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Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #271
A few pedaly and their Brussels boot licking mayor... That's it...

There's a reason why every single time a pride parade happens in Poland they need a police escort. The fairies were outnumbered 4 to 1 just now in Bialystok oh man if only the cops werent there...hell most the cops don't even want to protect them. Polls and surveys show that the majority of poles are against gay rights. The only reason they're even allowed to march is because they had to appease the liberals in the EU who want to see clown world in every country.

"Tu jest Polska, nie Bruksela, tu sie pedalowania nie popiera."

An Israeli flag mixed in with the rainbows.. surprising... Not...
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2019   #272
Was taken down a few years ago but they are talking about a new hologram version.

It already functioned for some time in Małachowski Square last year.

  • 5b191180281a5_osize.jpg
Lenka  5 | 3531
22 Jul 2019   #273
A few pedaly and their Brussels boot licking mayor... That's it...

Actually a bit more than that
But generally I'm happy when the 'defenders' show their true colours as it shows people their true nature. And more and more people are wondering who will protect us grom those morons
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Jul 2019   #274
You know what they say, you can take Ironside out of the PRL, but you can't take the PRL out of Ironside.

I think this is the saying of the month on this forum!

Ironside, are you there?
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2019   #275
Those old expats who didn`t live in democratic Poland after the collapse of communism are its greatest supporters. They aren`t aware of the fact that they would love to see communist methods used again today.
Velund  1 | 489
22 Jul 2019   #276
Did you mean tyranny of minorities, that started to look like communist or nazi ideological tyranny?

LGBTXYZ rights... Holocaust...Etc... Etc..
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Jul 2019   #277
tyranny of minorities, that started to look like communist or nazi ideological tyranny?

Your mind has been evidently brainwashed by the years of listening to the Putin regime communist-nationalist propaganda .
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #278
Looks like its ready for another tune up. Perhaps a nice thick coat of epoxy or cement over the lighting system.

Actually a bit more than that

Again, polls and surveys show that the majority of Poles are against gay rights. There's no disputing that. And most of the LGBT supporters are pedaly themselves, KODerast pensioner types with too much time on their hands, soy boys, feminazis - the usual clown world types who dye their hair all sorts of colors and have dozens of piercings, and use this as a distraction from the fact that they're either suicidal, have STDs, chose some bullshit career and now are serving lattes, or all of the above.

Majority of Poles view them for the attention seeking freaks that they are. That's why whenever these people march no one cares when they're given gifts of rocks and bottles to their faces by groups several times larger than theirs. If the cops weren't protecting them they'd never march again.
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2019   #279
Did you mean tyranny of minorities, that started to look like communist or nazi ideological tyranny?

No, I was talking about methods, not the nature of the system in general. One of communists` methods was supressing independent thinking by imposing restrictions or total ban on freedom of speech, religion, convictions etc etc . That`s what antigay movements want to do today.

But as I said, it is futile. Poland isn` t on the moon that we can isolate ourselves from the rest of Europe or world. Poles have been looking up to the West for centuries and are quickly adopting Western solutions. It is unpreventable that one day the 20th or 30th Parade in Białystok will pass unnoticed by most people as they won`t consider it worth discussing at all, except for those directly interested.

Simply speaking - you can`t eat a cake and have it. Poland rejected communism and adopted democracy for a reason - no more restrictions on any kind of freedom.

Again, polls and surveys show that the majority of Poles are against gay rights.

We debated it several times and you always repeat that false info. What for?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #280
Poland rejected communism and adopted democracy for a reason - no more restrictions on any kind of freedom.

That's not at all what democracy means. It means a type of government with multiple parties and free elections where all eligible citizens can vote people to represent them (supposedly). It has nothing to do with introducing clown world into a population that doesn't want it. There's plenty of democracies where degeneracy is frowned upon and doesn't receive state support.

And Poland isn't even a democracy technically it's a republic.

We debated it several times and you always repeat that false info. What for?

It isn't false. Polls and surveys show that the majority of Poles are against gay rights - IPSOS, CBOS, etc. all show majority of Poles are against gay marriage, gay adoption, etc. So YOU stop spreading false info
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2019   #281
There's plenty of democracies where degeneracy is frowned upon and doesn't receive state support.

Are you talking about true democracy or people`s democracy aka socialism aka communism ??? :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #282
52.5% thought that the current scale of promotion of gay content is excessive
Only 17% would NOT support a ban on gay parades.
Parliament repeatedly stuck down registered partnerships - gay marriage is illegal by constitution
Gays cannot serve in military
A poll in July 2009 showed that 87% of Poles were against gay adoption
. A 2006 Eurobarometer poll found that 74% and 89% of Poles respectively were opposed to same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples.
"Homosexual propaganda needs to be limited, so children will not have an improper perspective on the family." - 56% agreed, 44% disagreed

Are you talking about true democracy or people`s democracy aka socialism aka communism ??? :)

None of them have anything to do with promoting fag behavior. They are systems of government that determine how people vote, whether there are multiple parties or not, etc. Not whether gays have rights or not - things like that are determined by a people and their elected representatives and clearly in Poland the politicians and people have repeatedly struck down legislature like gay adoption and registered partnerships because that's what the people want. That's true democracy at work - doing things that the people want and vote for."Marsz_Równości"_0227,_Das_Queer_Mai_Festival_2018,_die_Kultur_der_LGBTQI_in_Krakau,_Marsch_der_Gleichheit_am_19._Mai_2018.jpg

Funny how there's so many Jews promoting LGBT in Poland... although not surprising at all. Every pride parade appears to have Israeli flags. Then again it's no surprise that (((NGOs))) are funding these movements. Just another way of fighting the goyim...
Lenka  5 | 3531
22 Jul 2019   #283
Actually multiple times polls have been posted that showed you are wrong but you choose to igbore them. Your choice but not very smart one.

are pedaly , KODerast pensioner, soy boys, feminazis - clown world types who dye their hair all sorts of colors and have dozens of piercings.

Do you think that calling them names changes their right to hace their say? Nees flash- their voice counts the same as any other Polish person
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #284
Nevermind, gays can serve in military. That's been changed. So has blood donation which idk why they allow a group of people who have far higher HIV rates than anyone else to donate blood but whatever.

A 2008 study revealed that 66% of Poles believed that gay people should not have the right to organize public demonstrations
69% of Poles believed that gay people should not have the right to show their way of life.
In 2011, according to a poll by TNS Polska, 54% of Poles supported same-sex partnerships, while 27% supported same-sex marriage. - A tiny majority supports gay marriage...

polls have been posted that showed you are wrong but you choose to igbore them. Your choice but not very smart one.

Never existed. Please show me any surveys or polls that show that the majority of Poles are for gay marriage, gay adoption, etc. You can't because they don't exist. Meanwhile I've posted a link with the summary of several polls that clearly show Poles are against expanding gay rights.

Do you think that calling them names changes their right to hace their say? Nees flash- their voice counts the same as any

Majority of Poles don't care what a tiny degenerate fraction of the population have to say and the majority of Poles - as proven by link are against pride parades and a tiny fraction - 17% would NOT support a ban on pride parades.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #285
Come on Lenka - show me surveys or polls that show the majority of Polish people are for gay adoption, gay marriage, etc.?

The only one youll find is that a very slight majority are for partnerships. But in terms of gay adoption, gay marriage, the majority says a firm NO!

Then again -

multiple times polls have been posted that showed you are wrong but you choose to igbore them. Your choice but not very smart one.

Keep ignoring all the polls from CBOS, IPSOS, TNS Polska, etc. that show the majority of Poles don't want pride parades, don't want gays to adopt, don't want gay marriage, and wouldn't be against banning pride parades.
Velund  1 | 489
22 Jul 2019   #286
supressing independent thinking by imposing restrictions

Like criminal prosecution for Holocaust doubts/denial?

no more restrictions on any kind of freedom.

So, you are now free to chew a radio wave? Maybe you are also free to make a world record in sulfuric acid swimming?
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2019   #287
Polls and surveys show that majority of Poles are against gay rights - all show majority of Poles are against gay marriage, gay adoption,

And that`s a perfect example of another communist method, namely manipulation. On the surface you are right, but getting deeper, you are not.
Why are you packing all rights into one basket?
Let`s start with the basic one - the right to come out with your preferences without being threatened with violent contempt.

54% Poles believe homosexualism should be tolerated. 24% think it shouldn`t.

I hope you know what majority means.

In this way it is obvious that the rainbow in Warsaw, which is the topic of this thread,, and which you want to get rid of, is supported by 54%.

Gay rights like marriage and adoption can be discussed in another thread. Now let`s focus on the rainbow.

Well, after knowing that 54% Poles think homosexualism should be tolerated, will you leave the rainbow in peace??? :):)

A 2008 study revealed In 2011, according t

Be serious. Digging up data from 11 years ago? I consciously reject poll results from 2017 as too antiquated when I quote such sources. The views of Poles are changing on our eyes and two, three years is maximum we can rely on.
Velund  1 | 489
22 Jul 2019   #288
54% Poles think homosexualism should be tolerated, will you leave the rainbow in peace?

No. Because 54% (if your quoted data is correct, and I doubt that) is ready to tolerate sodomites that silently fcuking in their apartments. Public actions is another matter, completely, especially near religious places.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #289
54% Poles believe homosexualism should be tolerated. 24% think it shouldn`t.

I'm not talking about tolerating homosexualism. Hell I 'tolerate' it too meaning I can be next to some fruitcake and resist the urge to convert him like the Russians do. I clearly said that the majority of Poles are AGAINST EXPANDING GAY RIGHTS and also are firmly against displays of LGBT - including the hideous rainbow

Let`s start with the basic one - the right to come out with your preferences without being threatened with violent contempt.

Again, majority of Poles are against pride parades and depictions of lgbt. Only 17% would be against banning parades.

Be serious.

Serious as cancer. That's one of many polls and the data/opinion is still relevant. That 54% figure you cited of Poles tolerating homos is the same as the one I posted summarized on wiki...
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2019   #290
Because 54% is ready to tolerate sodomites that silently fcuking in their apartments. Public actions is another matter,

Do gays make love under the rainbow so that you can`t stand the view? :):)

I clearly said that the majority of Poles are AGAINST EXPANDING GAY RIGHTS

Yes, but we are talking about a fekking rainbow in this thread! :) Tolerance towards homosexualism also includes acceptance of such symbols.

Again, majority of Poles are against pride parades

Quote a source, please. And preferably not the one from 2008. And an independent one, not from a rightist site.:):)
Velund  1 | 489
22 Jul 2019   #291

I believe that there is no such thing as GAY RIGHT at all. Regular human rights will more than enough.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #292

Well nor do I. Personally, I think in this matter we could learn a ton from fundamentalist Muslims. But of course if we started locking them up in prison for decades, caning them in public, etc we'd have the pesky EU interfering.

Although is it questionable if they could actually do anything about it. They do a lot of talking and criticizing, condemning, etc. like with Poland and Hungary refusing migrants, making the country conservative, etc. but it's clear that they don't have anyway of enforcing their will.

Quote a source, please. And preferably not the one from 2008. And an independent one, not from a rightist site.:):)

Already did - the most recent one available. Here's another -
In a 2013 opinion poll conducted by CBOS, 68% of Poles were against gays and lesbians publicly showing their way of life,65% of Poles were against same-sex civil unions, 72% were against same-sex marriage and 88% were against adoption by same-sex couple

Bam - majority are against gays and lesbians showing their way of life in public - that includes rainmbows.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
22 Jul 2019   #293
Personally, I think in this matter we could learn a ton from fundamentalist Muslims.

Yeah...what I islamic take over of Europe would fit you quite well....instead of pelting homos with stones, you can then officially stone them to death following the sharia law!

I really wonder why you are protesting so much actually. You will LOVE it! :)
Velund  1 | 489
22 Jul 2019   #294
Tolerance towards homosexualism also includes acceptance of such symbols.

Who said you such cr@p?

We are ready to see human beings in those deviants, and abide their human rights. But we are NOT ready to let them spread ideas of sodomitic lifestyle between our kids.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #295
As I said several times, that along with being able to take 4 wives if you can afford it i am in total agreement. But essentially nothing else. Oh and their views regarding Israel.

Quote a source, please. And preferably not the one from 2008. And an independent one, not from a rightist site.:):)

So now that you have data from the official statistics agency that is the most recent at less than 6 years old clearly showing that the majority poles are against public displays of LGBT, are you ready to admit that in fact the majority of poles are against this crap?

Or will continue behaving like a typical leftist and refuse to acknowledge data and statistics that challenge because it doesn't fit into your agenda?

Majority of poles don't want gay marraige, gay adoption, public LGBT displays, etc. That's clear as day.
Joker  2 | 2390
1 Feb 2022   #296
What do you think of gay people and the LGBT flag?

We should defend our children against it. Protect the nuclear family at all costs.

  • defendyourchildren.jpg
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
10 Apr 2023   #297

The Rainbow Empire Is Alienating The Rest of The World

The Empire of Chaos Trying to Sow More Chaos

Home / News / Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw
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