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There are probably Poles who share your opinion but there are also many who consider EU a positive force. And it seems the later are in majority for now. Deal with it.
That poll would be pointless without asking what exactly should change. And since it's an organisation of 27 countries it's not only Poles whose wishes count. All those countries have to meet in the middle. Anyway- none of this matters in the matter of church in Poland
Poll would say: You want EU to interfere with your county's internal politics/laws or you dont want the EU to interfere with your country internal politics/laws
Result would be obvious
But leftard democracy is chauvinism.... UK will probably vote as many times as it is needed for leftards to get "proper" results.
So are you saying that the Asian guy born in Poland that PolAm references isn't Polish?
No I'm not saying that. I might not have made myself completely clear. I am in agreement with this statement:
Polish, in my opinion is the assimilation into Polish society and the acceptance of those traditions, language, and customs of the country.
Which contrasts with what Dirk was saying about citizenship determining Polishness. I am talking specifically about citizenship through descent here. By nationality law, yes, a PolAm is considered to be Polish. Yet, that person may never have set foot in Poland, doesn't know pierogi from pączki, and afaik, can vote in Polish elections! I am gobsmacked that a person gets the right to vote and help to decide the fate of Poles actually living in Poland, whilst never having lived there, all on the basis of ancestry.
As with nearly everything political there are some hard line issues. I am a legal resident of Poland, pure Polish ancestry on both sides of my family. I pay taxes in Poland, have moved my business to Poland, and employ Polish people. I am learning the language, and assimilating. Yet according to hard liners, I am not Polish because I do not have a Polish passport.
Yet, the person who refuses to assimilate, and has a Polish passport by birth, is "Polish"? If you take the same argument to the USA, then everyone born on USA soil regardless of their assimilation should be a USA citizen. Yet in USA we want to drill down further and look if their parents entered the country legally.
The difficulty I went through in getting Karta Pobytu even with my ancestry, I was comfortable with. Irritated, but comfortable with the process and the thoroughness of it. This came across as a country being protective of who lives in the country, which is something I like.
The difficulty I went through in getting Karta Pobytu
Of course. Because you are American - not Polish. It is very difficult for Americans to get right of stay here simply because of the visa requirements for Poles visiting America. Tit for tat.
Nothing to do with Poland being protective of who lives in the country. It's a simple matter for other EU citizens to settle here. A group of Syrians live down the road (market traders) They have EU passports, and happen to be muslim, Poland can't keep them out even if they wanted to, much as the racists would love to.
@Dougpol1 I actually thought of that Visa tit for tat idea. But was told by the investigator that is was actually simply because it is so uncommon for an American to request residency that they are surprised when it happens. The Visa situation is likely to change for Poland. If your understand the Visa approval process, and who actually is processing the Visa's, the waivers are based on successful application numbers compared with denials. Once successful applications reach a certain threshold, which Poland is now approaching, the waiver will happen. It really has very little to do with Poles over staying their Visa's now. I know this because I do a lot of Visa work for athletes going to the USA and Canada in my business.
was told by the investigator that is was actually simply because
My answer to that is this: Interior ministries the world over are scum. Our British Home Office most definitely is. They are lying if they tell you that the Polish situation for foreigners is going to change any day soon.
Mountains will fall into the sea before the Poles give way and give prefential treatment to Americans - whilst it is so relatively difficult for Poles to get a US visa. I'm not saying that's right, but the interior ministry is in place for the convenience and will of the state, and not to do the bidding of it's citizens. Completely arse about face - and as I said, they employ scum to do their dirty work for them.
Hey I know some interested info about this. Poland is located in Europe. Poland is considered to be a developing nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life.
And most favorite in Poland is development of telecommunications and economic globalization has made it possible for interested investors to form companies around the world. With proper research, financial investments, and legal backing, business ventures can safely be established in Poland.
Some people mostly and some cool retro stuff like Commie vans, Warszawa and 125p, 126p Fiats. Women. Krakow. Brand new szeregówki instead of just flats. The language is the best sounding Western Slavic one to me, too. Good location, nearby or a short flight from some of the nicest countries in Europe imo (Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, the Black Sea and Italy).
Apart from that I sadly think Poland is an acquired taste as it lacks many beautiful cities unlike Italy, Hungary and Croatia. Germans and Russians destroyed too much architecture in the wars and PRL commies build real ugly buildings, uglier than ones built by Hungarian or Bulgarian commies. Also coal deposits on walls made buildings look grayish and drab. Too bad nowadays Poles build futuristic buildings that will look bad in the future instead of rebuilding classical architecture like they do in Germany. Sure there's always Krakow but come on, most towns look bland like Warsaw, nondescript like Rzeszow or depressing like Łódź and Bytom.
I think only Gdynia looks nice from the modern, non historic ones (it's the tree lined streets!) Suwalki and Elk have beautified themselves by planting trees as well and put to shame wealthier areas like sterile and bare Wawa itself! While Poland no longer can win the architecture contest why not become the country of garden cities and urban forests? Trees improve the way streets look and cover drab architecture, just look at Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged, Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna or any Hungarian or Bulgarian city and town - tree canopies on many streets, parks like forests.
Actually I think it's the trees that make Budapest more attractive and lively feeling compared to Prague and Vienna with their museum-like streets devoid of vegetation. Warsaw has enough space and pedestrian pavements are often too wide anyway
I love Poland because we don't have violent blacks looting our shops and filling our prisons here. Love Poland coz LGBT weirdos minority has no power over us. I love Poland for putting value on centuries old European tradiotions like Christiansm and family.
Amen. I couldn't of said it better. Poland is one of the last white wonderlands left in Europe. The other larger countries have been overrun with kebab and ninjas. Poland is proof that a fairly large European country can be well off while having a homogeneous population.
@Zlatko Have you ever actually been to Poland? I don't see any commie cars really in the streets -just some renovated ones for tourists in Warsaw or Krakow. And I have been to Hungary and Bulgaria -and I don't think they're better looking than Poland. Just my opinion, though.
And there are lots of trees in Poland, lots of forests, too.
^Omg, man don't take everything so literally :). I grew up in the 90s so there were still a lot many commie cars until 2000 here in Sofia, most Soviet, but some of them Polish, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovak or GDR German. Plus the iconic Hubgarian Ikarus buses. Also the odd 70s/80s Western or Japanese cars like Datsun Cherry or Mk1 Golf. In the 2000s those cars have largely disappeared (now getting rare even in poor rural towns).
Seeing them now is a special, nostalgic trip. I only get similar feelings to mid 2000s to early 2010s (MY 2003-2013) cars from my teens to mid 20s as that was a happier time, too.
Still, Poland is the only place where I can book a ride in a Nysa van for obvious reasons. ;)
@Zlatko You can take a ride in Nysa only in some trips organised by PRL themed agencies. I haven't seen this car for years. I have been to Bulgaria. Have you been to Poland?
Sure, but not enough tree canopies along city avenues. Gdynia, Suwalki and Elk being the exceptions, hence why I like them so much. This scene will look way worse were it not for those trees:
Hence why I couldn't live in Prague or Slovakia, their cities are mostly bare along roads so Polish ones are better.
Not yet. A stupid Multinational (read: American) conpany had a bain and switch. I applied for a job in Warsaw, only to be placed in the Prague office instead. Yeah, Wawa can't match the look of Prague but it seems greener and less suffocating (wider roads). And I prefer the sound of Polish. I don't like the way Czechs, Slovaks and Serbo-Croatian speakers put stress on words. Polish sounds more pleasant. The worst sounding to me dialects in Bulgarian put the stresses like Serbians and Slovaks.
I said street trees, of course every city has parks and gardens. Rzeszow for example. Also Warszawa could improve:
vs Budapest (and this is a tiny street, most streets of that size have no trees in Warsaw. I want to be objective, listing Sofia is not fair but it also has such tiny streets with tree canopies):
@Zlatko The key word is 'tiny'. Trees are more common in tiny streets. And the trees in the link are tiny. When they grow the sidewalk will get bulgy. Anyway, just two random places. You just can't compare places like that. It's funny you mention Budapest as I remember I often felt like in a frying pan at Hosok Tere there. But I can't say all Hungary is like that. It's not.
Except in Suwałki, a wide street that's very green:
Ironic that Eastern Poland is regarded as the backwater of Poland yet the buildings look better maintained and the streets greener than much wealthier areas (Lódź, Katowice). The mayor must be a wizard.
I also think Gdynia while not having Gdansk's history or architecture is more inviting with the tree-lined avenues to me for long-term living despite rather not so interesting for a tourist visit.
Rzeszow is better economically but less beautiful imo than Lublin. They need to beautify it more. Lublin is very green.
I also really like Gdynia. It's basically a new town, I think I read it grew out of a tiny fishing village like Sunny Beach or Benidorm? Minus the crazy overbuilding of course! Somewhat lacking of photos online, overshadowed by Gdansk and Sopot. I think for day-to-day life Gdynia is the most livable in Trojmiasto but perhaps least exciting for a tourist.
As for people where are the nicest locals in Poland? And which places to definitely avoid lol? Mind you I prefered the locals of Bratislava to those in Prague, Dresden or Vienna. ;)
Why Do You Love Poland? x I don't and won't ever come back to that country full of selfish egoistic rude xenophobic grumpy people. Not a cent sent there from my money. When EU funds end, poland will fall like domino bricks :D
You might try Czechia or Slovakia, they're like Poland only better in every way - climate, food, architecture, less pollution. Only drawback is lack of sea coast but everything else makes up for it.
A daredevil who cannot build a beautiful house or block of flats? Hungarians, Czehcs and even Slovaks have more beautiful classic and modern buildings.