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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Why Do You Love Poland?

21 Mar 2007   #61
My maternal Grandfather's parents were from Poland. His Mother's maiden name was Eisner. She never said if she was Jewish or not. One of her son's are alive,and he thinks she was Jewish. But I would like to know if she was. And I was told that Ashkanave(I think I spelled that right)_are not descendants of Moses,and are not real Jews. She was medium light complected. But my Grandfather was very dark complected,and short. I also read that Mongolian Huns invaded Poland and interrmarried with the Poles. I just wonder if she was Jewish and if some Poles are mixed with Hun ancestry.These are my questions?
daffy  22 | 1153
21 Mar 2007   #62
I love poland because it has great culture, food, people (with the only exceptions one or two on this forum there all lovely!)

The country is lovely! the mountains, the flats, the cities.
ogorek  - | 165
21 Mar 2007   #63
Where the woods are clean
The fields are green
My soul serene.
12 Apr 2007   #64
love poland. because polish ppls a so friendly and know how can they enjoy their life even they drinking a lot, has open mind to learn from other ppls, be kind to all tourists in poland. i wish all polish in poland and overseas be peace and happy always. God bless polish~
Andy1968  3 | 16
13 Apr 2007   #65
I love Poland because it produced the woman I love and will Marry
I love Poland because the values they hold never falter under any change or stress
The scenery is second to none
The food is just the tastiest in the world
The beer is unbeatable
Poland gave us John Paul (God Bless him)
and Poland gives me the feeling of serenity the moment i land at Etuida.
13 Apr 2007   #66
I love Poland because it produced the woman I love and will Marry
I love Poland because the values they hold never falter under any change or stress
The scenery is second to none
The food is just the tastiest in the world
The beer is unbeatable

Spot on
LoneStranger  3 | 382
13 Apr 2007   #67
Poland gave us John Paul

Well...with all respect to John Paul.....there is alot more about Polish moral than him! He was one of the many Popes Christianity had over many years.

I know many Poles love him specially because he was Polish.... but I always (as in here) but my stance there. JESUS is the one to look up to, not John Paul II ... he was just a Pope (not even for the entire Christian population) for just a sect.

anyways.... thats what I think.

Poles are mixed with Hun ancestry

most poles are... so should be easy for you to accept that yours were
asiia  - | 10
6 Jun 2007   #68
To non-Poles

Maybe it was discussed before, but I'm wondering what do you non-poles find fascinating in Poland? And how did you find this forum? Do you live in Poland/want to move to Poland, and why?

Hope the questions are not noisy, I am just wondering.
Personally if I were let's say English, I would never ever want to move to a country with a high rate of unemployment; I'm quite surprised that many non-poles post here.
FISZ  24 | 2116
6 Jun 2007   #69
I'm wondering what do you non-poles find fascinating in Poland

My significant other is PL :) and I love to visit. It's a big difference from the States and I love mostly everything about it. I just wish that I was able to work there for decent money. I like to come here and post tips for others who have never been to PL. I also love the cuisine and have learned to cook a few authentic dishes.

I'm surprised that many non-poles post here

Just be aware that there are a few who post a lot of anti PL stuff, so don't be surprised.

Welcome to the forum though :)
southern  73 | 7059
6 Jun 2007   #70
Maybe it was discussed before, but I'm wondering what do you non-poles find fascinating in Poland? And how did you find this forum? Do you live in Poland/want to move to Poland, and why?

I would say the same if there were not some true gold in Poland.The food is not good,the roads are not good,the communist buildings are ugly but who comes to Poland for the food,the roads and the buildings?

We come to hear the amazing polish language.From native speakers.
FISZ  24 | 2116
6 Jun 2007   #71
but who comes to Poland for the food,the roads and the buildings?

Many people. It's a beautiful country to take photos. Not all of us just focus on women constantly. There's more to life. All of the food (maybe not smalec) is very tasty :) Sounds like you need someone that knows how to cook :P The communist housing isn't the best looking, but there are "projects" everywhere. The roads...I have to agree :), but overall I love it there.
asiia  - | 10
6 Jun 2007   #72
I see, your SO are from Poland:)
haha I agree about the roads, just horrible, and some buildings are ugly but I like them, they're part of our history, and the little houses made of wood in Zakopane are amazing imo. I have to disagree about food, although I hate kaszanka (it's partly made of blood, meat) Wedel's chocolates are so good.

It's so nice of you for coming to this forum, and discussing polish related stuff!
TheKruk  3 | 308
7 Jun 2007   #73
I first came becasue the opportunity just sprang up to teach english. Then I left for a year and came back. Living here is difficult at times, for example I am rarely paid on time and its infuriating as I have two kids and I cannot plan things around the beginning of every month. But man its the people some suck, but sometimes they are so damn beautiful an example. One of my students is going to denmark for the summer to pick strawberries, she is at University to be a physical therapist but needs to make some money. She will go and live in a tent and was so happy that she and her father and brother will go together. On one hand its sad because in most countries people don't have to resort to menial labor to make some extra cash especially the highly educated, but she is undaunted its temporary for her and the most important thing is she will be with her family all summer. I can think of no American 20 something who would be so happy to pick strawberries with her father and brother all summer. I just pray they don't exploit them too bad but we shall see. Please I realize its because of a poor economy that many Poles must find crappy (by western standards) summer work but its the spirit that I love sometimes the light in Polish eyes is so strong it puts my life in a wonderful perspective as to what is really important, family friends and love. Pure beauty.

But of course then someone pushes in front of me in a queue and I curse them.
curlyspy007  - | 93
7 Jun 2007   #74
I can think of no American 20 something who would be so happy to pick strawberries with her father and brother all summer.

I think that is very beautiful for real, a true family bond that i take my hat off to..
Im london born, and over the years i have seen the bond between families slowly fade away to the point of not respecting each other here in the UK..I have been to poland and hungary many times, and when i see the family bond the eastern europeans have it warms my heart because no matter what people say about them, they have it made big time and no one can ever take that away...peace, respect and love to all...
FISZ  24 | 2116
7 Jun 2007   #75
I can think of no American 20 something who would be so happy to pick strawberries with her father and brother all summer

What does being American have to do with anything?

7 Jun 2007   #76
1- when you see a price for something... that is the price you pay. not having to figure out additional taxes on top of the pricetag.

2- beautiful women

3- Zubrowka
FISZ  24 | 2116
7 Jun 2007   #77
1- when you see a price for something... that is the price you pay. not having to figure out additional taxes on top of the pricetag.

LOL....I tried to barter in Poland and it was like pulling teeth :) Almost Impossible.
TheKruk  3 | 308
7 Jun 2007   #78
What does being American have to do with anything?

Its the only other country I have a perspective to compare poland to, as i have only lived in America and Poland. don't pick on me I was waxing poetic.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Jun 2007   #79
Polish are proud people with strong morality. That's why.

Of course Poles are much more moral than other nations, i have no doubt that it's a moral heart of the world....;-)))))

~I love Poland because it is the greatest country ever!

Russia occupies 17.075.400 km2 and Poland only 312.683 km2, so about 54,60930079345535254554932631451 times greater than Poland ;-)))))

The country is lovely! the mountains, the flats, the cities.

There are alot of countries which have more mountains, flats and cities....I assure you!!!

Poland gave us John Paul (God Bless him)

AMEN!!!! And Germany gave us Benedictus ....hemmm, i think XIV......god bless all popes dead or alive even Alexander VI Borgia.....
daffy  22 | 1153
8 Jun 2007   #80
There are alot of countries which have more mountains, flats and cities....I assure you!!!

thats a pointless response. of course there are such in other countries. doesnt change the fact the the ones ive seen in poland are just as beautiful
8 Jun 2007   #81
JESUS is the one to look up to, not John Paul II ... he was just a Pope (not even for the entire Christian population) for just a sect.

Jesus spoke through JPII!
isthatu  3 | 1164
8 Jun 2007   #82
Why do i love the country Poland!

Well i went in March/April 2003 with Doncaster College

This must be contagious telefonica,I was one of your fellow students,no names publicly but,definatly 16 + ;)

I fell in love with the scenery and the history and beauty that was around. The people are the most polite and courteous you will ever have the pleasure of meeting in your life and they are appreciative of any attempts to speak Polish even if you get words wrong.

Cant agree more ,you must visit other parts as well though. As for the courtesy this has been extended to outright hospitality to me that has led to spending time as the guests of a Warsaw familiy who only knew me from my attempts to write Polish on a Warsaw uprising forum. Telefonica just wait until some one asks you to say the name of a famous TV charector from the 60s,or atleast the one he gives the germans....

So we went to Zakopane and here i fell in love (not with a person) but with the beauty that would seep into the hardest of hearts ....

second that,the most beutifull range of mountains on earth,and Im origionally from a Scots highland family :)
The one thing I love is discovering Poland in 2002 (I was gready and went both years at collage) and now having a little bit of Poland back here, Ogorki anyone?
9 Jun 2007   #83
This must be contagious telefonica,I was one of your fellow students,no names publicly but,definatly 16 + ;)

if by the email your first name starts K (real name) then i think i have a fair idea whom you maybe :)

Telefonica just wait until some one asks you to say the name of a famous TV charector from the 60s,or atleast the one he gives the germans....

will try and remember that!

plus its great to have a few more folks from Doncaster coming onboard the forum :D
Przemo  - | 4
13 Jun 2007   #84
I love Poland, because.........
I was born there and all my attitude towards life and people I have build in Poland
I love Poland, because is such a unique country (relligion, food, girls proudness of being polish etc etc.......)

and I love Wroclaw and Krakow as well..............:)
14 Jun 2007   #85
I love Poland because nobody annoys me with "Hi, how are you" 5 times a day. Just reasonable "Hi" and going into real conversation. :]
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 Jun 2007   #86
Of course Poles are much more moral than other nations, i have no doubt that it's a moral heart of the world....;-)))))

14 Jun 2007   #87 Poland? what is love-sentiment?...for sure blindness
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195
17 Jun 2007   #88
Of course Poles are much more moral than other nations, i have no doubt that it's a moral heart of the world....;-)))))

I think we both (you russian me finn) should look up to them...
17 Jun 2007   #89
Couse this is my home and always will be
neanderthal  - | 37
17 Jun 2007   #90
Why Do Youuuuuuuuuuuu Love Poland?

i dont luv r hate poland ~ all da same fr me! but itz an interesting place to post smtimes! :)...

i had time so i read ur posts-u seem cool! got a pic? ;)

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