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Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland

jon357  72 | 23361
13 Mar 2023   #31
So perhaps you should learn some manners and moderate your language like the decent human being that you are not.

And therefore avoid terms like: "m-fu*cking creeps" which may well be acceptable in your cesspit of a mind but which are unacceptable anywhere else.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Mar 2023   #32
I adjust my otherwise vast and impeccable lexicon to my audiences. You, with your idiotic spelling and the other idiot with his orcs and meat grinder, get exactly what you deserve.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Mar 2023   #33

Hard to know why teens would be interested in your grand daughters.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Mar 2023   #34
Teens in Poland too. It seems a long way to take his granddaughters to the 'restroom'? And why would they need to 'rest'? Kids are usually full of energy. It would be a bit more normal to take them to a toilet instead, however Poland is a long way; perhaps they have giant bladders.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Mar 2023   #36
to take them to a toilet instead

Why not just take them to the sh|tter? (how 'to a toilet' sounds in American).

Gender weirdness is definitely getting a foothold among university students. And in the neighborhood there's a.... transvestite? autogynephile? who I sometimes see around in a weird short skirt, purple leather jacket and a fedora (?)

To each their own for adults, though I'm fanatically against the idea of child 'transition' or men in women's sports or restrooms.... As far as I know they haven't been issues in Poland (yet).
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #37
Hard to know why teens would be interested in your grand daughters.

It's hard to know where you found "teens" in my post.

Cross gender dressing is not a problem in schools.

It will be when they volunteer to kill Russians.
What happened to the guy in the white top? Where is his biceps?
Also, does he pee standing or sitting?

Almost forgot...The underwear...White or pink?
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #38
It's hard to know where you found "teens" in my post.

Read the thread title.

The underwear

If you know that, you're staring too closely.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #39

That would be coarse albeit more understandable than a word in non-standard English like restroom. Unless they do go there to rest rather than use the toilet.

I'm still puzzled by why the fashion choivces of Polish teens would have an impact on his behaviour.

It's a good job he wasn't around in the Warsaw of the mid-eighteenth century, especially among the upper-classes; gender-bending fashion and highly affected behaviour were the norm then.

weird short skirt, purple leather jacket and a fedora (?)

I'm sure some of your elderly neighbours stare; the old have been grumbling about people's appearance since time immemorial.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #40
a word in non-standard English like restroom

It is standard American (GAE) remember English is pluricentric, a word can be correct in one standard and incorrect in another.

some of your elderly neighbours stare

I dunno, the AGP in question appears to be in his 50s, so this might be some long repressed thing finally breaking out.

gender-bending fashion and highly affected behaviour were the norm

fashion more or less regularly swings between gender separation, gender bending and gender blending... in loose terms highly distinct gender based dress tends to co-occur with other forms of segregation (like a high degree of economic stratification) hard to say where the dog and where the tail are though...

the idea that a person can actually change sex (rather than just mimic the other sex) is much newer, a sort of a modern version of alchemy....
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #41
It is standard American

Though not of course standard English. It is a local variety. The standard form and prestige register is that spoken in the place that likes the language so much that we named our country after it. Then again, I would say that, wouldn't I...

so this might be some long repressed thing finally breaking out.

I know someone a bit like that in Warsaw.. He's occasionally an actor and seen often around town in ladies' clothes or something in betwen. I first spoke to him 20 odd years ago. He harms nobody and is a nice though eccentric person. The world would be poorer without him.

fashion more or less regularly swings between gender separation

Very much so, and the older generation (or some of them anyway) have always complained. It's part of life. We may not understand Generation Z (or whatever the hell is going to come after them) however we can guarantee that they will be very different.

I think you use Twitter. Check out Viscountess Boudicca. A special person. Even 'before' when presenting as male, his dress was pretty extreme.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Mar 2023   #42
Why not just take them to the sh|tter? (how 'to a toilet' sounds in American).

How strange - toilet is a very normal word. Maybe it's the American problem with words of French origin that would give the word toilet such strange associations. Think of 'eau de toilette' written on perfume bottles. It was often called 'toilet water' years ago because part of a lady's 'toilette' was to dab a bit of perfume behind the ears and on the wrists. Toilet originates from the place where a lady went to perform her 'toilette'. It makes much more sense than a 'rest room'.

The old gender bending stuff is really no big deal. It's a phase a lot of young people go through and it usually has nothing to with sexuality. When I was in art college about a hundred years ago in a Dublin that was very parochial and provincial compared to now, quite a few of the guys were very flamboyant dressers and one or two wore a bit of make up. One guy had his naturally mousey brown hair dyed jet black, and wore bright red lipstick. He had very fair skin and was quite handsome. He wore women's blouses instead of a shirt and a bit of jewellery. He was a totally down to earth, ordinary guy to talk to and he was hetero. It was just about looking avant garde and different.

My view is that I don't like to look at anything ugly. I don't have a problem with what people wear as long as the look is well put together and they look good. My friend in the art college was stylish and striking. I don't want to see some brawny guy with three day stubble or an obvious moustache, wearing a flowery skirt and getting his high heels stuck in the grating. Equally I have a problem with 'normal' if it's a fat girl in a pair of leggings wobbling up the road in front of me. It offendeth mine eye.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #43
toilet is a very normal word

In America it refers to what you sit on only, not the room. And 'go to the toilet' directly refers to defecation (not going to a room to do so).

When I was growing up 'toilet water' was sometimes used as a joke, to indicate a character in a movie or tv show was unsophisticated (because it sounds like water from the toilet)

restroom is a euphemism of course and implies a public facitlity (bathroom at home, restroom outside the home)

American problem with words of French origin

We love words of French origin although some of the meanings get bent beyond recognition. In America, in dining the 'entree' refers to the main course... which is weird.

old gender bending stuff is really no big deal

When it's limited to surface things like clothes and makeup I agree.

I disagree when people think it's really possible for a man to become a woman (or vice versa) or that 'man' and 'woman' are metaphysical properties rather than sex classes.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #44
metaphysical properties rather than sex classes.

The future, including in Poland, will be very different. It's not irrelevant that those who get worked up about it most tend to be boomers or Generation X (as I am and suspect you may be too). Millennials are a bit more relaxed about it, and Zoomers seem to take it in their stride as easily as they mock us for using internet browsers instead of apps or having coins/banknotes in our pockets.

surface things

I'd not call them just "surface things". There have always been blurred lines. What's your take on the situation in Istanbul? If you're not familiar with the way things are there, it's worth reading up on.

'go to the toilet'

Above a certain social level, we say "loo", "bog" or if there's a military/naval tradition in the family, the "heads" or "jakes".
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Mar 2023   #45
disagree when people think it's really possible for a man to become a woman

or that 'man' and 'woman' are metaphysical properties rather than sex classes.

I agree with you. It's a simple biological fact that we're born either male or female, apart from a tiny minority who are born with some kind of hermaphrodite abnormality, but I don't know the details of that so I can't comment. The fact that somebody thinks they are a man or woman doesn't make them a man or woman. I don't care if an adult man or woman wants to have surgery or take hormones but I don't accept that in doing so, he or she can become the other gender. They are simply a man/woman who has interfered with their physiology through medical procedures.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #46
Great post, Atch. Now explain, please, why some men end up in prisons for women.
And, does the NHS allow men to see gynecologists or women to get their prostate tested?
Yes, those are idiotic questions but we are living in idiotic times when sick and abnormal are healthy and normal. Like being "gay"...

I also noticed that men in women's prisons happen only in Western "democracies", not in oppressive hellholes like China and Russia.
This begs the question of who is evil. They or us?
Is this why the "barbarians" don't like Western progressive NGOs and the leftist morons who run them?
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #47
the NHS

Do they operate in Poland now?


Polish teens?
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Mar 2023   #48
I assume those are rhetorical questions. I'm not sure why you're asking me about the NHS though? What would I know about their policies


No. In Russia you'll be beaten up for wearing a kilt. Yes, that has happened. Even in the USA, fount of all ignorance, they know what a kilt is. A noble and very masculine garment and provincial Russians think it's a dress - oh dearie me.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #49
I'm not sure why you're asking me about the NHS though?

I was actually asking Novichok. Specifically why he was writing about the NHS in a thread about Polish teens.

My own take on gender fluidity and gender reassignment? One doesn't have to like something in order to accept that others do.

So much bile online and very few people actually know anyone who is trans.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #50
I assume those are rhetorical questions.

No more than why men are allowed in prisons for women.

Insanity, like cancer, tends to metastasize. It first shows up in "America", then in the UK, and, from there, among me-too morons elsewhere. Those skinny Polish boys pretending to be girls is the evidence. In "communist" Poland we never fell that low. Now it's cute and this forum goes along with the disease.

In Russia you'll be beaten up for wearing a kilt.

Good. When among Russians, act like one.

Normal men dislike girlie weirdos because they don't see them as an asset you can count on when attacked. They see them as girls real men instinctively want to protect - the instinct that diverts their attention from the primary mission of protecting the tribe.

That's how men are wired and no amount of progressive crap talk that men and women are equal can ever change this.

The bottom line is: women are to be safe back home and take care of the kids, not hunt and wage wars. Girlie men are a liability, not an asset, and a vomit-inducing freak show.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Mar 2023   #51
very few people actually know anyone who is trans.

I've never known anybody transgender but I've known quite a few trannies as transvestites called themselves years ago and I suspect that some of them would have been happy to have 'the operation' as they were living as women full time. But some of them either just dressed up now and again for 'trannie night' in the upstairs room at the pub or they were just a bit effeminate.

There was a gay guy who used to gig with Geno Washington years ago, he wasn't really a musician, just used to get up on stage and bang a tambourine. I think he arranged their gigs or something but liked to be part of the act. I met him a few times. Obviously male, but woman's blouse and trousers, foundation and face powder but no eye make up or lipstick, hair sort of shoulder length but cut in a unisex style, wouldn't be mistaken for woman. You know the vibe. I remember him saying to me 'There's one thing I do envy you darling. Your skin! I'd love to have that complexion but I have to cover myself in slap.' :))
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Mar 2023   #52
I disagree when people think it's really possible for a man to become a woman

you are ultraconservative then :P
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #53
I've never known anybody transgender

Because they don't exist. Mental disorders, like cancer, are often hidden.
"Transgender women" are just opportunistic pretend weirdos craving attention, trophies, and access. If it was nature acting up, there would be an equal number of "transgender men" - just as there is an equal number of boys and girls. How nature does it is a mystery to me.

To their credit, "transgender women" do not claim they are women - only that they identify as such. Today, I identify as the cutest 10-year-old black lesbian girl in the whole wide world.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #54
gender fluidity and gender reassignment? One doesn't have to like something in order to accept that others do

I don't care what adults do (though surgery should only be done while the patient is under long-term therapy) but in the US (and UK?) they are giving minors double masectomies ("top surgery") peeling off forearm skin to make fake pen]ses that do not function and other barbarities... google "forearm phalloplasty" at your own risk...

No "gender affirming care" for minors.

No men in women's sports.

No men in women's prisons.

No men in women's spaces, period.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Mar 2023   #55
No men in women's spaces, period.

yeah, like I told you - you are ultraconservative
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #56
Maf, now I love you, man. Don't worry. I am straight.

As far as surgeries...No! Not even for adults.

Try to go to a hospital and demand chemo to treat imaginary cancer. Or to have your leg amputated because of imaginary gangrene and you (editorial) would be on the way to their psych ward, not to the operating room.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #57
you are ultraconservative

on child 'transition'? yeah, on men in women's sports? yeah

OTOH I support same-sex marriage and most second wave feminist goals (the third wave was a washout and the fourth wave... the less said the better).
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Mar 2023   #58
most second wave feminist goals

what is the second wave of feminist goals? I'm genuinely curious ( I don't know anything of waves of feminism apart from universal suffrage)
Lenka  5 | 3531
14 Mar 2023   #59
No men in women's spaces, period.

I actually see a very scary trend with the trans debate: that narrative that women safety depends on isolation.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #60
A woman with testosterone would be disqualified instantly. A guy how had it all his guy life can now be a woman and is allowed to compete as such.

Such is the level of Western insanity because the English part of it can't figure out the difference between "is" and "claims to be".

that narrative that women safety depends on isolation.

Another English expert...
There is a difference between "isolation" and "separation". Would you want me to give you examples?

Home / Life / Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland

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