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What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do?

pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jun 2011   #1
My wife cannot resist checking what I cook for myself which is quite often. Not that I have to do it because she is a bad cook, no. People love her cooking, but I cherish certain habits from my youth and early adulthood when I prefered to live single and cooked my own meals.

So, whenever I finish cooking and sit at the table over the plate (which is usually late at night), she stops surfing the Internet, comes to the kitchen and cheekily stares at what I have got. And she usually says: Wow or other things like that.

And when the food is still being cooked and not on the plate yet, she is able to lift to lid of the frying pan or pot and look inside.

I find it very amusing and I always have a good laugh at her then. Irresistible supervision.
wildrover  98 | 4430
8 Jun 2011   #2
I am not married to a Polish woman , but i have lots of Polish friends....

One of the things that amuses me is the way they will take something from the fridge , smell it , and then pass it to anyone else nearby for them to smell also...

They only bought it from the supermarket the day before , its not going to have gone bad after one day in the fridge is it......?
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Jun 2011   #3
I see where pawian is coming from here. My wife always takes an interest in what I am preparing and almost always wants some of it. Just last night, I had just pulled a pizza from the microwave and she was there like a hawk to see what it was. Needless to say, she ate half of it.

Another thing? Well, she always lets the toilet paper run down to zero. That's sth I monitor closely and, if I were not to intervene, I shudder to think what she'd use instead.
teflcat  5 | 1024
9 Jun 2011   #4
Mine hides stuff. I know women of all nationalities like to find new places to keep things, but I don't think I've ever used so many sentences beginning "Where's...?" than with her.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
9 Jun 2011   #5
Mine hides food (in the notorious refrigerator) so I cannot find it!
boletus  30 | 1356
9 Jun 2011   #6
My former wife always wanted to sample my beer.
- But you hate beer.
- Never mind, let me try.
- No.
- Please, pretty please!
- OK.
- Yuck!
9 Jun 2011   #7
Well, she always lets the toilet paper run down to zero.

Conversely, mine is obsessed with with having mountainsof the stuff in the toilet. We can run out of Milk (like this morning for example) so no milk for my coffee but i have about 60 toilet rolls stacked up in my toilet so the pupa is well catered for.

Oh and the shower...........when we first started living together I thought "No-one can spend that long stood in the shower......surely??"

I mean seriously, she can be stood under the shower for 30 minutes on a good day......and a bad day even longer. I thought this was bizarre until Tatko came to stay with us for a while and he was exactly the same. I started to shower at night just so I could get near the bloody thing.
thomasmark  - | 1
9 Jun 2011   #8
it is the same with my wife
BritinPoland  6 | 121
9 Jun 2011   #9
she always lets the toilet paper run down to zero.

British Pounds? The way things are going (thank you Governor King).
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Jun 2011   #10
It might yet happen, BritinPoland.

Guest, she uses a lot but tends not to replace it without a reminder to do so.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jun 2011   #11
Dear guys, after reading your answers, I can say that Polish wives differ substantially and any stereotypes based on nationality are out of question.

they will take something from the fridge , smell it , and then pass it to anyone else nearby for them to smell also...

Mine doesn`t.

Needless to say, she ate half of it.

Mine doesn`t. A few days ago I had delicatessen like fish eggs and red wine and she didn`t want to try them.

Another thing? Well, she always lets the toilet paper run down to zero.

Mine doesn`t.

Mine hides stuff.

Mine doesn`t.

Conversely, mine is obsessed with with having mountains of the stuff in the toilet. We can run out of Milk (like this morning for example) so no milk for my coffee but i have about 60 toilet rolls stacked up in my toilet so the pupa is well catered for.

Not mine.

..when we first started living together I thought "No-one can spend that long stood in the shower......surely??"

Not mine.I think my wife is quite unusual about make-up. She doesn`t use any facial stuff. Only deodorants and perfume. And I like it a lot. I prefer seeing her natural. Her freckles and red hair are enough to make her pretty.

She could look beautiful if made-up. She once tried it, in 1990s, it was my birthday and she made me a present and looked gorgeous, like a model. But I didn`t approve of it because I was so concentrated on natural looks. Since then she never used face make-up.

I think it is great.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
10 Jun 2011   #12
Your wife pawian will remain beautiful for very long time, not destroying her face with make-up.
Thumbs up!
Michael's wife
10 Jun 2011   #13
I find Polish women who have been hired to clean people's house. Why do Polish women bother their husbands while they cleaning their house. Even wives aren't home. My friend got home from shopping and caught her having sex with her husband in their bedroom. Why is that? Polish women can't control their sex drives but they lost their good paying jobs. Which is more important? I would choose job instead someone else husband.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
10 Jun 2011   #14
Polish saying: "It is fantastic to have a husband. Of course, someone else's husband".
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jun 2011   #15
Your wife pawian will remain beautiful for very long time, not destroying her face with make-up.

Exactly, Antek. I can see other women in her age who have obsessively put on make-up since 15. And they all look 5-8 years older. It is incredible how make-up damages the skin. And how women are unaware of it.
southern  73 | 7059
10 Jun 2011   #16
would choose job instead someone else husband.

Maybe she kept the one by keeping the other.
pgtx  29 | 3094
10 Jun 2011   #17
Why is that?

because her husband is a nasty cheater...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jun 2011   #18
caught her having sex with her husband in their bedroom. Why is that?

You are asking strange questions. I am not sure what to answer.


1. They had sex because the TV was out of order.

2. They used the bedroom because the bathroom was still uncleaned.

3. The husband because the wife was absent.


I really don`t know.
10 Jun 2011   #19
What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do?

Meet each other while I'm having sex.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
10 Jun 2011   #20
It is incredible how make-up damages the skin. And how women are unaware of it.

"Once you POP, you can't STOP" :-)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Jun 2011   #21
Some Polish women (esp. those from the countryside) see to have an obsession about rushing to draw the blinds should anyone turn the light on when it's dark outside. Not just the bedroom, but also the ktichen, dining and living room. So what if a fellow-villager gets a glimspe of your furniture while walking by. You're not doing anything (reading, watching the telly, brewing tea, etc.) to be ashamed of!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jun 2011   #22
I admit it is my obsession too. Well, used to be an obsession, now I am more relaxed and I don`t rush to the window, just stroll leasurely and gracefully turn off the blinds or draw the curtains.
pgtx  29 | 3094
10 Jun 2011   #23
Poles like to be naked after dark...
wildrover  98 | 4430
10 Jun 2011   #24
Everyone is afraid of the phantom lurker from the forest....!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jun 2011   #25
Poles like to be naked after dark...

How do you know? Did you catch a glimpse of me before I drew the curtains?

Everyone is afraid of the phantom lurker from the forest....!

Called Night Crawler:

great music, isn`t it?
Michael's wife
10 Jun 2011   #26
Are Cleaning Ladies getting pay twice.
1. Clean the house. Wife pay her.
2. Having sex with someone's husband. He pay her privately.

Oh, well. Polish women should pay taxes.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jun 2011   #27
And you should keep a better eye on your playful husband. He seduces innocent Polish girls. Pervert!!!

Look, that is the best description of the situation:

14 Jun 2011   #28
I think my wife is quite unusual about make-up.

I hardly believe it. Each red-haired woman I know wears makeup. Why should yours differ?
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Jun 2011   #29
She sometimes brays like a donkey. I don't know if that's a sign to me or.... :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jun 2011   #30
I hardly believe it. Each red-haired woman I know wears makeup. Why should yours differ?

Hey, when I say so, it must be true. What is wrong with you?

She sometimes brays like a donkey. I don't know if that's a sign to me or.... :)

If it sounds like a female donkey, it is OK. Stop worrying.

Mine wants to boil her broad beans soft, while I prefer al dente. So I always have to take out my share from the pot while hers continues to boil. Funny.

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