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Racism in Poland - the future

pgtx  29 | 3094
19 Mar 2010   #91
But is there even 1% of blacks in Poland??? Most Poles have never even seen one in their life and probably never will.

that's your answer... Poles are not used to any other colored person... it's pretty sad but i want to believe that the new generation will be different... better (in some way)....
z_darius  14 | 3960
19 Mar 2010   #92
very few Poles have ever helped out to save jews.

are you sure?

Zegota, Council to Aid Jews (Polish: Rada Pomocy Żydom), an underground organization of Polish resistance in German-occupied Poland from 1942 to 1945....Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where there existed such a dedicated secret organization

warsaw uprising was fought by few non jewish Poles but mainly Jewish Poles

A pile of lies. Some Jews were saved during the Uprising and those indeed took part in the remainder of the struggle. In 1944 there were hardly any Jews left in Warsaw. Let alone enough to even think about a major uprising. Btw. what were Jews doing in the years before WW2. How many of the 3.5 million Polish Jews organized themselves into units fighting Germans? 5? 10?

they had contributed so much to Poland before the nazis

A few did. Most lived their lives voluntarily isolating themselves from Poles. A great number of Polish Jews before WW2 didn't even speak Polish.

there was antisemitism in Poland before them

Wasn't there antisemitism elsewhere? How about Egypt? Rome? Spain? Germany? Great Britain? Portugal? Romania? Hungary? Italy? Switzerland? Austria? Australia? USA?

Wherever Jews went soon there was antisemitism.
So what's your point?

why are the Poles racist twords jews

All Poles?
I know quite a few antisemitic Americans.
So I guess those Poles who don't like Jews are likely to have the same reasons some Americans hate Jews.

they were just as much Polish as the non jewish ones were

Few Jews ever considered themselves Polish. Even after generations. So no, they were not the same at all. And they are not the same in the US either. Remember, they don't hide what they feel - Jewish first, American second.

can you answer this. thanks.

You're welcome.
RonWest  3 | 120
19 Mar 2010   #93
Let's get something straight.......everyone is racist and if they tell you they're not then they are a damn liar. Here in the states, blacks cry racism over EVERYTHING. But guess what, they are just as bad. They have their comments, jokes, snide remarks, and hushed comments about white people that are just as bad as the the things whites say about blacks. Then you got the hispanics crying about racism and they do the same thing, and the chinese, and the pilippinos, koreans, arabs, persians, greeks, etc etc etc. Every race is racist towards other races to some degree. I live in an incredibly diverse area, the San Francisco Bay Area where 127 languages are spoken here daily and it's so obvious that EVERYONE has racist thoughts, remarks, comments, feelings, and attitudes. The funny part is those who claim not to be racist. Yeah, right. Mr. & Mrs. Utopia. My how we should all strive to be just like them. Give me a break!!!!!!!!!! You've got blacks that hate everybody, chinese who hate blacks, pilippinos who hate hispanics, whites who hate blacks, blah blah blah...............
19 Mar 2010   #94
RonWest wrote:

But guess what, they are just as bad. They have their comments, jokes, snide remarks, and hushed comments about white people that are just as bad as the the things whites say about blacks.

along with Affirmative Action, The Black Entertainment Channel (BET), Black-Only schools/universities, Black-Only organizations and clubs, Black History Month.......
Darun  1 | 55
19 Mar 2010   #95
Funny how things go... those that cry the hardest that they are being discriminated, are those that discriminate the most.
We don't have blacks, but we have another ethnicity who cries wolf all the time, while they are the biggest racists on earth.
19 Mar 2010   #96
I think he's talking about the 1943 uprising. As for Jews before WWII, they weren't joining the army in large numbers because they were not welcome there.

A great number of Polish Jews before WW2 didn't even speak Polish.

An interesting claim but one which is complete boll0cks: compulsory education in interbellum Poland was in Polish language only, meaning that every Jew who'd been at school after 1918 would have learned Polish.

Few Jews ever considered themselves Polish. Even after generations.

You mean they didn't join in the pogroms?
McCoy  27 | 1268
19 Mar 2010   #97
the future is bright
Bondi  4 | 142
19 Mar 2010   #98
LoL, hopefully.
19 Mar 2010   #99
Delphiandomine wrote:

When you actually live and pay taxes in Poland, we can talk.

but this is just like....didn't i used to say........when you comment about......with the thing......Ameri......uhh....eeeh.......hmmmm.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
19 Mar 2010   #100
You mean they didn't join in the pogroms?

Harry if Poles were committing pogroms on Jews all the time, WHY did most Jews CHOOSE to live in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS??

Why did the great rabbi Moses Isserles say, "If it were not for Poland, the existence of the tribe of Israel would have been unbearable"
enkidu  6 | 611
19 Mar 2010   #101
You mean they didn't join in the pogroms?

I would be happy to read something about pogroms committed by Polish. Could you please provide me with some sources?
jonni  16 | 2475
19 Mar 2010   #102
I would be happy to read something about pogroms committed by Polish

So pop in to your local bookshop and by the latest publication about the 1948 Kielce pogrom.

Białystok in 1905 wasn't much fun either.
19 Mar 2010   #103
Jedwabne and the villages nearby spring to mind.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
19 Mar 2010   #104
In 1905 and 1948 Poland was not controlled by Polish nationalists. In 1905 Poland was controlled by Germany and Russia and in 1948 Poland was controlled by Moscow not Warsaw.

The Soviets Communists stirred up friction between Poles and Jews and even knew about situations ahead of time like the Kielce situation. Many Jews collaborated with the communists against Poles.

What about the Soviet Jewish pogroms against non-jews all throughout Eastern Europe? Stalin installed many Jews in high level positions throughout Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, etc because he knew the communist Jews were more loyal to the Soviet movement then the countries they lived in.

What about mass murderers like Leonid Koganovich? How were non-Jews supposed to react against Communist Jewish butcherers throughout Eastern Europe? Oh did the commie New York Times forget to talk about them?? lol
enkidu  6 | 611
19 Mar 2010   #105
Jedwabne and the villages nearby spring to mind.

Thank you Jonni and Harry, but I I've already read a lot about Kielce and Jedwabne accidents.
There is not much more to explore for me. I am sure that the Poles are responsible for the HUNDREDS of other pogrom's apart from these two isolated incidents mentioned above. Unfortunately I am unable to track down these savage atrocities.

I am counting on you, guys.
jonni  16 | 2475
20 Mar 2010   #106
two isolated incidents

Not so isolated for the victims. Though a pogrom is by definition an "isolated incident".

Unfortunately I am unable to track down these savage atrocities.
I am counting on you, guys.

You've had three very well known ones already - how any examples do you need? An exhaustive list?
Polskiej_Dumy  18 | 66
20 Mar 2010   #107
Let's get something straight.......everyone is racist and if they tell you they're not then they are a damn liar. Here in the states, blacks cry racism over EVERYTHING.

Ok great... guess what!!!... this about...'POLISH' RACISM'!!! Everyone knows the us is the most racist place in the world. who cares?? dont try and excuse racism in Poland by examples from the other side of the world where people are actually EXPOSED to other cultures!!
George8600  10 | 630
20 Mar 2010   #108
i think it's all good as long as everybody get's discriminated equally. :D

Worst logic.....ever. lol


I am half-greek living in the US and have never dealt with a single racist comment (some jokes) but that's all. Nor have I met a Greek-American whom by any means hates other Americans.

Yeah, right. Mr. & Mrs. Utopia

You can laugh at Utopia, but Thomas More had a grand solution in there about racism....

Stalin installed many Jews in high level positions throughout Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, etc because he knew the communist Jews were more loyal to the Soviet movement then the countries they lived in.

Stalin? A friend of the Jews? Is that a joke.....
I see his propaganda is still brainwashing minds over half a century later...

Well you know, in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, over 95% of the people that live in these areas are of the ethnicity that correlate to the area....

ie, you might think of Japan as one, but 98.5% of the Japanese Japanese.

The rest are mostly Korean and Chinese immigrants.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
20 Mar 2010   #109
Stalin? A friend of the Jews? Is that a joke.....
I see his propaganda is still brainwashing minds over half a century later...

I don't know about Stalin and Jews being friends per se, but many Jews for some reason chose to work for Stalin and were disproportionately in the Soviet movement.

This has been reported by Jewish sources.
RonWest  3 | 120
20 Mar 2010   #110
I am half-greek living in the US and have never dealt with a single racist comment (some jokes) but that's all. Nor have I met a Greek-American whom by any means hates other Americans.

I've heard comments from neighbors of the beautiful Greek Church in the Oakland Hills during the annual Greek Festival complaining about "those dirty Greeks". Racism dude, pure and simple. I go to this festival every year and have heard these negative comments as their neighborhood gets overrun by festival go-ers. You're half-Greek, there's a gazillion half-Greeks in the U.S. No one even knows your Greek, of course you hear no racism.

EVERYONE harbors racism against one group or another in every country in the world. Anyone who denies this does not want to face reality.
I'm all about cutting through the bullsheet and getting to the point.
enkidu  6 | 611
20 Mar 2010   #111
Bialystok in 1905 was a part of Great Russia. Pogrom in Kielce was a provocation of the soviets. Jedwabne - under German occupation. I don't deny the significance and suffering of the victims of these accidents. If I follow this logic - burning down a Warsaw ghetto by the SS, can be seen as a pogrom committed by Polish. Its not fair thinking.

Jews and Poles share the same country for more than 500 years. I am sure that if Poles were such anti-Semite nation - I shall find a lot of proofs of other pogroms. Like in Germany or Russia for instance - pogroms that were initiated or at least accepted by the authorities. Actually I did find a lot of stories of pogroms in these and other countries. On this background Poland seems to be a country of quiet calm tolerance. I am little confused by this.

I can read (on the PF and in other places) how traditionally anti-Semite nation we are. And I started to think - maybe it's true? Who knows? But I can't find any solid proof of it. Only suggestions and accusations. It's frustrating.

Jonni - I don't want to start another historic-Polish-Jew rage. But from the proofs a have got right now it seems that Poland is (and was) far less anti Semite country than many others. Help me.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
20 Mar 2010   #112
A thread without Jedwabne is a wasted thread, that's not surprising... who else have ever been able to burn 1600 people in the 140 m^2 barn ?
enkidu  6 | 611
20 Mar 2010   #113
Oh come on. Some people were killed. That's a fact. Get lost with you math.
UsefullIdiot  - | 10
20 Mar 2010   #114
I occasionally pop into this forum, just to see the latest trends in Neo-Bolshevik propaganda.

How does the song go again?

"All priests are pedophiles, all white majority countries are inherently evil, white European women are only cool if they adopt Asian or black babies, Jews were the only people to die in WWII..."

A word to my Polish brothers and sisters. You escaped Soviet oppression with your country and ethnicity still intact. I am worried you will not escape European Union oppression with the same victory. Don't fall for the multicultural lie, I beg you. If Poles flooded into India, Africa, or Asia, it would be called White Colonialism. Make sure these foreign welfare parasites get the welcome they would lay at your feet, if the situation were reversed. Like the USSR, hopefully the Jewish banker funded EU will be an ill passing wind, and Poland will still remain Poland, a nation for Poles. Resist!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
20 Mar 2010   #115
Get lost with you math.

No. Burning 1600 people in the 140 m^2 barn is not a small potato and deserve to be remembered.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Mar 2010   #116

You have chosen the right nickname, perhaps it would be more fitting if you would just remove the "usefull" (actually "useful" is written with one l) and replace it with F*cking.

Because that's what you are.


M-G (pls make the frequence with which you're popping in less and less, thanks)
UsefullIdiot  - | 10
20 Mar 2010   #117
Irony and satire, comrade... Break out your NKVD handbook, and decipher the deeper meaning.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193
20 Mar 2010   #118
MareGaea, I'm more happy that you haven't been around that much.

Everything "UsefullIdiot", said in his above post is actually true. Not true in the sense that he made it up and says it's true, but true in the sense that he/I can actually prove what he said with links, pictures and history books. What's up with bashing that? Are you afraid of the truth?

MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Mar 2010   #119
MareGaea, I'm more happy that you haven't been around that much.

Do I care about this? Heck no, I don't care if you are more happy about that.

As it turns out now, there are huge numbers of Catholic priests that have indeed been sexually abusing children - nothing neo Bolshevic about this...Even the CC admits it.

Poland is part of the EU - nobody forced them into it, they signed voluntarily. They will take part in everything the EU wants them to do, or else they can leave the EU and let's see if they will do so well. Usefullidiot lives in some time in the past. Probably he's not even Polish, but American, but I don't know that. He spawns the same nonsense as so many idiots here spout. Therefore he's a useless idiot indeed.

Given the simple keywords: Jewish Bankers - One Country One Ethnicity you can be pretty sure from which side the wind is blowing. There are too much idiots like that around already, no need for more.


M-G (tiens)
DariuszTelka  5 | 193
20 Mar 2010   #120
I'd rather have one post that tells the truth, than ten from you, telling us that jewish people DON'T control the world of finance and that we should open our borders to all the people of the world...tell me again of this "multicultural paradise" that we should look to? Which country has achieved it? Give me some examples please.

About the catholic priests...there is no punisment strong enough for these sick bastards.

I'm somewhat happy that Poland is in the EU, since we can take part in hightening our living standards and improve our relationship with Europe on so many important fields. But I'm also scared that Poland will adopt the "open border" policy when we reach a certain level of financial wealth. This will attract millions of asylum seekers who will make Poland into England or France and ruin our protected way of life. I know there is lot's of crime in Poland, but the crime the immigrants take with them is so violent, there is no comparison. The cost will be tremendous, not only to our state, but mostly to the polish people who will have to be on the front line, experiencing it on a everyday basis.


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