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Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this?

pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #241
women are the main aggressors at home

They are veritable monsters. hahahahaha
But only in your own nightmares.
Novichok  4 | 8744
26 Jan 2022   #242
But only in your own nightmares.

...and those pesky things we call statistics. The numbers are low because men do not call the cops.
Alien  26 | 6559
26 Jan 2022   #243
The weapon of man is the fist, but the weapon of woman is psychoterror. Who is the aggressor?
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #244
Fists hurt both physically and mentally. Psychoterror hurts mentally. Which is more aggressive? :):)
Novichok  4 | 8744
26 Jan 2022   #245
Who is the aggressor?

The one who threw the first punch. That punch can be done with nails - especially if they are long and painted.
Law doesn't recognize words as tools of aggression. Saying idiotic things to a guy prone to violence - especially when intoxicated - goes under moronic. This is where women excel hands down. Being able to keep their mouth shut has never been their strong point since Eve.

Which is more aggressive? :):)

Stupid or pretending?
Which one would you rather get - a kick on the ass or comment that your dick is a lot shorter than the guy's next door?
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #246
comment that your dick is a lot shorter than the guy's next door?

That`s radical :):) but still milder than battering her with your punches and kicks. Or even killing her.
Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Jan 2022   #247
You don't live here and your ignorance is showing.
Women kill less often but when they do, their premeditation, planning, the reasons, and cruelty exceeds men's to the degree that is hard to believe. Plus they are master manipulators, including that "I am just a little girl' look at the trial. And they lie...It takes 5 versions before the cops get the final one - which is still a lie. Later, it will be "he abused me", "he repeatedly raped me", "he molested my daughters over the years" - but I still stayed and never reported any of that to anyone. All of this somehow comes out at the trial after the intruder defense was discarded as too ridiculous because the husband got six bullets and she a bruise on her forearm.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #248
Women kill less often

That`s enough for me - the fact they kill much less often than males is crucial. How they kill when they do is much less important and I don`t care so I didn`t even read your post to the end. Sorry but it is high time you understood simplest basics. :)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Jan 2022   #249
pawiam, who reads you? i cant believe you are a representative of poland and the polish youth as a teacher with your coming from cold war propaganda american or holywood movies on soviets.
Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Jan 2022   #250
That`s enough for me - the fact they kill much less often than males is crucial.

That quantity vs quality bs is just that - bs. Women are capable of the crimes we have to blink twice to see if it's for real. But then God wasn't much better, so I guess it's OK.

Now, pay attention, the pussified one. Women kill their toddlers if they find them an obstacle to, say, dating. I never once came across the male equivalent of Susan Smith or Andrea Yates - the bit*ch that drowned five of her kids - one by one - in a tub because she felt bad that day.

That`s enough for me

I will remember that comment next time Auschwitz vs Katyn subject comes up.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #251
Women are capable of the crimes we have to blink twice to see

Really? And most or even all American serial killers were females? Btw, your attitude reminds me of one.

Darling, we all know your woman hater crap very well. In such threads I only read the first sentence in your bs posts, coz they are such a waste of time. Ha!

You are too old to undergo therapy. Pity.
Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Jan 2022   #252
And most or even all American serial killers were females?

1. You have to be really smart to be a serial killer and not get caught. Women are not that smart.
2. Serial killers typically kill prostitutes on drugs. They act the same way as sharks in the ocean.
3. Ten serial killers are not as disgusting as one mother who drowns her two little boys to be able to fu*ck her boyfriend without distractions the way Susan did.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #253
Use better mouthwash

Darling, when I yaaawn , I always cover my mouth with my hand Polish style. Have you ever seen it while visiting Poland?
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #254
Women are not that smart.

It is not the reason why women aren`t serial killers. It is their inborn mentality. Are you really unaware or just pretending? :)

Serial killers typically kill

Of course not.

Ten serial killers are not as disgusting

It is obvious you don`t know too much about them. Strange.
mafketis  38 | 11277
27 Jan 2022   #255
why women aren`t serial killers. It is their inborn mentality

Of course there are female serial killers... they're usually not sex-weirdos like Bundy or Gacy.

The most common types of female serial killers are 'angels of death' (work in a 'caring' profession such as nursing or elder care and kill vulnerable patients) or 'black widows' (middle aged or elderly women who poison a series of husbands and/or suitors). There are also women who kill their children (successively, there was a famous case in Australia a few years ago*)

There are also 'team killers' who work with a man.

General physical weakness (compared to men) means women who kill don't go on physical rampages or violent abductions. They usually choose those who are even weaker (elderly, frail, children) or use poison.

Women are human beings and a tiny minority have all the same dark, violent urgers that a tiny minority of men have. Fewer chances to carry them out doesn't mean they don't exist...

Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Jan 2022   #256
You can yawn all you want but it will not change the stats, the pussified one. From Wikipedia:

The survey found 11.6% of women and 12% of men had experienced some kind of IPV in the last twelve months, also 4.6% of men and 3.8% of women had experienced "severe" IPV.

They call it gender symmetry, darling - something the feminazis go apeshit over. What??? Women being as violent as men???

Yeah, with the only difference that women lack the punch but certainly not the ability and desire. Yes, I know, darling, when a woman scratches the hell out of the guy - so bad that he is ashamed to go to work - it's still his fault. Even if he was asleep at the time. "Your Honor, he did it to himself. I swear".

The most common types of female serial killers are 'angels of death'

...and "black widows".
mafketis  38 | 11277
27 Jan 2022   #257
Women being as violent as men

I'm not sure about that but women don't get the same cultural restraint against using violence (since it's assumed they don't have violent natures) so when they give in... they don't hold back.

But still most women are not in a position to do serious damage to a male domestic partner.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
27 Jan 2022   #258
I'm not sure about that

On the chart it gives 60% for men.
Novichok  4 | 8744
27 Jan 2022   #259
But still most women are not in a position to do serious damage t

In 9 out of 10 cases of hiring to murder, the "client" is a woman and the hired killer is an undercover cop. Yes, women are THAT stupid.

My advice: DIY.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #260
'black widows' (

Ha! Yes, I forgot about them. Somehow I don`t associate them with serial killing. :):)

a tiny minority have all the same dark, violent urgers that a tiny minority of men have.

Yes, but still females make only 16% of all serial killing cases. That is very symbolic.

woman scratches the guy - it's still his fault.

In most cases yes, it is his fault coz he abused her earlier. Simple.

In 9 out of 10 cases of hiring to murder, the "client" is a woman

Prove it, please.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Jan 2022   #261
you guys should read this:
Ken1  - | 3
28 Jan 2022   #262
Honestly speaking you are someone with a big heart and you have been able to display some level of maturity and that's absolutely wonderful but there's something you ought to know about young pretty girls like you claim they tend to dominate and you must learn the skills and attitude to take control indirectly that's the only way to bring her to her kneels. She'll continue to exercise that sign of authority over you with time and talk about appreciating her friend over is something you need to look at critically if she really likes or love you the way you love her.

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