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Why Polish girl is very easy to approach and be in relationship?

OP fathibest  2 | 25
16 Mar 2007   #31
And just curious eyy...why does Polish girls love to fool around with other guys eventhough they have boyfriend?

Coz I was drinking with my friend just now and he told me he slept with 1 Polish girl from his work and she got a boyfriend! This is not the first time I heard this kinda story coz before I meet my ex, she was kinda like this. Been with her ex for 4 years but still love to fool around with other guys. And it happened to me!

ArturSzastak  3 | 593
16 Mar 2007   #32
Aww. Well here's the simple explanation for that:

You weren't putting out so she wasn't putting up :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
16 Mar 2007   #34

I wouldn't admit to that :)

You're probably just meeting the wrong girls. Every population has its share of morons, jack@sses and who*es so just label them all that way :)
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Mar 2007   #35
But very human

Human Nature is very Grand and Pure. It climbs from good to better always. So I dont think your description was 'very human'. Rather, it described the weaknesses of humans.

However, you have your own view in which you see the events, and thinking process of people. Which is you way of life maybe...

I have more respect for men and women. There are more people with a good heart... and I know that by experience.

Have a nice day :)
shewolf  5 | 1077
17 Mar 2007   #36
What did I say exactly? I simply made the point that women often say "I love you" when they're just in love and men take it as being more serious. (I meant when you've been dating for a short while like the person who posted the topic). And some women like to go out with different men before they get married and some regret it if they don't and it's not fair to call these women sluts like fathibest did. I don't get your response. What do you mean?
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Mar 2007   #37
and it's not fair to call these women sluts like fathibest did.

Women who would try out many men before finally being with one is disgraceful. If a man does that then he is a Playboy...if a woman does it then she is just a woman? No, she is a Playgirl.

Faithbest is sad... he should move on. But if his description about those girls is true, then those girls are disgraceful. As those girls are not only dating... but being more irresponsible.

Hope you get it now.
Decorator  4 | 291
17 Mar 2007   #38
To me there is no difference between a women and a man who have had many partners. I personally hate it when a woman is denounced for being promiscuous, yet in a man would be regarded as a showing of masculinity. Sex is one of the most natural things in the world, if a person is being unfaithful then that is a moral defect in character in that person alone...

That's my opinion for what it's worth..
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
17 Mar 2007   #39
Dude, Im not an English guy. Im Malaysian from Malaysia. They are all around early to mid 20s. They come here to work, get enough money then go back to Poland but they are still here

you just answered your own question. those who came from poland never had plans
to stay ( this is the impression I am getting) so those who are going back to poland
but only here to make money, sounds like she is getting free meals till its time to go
back. plus it also sounds like she doesnt want a permanent relationship , and of
course, saying those words and actually doing something about it are two different
things. if I woman really loves a man, you will know it by all the things she is doing
and her wanting to be there every day with you.

he told me he slept with 1 Polish girl from his work and she got a boyfriend!

well he should not be sleepin with just anyone for starters
protection and respect were not the first thing on his mind.

well maybe things are bad with her and boyfriend.

it would not surprise me that she was getting used by your friend as well.

men who talk about what went on, are usually the braggin sort, and they arent
any better then those they surround. Id pick some not so gossip type friends
because in the end they wind up trying to mess in your relationships.

I personally hate it when a woman is denounced for being promiscuous,

There are women who get paid for this, and then there are women who look
for something and get labeled.

then there are women who have been hurt so much they decide to go on a all
out rampage, making their mark wherever they go.

my only advice. for both men and women who are this way.

make sure you have things COVERED, and for women Make sure things are covered!

There is far to much risk now a days with just having FUN, Vs Getting married and
waiting for that right person and right time.

just make the right choices.

then there are women who have been hurt so much they decide to go on a all
out rampage, making their mark wherever they go.

as well as men, whom do same and really this gets them now where fast.
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Mar 2007   #40

Quoting yourself even :) ...

But yes. There are people who have self control and live peacefully (peaceful people are often found keeping a low profile), and people who let themselves loose and have havoc (often they are found to keep a high profile, and make noise, or chaos).

However... the planet keeps rolling.

shewolf  5 | 1077
17 Mar 2007   #41
Women who would try out many men before finally being with one is disgraceful. If a man does that then he is a Playboy...if a woman does it then she is just a woman? No, she is a Playgirl.

Seriously? I look at people who indulge in their desires as acting on something that is natural. I don't believe in doing that myself and it's a constant struggle not to. I am amazed that you don't struggle with your abstinence, that you don't have the desire to do that, too. You're very fortunate.
ukinpoland  5 | 338
17 Mar 2007   #42
Shewolf I think I would like to get to know you better:)
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Mar 2007   #44
I look at people who indulge in their desires as acting on something that is natural

I see that a lack of self control. When a cow sees a female cow, he doesnt think of anything and leaps ahead to mate. A man wont do that. Its an example of self control. (This example of cow is seen by myself....and the crazy cow pushed me in the process so vigourously, that I was hurt!).

Self control before a show of the capability of the person...and he/she is capable to have self control even after marriage....which is neccessary for any relationship!

About me being fortunate.... I have faith in myself... I try my best. I work for my fortune, the stars dont decide, I decide (that is my belief).
shewolf  5 | 1077
17 Mar 2007   #45
A man wont do that. Its an example of self control.

But it's still there, isn't it? The desire. That's what you're trying to control.
OP fathibest  2 | 25
17 Mar 2007   #46
What did I say exactly?

She said it first to me only after 2 weeks we have been together. I told her my feelings after 3 months. I was very shocked when I heard she confessed bout her feeling.

But if the feeling was real and honest, why dont I get the last chance? I dont ask for 2nd chance..but 1 last chance.

That means she just love fooling around!
shewolf  5 | 1077
17 Mar 2007   #47
That means she just love fooling around!

Yes, she obviously isn't looking to be in a serious relationship. But not all women are like her.
OP fathibest  2 | 25
17 Mar 2007   #48
if I woman really loves a man, you will know it by all the things she is doing
and her wanting to be there every day with you.

We did all those things. Spend every single moment together. And from what I know, she did the same to all the guys she got with after we broke up!

Sometimes I just try to figure what type of girl she is. Desperate for love or just lonely...

Yes, she obviously isn't looking to be in a serious relationship. But not all women are like her.

Or just an ungrateful person
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Mar 2007   #49
But it's still there, isn't it? The desire.

The desire is there, trying to mislead, 3 teen years (I believe). But if you can realise it, and know that you dont want to confuse yourself and be mislead, then you get the opportunity to develop further your charecter. Later on this desire (not only sexual, but to try on being drunk, smoking, or to get a taste of that party drug etc) gives us and looses its strength. Because it has failed to be reasonable to you, and broke already infront of your sheer will.

Sex is not bad. It is good, natural, but it has its rightful way of expressing. And that is with the wife, whom you loved and married... and that relationship which bring new life to Earth. And the responsibilities that keeps increases in volume... just like our Universe increases in size, every passing moment.

I believe that:
Love is the eternal (beyond death, and even a small kiss from the true love is beyond comprehension) ... while Lust is fake, and empty, it is the fire the either scars - or burns away.

Emotion is the true feeling, the pure and the strong. It is capable of moving the world.... while Attraction is like a sudden burst of wind that will go away just as soon as it arrived.

Devotion is the true symbol of love. It gives and breaths and creats. It is responsible. It is ancient and modern. It is pure and simple. .... While Desire is a hunger, it is material, it does not have life, it is complex and often a symbol of illusion.

These are my values. My nature. My opinion. :)

OP fathibest  2 | 25
17 Mar 2007   #50
But it's still there, isn't it? The desire. That's what you're trying to control.

It is not a desire you should try to control...

It's the temptation! If you act by following your heart, you'll get nowhere. Follow your brain, same result. But if you combine'll get a better act!
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Mar 2007   #51
But not all women are like her

yaaaaaaaaa.... thats what I wanna say aswell ... :)


I made desire a synonym of temptation buddy.


Time is the requirement now for you :)
southern  73 | 7059
14 Jan 2011   #52
Merged thread:
Polish girls the easiest in Europe?

The answer is yes from my experience.They are even easier than russian and ukrainian.
14 Jan 2011   #53
Jings. It's southern with a thread about Polki and his alleged sexual prowess. Such a departure from the usual stuff.

How do you keep up with the pace of your own innovation?
Wroclaw Boy
14 Jan 2011   #54
The answer is yes from my experience.

when youre dreaming maybe, but then alas you awake to discover that youre still a kebab boy, in need of lots of masturbating.
southern  73 | 7059
14 Jan 2011   #55
It is an interesting thread in my opinion.Both Poles and other Europeans seem to agree on the matter.
16 Sep 2015   #56
Fathibest, my friend, lemme try my best inspired guess. But if you don't like my answer, there is not much more I can do. I think your Polish old flame is just being a normal, friendly, fun loving girl, who just also happens a healthy sexual appetite Just like many millions of other girls on this planet. She is not seriously thinking of getting serious with anyone yet.

So, I wud advise you to stop taking things too seriously. If she comes near you again next time, and you still want her, then make a go for it. It might not last as long as you wud like it to, but just learn to enjoy the fun while it's there, and anytime it's available to you. Stop trying to make it last forever. Just be cool & casual. Remain in the here & now.

Learn to enjoy the chase & the hunt, instead of allowing your mind to be obsessed on the moment of capture.

You cannot trap or catch happiness & confine it in a cage like a bird. You can only surrender to it. Instead of always trying so hard to make happiness your slave, how about allowing happiness to be your master?

Once you realise this principle and live by this rule, maybe you will hv a better chance of being happy all the time.
nothanks  - | 626
16 Sep 2015   #57
She was fine with having sex on the down-low but doesn't feel comfortable openly dating you IMO

Many Polish girls living outside of Polska carry self-hate. You can thank Westerners for that. Anyway, they are open with slutting around but then decide they want the comfortable Polish [native] life: same language, family approves, no cultural disagreements, white children, similar friends etc.
Terry Zazoff
16 Sep 2015   #58
The reality is that in their own country they want to publicly be seen as holier than thou but as soon as they set foot abroad and mama and babcia don't know, they are taking it in the arse like nobody's business.
Crow  154 | 9463
16 Sep 2015   #59
if i`m woman i would be the greatest w****. i mean, woman much easier come in situation to get sex if want that. So, don`t blame Polish girls.
9 Jun 2016   #60
because they like the british long hard stick dude

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