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Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland?

Midas  1 | 571
11 Apr 2011   #1
Ok, he recently surfaced up again and there's at least 1 member here who constantly talks about Polish women and "third worlders" so I chose to start this topic.

For those of You that don't know here's a ( really funny, I think ) link to a monologue from a Polish author Rafal Ziemkiewicz:

To summarize, Mol was a guy from Cameroon who came over to Poland as a supposed political refugee ( this backstory was later found to be completely false by one of the Polish newspapers ). He was involved with the far left and liberals, but his main area of specialization was jogging around Warsaw and hitting up on young, Polish women. His pick up lines were clearly based on him being a negro and a fighter against political oppression. Agewise he was somewhere around 40, hard to tell.

Apparently said women were on him like flies on a big steamy pile of dog ****, because when he was finally arrested the Police and newspapers pinned around 40 cases of infecting a woman with HIV on him.

In the investigation dude pretty much owned up that he knew he was HIV positive, but hated using a condom so in case a Polish girl asked him to use one he just wailed on her for being supposedly racist. And after that all of these Polish women gave up, spread and took the HIV-infected cock, forgetting the condom ( they didn't want to be "racist" ).

Now, I'm thinking whether Mol would have been so successful in U.K., France, Germany, Spain, U.S. or Italy. Breaking it down to two components:

1) Whether he would have found so many willing women through the use of pick up lines based on "hey, look, I'm black!" and "I fight against the injustices in Africa!!" ( funny thing that last one actually, since Poland had no colonies and "white guilt" cannot be taken into account ) ?

2) Whether women of a nationality other than Polish or Eastern European would have fallen for this "You're racist because You want me to use a condom" bollocks?

My answers are 1 = no and 2 = no.

Now, before anyone uses this argument - Mol usually targetted Polish women with a leftist background, not the Catholic schoolgirl from the deep forests of Suwalki type, so they knew a thing or two about contraception, HIV risk, etc. and were supposedly progressive.

I especially would like to read Lodz_the_Boats contribution because he got so miffed in another topic.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Apr 2011   #2
Without a doubt. The women he went for are the same throughout the world - and are prone to falling for such lines. The usual type - left wing, rich parents, fighting for a "cause" - they'd be seduced by the same argument throughout the world. Usually for them, this kind of guy is "mad, bad and dangerous to know" - and that's what the appeal is. And don't forget - no doubt he used the same old crap with all of them.

Great argument for introducing proper sex education into schools, though.
OP Midas  1 | 571
11 Apr 2011   #3
So You're basically saying that most Dutch, English, German, American women wouldn't laugh the guy out of their bed, had he told them he won't use a condom because he's black/martian/Polish/Chilean?

Sorry, I have to disagree.

But ok, assuming You're right, since You said that without a doubt he'd be so successful in all of the countries I mentioned = why hasn't there been even 1 case like Mol's ( both modus operandi and scope ) in any of these countries recently?

It's not like he's the only African casanova with HIV...
Stu  12 | 515
11 Apr 2011   #4
why hasn't there been even 1 case like Mol's ( both modus operandi and scope ) in any of these countries recently?

How do you know? Maybe the countries you mention don't consider it newsworthy enough. And why should one? Women can make up their own minds. If they fall for a cheap story, then it's their problem ... not something that would come in the news.

Unfortunately you'd have to walk into a shopping mall wielding a machine gun, kill 7 and wound 17 to make the news in the Netherlands nowadays. Not by believing some cheap story by any man (or any woman), whether (s)he'd be black, white, yellow or purple. Colour has nothing to do with it. Being unscrupulous does ... and unfortunately there are examples of those in all human beings. stopping-hiv/

In August this year (2010) the eyes of the world were upon an HIV-positive German pop star found guilty of having unprotected sex with her ex-partner and infecting him with HIV.

R. v. Cuerrier was a 1998 decision by the Supreme Court of Canada, which ruled that knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV constitutes a prosecutable crime (aggravated assault) under Canadian law.


Sean Sykes, 33, was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday for knowingly exposing a woman to the HIV virus, after he had been previously convicted of the same crime.

Sykes, who is HIV-positive, spent five years in jail after being convicted in 1997 of infecting two women with the virus. A Missouri law passed in 1988 determined that exposing a partner to the virus without disclosing one's HIV-positive status is a felony.

In the current case, Sykes was found guilty of exposing a woman to HIV in 2003. The woman has now tested positive.

JonnyM  11 | 2607
11 Apr 2011   #5
Most (maybe all) of the young ladies in question were members of the Polish Green Party. One thing I find hard to understand is that most of them knew his HIV status before they slept with him.
southern  73 | 7059
11 Apr 2011   #6
Polish women are rather gullible they believe a lot of stuff.For some reason they also believe the primitive lies from the low IQ third worldlers.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
11 Apr 2011   #7
You'd have to attend their meetings, they're ******* aliens from outer bloody space, its incredible how outlandish the Green Party is, tbh yeah in every country where there's a similar thing to our polish nutjub covenant he'd be as succesfull, and yeah there is a mental hospital like that in every country.

why hasn't there been even 1 case like Mol's ( both modus operandi and scope ) in any of these countries recently?

There has been multiple such cases, in Belgium its actually a regular issue just because YOU dont know any doesnt mean there wasnt any.
OP Midas  1 | 571
11 Apr 2011   #8
Look, throw in a link to a case where an African immigrant managed to infect 40 Belgian ( or any other nationality ) women because he told them they were racist when wanting a condom.

All the links that were provided pertain to cases of much lesser scope.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
11 Apr 2011   #9
So You're basically saying that most Dutch, English, German, American women wouldn't laugh the guy out of their bed

I think what he is saying (which an obsessed person like you cannot understand) is that THERE ARE SUCH WOMEN anywhere in the world. Perhaps more in UK even! ... Ofcourse. I was reading a thread in PF few days ago where the British girl complains about her boyfriend being more careful in chosing a bride, and leaving her out (and claiming herself to be greatly experienced in bed) for a better choice! Infact, I didn't say anything there ... but here I would like to EXCLAIM that any Polish man (not the ones you meet, the day laborers) with a good background and dynasty would always like to choose a better person for their life. Someone who respects herself in words and deed, and thus also would respect him and his honor!

So ... there you go! British women too. Infact British women of good educated backgrounds. While the Poles you often come across are the ones which are more needy. Those who are from broken homes too.

Lodz_the_Boats contribution because he got so miffed in another topic.

Remember Midas, Poland is not the kind of community you dwell in. We have various family structures and sub cultures in Poland. When you say "Polish girls" it unjustly colors everyone in the same light. I have family, we are Polish. I have friends with dignity, my attitude was shaped in a way that I chose people with whom I was comfortable, and I used to be (and still am) comfortable with people who have some kind of relevance with my (our) lifestyle. I would like to assert here, that WE ARE MANY MANY TOO MANY! ... We ourselves do not find interest or anything to do with the kind of women who you are influenced by. DOES IT RING BELL? ... I hope it does. My offense comes when you mark it all by saying "POLISH WOMEN" ... why don't you call them the needy, loose, useless, stray women who might wear expensive clothes or try to look very independent, but are internally distorted and deformed. You cannot relate such people with a particular nation, but you can say that you met such people from a country who came to your jobs or somehow related to it (which deals with very "manual" things).

Even manuals have very good dignity. But they are the unfortunate victims of the dirty reputation created by some ambitious unfortunates, who no matter what they say, are the curse on themselves and those who they come across.

Women and Men, who do not know how to carry themselves ... or how to BEHAVE, how to judge and move forward in life with ethics, decency and efficiency ... are not worth being obsessed about with any intense feelings (hatred or love).

"third worlders"

In my view Midas, no one is a third worlder. No Midas, the Children of Israel were not slaves, but Children of Israel - God's people. They were mislabeled, mistreated ... everything was flawed and later which was corrected.

You cannot divide people with religion, color, economy of culture (which is fast overlapping and taking the shape of a universal culture). People, humans, are one ... and the evolution is there ... it is shaping ... and it will bring about solace ... with its own beauty which today is not clear ... perhaps just like it would not have been clear to the caveman that without thick skin how he would survive.

MIDAS ... I had no experience with a black person. I confess, my experiences are limited to STUDENTS with good reputable backgrounds (generally from East, and I once was very interested in Eastern cultures and values ... although not so much into research now), and whose manners suggested so aswell. I have friends who married into such men and I reiterated that they are not only happy, but prosperous and even examples of good marriages. I once posted some links of such a couple who took the time to try and teach each other language through youtube, but I suppose this forum have too many morons due to which I put it off.

You need to know WHO YOU ARE TALKING WITH ... WHO YOU SHOULD BEFRIEND ... Shape your own values, maintain your lifestyle and not become intimidated ... then life will show you better than what you currently keep observing.

I HAVE NOTICED THAT YOU ONLY QUOTE CONVENIENT PORTIONS AND TRY TO DISTORT MY COMMUNICATION INTO SOMETHING WHICH SOUNDS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT I SAID. You believe in creating stereotypes. You believe in dwelling in the trash, of which I know, but I avoid and travel through the gardens which also exist - like a sane and normal human being with fresh and positive tastes. That is how we are different ...

READ COMPLETELY ... if necessary twice ... understand, don't just ARGUE...

Yet I did not interact with some people from East again when I were in University. I still do not have Turkish friends so close to remain in contact (although I am sure some are good, but I did not meet, or saw from distance just the sleazy ones) ... and the Hispanic or the Egyptian (although I had a friend, but he went another part of Poland and since that no contact).

Thus it comes down to being "selective", having a developed sense of judgment. Acting on refined impulses, evolved through upbringing. One must consider "who" is that person ... "what" is the nature. The "ambition" ... and the character of the work and surrounding. All the external factors create a sub culture, which sometimes are very deviated from the main culture or completely different from many of the prominent sub cultures of a nation.
11 Apr 2011   #10
My answers are 1 = no and 2 = no.

OK. So, basically you're saying that Polish women are, by and large, sluts; or, at least, they are
much more likely to exhibit slutty behaviour than women from western Europe. That is the thesis
of most of your posts on this forum, if my reading comprehension is not failing me.

Very well. Just for the sake of argument, let's assume for a moment that you're right. You said it once,
twice and ten times - we all get that by now, I think. What's the point though? What is the point
of your posts in various threads, and what's the point of this very thread? Try as I might, I can't see it.

Maybe you're counting on all those slutty women reading your posts on PF and changing their evil ways?
Maybe you're a very religious person (even though you don't respect Szabat) and you're simply
concerned about their immortal souls?

Seriously, Midas, what's the point?
southern  73 | 7059
11 Apr 2011   #11
sluts; or, at least, they are much more likely to exhibit slutty behaviour than women from western Europe

This is certainly the truth.Not more sluts than russian or ukrianian women though.Much of the West is under strict protestant ethics so slavic looseness and fun strikes as extraordinary.The problem is that the western society with the protestant ethics punishes loosenes by extorting it from their neighbourhood that is polish women end up with Blacks and other colored and lose their color so the English can distinguish them as slaves.There is ruthless element in the western world and protestant punishment is a big thing.(unfortunately).
11 Apr 2011   #12
Much of the West is under strict protestant ethics


Please, Southern. There are people on this forum who have been to western Europe :)
"Strict protestant ethics" :D

The problem is that the western society with the protestant ethics punishes loosenes by extorting it from their neighbourhood

You've been reading too much Nathaniel Hawthorne recently :D
southern  73 | 7059
11 Apr 2011   #13
I lived for some time in Germany and I had the opportunity to observe the extent and influence of protestant ethics from the working place to everything.It is a core thing and has a lot to do with production and economic success as well.A society full of slutty moneygrabbing women cannot function economically as well you need some restrictions and there come the protestant ethics.For example if all men thought all the time with their d1cks you would get d1ck products without doubt.
11 Apr 2011   #14
Nice theory. Allthough the best, let's say, "adventures" that I had, were with German women.
Oh, well - maybe they behave different abroad, when they know they won't be "extorted from
the neighbourhood" for being nice to a lonely guy :D
Ironside  50 | 12946
11 Apr 2011   #15
Seriously, Midas, what's the point?

inadequacy,poor Midas should lower his self-estimation
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
11 Apr 2011   #16
One thing I find hard to understand is that most of them knew his HIV status before they slept with him.

It's called natural selection.
southern  73 | 7059
11 Apr 2011   #17
the best, let's say, "adventures" that I had, were with German women.

Very likely they did not this in return for a place in your pad.
Ogien  5 | 237
11 Apr 2011   #18
It's tough to say.

Left wing women in general are usually a lot more likely to be slutty than moderates or right-wingers.

On the other hand, news networks in western Europe and North America are not as keen on reporting crime from minorities due to political correctness. So situations like this might be happening, but we just don't hear about it because the media doesn't report it or make a big deal out of it.

Slavic women generally are sluttier than western European women. Slavic women make up the largest percentage of prostitutes in Germany and other W. Euro nations. I was talking to a German man a few weeks ago and he told me a funny thing about how he couldn't find a prostitute that he could communicate with too well because they were all Slavic and spoke German very poorly.

However, I don't know if that applies as much to Polish women since Poland is one of the few Slavic countries that's Catholic-majority.

Although I think W. Euro girls are more likely to have "white guilt" since Poland didn't really invade, colonize, and oppress territories in other continents.
11 Apr 2011   #19
Left wing women in general are usually a lot more likely to be slutty than moderates or right-wingers.

You really should attend a meeting/party thrown by the Oxford University Young Conservatives' Association (how and why I gatecrashed one of these little Bacchanals back in the day, I leave to your imagination). Eye-opening - not to say -popping.

Seems the Polish intelligentsia in the 80s were quite turned on as well ...

Zgroza, w jakich pozycjach,
z jak wyuzdaną prostotą
umysłowi udaje się zapłodnić umysł!
Nie zna takich pozycji nawet Kamasutra.

sascha  1 | 824
11 Apr 2011   #20
Left wing women in general are usually a lot more likely to be slutty than moderates or right-wingers.

Nice prejudices and what about the conservo chicks? They save their virginity for the "right one" like they are living in a monastery in middle ages. lol

Probably you mean by "slutty" free in terms of sexx, right, otherwise your comment is full bs.

Ogien I am always surprised when someone like you comes along full of bs and stereotypes like there was never a chance for variety of information sources...
southern  73 | 7059
11 Apr 2011   #21
When Ogien interviews women he asks:
1.Are you left wing?
2.Are you at least slavic?
Ogien  5 | 237
12 Apr 2011   #22
I am always surprised when someone like you comes along full of bs and stereotypes like there was never a chance for variety of information sources

Ouch. I really hit someone deep.

For those that don't believe me about Slavic women being the most common prostitutes, here you go. Filthy wh0res...

In Germany, 75% of the prostitutes are foreigners. (Altink, 1995, p.33) ("Trafficking of Women to the European Union: Characteristic, Trends and Policy Issues," European Conference on Trafficking in Women, June 1996, IOM, 7 May 1996)

There are 6,000 - 8,000 women in prostitution in Hamburg, about 70% of them are migrant prostitutes and 50% of those are East European women, from Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic.
BBman  - | 343
12 Apr 2011   #23
Whether he would have found so many willing women through the use of pick up lines based on "hey, look, I'm black!"

Most women are not very bright and have a very fcuked up way of thinking. Here in canada, in small towns where there are few non-whites, women flock to these non-whites. Why? Because they see them as a treat and something that conservative mommy and daddy would never approve of. They're rebelling.

I think the same goes for Poland, I've seen it when i lived/worked there. Women are incapable of thinking, especially when that biological clock is ticking hard.

It has absolutely nothing to do with "white guilt." If someone tried the same trick on me i would wywalic chuja na zbity pysk.
OP Midas  1 | 571
12 Apr 2011   #24
I had a rather busy day, I'll drop a few bits of thought in tomorrow, maybe.

Have to say right now though that I find the argument used above ( "hey, most women are not too bright, duh" ) not really well thought out...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
12 Apr 2011   #25
For those that don't believe me about Slavic women being the most common prostitutes, here you go. Filthy wh0res...

if you knew the economic and social reasons behind, but you are too shortsighted, aren't you?


what are you trying to prove with this thread? Please, enlighten me:).
Why don't you try to stay away from Polish women all together. After all you claim to have successful relationship with a Jewish lady, who in some circles are considered to be oversexed;).

I love when some men on this forum try to use double standards while they are themselves not necessarily an example of the purity lol

Is is because some men are simply obsessed with sex? Luck of maturity perhaps and the lack of ability to deal with their own sexuality, mixed perhaps with projection as well: I sleep around, but I will point my finger at others who do.
southern  73 | 7059
12 Apr 2011   #26
Simply in slavic countries women who engange in such activities as sponsoring,visitors etc do not get criticized.There is much more tolerance than in mediteranean countries.Here being sponsored is viewed as form of prostitution and is condemned(of course it also happens in a great degree but a bit more secretly).
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
12 Apr 2011   #27
not true. They do. that is why they keep it secret. It is not about women being sluts, it is about women having less financial opportunities not only in Poland, but also around the world. Women who are financially stable and who are doing well are often single.

PS. I would appreciate if any men who post in such threads educate themselves on prostitution next time they decide to blame the victim.

What about those men who use the services ?
Ogien  5 | 237
12 Apr 2011   #28
^No excuses for being a wh0re.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
12 Apr 2011   #29
Ogienwho said anything about excuses?

what would you know about them from your personal life anyways, you are too young.

You just heard something and read way too many unreliable sources.

date a virgin and problem will be solved. The question is: would the virgin want to date you?
southern  73 | 7059
12 Apr 2011   #30
is about women having less financial opportunities not only in Poland, but also around the world

It has to do with culture too.As Midas pointed out women from other cultures do not get engaged in such activities despite being poorer.Even wealthy women choose the easy road to success.

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