what 'nationalists' you mean.
If you mean Konfa or national movement it need to be proved by you, bring some evidence to support your dubious claim or shut your laying gob...
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jul 2021   #356
I mean Adenauer Foundation giving PO money is not even a secret,

You have been developing the subject extensively so before I follow the same way I need to ask you for proofs, Now it is your turn. :):) Show us what money and when and to whom and for what.

If you mean Konfa or national movement it need to be proved by you,

Do you think the leader of your fav Konfa, Korwin, appears on Russian TV for free? And gives interviews for free? Of course not. So, we can say that Konfa, through its leader, is sponsored by the Kremlin. Simple.
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Jul 2021   #357
You have b

Oh here we go backtracking ..

Do you think the leader of your fav Konfa,

Are you stupid? or you take others for fools? stop stretching reality that much it will give in and smak you so bad in the face it will be difficult to distinguish your face and baboon's arse...
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jul 2021   #358
smak you so bad in the face

Again threats?
Hey, people! Look how those fascists and nazis behave! Remember about it at the ballot!!! Don`t vote for right, far right and nationalist parties! Never!!

I asked you for proofs. You didn`t provide them.

That is why I have to call you a stinking liar.
Liar, liar!! hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Jul 2021   #359

you are tripping'
your mind must be looking like that:

when I think about it I feel sorry for you..
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jul 2021   #360
you are tripping'

Of course not. In Dyrdymałki I warned you a few days ago that I would add this appeal for not voting right in my replies to you. Now you got the first sample. Behave like a criminal again and try to use threats against me, I will repeat the procedure. :):):)

when I think about it I feel sorry for you..

You mean there are still some traces of human feelings in you???

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