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Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government

gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #391
you are an anti-pis maniac cause you are unable to see any good in PiS when there was plenty of goodness in them

btw pawian are you for hasty adoption of Euro in our country cause it looks like your beloved prime minister Tusk is bent on one
Lenka  5 | 3549
9 Jan 2013   #392
there was plenty of goodness in them

Somehow I don't remember any goodness in their ruling.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #393
Are you one of the nurses who protested against Kaczynski and PiS?
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #394
there was plenty of goodness in them

Somehow I don't remember any goodness in their ruling.

do you firmly believe that trying to introduce some discipline in the schools is not good,

does opening of judicial profession ring a bell to you

does 'Rodzina na swoim' housing program ring true or false

this is just the examples from the top of my head and the simplest ones
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #395
Hey, why don`t you start Successes of PiS at power thread??? :):):):):):)
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #396
go figure - btw PiS was in power effectively only 1 year and a half with very inconvenient coalition partners and with the Constitutional Tribunal bent on defending former SB agents (maybe some of them were agents themselves) - to your knowledge PiS could not appoint the whole new Tribunal
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #398
I will not be reading the whole thread to find out you views

Were you among those scared during the PiS lead coalition rule? why you were so scared if so? I haven't met any scared people to be honest - maybe they were all too scared to say they were scared huh

are you against the idea of school uniforms???
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #399
Were you among those scared during the PiS lead coalition rule? why you were so scared if so? I haven't met any scared people to be honest - maybe they were all too scared to say they were scared huh

Yes, intelligent people were scared when they saw what stalinist methods PiS was using to rule.

are you against the idea of school uniforms???

As a feking teacher, yes, I am.
Lenka  5 | 3549
9 Jan 2013   #400
I will not be reading the whole thread to find out you views

I just don't want to repeat myself.

Were you among those scared during the PiS lead coalition rule?

Yes,I was.Not at the beginning but later.I was scared what's their next idea.

are you against the idea of school uniforms???

I think this issue is not as important as some ppl believe.Polish education has more serious problems.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #401
es, intelligent people were scared when they saw what stalinist methods PiS was using to rule.

have you witnessed those stalinist methods pawian - what kind of those methods have you witnessed back then - you are making a fool of yourself - and a coward

are you against the idea of school uniforms???

As a feking teacher, yes, I am.

so you couldn't be a teacher in England pawian as you probably know
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2013   #402
so you couldn't be a teacher in England pawian as you probably know

Actually, I have never thought of leaving Poland, contrary to most PiS lovers in this forum. :):):):):):):):)

have you witnessed those stalinist methods pawian - what kind of those methods have you witnessed back then - you are making a fool of yourself - and a coward

gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #403
Polish education has more serious problems.

namely? what did PO governmet do to alleviate those problems? or maybe they did things to make the problems even graver

contrary to most PiS lovers in this forum.

I am not a PiS lover while you are a PiS hater go figure - btw what stalinist methods did PiS use to rule the country - have you seen this terror - again you should be sent to North Korea to know what is stalinist methods and what are reasonable methods
Lenka  5 | 3549
9 Jan 2013   #404
what did PO governmet do to alleviate those problems?

I'm not in education anymore but from what I know-nothing.

or maybe they did things to make the problems even graver

Again,from what I know-they did nothing to make the situation worse.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2013   #405
or maybe they did things to make the problems even graver

Again,from what I know-they did nothing to make the situation worse.

oh, yes they did - they made 6-year olds to go to schools which are unprepared - the whole idea is idiotic - I went to school as a seven year old and I didn't miss anything in school
Lenka  5 | 3549
10 Jan 2013   #406
the whole idea is idiotic's not.

I went to school as a seven year old and I didn't miss anything in school

The fact that you went to school at seven is irrelevant.If human race always used this argument we wouldn't develop.

go to schools which are unprepared

That's sadly true.Some school are unprepared.But they will be.It's sad they didn't wait.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #407
I went to school as a seven year old and I didn't miss anything in school

The fact that you went to school at seven is irrelevant.If human race always used this argument we wouldn't develop.

using this kind of logic you would send toddlers to schools cause schools are teh best place where people develope.

in the very advanced states of Finland and Sweden school age is seven - I was not able to write properly at the age of 6 - so aren't most children - what is the point of sending them to school??

seriously? what is the point? they can learn alphabet in preschools as I did
Lenka  5 | 3549
10 Jan 2013   #408
I was not able to write properly at the age of 6 - so aren't most children - what is the point of sending them to school??

The first year is supposed to be a mix of kindergarden and shool.And besides it's just geography-children had to learn since 6 yo and now the only change is that they will do it at school.Of course the main problem is to prepare shools for that.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #409
go to schools which are unprepared

That's sadly true.Some school are unprepared.But they will be.It's sad they didn't wait.

it is sad you don't see the arrogance behind that move - many schools house elementary schools and gymnasiums -how do you think little fellows will find themselves in such an environment
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jan 2013   #410
I was not able to write properly at the age of 6

Who told you 6 year olds are taught to write?

You are voicing opinions but actually you know nothing about the subject. Shame!!!!
Lenka  5 | 3549
10 Jan 2013   #411
how do you think little fellows will find themselves in such an environment

It won't be much harder for them then for their 7 yo friends.The essential thing is to make the shool enviroment friendlier for the little ones.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #412
The essential thing is to make the shool enviroment friendlier for the little ones.

but I am still asking what is the point of sending them to schools - what is that they can learn better at school than in kindergarten - children aged six still need to play with toys and not run with rucksacks filled with books - there is no friendlier educational environment for a six year old than a kindergarten

and again why is that that we need to send six year olds to schools?
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jan 2013   #413
what is that they can learn better at school than in kindergarten -children aged six still need to play with toys and not run with rucksacks filled with books -

Your knowledge about the subject is alarmingly low. Stop talking about things you have no idea of.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #414
Your knowledge about the subject is alarmingly low.

enlighten me then :)
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jan 2013   #415
No, lazy bones, do the enlightment on your own, you will prove an intelligent person. :):):):):)
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #416
i'm not as intelligent as you - please enlighten me :)

or else I will think you don't know any better
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jan 2013   #417
Yaaawn. >(>(>(>(?(?(?(?(<(<(<(:(:(:(:

Gumi, I am preparing a test from Unit 3 for tomorrow (actually it is today) and you are expecting me to teach you at night???? Sorry, the test is more important. I get paid for it by the state while here nobody is paying me, especially you.

So, I am calling on you: educate yourself!!!!
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #418
So, I am calling on you: educate yourself!!!!

there is not much to educate oneself on the subject - school age in Sweden and Finland and Estonia is seven - do we need to be better than the best developed educational systems of the world
10 Jan 2013   #419
I find it astonishing that under the Tusk's Successes thread, the main topic is about him and his dog ;)
The country's demographics are worst than that of Russia, 3 million are living in the UK - immigrated throughout PO's cadency.
Massive strikes with hundreds of thousands of people wanting better life, and truth about Smolensk...
Corruption and media propaganda hitting entire new levels.
Attacking the Church and turning people's eyes towards gay/abortion and euthanasia issues ( all of these deserves very little attention)

" I don't caer about homeless people dying on the streets, I don't care that more and more people are running away from a dying nation... let's talk about a 1.5% of population (homois, trans) it is such an important thing!!"- as if this would save our country's economics.

Tusk has done not even a slightest good thing for Poland, and I hope that one day I will see him in court for all that he has done bad for our great country...

Why all communists bastards are still living in prosperity? Genral ahahahahahaah! Jaruzelski has his own mansion, where as my granny lives of a her rent (we have to give her money so she can live a normal live) back in the day she was in the Solidarity movement.

Why are ZOMO officers living off quite a big governments' rents?
Why is a brother of a murdere leading the most selling newspaper??
Why do we have to bow towards what Putin wants, and not act as a proper free country?

gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jan 2013   #420
3 million are living in the UK

2 millions are temporarily living abroad it is very probable that well over 1 million in Britain (my guess is 1.4 million) - there is a growing group of those however who chose the UK as their home and won't be returning to Poland any time soon (like there was where to return to: there is 2 millions of people in Poland without a job)

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