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St Patrick's day in Poland

Crnogorac3  3 | 672
17 Mar 2024   #211
Haiti: Africa on the American Continent

They destroy themselves. Low IQ. Congenital backwardness. Now they're flocking to Texas.
Crnogorac3  3 | 672
17 Mar 2024   #212
The Haitian Dirt Cookie Economy

Novichok  4 | 8768
17 Mar 2024   #213
...and the US will soon have three official languages.

I would like to know what was God's plan when he was designing blacks.
Crnogorac3  3 | 672
17 Mar 2024   #214
In Haiti, gangs of cannibals are chasing people and taking over police stations

As Barney would say, since we're all the same and we are all equal, it is important that they are Catholics, settle them in Ireland.
Novichok  4 | 8768
17 Mar 2024   #215
it is important that they are Catholics, settle them in Ireland.

What a brilliant idea! You are a genius...

Hey, Braney, how about it...Do you want 100,000 Haitians in your town? Or are they too...Haitian...for you...
Crnogorac3  3 | 672
17 Mar 2024   #216
Haiti update - the supremacy of the warlord 'Barbecue' is being challenged by Joseph Wilson's '400 Simpletons', invoking the spirit of infamous Vodou Loa Baron Samedi - and they're eating each other again.


Total collapse in Haiti amid mass prison break

Criminal gangs more powerful than Haiti's state military and police have attacked prisons and freed inmates and the airport serving the country's capital, forcing all businesses and schools to close.

15,000 people fled their homes in Port-au-Prince into the forests. The prime minister has fled the country and is begging foreign powers to restore order. There is no government and total anarchy reigns

Joker  2 | 2464
17 Mar 2024   #217
Why the hell would Poland celebrate St. P day?

Just another excuse to go drinking. I saw fat boy Pritzker at the parade yesterday. He looks like such a fat slob, how embarrassing.
Novichok  4 | 8768
17 Mar 2024   #218
He looks like such a fat slob, how embarrassing.

I read somewhere that a guy like him can actually burst open.

There is no government and total anarchy reigns

Black democracy in action...

That's why white guys in the US have guns. It's not about evil government. It's about subhumans...

That reminds me...Need more ammo...
Atch  22 | 4299
18 Mar 2024   #219
An Irishman needed to give you a lesson on nationalism!

And yet he produced a child with a Moroccan woman - incidentally, while still married to his Irish wife. That wouldn't go down well with you at all now, would it? Oh and he was co-founder of and remains very involved with the Dublin-Arabic Film Festival. Not surprising really seeing as he's now living with his former bit-on-the-side.

This man is not ashamed of himself or his roots.

If I were 'ashamed of my roots' would I be speaking Irish? "Tír gan Teanga, Tír gan Anam".

, Montserrat

Yes, the Irish in Montserrat were supposedly not a nice bunch - but no in-depth scholarly work has been produced on the subject with any real detail about they behaved towards the black slaves. Would you like to do it? :)
Atch  22 | 4299
18 Mar 2024   #220
I'm glad they sang the original version in the video you posted and not the PC one.

I didn't even know there WAS a PC one! We wouldn't dream of singing it in Ireland :) The guys performing it were various old friends and associates of Shane McGowan, so they were honouring his memory and definitely wouldn't be cleaning it up for singing in church. Anyway, the priest knew him well.
mafketis  38 | 11278
18 Mar 2024   #221
I didn't even know there WAS a PC one!

Apparently centered on the use of 'arse' and 'faggot'.... and even an Irish broadcaster once requested a change in the lyrics...

I did hear the version with "you're cheap and you're haggard" once (and mentally booed).
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Mar 2024   #222
Yes, the Irish in Montserrat were supposedly not a nice bunch.

That's not an isolated case.

Would you like to do it?

Someone already wrote a book.

So why not tell everyone yourself what you lot are really like when no one else is watching?
Atch  22 | 4299
19 Mar 2024   #223
Why does the cover show people doing Scottish dancing??

Please, let us differentiate between the Irish and the Irish-American (who in fact were a mixed bag of Anglo-Irish, Irish and Ulster-Scots. The early Irish immigrants were both Catholic and Protestant, rich, poor and somewhere in the middle. For the middle and upper class ones, it made obvious sense for them to align with the status quo. For the poorer ones, the indentured servants and labourers, many had the great advantage in those times, of literacy. Being literate and white gave them the chance to elevate themselves in what was a very harsh world. Adapt and survive, then hopefully thrive.

Getting back to the Irishman as opposed to the Irish-American, at what point does one cease to be Irish and become American, taking on all the less savoury attributes of American culture and society? Certainly within one generation there is already a vast difference. Born in America, raised in America, you're American.

why not tell everyone yourself what you lot are really like

I'll let a black man tell you:

"the entire absence of everything that looked like prejudice against me, on account of the colour of my skin-contrasted so strongly with my long and bitter experience in the United States, that I look with wonder and amazement on the transition." (Frederick Douglas, Ireland, 1845)

And I'll leave you with the words of his friend, Irishman, Daniel O'Connell's words to the Irish-Americans:

"Come out of such a land, you Irishmen, or, if you remain, and dare countenance the system of slavery that is supported there, we will recognize you as Irishmen no longer."
Novichok  4 | 8768
19 Mar 2024   #224
And I'll leave you with the words of his friend,...

Not yet...How many such "black men" is Ireland planning to let it? Also: When did the Irish say it would be OK in a referendum?

Please, I beg you, do not mention "our democratically elected legal representatives" before I run out to buy more barf bags.
mafketis  38 | 11278
19 Mar 2024   #225
Not yet.

Why are you such a social retard? Are you a sperg? There are times and places and ways to discuss European migration policy.... but you always write about it all the time in the most retarded immature way possible.

If you're adult try to act like one.
Novichok  4 | 8768
20 Mar 2024   #226
but you always write about it all the time

And I will continue until I separate PF bootlickers from the boots they like licking by says this:

Novi, you are a genius and we finally see the light. You are correct about our democracy being just an illusion and a lie. The ruling mob does whatever it fvck wants - migrants and all - and we are powerless to change this sordid sh*it. As somebody said it so well, if elections really mattered, they would be illegal.

The first Euro says that and I will never come back to this subject again.

BTW, "Euro" excludes the Russians. They are smart and my spiritual brothers.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Mar 2024   #227
I will continue until I separate PF bootlickers from the boots they like licking

Who are you to tell me which boot I can lick and which ones I can't ?
I'll lick any damn boot I want to except for yours.
Novichok  4 | 8768
20 Mar 2024   #228
Who are you to tell me which boot I can lick and which ones I can't ?

See a doctor. In the meantime...FO.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Mar 2024   #229
Are you a sperg?

No, he's not. They can't help being annoying. Novi does it on purpose.

we are powerless to change this

That's not true at all. Thanks to the properly designed Single Transferable Vote system of Proportional Representation in Ireland, when we're not happy, we have far more power than Americans to vote out those we don't want and vote in those we do. There's a general election next year in Ireland next year and already the government is changing its tune about migrants but at this stage it's too late to regain ground and they'll be out.

Now, while I'm here I'll take the chance to mention the Irish women who tried to escape from their indentured servitude in Montserrat and were sentenced to 39 lashes apiece on their bare backs. I'm sure Poloniusz would have been happy to administer the lashes, combining his hatred of women and the Irish in one neat package.

Or how about John Scott, an English adventurer who travelled in the West Indies during the Commonwealth, who saw Irish servants working in field gangs with slaves, 'without stockings under the scorching sun'. The Irish, he wrote, were "derided by the n@groes, and branded with the epithet of 'white slaves'"

Speaking of branding, Irish who attempted to escape from their servitude and were caught didn't only get the lash, but were frequently branded with FT. on their foreheads - Fugitive Traitor.

And we mustn't forget that it was the Anglo-Irish Marquess of Sligo, who on arriving in Jamaica as Governor, proceeded to free the slaves and set up schools for them. The first free village of Sligoville in Saint Catherine parish, Jamaica is named after hiim.

Now let's start a thread to talk about serfdom in Poland over the centuries. Imagine to think that whole villages of serfs were sold as a job lot to their new masters. Shocking stuff.
Novichok  4 | 8768
20 Mar 2024   #230
we have far more power than Americans to vote out those we don't want and vote in those we do.

One more time...How you elect your "legal representative" means crap because they are not legally obligated to do what they promised.
Instead, they are allowed to lie and do the exact opposite on their first day in office. That's your "democracy".

Memo to bootlickers: We were allowed to vote in "communist" Poland, too. We even had two parties - just as Americans have now.

Your system is an illusion of "democracy" but as long as you and other bootlickers are happy watching Europe being overrun by darker scum...

BTW, do you, Atch, know anybody who asked for more refugees in Ireland?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
20 Mar 2024   #231
about serfdom in Poland

I would pick Slavs being taking into «Jasyr» by Ottomon Empire and Crimean Khanate and Cossacks tactics regarding it. But sure be my guest, rile up against Szlachta is always a good theme
Joker  2 | 2464
20 Mar 2024   #232
Heres one for you....... Did you ever go to any of his concerts?

Atch  22 | 4299
20 Mar 2024   #233
I would pick Slavs being taking into

I know what you mean, but you expect that. What I find more disturbing is people effectively enslaving their own.

Did you ever go to any of his concerts?

Sadly, no. My favourite Rory period is the 1970s and I was only a kid then.

Heres one for you.

Thanks Joker, interesting choice. Have you heard this version? It's Rory's old band mate playing it at Rory's funeral. You can hear the Gaelic influence in the music when it's played this way. If you knew the old 17th and 18th century ballads it could easily be one of them. (The bit at the end is a a quick snatch of a jamming session after the funeral):

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
20 Mar 2024   #234
enslaving their own.

That's the thing tho, nobility in europe (gentry, upper class you name it) saw themselves as sons and daughters of Troy that fled all over Europe (ridiculous in my opinion) while Szlachta saw itself as something similar but, that of Sarmations and having origin coming from Persia/India. Nietzsche was fascinated by this and tried to make a philosophy out of it, then the NSDAP bastardised it.

So elite of Europe saw themselves different and distinct from their peasents and rest of society. So definitively not their own. As they themselves saw it, Nationalism changed that.

One of the effects was escape to Ukraine to avoid being a peasant.
Novichok  4 | 8768
20 Mar 2024   #235
Anybody who says I am better than you by birth or marriage should be shot on the spot.
In this respect, I like Russian Bolsheviks, the 1917 version. Other than that, they were idiots.
Alien  26 | 6562
20 Mar 2024   #236
, I like Russian Bolsheviks

What's there to like
Novichok  4 | 8768
20 Mar 2024   #237
They executed Russian royals. Good move...
mafketis  38 | 11278
20 Mar 2024   #238
What's there to like

they killed a bunch of people, that's enough to make a narcissist love (and envy) them
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
20 Mar 2024   #239
Anybody who says

Anybody who says everyone is equal while being lower then most people and uglier then most should get their head examined. Especially after crying out for murder. They are clearly "disturbed" by facts of life.

Yes some people are generally better overall, it's not a good enough reason for only such people to rule tho. I don't find the reasoning for Aristocracy to be good enough, but with enough people voicing stuff like you. It sounds more enticing day by day, regardless if I would be part of it or not (probably not part of that group)
Joker  2 | 2464
21 Mar 2024   #240
Have you heard this version? It's Rory's old band mate

No, I never heard this version, it gets kind of jazzy at the end:) He was an amazing guitarist, speaking of which, how about Gary Moore?

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