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Single mothers in Poland

3 Aug 2015   #151
Sooner or later people will catch on that the "anything goes" model being peddled by capitalist exploiters and anarcho-libertines leads only to heartbreak

If that were true, wouldn't single mothers (and other people who you seem to think suffer from heartbreak, misery and loneliness) be reaching in their thousands for the opium of the people? But isn't the reality is that church attendance is falling to all-time lows? Perhaps single-parent families are not as heartbroken, miserable and lonely as you would have us believe.
Roger5  1 | 1432
3 Aug 2015   #152
neolithic hunter gatherers we a nuclear family.

That would have been entirely impossible. The mother would have had childcare duties which would have restricted her movements, leaving the man to do everything else. It should be obvious than clans and the division of labour were the solution. Until recent times, in anthropological terms, the optimum size of a group was two thousand, above which number the group would split.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Aug 2015   #153
opium of the people

But they are! Todays' opium of the people is commerpop -- that cheap, tacky and all-pervasive commercialised pop culture: Hollywood, celebrity tabloids, steamy soap operas, commercialised sports, Reality TV, internet porn, dopalacze and other recreational substances - the whole shebang. Something for every brainless sucker!

Back to the topic please
Englishman  2 | 276
3 Aug 2015   #154
The non nuclear family is a very recent concept, because a single mother and children would equate to starvation.

Actually the very high level of mortality of women in childbirth meant that multi-generational and extended family units in which children had only their fathers and not their mothers were depressingly commonplace until the 20th century in even wealthy countries.

Likewise hunting, wars, starvation and sickness could kill men, forcing women to live without their mates and children without their fathers.

The nuclear family may always have been an aspiration, but it reached its zenith as a reality in the 1960s, as early mortality waned and divorce and elective single parenthood hadn't yet become widespread.
Vox  - | 172
5 Aug 2015   #155
Nope. A family is only as 'good' as the individuals in it, regardless of number, relationship or gender

Nope, you are presenting ideological bias here and as such it has little to do with real life.

To suggest that a woman deciding to bring up her kids without male assistance is inferior ignores so many factors.

I'm not talking about gender here, I'm saying that anyone with a choice, choosing to be a single parent is proving to be mentally unstable and as such unfitted to fulfill role of a parent.

Being a single parent should be presented for what it really is, i.e. an unfortunate occurrence due to bad luck or poor life choices. Instead it is being used by social justices warriors to convince public that all models of a family are equally good and suitable for bringing up children.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Aug 2015   #156
all models of a family are equally good

Precisely. Exceptions can be found to any rule, but by and large the tradiotnal family comprising married parents and their children is the best possible setting for chidlren to grow up in.

The counter-culture types wil immediately chime in with useless anecdotal evidence -- of the "my neighbour is always drunk and beats his wife and kids" variety or "this gay couple next door with two rent-a-uterus kids is a loving, happy family."

Even if true, it is still anecdotal and by no means not normative.
The fact remains that non-conventional households are more prone to break-up, substance abuse, domestic violence and other forms of instability. Ample evidence has already been provided.
Videobroker  11 | 22
10 Jun 2020   #157

Never Married Single Mothers & Reputation in Poland

This is a cultural, not judgmental question. If a woman is 30, never married but is a single mother from a messed up relationship, and she does not have 100% custody of her only child and desires to get married, do Polish men and their families tend to judge negatively? Would the men's parents recommend that their Polish son go find a single woman with no children? Do most Polish men prefer to date a woman with no child and not assume problems with the girl's ex, etc? Are there prejudices against single mothers? Does she have a better chance with older polish men? or foreign men to marry?
11 Jun 2020   #158
Although many things change (mainly in the big city) Poles are religious and family oriented so yes I think you would have to look a little to find a man who accepts this situation. Plus Poles get married early so a man in your age or older has probably been married / had a long relationship and you would also have to consider an ex wife and children on the scene.

For the family, even if there are reservations, they will probably ignore because the happiness of seeing the relative finally get married will be greater.

Just one advice: in a society where people get married early, investigate well to find out why that person is older and single. This can mean a troubled person who over the years has had several failed relationships or can be a traitor.

So in my opinion you would have more chances with divorcees or someone much older who is desperate to find someone, people from big cities tend to be more open-minded. Foreigners from countries where people marry late / divorce is common you would be better accepted.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
28 Jan 2021   #159
What's in it for the man to wife up a single mother? Men and women gets married for different reasons. If a provider male cannot have his own family then for what he worked all his life to become who he is today? just to take care of another man's family? This is a dysfunctional setup.
Lenka  5 | 3537
28 Jan 2021   #160
If you think in purely biological terms- yes. But not all people do.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
28 Jan 2021   #161
Yes, there are "other" reasons as well... example being immigrants looking to get inside EU.. or maybe a compromised beta male having less options etc... They don't seem to last long either because of hypergamy.
Lenka  5 | 3537
28 Jan 2021   #162
If that helps you sleep at night...
cruisepatron  1 | 95
28 Jan 2021   #163
Lol.. emotions can lie but the data does not lie :) But, I understand your point.. same reason why millions visit the Vegas every year even though the odds are clear.
jon357  72 | 23426
28 Jan 2021   #164
What's in it for the man to wife up a single mother?

Perhaps he's a single father?

compromised beta male

Someone cuckolded by their wife?
Lenka  5 | 3537
28 Jan 2021   #165
the data does not lie

What data is that?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
28 Jan 2021   #166
Perhaps he's a single father?

It's a bad deal even for a single father. She and her kid would always come first and not he or his kids. I would personally hire a nanny instead.

Someone cuckolded by their wife?

Lol.. man desperate for female attention as in a simp.
Lenka  5 | 3537
28 Jan 2021   #167
She and her kid would always come first and not he or his kids

And why would a women marry a single dad?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
28 Jan 2021   #168
What data is that?

First Marriage divorce probability - 45%
Second marriage - 67%
Third Marriage - 74%
If child from previous relation is involved at any stage - 90%

The data is collected from people who thought they would beat the odds.

If I had 90% odds in Vegas, I would empty my bank and go all in and beat Bezos to become the riches man... lol
Lenka  5 | 3537
28 Jan 2021   #169
Well then all the people who have kids from earlier relationship should stay single forever? Is that what you are saying?
Btw, could I see that data?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
28 Jan 2021   #170
im gonna for sure stay single forever. to tell the truth ive never been in a real or serious relationship my entire life and Im 35 now.
jon357  72 | 23426
28 Jan 2021   #171
It's a bad deal even for a single father

is it? It sounds a good fit.

She and her kid would always come first and not he or his kids

And vice versa. There are thousands, if not millions, of blended families round the world. Most of them work.

Is that what you are saying?

It does look that way.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
28 Jan 2021   #172
And why would a women marry a single dad?

Because Man and Woman marry for different reasons :). Man is the provider, he is expected to bring food and provide shelter. Reward = Motivation. Without it nothing can sustain long term.
Lenka  5 | 3537
28 Jan 2021   #173
Man is the provider, he is expected to bring food and provide shelter.

Oh sorry, I didn't realise I'm talking with someone from the middle ages
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2021   #174
Because Man and Woman marry for different reasons :)

Where are you from, out of curiosity? I'm wondering if you have a different cultural background to us.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
28 Jan 2021   #175
What data is that?

I read it sometime ago so don't have all the links saved up but you can research it yourself.

This is a good start...

@ delphian

I'm from the US so indeed different cultural background. Here, we have lots of blended families... yet, numbers don't lie :)

Oh sorry, I didn't realise I'm talking with someone from the middle ages

I'm sure we all here are under 100 years of age... humanity existed for more than 200,000 years. So many of our western countries are having demographics problem for a reason...

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