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Racism in Poland - the future

UsefullIdiot  - | 10
20 Mar 2010   #121
There is depravity in almost every corner of human endeavor, whether it be Rabbis and stolen organs, pedophile priests, or blood thirsty Imams. What is bizarre however, is this relentless unceasing stream of coincidence that always seems to dictate what makes headlines in every newspaper, and what gets published on the back of page ten. Mathematical probability says that there are as many Christian pedophiles, as there are atheist school teacher pedophiles, yet for some reason I don't detect much of an attempt to socially engineer the masses against the later, do you?

On the Jewish banker note, is the International Monetary Fund not run by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a Jew? Is the United States Federal Reserve System, not run by Ben Bernanke, a Jew? How about venturing outside of banking, and into the realm of global media. Are Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of the Google search monopoly, not Jewish? Is the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, not Jewish? Is the CEO of Walt Disney, Bob Iger, not Jewish? I could create a nearly endless list here of Jews in power positions... Minority rule via raging Jewish ethnocentrism is alive and well, wake up and get to know the world you live in.

In my most humble opinion, reverse-intolerance toting useful idiots like yourself are going to eventually achieve one of two things. You're either going to be the next Nazi or Soviet death apparatus in Europe, or you're going push the public pendulum so far to the left, that you're going to usher in a reactionary ultra right death apparatus driven by it's own volition. Sanity and balance are nowhere to be found in contemporary Europe, and one needs only to look at the pages of history to know how that situation usually tends to play out. I just hope Poland escapes unscathed and whole.
Darun  1 | 55
20 Mar 2010   #122
I am curious about one thing: what do you understand through multiculturalism, the part that you blame? (by you I mean all those that have done so in the previous posts).

I like multiculturalism and don't like it at the same time. In my understanding of the concept, it reverts to meeting new people, making friends, knowing one's culture, life, history, etc. From this point of view, I am among those that want to participate in exchange programs such as Erasmus. I am really hoping to go to Warsaw for the next semester, I am quite fond of Polish culture and language - not doing very well with the language part. I want to get to know your country, spend some time - a few months, make some friends go back to my country and have a life and perhaps return to visit .But this is where my concept of multiculturalism ends.

The multiculturalism that I don't like is the part where persons with extremly different cultural background come and establish in one's country and than demand to impose or have space to practice their culture. When you establish in a country, I think that you have made a conscieus choice and that you have to comply and obey that country's culture and laws, and as much as possible also keep yours but only as long as it does not conflict with the local one.

I am curious what multiculturalism you don't like, because I would really like to know what to expect to if and when I will be going to Warsaw. I have never been for more than a week abroad and I an quite scared at the thought whether the people I'll meet will be friendly or not towards foreigners.
1jola  14 | 1875
20 Mar 2010   #123
No. Burning 1600 people in the 140 m^2 barn is not a small potato and deserve to be remembered.

Around 300. Your wild figure comes from Jan Gross and his book Neighbours, but you already know about him:

Also, the Jewish American political scientist Norman Finkelstein said: "Neighbors bears the unmistakable imprint of the Holocaust industry. By Holocaust industry, I mean those individuals and institutions exploiting the Jewish genocide during World War II for political and financial gain


Have your ever seen a barn? Have you ever seen a a group of 1600 people? No need to reply. This is just so start thinking for yourself.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193
20 Mar 2010   #124
Darun, you are a perfect example of what "multiculturalism" should be! Exchanging knowledge and visiting other countries in effort, not only for yourself and your education, but also to show your own culture off to the people you are visiting. This is perfect in my eyes.

As you said, the other side is where swarms of third world immigrants come to "occupy" and "settle", with their religions and customs, not concerned with "integrating", more than knowing how to ask for their rights. Then they shut the door and that's it.

So, don't worry AT ALL!! I would welcome you, either if you were african, jewish or from Mars, if you came with good intentions, an open mind and a smile.

I love looking at travel programs, history programs and everything that has to do with culture and history from around the world. I love travelling to these places, and experiencing it! I've been to Africa, I've been to Asia, and I've been to America. It was truly fantastic experiences. And I've met some great people too.

But again, that is how you can experience our difference, our cultures and our societies. But if everyone just moves around and creates one big grey mass, where everyone looks the same, talks the same and act the same, that would be the biggest tragedy of all. And that's what the left side wishes, in their weird can you have multiculturalism if everywhere you go it looks the same? Like it does in Paris, London and Amsterdam? (On the streets that is..the landmarks are there to tell you differently, but not much else...).

PennBoy  76 | 2429
20 Mar 2010   #125
eurola are you stupid Warsaw uprising partisans jewsih whom fought the germans is Poland telling you different

No it is you who is stupid the Warsaw Uprising 1944 was fought 95% by ethnic Poles there were maybe 200 or 300 Jews who helped AFTER the Poles freed them from the ghetto(what remained of it) and most of them died within a week. Out of like 30,000 fighters only 200 or 300 were Jews, almost everyone who fought was Polish, and did most of the heavy fighting, 63 day of it. You must be talking about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 which was a completely different thing, that one was fought entirely by Jews it lasted a month Germans sent everyone to Treblinka if they weren't shot first.
z_darius  14 | 3960
21 Mar 2010   #126
As for Jews before WWII, they weren't joining the army in large numbers because they were not welcome there.

Those who wanted they accepted and many became officers. In fact I knew personally two such Jews when I lived in the US. They deserted shortly before September 1 1939.

An interesting claim but one which is complete boll0cks: compulsory education in interbellum Poland was in Polish language only, meaning that every Jew who'd been at school after 1918 would have learned Polis

Yes, of course. Every single Jew who lived in Poland between 1918 and 1939 was between the ages of 7 and 14, which was the age group the law applied too. Not a single Jews was older or younger. And every single one of them followed that law too. Even in localities where Jews were a crushing majority. A miracle, I guess.

You mean they didn't join in the pogroms?

Not those pogroms. They organized their own, on on a much larger scale. In fact, they still do.
Darun  1 | 55
21 Mar 2010   #127
So, don't worry AT ALL!! I would welcome you, either if you were african, jewish or from Mars, if you came with good intentions, an open mind and a smile.

Bardzo djiękuję Dariusz! Very encouraging. I will be a complete alien :), hope it will go well.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
21 Mar 2010   #128
So, don't worry AT ALL!! I would welcome you, either if you were african, jewish or from Mars, if you came with good intentions, an open mind and a smile.

[b]what are you talking about, what are you a gate keeper in Norway? WHo gave you the permission to decide who can enter and who cannot. Sounds like wishful thinking.

The largest immigration % wise in Norway is a POLISH IMMIGRATION group, [/b]

Do you want to comment on THAT?

And I would also like you to comment on that please.


I don't see what you are basing your position on, since all you worries expressed in your posts are unfound.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193
23 Mar 2010   #129
The largest immigration % wise in Norway is a POLISH IMMIGRATION group

Yes, thank you, I would.

Here in Norway we have somali gangs raping and beating up norwegians. We have pakistani gangs shooting with machine guns in crowded down shopping districts and selling drugs on the streets. We have vietnamese gangs growing narcotics on huge farms outside the cities. We have albanian mafia controlling big parts of the restaurant business with money laundring and illegal gambling/prostitution rings. The biggest welfare scandal, the biggest tax-fraud scandal, the biggest rape scandal, the biggest immigration organization scandal...they all involved third world immigrants, and have cost Norway BILLIONS of Euro's. Not to talk about all the norwegian people who have suffered because of these actions that I mentioned.

Since polish people constitute for the biggest influx of people coming to Norway the last 10 years, where are all the stories about "polish gangs"? Haven't read about them..maybe they managed to stay out of the press? Where are all the victims of polish rape? Where is the enormous polish tax-scandal? We had a pakistani one last year, where thousands of taxidrivers swindled over 100 million euro's from our system and put it in luxury homes in Pakistan. No polish building scandal, yet. Or cleaning scandal. Yet. Maybe they will come soon?

The reason you will not read headlines like that about polish people is because polish people are european, they actually come to work and are decent and normal people who comply with their host's country laws, more so than third world people? Agree?

And I haven't heard about swedish/german/danish youths rioting in the streets of Oslo, burning cars and shops and beating innocent people, they are also one of the biggest immigrant groups in Norway..oh wait, that was muslim youth.

So stuff if, aphrodisiac.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
23 Mar 2010   #130
so please tell me why are you ranting on Polish forum about immigration problem in Norway- give me one good reason how it relates to Poland?????????

BTW, all those problems exist in other countries with a % of immigration, so this is nothing new to me.
In my opinion you are just looking to spread more hate, because a normal, balanced, rational person would be able to see that those problems are part of immigration process. In my opinion you are trying to be more Norwegian then you really are.

A son of Polish immigrants is criticizing other immigrants in order to fell better about yourself. Petty in my opinion, but I have seen it many times. Of course I could be wrong, still, I dislike racists and you are one.

You are too focused on those issues, I would say obsessed.

RevokeNice  15 | 1854
23 Mar 2010   #131
so please tell me why are you ranting on Polish forum about immigration problem in Norway- give me one good reason how it relates to Poland?????????

Poles would do well to heed the mistakes of other countries.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
23 Mar 2010   #132
not only Poles- it is part of the human nature to blame everybody but yourself. Some like to point fingers more then others.

Also, I did not see that Darius really addressed my post, so I need to do my own research now.

I was hoping for more factual reply, but I am addicted to facts.


what gives you the right to be a gate keeper in Norway?
DariuszTelka  5 | 193
23 Mar 2010   #133
o please tell me why are you ranting on Polish forum about immigration problem in Norway- give me one good reason how it relates to Poland?

Hmm..ok. I don't really know who made you the judge of what I can and cannot talk about, or why here on this forum. I'm half polish and half norwegian, if that in your eyes makes me "not eligible" to participate in a debate about the future of Europe, especially Poland and using Norway as an example, then many people here could not talk about anything. Including you. Are you an expert on everything you talk about? Are you "eligible" to talk about all the topics you choose to comment on? You are being elite and snobbish. Typical "I'm better than you", left-sided attitude.

Only socialists, leftist and communists talk like you, Aphrodisiac. You always want to be in control of who can talk, and what we can talk about. We are not living in one of your communist paradises anymore, so you can't decide who say's what or why. Just deal with the fact that we have freedom of speech, and I'm one of those darn people who chooses to use it!

I focus on these issues, because I came to Norway as a little boy from Poland. I grew up in the streets of Oslo, before they filled up with third world immigrants, mosques and gangs. I have SEEN, FELT AND EXPERIENCED what uncontrolled third world immigration does to a peaceful and including western nation. It's bloody war out there! Again, I can post you hundreds of links that show how muslims are top of every rape statistic in all the european countries, how third world immigrant gangs control streets with narcotics, prostitution and violence. How riots on the streets of our capitals are beginning to escalate, and thousands of cars and buildings are burnt down every year in cities like Paris, Rotterdam and Brussels. And even up here in my peaceful and lovely Norway.

YOU JUDGE ME FOR BRINGING THIS UP? You ask me what this has to do with Poland? Before Norway became part of the multicultural experiment gone so very bad, it happened in England and Germany. Then it came to Sweden, before we fiinally got it here in Norway. Poland and the eastern european countries, after being included in the EU and participating in the economic boom that we will see in the future, will be next on the line for major immigration from the third world. They will buy "quotas", as Norway does now in the CO2 hysteria, where you can buy yourself free with money. Poland will have the possibility of buying immigrants from other countries overflowing with them, in exchange for economic packages, loans and goodwill. And as polands economy slowly grows, health care, social welfare will be introduced into everyday life. This will then spark an influx of third world immigrants from all over the world, seeking new territory. We already see new mosques being built to facilitate the growing number of muslims that have settled in the major cities in Poland. This is the first step for Poland to become part of the multicultural suicide that we now see all over Europe.


The real racist here is YOU! You are the one who wants a homogenic, stable and relatively peaceful society like Poland, to become a mirror image of England? Or France? The biggest racist are the immigrants themselves. Believe me, I grew up in one of the most multicultural parts of Oslo, where close to 50% of the population were non-ethnic norwegian. The violence, the drugs, the fighting among the immigrant groups was at time ferocious. Constant bickering, tension, fighting, even shooting guns at eachother, barely 20 year olds getting into humoungos brawls on playgrounds with bats and knives. I've been stabbed once, beaten with iron rods once, seen my home burglarized, my car stolen twice, my friends beat up and my female friend groped and harassed. I can tell you a dozen stories from my childhood, that a child should not be able to tell!

So take your sanctimonious, leftist, ******** propaganda and STUFF IT! Multuculturalism doesn't work. ANYWHERE! If it does, please send me a link....(small kids of different colour playing in a sandbox does not constitute successfull integration).

If you REALLY need me linking you demographics charts, crime statistics, rape statistics, terrorplotting in mosques, drug wars and overcrowded prisons filled with third world aggressors, then I will. But using Google and typing in certain keywords will give you this ever faster. I have several posts in here where I do this. Just go on my profile name and search through my posts and you fill find it all. But if you want me to do it again, specifically for you, I will!

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
23 Mar 2010   #134

I accept everything you said, but I disagree. Good luck:)
shygirl888  1 | 10
25 May 2010   #135
Thread attached on merging:
Black girl in Poland

Ok I have heard rumors that Eastern countries express racism
I go to Warsaw this summer with 2 friends
We want to have a good time. Are the people not exposed at all with different ethnic people ?
frd  7 | 1379
25 May 2010   #136
Try to skim through the threads, there were several topics about that.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
25 May 2010   #137
Are the people not exposed at all with different ethnic people ?

Should every corner of the globe be exposed to different ethnic people?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
25 May 2010   #138
Are the people not exposed at all with different ethnic people ?

in larger cities they are. In smaller towns they might not be.

Good luck and enjoy.
richasis  1 | 409
25 May 2010   #139
Its some full time user having a shytfest again,

Exactly: two posts. Google must be down.

As a Black woman in Poland, you may want to avoid the 'culturally enriched' areas of larger cities. Actually, this could be said for all of Europe and USA.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
25 May 2010   #140
Have fun in Warsaw, ignore the knuckle-draggers, though I doubt very much you will come across any.

Should every corner of the globe be exposed to different ethnic people?

Geeez, not even allowed to go on holiday these day???
nymph888  2 | 31
25 May 2010   #141
Ok I have heard rumors that Eastern countries express racism
I go to Warsaw this summer with 2 friends
We want to have a good time. Are the people not exposed at all with different ethnic people ?

Good for you! :)

As for racism, every country has its share of such... some countries would enjoy the presence of foreigners, and would be accommodating... in others, you may encounter expressions of aloofness, bitterness and not warmly welcomed. That's a part of a traveller's life!

But that should not stop you from enjoying your holidays... have a good time, embrace the culture, admire the landscapes! At the end of your holidays, you will bring back with you good memories... the bad ones, leave it behind, gracefully :)
richasis  1 | 409
25 May 2010   #142
Good for you! :)

Feed the Troll :)

BTW, this post was posted to its own thread.

EDIT: I see it's been merged. Nice Job, Mods. :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
25 May 2010   #143
Geeez, not even allowed to go on holiday these day???

That wasnt my point, she was asking if Poland was used to different ethnics, I ask her should every corner of the globe should be exposed to different ethnics? That was all, anyway she's probably a troll, she's living in France, surely she knows a little bit about Poland! I could understand if someone from the other side of the world asking such questions but not someone living in France!

have a good time, embrace the culture, admire the landscapes! At the end of your holidays, you will bring back with you good memories... the bad ones, leave it behind, gracefully :)

So true.
richasis  1 | 409
25 May 2010   #144
Geeez, not even allowed to go on holiday these day???

Just don't make it a permanent ('illegal') stay... :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
25 May 2010   #145
Why not, plenty of Poles do across the world;)
richasis  1 | 409
25 May 2010   #146
Just don't make it a permanent ('illegal') stay... :)

Why not, plenty of Poles do across the world;)

Yeah, but that's different. They're Polish :)

Actually, I say punt all illegals everywhere.

I invested 2+ years to enter Poland legally
(and I'm still not there yet - but I will be!)
Pierdolski  - | 31
25 May 2010   #147
I agree sadden I feel sorry for you. I know Poles some did risk their lives eurola are you stupid Warsaw uprising partisans jewsih whom fought the germans is Poland telling you different where you tought different.

Do you understand that the penalty for trying to save a jew was death, no questions asked? My father (who died a year ago at 89) saved many jews, and received a certificate from Yad Vashem. More Poles tried to save Jews than you will ever know.

On another note, my dad also told me that prior to the war Jews took advantage of Poland and the Polish people, and that most of them spoke funny and were filthy.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2010   #148
Pierdolski likely had a point! There are many accounts of such valiant efforts to save innocent lives. Many Jews hardly endeared themselves to the Poles yet the Poles still tried to help where possible.
Rogalski  5 | 94
29 May 2010   #149
Many Jews hardly endeared themselves to the Poles yet the Poles still tried to help where possible.

And which historically-reliable textbook does this come from?

Home / Life / Racism in Poland - the future
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