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Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries?

OP Alien  22 | 5460
20 Sep 2024   #181
Colombus landed in Hispanola

But on the American continent and had contact with the natives.
mafketis  38 | 10868
20 Sep 2024   #182
But on the American continent

Yes, you and I know that. but for some monolingual USans America means the US only.... dumb but... it is what it is.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
20 Sep 2024   #183
Interestingly, I have not heard of Indian slaves, only Africans. Could it be that the Indians were not suited to hard work?
mafketis  38 | 10868
20 Sep 2024   #184
I have not heard of Indian slaves, only Africans.

In large areas the natives died from European diseases they had no immunity to.

In South America in the Andes there was something like slavery (more like russian serfs than chattle slavery).

In North America there weren't enough (lower population density).

Slavery by Spanish, French and Portuguese was far more extensive and exploitative than slavery by the British (or their successors).
Novichok  4 | 7630
20 Sep 2024   #185
"Colored immigrants" have no business being in Poland because Poles don't want them in Poland.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
20 Sep 2024   #186
Poles don't want them in Poland.

However, many are already in Poland and are managing somehow.
20 Sep 2024   #187
Skin color has nothing to do with a person. When I was in the UK, I was very positively surprised about the UK black-British people, their level of education and social manners, compared to some whites and African-Americans in the US.. similar story about black students in Poland from whom many Poles could learn a lot.
Novichok  4 | 7630
20 Sep 2024   #188
Skin color has nothing to do with a person.

If skin color was irrelevant, I wouldn't hear "black" every ten seconds on American TV.

Also, 99.9% of violent crimes in Chicago are committed by blacks. Conclusion: Avoid blacks.
20 Sep 2024   #189
That's how the media try to control us. The main goal is to make people angry to come back for more. Btw - they often (due to their stupidity I guess) consider a Spanish person to be an African American due to their non-white skin color.
Novichok  4 | 7630
20 Sep 2024   #190
There is no such thing as African American. That idiotic term was created by the worst race hustler, Jessie Jackson, and is as phony as Kwanza and Ebonics.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
1 day ago   #191
African American.

Is AA short for this or is it Alcoholics Anonymous?

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