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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Do you think that Polish people are rude?

Dora  2 | 29
18 Feb 2007   #91
I mean, even you can get a bit rude sometimes. Just like I can, and I think that's alright.

Ditto.... and as for the Americans being rude... depends on the person again, etc etc. I'm from the North and we are much more direct & to the point than the Southern folks. I found the Polish people to be very nice in almost every interaction I've had. Wasn't wild about the time I spent in Britain, frankly, I found the shop keepers rude & lots of people rude. Didn't care for Vienna, either, or any other places in Austria. Same reason.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
19 Feb 2007   #92
ive been asked for a fight twice in the last couple of weeks when this has happened...

You see, you have been ASKED! Now that's what I call polite, and proves that even in those kind of situations Poles know how to behave. :)
Huegel  1 | 296
19 Feb 2007   #93
Now that's what I call polite

Pah, you're mere amateurs.

Toff 1: I say, were you looking at my lady companion in an amorous manner? Why, you fiend, you've just gone and offended my principles to their very core. I demand satisfaction.

Toff 2: Why, I am most dreadfully sorry, however, I wouldn't want to insult you further by refusing to give you satisfaction.
Toff 1: Jolly decent of you. Would you mind stepping outside?
Toff 2: Certainly, i'll even remove my spectacles. I wouldn't want you to cut your hand on any glass fragments.
Toff 1: I do hope you enjoy hospital food.
daffy  22 | 1153
19 Feb 2007   #94
i find stress and tiredness dont help much either

Funny huegal! :)
19 Feb 2007   #95
ive been asked for a fight twice in the last couple of weeks when this has happened...

ok... when i say asked it was actually my polite british way of putting it... it was more a case of wypie*dalaj zaj*bana pi*do... mate...
21 Mar 2007   #96
It`s too easy to pin a label on someone`s behaviour, as being a national characteristic, ie being Polish and rude, and hide behind it, and not face the real reason for it and maybe some unpleasant truths.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
21 Mar 2007   #97
not quite sure what point youre trying to make purple
Varsovian  91 | 634
21 Mar 2007   #98
I had problems understanding that until I realised "Purple" was a person!
I mean - how can you make a point purple except with felt tip pen?
poland2006  2 | 85
21 Mar 2007   #99
"Purple" was a person

21 Mar 2007   #100
Mar 21, 07, 11:20am - Attached on merging:
Polish rudeness

Its too easy to pin a label to someone`s behaviour, as being a national steroetypical characteristic, ie being Polish and rude and hide behind it, and not face the real reason and maybe some unpleasant truths.

Rudeness has been the effect, though probably not the intention of the Polish person I allude to, and to suggest this, as has been muted to me, anything to do with nationality, is an insult to this person`s intelligence. The real reason******?
23 Mar 2007   #101
It is definitely different than in Poland

The French always ask how you are - ca va? comment vas-tu? and so's definitely a part of their culture; the same applies in is common politeness and if we don't ask it, it's seen as rather rude in most situations.....
truebrit  3 | 196
24 Mar 2007   #102
In brasil people do not discriminate nationalities everyone is on equal footing,

Some of what you say is true but much is absolute nonsense.Observe the murder rates for Brazil,the percentage of black prisoners in Brazil and how many of the thousands of poor people killed by Brazilian police and death squads are black.Open your eyes.
26 Mar 2007   #103
you are so rasic do you ever go aboard well how would you like it if they started saying that about you would you know well then and not all polish peple are like that okay little miss rasic[b][/b]
RazZ  1 | 180
26 Mar 2007   #104

you mean to say "Racist"
sapphire  22 | 1241
26 Mar 2007   #105
Some of what you say is true but much is absolute nonsense.

so true. If hes really from Brazil then Paulo must be a rich son of a policeman or politician...and to say that no Poles are racist either is a joke.
26 Mar 2007   #106
and by the way polish people are qutie polite :)

some polish people are rasic but not alol don't you agree:)
RazZ  1 | 180
26 Mar 2007   #107
again the word RASIC. im trying to help you. its Racist
26 Mar 2007   #108
and to say that no Poles are racist either is a joke.

some polish are rasict but not all of them don't you agree sapphire:)
sapphire  22 | 1241
26 Mar 2007   #109
of course I agree... some are and some arent, I was just trying to get away from the idealistic notion that Poland is a nation free of racists, as well as Brasil.
26 Mar 2007   #110
again the word RASIC. im trying to help you. its Racist

thanks but its just quick spelling in it :)

of course I agree... some are and some arent, I was just to getting away from the idealistic notion that are a nation free of racists.

thats okay sorry im new to this and just like to give my oponion k:)

I think we're nice

are you polish:)
RazZ  1 | 180
26 Mar 2007   #111
who me, i wish, but then im not, maybe who know, i never quite figured it out myself :)
sapphire  22 | 1241
26 Mar 2007   #112
Playgirl, why do I get the impression that you are not being totally genuine here?.. both your name and manner suggest that you are taking the p$%*
26 Mar 2007   #113
i agree i dislike people jugding people from where there from and not who they are if you think about it were all the same in loads of ways :)

:)i'm just being me i am deadly serous about this plus why would i take the p$%when my boyfriend is sitting beside me and he and his family are polish

very funny :)
sapphire  22 | 1241
26 Mar 2007   #114
very funny

is it? well so long as you are enjoying yourself thats good.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
26 Mar 2007   #115
I was just trying to get away from the idealistic notion that Poland is a nation free of racists

Poland is a country for Poles, some foreigners may come, but not too many.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
26 Mar 2007   #116
I'll put my name on the waiting list then:)
sapphire  22 | 1241
26 Mar 2007   #117
ok dog face... perhaps you should all be prevented from leaving the country then if thats the case. :)
FISZ  24 | 2116
26 Mar 2007   #118
Poland is a country for Poles

and Polar bears :)

...How many is too many? About as many as we let into the US....which I think is a reasonable amt....we can probably do with some more.
daffy  22 | 1153
26 Mar 2007   #119
I was just trying to get away from the idealistic notion that Poland is a nation free of racists

Poland is a country for Poles, some foreigners may come, but not too many.

sapphire, ive found Poland to be a very friendly place but it is like all places when it feels threatened by immigration like the USA of Irish, the UK and IRE to Poles. I am not one of them but i realise that there is some.

And of course we know poland is no exception to being human :)

Grzeg. I know id be the first to admit, no one likes there own country to be overrun and feel therr culture is threatened but its up to us to elect gov't that have such policies.

The US green card system, lotto like. what do you think of this? I happen to prefere the EU's Free movement policy (of EU nationals to EU countries)
sapphire  22 | 1241
26 Mar 2007   #120
heres a novel idea... abolish international travel, take away our passports and force us all to live and work in our countries.

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