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Polish Pet Names For Girls.

13 Jan 2011   #91
My grandfather used to call me źabka when I was a little girl. I always thought it was wonderfully sweet. Apparently my Italian-Irish husband thought so too and now calls me Glubba (because frogs go "glub-glub" in the puddles). Pet names are cute and silly and should be. I will always be a źabka and damned proud of it!
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2011   #92
I will always be a źabka and damned proud of it!

isn't that żabka?
13 Aug 2012   #93
My aunt was told that her grandfather called her marushka (or something that sounds close to this). I haven't seen it in this forum yet. Any ideas about this one?
Magdalena  3 | 1827
13 Aug 2012   #94

That would be Maria.
sofijufka  2 | 187
13 Aug 2012   #95
saturn: Maria?Marysia.

it could be albo Maryla/Maryjka or Maja/Majka or Mania
boletus  30 | 1356
13 Aug 2012   #97
My aunt was told that her grandfather called her marushka (or something that sounds close to this). I haven't seen it in this forum yet. Any ideas about this one?

Diminutives from Marta: Maruszka, Marusza, Marucha, Maruchna, Marocha, Marsza, Marszka + many more
Diminutives from Maria: Marusia, Maruszka + some more

Maruszka is also a village in NE Poland, on the border with Belarus.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
14 Aug 2012   #98
Diminutives from Marta: Maruszka, Marusza, Marucha, Maruchna, Marocha, Marsza, Marszka + many more

I have never come across any of the above being used as diminutives of Marta. To be honest, Marucha and Marocha sound almost obscene and I would never call them diminutives - where on earth have you heard them used?

Pet names derived from Marta - Martusia, Martunia, Marteczka, Martuchna.

As for Maria - Marysia, Marusia, Maryśka, Maruśka, Marysieńka, Marynka, Marylka, Mania, Maniusia, Marysiunia... the variations are almost endless ;-)
sofijufka  2 | 187
14 Aug 2012   #99
Pet names derived from Marta - Martusia, Martunia, Marteczka, Martuchna.

it could be also: Tunia, Tuśka, Tusia
boletus  30 | 1356
14 Aug 2012   #100
have never come across any of the above being used as diminutives of Marta.

Where else?

Do dawnych zdrobnień zaliczała się np. Marusza (wsł., od wsł. Marchwa), oraz Marocha, Marsza, Marszka, Marucha, Maruchna, Maruszka (też od innych imion na Ma-, np. od Małgorzaty)

I did not know it was a beauty contest, I thought it was a question about any name sounding like "Marushka", so I stopped at that and did not care for "Marylkas" and "Marteczkas".
Magdalena  3 | 1827
14 Aug 2012   #101
I thought it was a question about any name sounding like "Marushka",

Fair enough, so why did you quote a ton of diminutives which are clearly called obsolete ("do dawnych zdrobnień zaliczała się")? Within the last century or so, "Marusia" or "Maruśka" are AFAIK the only possible sources for "Marushka", and these diminutives both come from the name Maria.
boletus  30 | 1356
14 Aug 2012   #102
why did you quote a ton of diminutives

What tons of diminutives? I listed altogether nine names, six of them qualifying as close approximations of "marushka": Maruszka, Marusia, Marusza, Marsza, Marszka,

You added to this set "Maruśka". My feeling is that the great grandfather of OP spoke some eastern Borderland dialect, hence Maruszka would be my best bet.

I am guilty of bringing the three other names that irked you: Marucha, Maruchna, Marocha. Forgive me for my little joke on the theme: "the beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Who knows "Maruchna" could have sounded as nicely and pretty as Dobrochna. Marucha? Well, we have this bad connotation with "gajowy Marucha". :-)
Magdalena  3 | 1827
14 Aug 2012   #103
What tons of diminutives?

Maybe I'm just having a bad day. Sorry and all that - I might have been barking up a slightly wrong tree here.
10 Apr 2013   #104
im boyfriend always call me his little devil i would like to know what it means in polish and if there are any nicknames for Nina
LoveStruckBrit  - | 2
17 Feb 2014   #105
Merged: Please help me pronounce Kotku

I'm brand new to the Polish language (and this forum) and have started seeing a beautiful Polish girl.

She calls me "Misiu", which I know to pronounce as "Miss You" mixed with "Me Shoe". I love her calling me it (and I am a bit like a teddy bear!)...

I looked around for nice names for her and really like little kitten / kitty which is Kotku I know, but I don't know how to pronounce it.

Could anybody write it phonetically for me so I can say it to her next time I see her?

Thanks in advance - I love that this forum exists!


Why have you merged my question with this thread? It hasn't been active in almost a year....
Vincent  8 | 796
18 Feb 2014   #106
Why have you merged my question with this thread? It hasn't been active in almost a year.

Thanks to you it's active again and top of the pile. 'Kot koo' would probably be close enough for her to understand you.
Seraphim8  - | 1
18 Feb 2014   #107
I call my boyfriend "Polish Prick" and he calls me "English Twat". That's pure romance, just there lol
Wulkan  - | 3136
18 Feb 2014   #108
Why have you merged my question with this thread? It hasn't been active in almost a year....

If you wanna complain about life this is the wrong site
LoveStruckBrit  - | 2
18 Feb 2014   #109
'Kot koo' would probably be close enough for her to understand you.

Simple as that? Cool, thanks.
Maluch  30 | 94
4 Mar 2014   #110
I think "Mariolka" is cute :) helllooooooooo!
Dom 454
17 Jul 2014   #111
my girlfriend Anna had a little teacup chihuahua that got lost and I just recently saw Anna and I want to ask her about that dog she named it after a little alien in Polish can you please help me out I do not want her to know that I forgot the dogs name that believe it was aliens or little alien from space a teacup chihuahua very small dog with a big head that look like an alien I forgot her name so if you can please help me do so I have a Polish friend that can translate what you can come up with for a little alien so thank you
gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Jul 2014   #112
my guess is ufoludek :) but I may be wrong
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jul 2014   #113
I suspect ufoludek too. Another possibility could be marsjanin :-)
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jul 2014   #115
That was the word i was scratching my head about but couldn't remember? Are there any other possibles?
Marysienka  1 | 195
17 Jul 2014   #116
literal translation of alien is "obcy" , but no diminutive comes to mind.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jul 2014   #117
That word makes me think of the film with Sigourney Weaver ;-)

I can't think of anything else either. Kosmitek is a good one...
6 Jan 2015   #118
Trying to help a friend. She said they call her grandma something pronounced like "vwah jah" any ideas?
Magdalena  3 | 1827
6 Jan 2015   #119
Władzia? Pet name for Władysława.
7 Jan 2015   #120
When I translate that online it translates to Johnny. Is that the case? Just sounds funny to call grandma johnny.

Oh and thanks for your help.

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