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The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland?

pawian  222 | 26305
28 Oct 2023   #241
I guess, no place to sit down

Actually, a lot of place to sit down both inside and outside. :):):)

I love those countryside wedding parties!

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pawian  222 | 26305
28 Oct 2023   #242
A wonderful Polish tradition at the wedding: the newly weds thank their parents for everything: birth, upbringing, support, finance of studies, covering the cost of the wedding party hahahaha etc.

Before and after, there is continuous music and dancing in the main hall.

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Joker  2 | 2308
28 Oct 2023   #243
In other words you know people who like to waste money....

Its their money. Its not like living in Poland were you have to want every zolty you spend.. lol

A trainer in my club spent over 75k and the fool owes over 250k on his house.

He sounds like a clown to do that. The Polish weddings that Ive attended are mostly paid by their wealthy parents.

Before and after, there is continuous music and dancing in the main hall.

Wheres all the people? No wonder it only cost

Your problem is that youre jealous of Polish citizens that have moved to America and have much more money than your village peasants back home.
pawian  222 | 26305
28 Oct 2023   #244
Wheres all the people?

Darling, why don`t you use your brain more often??? Check the date and tell us why it is important and how it affected the turnout at the wedding. :):):)

have much more money

Actually, I don`t care about their money coz I have enough of mine to satisfy my family needs. Ha!

Your problem is that youre

Impossible. I don`t envy intellectual losers who refuse to use their brains and who live in the cultural desert. hahahaha

The Polish weddings that Ive attended

In your wild dreams, darling. Nobody invites losers like you. You came to a wedding as przychodniok - observing it from behind the fence. hahahaha
Joker  2 | 2308
29 Oct 2023   #245
What you despise more than anything in your pathetic life is a successful Polish American.

You hate the fact that so many of your brethren have immigrated to America and now have more money than you ever will.

Ive asked many Poles if they ever plan on returning to Poland? 95% of the responses are an affirmative F NO!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Oct 2023   #246
The wedding was during quarantine in Poland,hope all went well.
pawian  222 | 26305
29 Oct 2023   #247
a successful Polish American.

:):):) Successful American Pole who works all his life to buy a car or two and a house? I have the same things in Poland, I don`t need America for that.

While in Poland I have other things which you can only dream of. I can lead a rich cultural life while you live in the cultural desert coz you save every cent and can`t afford quality entertainment. . I have a long holiday off work instantly while you get a week holiday after 20 years of slaving. I don`t have to pay for my kids` higher education while you take overtime and slave till midnight to be eligible for a mere loan. etc etc

Thank you very much for such a success. I realised it when I was in the USA and in result returned to Poland to have a normal life.

The wedding was during quarantine in Poland

Yes, but that imbecile Joker didn`t notice it coz he hadn`t finished a good school in the USA and can`t read date numbers stamped in the photos. hahahaha

A lot of people were afraid to take part in such events. For the first hour everybody was wearing a mask at the wedding., Later we took them off.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Oct 2023   #248
For the first hour everybody was wearing a mask at the wedding., Later we took them off.

I wonder about the women who had makeup for the wedding,had masks first and how was it after they took them off?
pawian  222 | 26305
29 Oct 2023   #249
,had masks first and how was it after they took them off?

It was the time when there weren`t strict laws on what kind of mask you had to wear. That is why people, when inside, of course, were wearing this stuff which didn`t affect make up.

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Oct 2023   #250
LOL I have a lot of masks left over like those and forhead masks and other ones when there was serious shortage and we all were in diff places so my wife over nighted them to us all.I was in Poland for 3 months the longest Ive ever stayed here.

LOL I would love to donate those masks to milos neighbors living on top of the sewer lol
29 Oct 2023   #251
What you despise more than anything in your pathetic life is a successful Polish American.

I doubt that he does but you've done nothing more than complain about the wedding pics he posted from the outset stating that the wedding is 'cheap' in your opinion.

I've been to one Polish wedding in Poland and a couple here in the UK. Not much difference between them to be honest, but all were small affairs with family and a few friends. Not everyone wants an ostentatious wedding and has more money than sense. You don't have to spend a fortune to have a good time and a memorable day.

The Polish weddings that Ive attended are mostly paid by their wealthy parents.

For all you know the parents might be bankrupting themselves or up to debt in loans forking out $100K + for a wedding.

The pics Pawian posted looked like fairly typical Polish wedding pics to me and that's what this thread is about. I really cannot fathom why the Americans on this forum ( with the notable exception of maf ) have to constantly brag about how much things cost and how well-off they are. In the UK we would consider that vulgar. But, of course, they're all PF millionaires 😂
pawian  222 | 26305
29 Oct 2023   #252
you've done nothing more than

Yes, Joker is an azhole, shortly speaking. Luckily, he realises it. :):)

The pics Pawian posted looked like fairly typical Polish wedding pics to me

Te be honest, it wasn`t fully such, actually. You will see it later.

In the evening the dance floor is very busy with some ritual group dancing.


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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Oct 2023   #253
You don't have to spend a fortune to have a good time and a memorable day

In your fu.ckin dreams,even though I am not about spending money like that but people with money do that and that is memorab;e

For all you know the parents might be bankrupting themselves or up to debt in loans forking out $100K + for a wedding.

Because dumb fools like like yourself only know "money with loans",people in real world really do have tons of moola to spend.
I bet you kind even dont know anybody making a mil USD a month in your life lol esp buying cheap rail tickets or knowing peeps who dont even know that there is a middle seat in a planes business class lol and brag about owning a house in Warzawa lol after posting that they know someone under there building owning a C class merc while living in a commie building rented flat LOLOLOL

Suggestion: Keep your words FU>CK OFF lol or hang yourself with a barbed wire lol
jon357  72 | 23084
29 Oct 2023   #254
ou don't have to spend a fortune to have a good time and a memorable day.

Indeed and I've been to some that cost almost nothing, even a bring and share meal. That was a nice wedding and I've been to ones in Poland that have been done well without being too extravagant, especially when the couple are older and there isn't the same pressure for a big wedding.

Nevertheless, Polish weddings can be very expensive if done the traditional way with all the food and of course the vodka which is usually a good one. Plus the band if they hire one.
29 Oct 2023   #255
but people with money do that and that is memorab;e

I don't think you can compare India's richest man with the average Pol-Am. Not in the same league.

I bet you kind even dont know anybody making a mil USD a month in your life l

You have no idea what 'my kind' is and as I don't live in the US I'm hardly going to know anyone making a mil USD a month. I have no idea why you're rambling on about middle seats in planes and houses in Warsaw though. Drunk already?
29 Oct 2023   #256
Polish weddings can be very expensive if done the traditional way with all the food and of course the vodka

The ones I've been to over here weren't so much like that. Quite small scale really. The one in Poland was a bigger affair but didn't go on for the 3/4 days that some weddings do. There was a band though.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Oct 2023   #257
Warsaw though. Drunk already?

LOL Yeah,whats your prob bi.Tch if even I drink with my tax paid legal money and am on a free public forum???? Sorry cant even hire u as an accountant or a financial consultamts so STFU.Keep your suggestions where the sun dont shine and behave like that infertile woman with no BAN button
pawian  222 | 26305
29 Oct 2023   #258
Te be honest, it wasn`t fully such, actually. You will see it later.

E.g, I had never seen a Polaroid camera available to guests before. I was really surprised they had dug up such an old gagdet. Amasing!


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29 Oct 2023   #259
whats your prob bi.Tch

I don't have one sweetie. Look back at your post # 253. Evidently, it is you who has the problem.

I had never seen a Polaroid camera available to guests before. I was really surprised they had dug up such an old gagdet.

Polaroid cameras are making a comeback over here. Very retro. Nice souvenir of the wedding for the guests to keep :)
Joker  2 | 2308
29 Oct 2023   #260
For all you know the parents might be bankrupting themselves or up to debt in loans forking out $100K

You buffoons obviously think Pol-Ams are just as broke as you are in Poland. lol

Where are all the Polish expats to validate your claims?

E.g, I had never seen a Polaroid camera available to guests before

Thats bc you cant afford to pay a real photographer! LOLOL
pawian  222 | 26305
29 Oct 2023   #261
One more Polish tradition which I documented after the fact - while I was parking the car, the newlyweds were welcomed to the wedding hall with a loaf of country bread and salt. Later on this loaf was exhibited on their table.

Vodka which is made of grain is called the liquid bread in Poland. Let`s drink it!!! The label on the bottle reads: there are people for whom it is worth having a drink. Meaning the newly weds.

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Joker  2 | 2308
29 Oct 2023   #262
More plastic bottles on the table... 5 star banquet hall. Why are they serving that "no good" American soda in the first place?
pawian  222 | 26305
29 Oct 2023   #263
More plastic bottles on the table.

Exactly, I am showing them on purpose. To show you that Poles don`t pretend to be British aristocrats like Americans always do. Ha!

Why are they serving that "no good" American soda in the first place?

American soda is OK. It is Am Polish azholes like you who aren`t OK. hahahaha
Alien  25 | 6135
29 Oct 2023   #264
like Americans always do

Hi, hi, do they eat with hats on their heads and with their feet on the table or what?
pawian  222 | 26305
29 Oct 2023   #265
or what?
pawian  222 | 26305
8 Nov 2023   #266
There is always a time during a Polish wedding party when the guests demand Bitter Bitter which is an appeal to the newlyweds to perform a hot kiss in public.

It is also a good opportunity to raise a toast drink to the couple`s health, happiness, wealth, many kids etc etc.

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Miloslaw  20 | 5078
8 Nov 2023   #267

That's better..... try getting back to how you used to post.....
pawian  222 | 26305
9 Nov 2023   #268
try getting back to how you used to post....

OK, mongrel. Here you are:
DFY and your stalinist grandpa, too!! hahahahaha
pawian  222 | 26305
9 Nov 2023   #269
People take photos all the time with all sorts of cameras:

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Joker  2 | 2308
10 Nov 2023   #270
Your photos and this thread appears really stupid with everyones head looking like a pom pom. Who could take you seriously at all?

Nice Polaroid btw, whats its 1977 again?

It must be one Fugly family! LOL


Dont you mean Amassing!

What happened Little Hilter?

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