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So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%?

Ironside  50 | 12916
16 Nov 2020   #31
Because that was the time when Polish conservatives, focused on homogenity, were too strong.

What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean by homogeneity?

only misery remains.

For you bevosue you are a miserable c..t.!
Crow  154 | 9463
16 Nov 2020   #32
You can't possible know how a current Sarmatia would look like

Sure, but we see what Romans made of it. No freedom my dear. No not at all.

Even this felacy of USA elections, EU ugly joke, its all result of that Roman victory over native Sarmatians.

For you bevosue you are a miserable c..t.!

You are right here. Wont help if we all start to cry like old woman.
kaprys  3 | 2076
16 Nov 2020   #33
I always kind of thought our country was the most powerful in the times of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, roughly speaking with Poles, Ruthenians, Scots, Jews, Tatars etc lived here together with their heterogenous customs and religions.

But I was apparently wrong.
So when was that time Poland was the strongest due to its homogenity? Like between 1968 -1989????
Were there more homogeneous periods????
Someone enlighten me, please.
Ironside  50 | 12916
16 Nov 2020   #34
Someone enlighten me, please.

Poland was powerful not because of all that diversity but because Poland was powerful there was diversity.
So called Commonwealth to survived roughly 200 years and it was time of almost constant wars, that drained resources of the country.

Also after some turbulent period Poland had a homogenous elite, regardless of it ethnic origin all nobles were Catholics (or near enough) and Polish (culture).

All the rest of commoners were just immaterial as a modern notion of a nation is the 19th idea.
kaprys  3 | 2076
16 Nov 2020   #35
Thanks for your effort but you probably don't know the answer either.
The thesis stated was that Poland was a success when it was mostly homogeneous. My question was when exactly was it?
Your post didn't answer it.

BTW, there are other things in your post I could debate but I'm sick and tired of sub-topics that kind of take the thread off topic.
Crow  154 | 9463
16 Nov 2020   #36
not because of all that diversity but because Poland was powerful there was diversity.

Sarmatism didn't play on homogenity but rather tolerated local differences and there was freedom. Freedom is power. Freedom is independance. Freedom is high morale. See, modern day Poland lack that power. It simple isnt free.

For Romans freedom was and is control. Tight control. Freedom for few and control for many.

For those who didn't understand. Point is that Roman principle prevailed over Sarmatism.

Should we say 'You asked for it'? No you didn't ask for it. It was imposed on you.

So its pathetic to try to convince yourself how you was culturally enriched when you in fact was enslaved.
Crow  154 | 9463
17 Nov 2020   #37
So we return to the basic fact of Sarmatism and that is rule of people or as Greaks later named it Demokratia, Democracy. But thay didn't invent it. Sarmats did it.

And most glorious moment of Poland was era of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where ruled sptrit of Sarmatism.

But it fell, some may say. Well of course it fell when ancestors of Slavs of modern day Poland were advanced and spirited people which at one moment of history were exposed to the savage Romans, real barbarians.

Kashubs tend

Kashubs are still Serbs. They were Serbs before Polani were Serbs. They were Serbs so deep in past that entire Baltic was called, in old scripts it is said, a Serbian Ocean, Oceanus Sarmaticus.

So, speak well of Kashubs. They are of that first White, Western, European, Sarmatic to say Slavic line from Balkan to Baltic, that formed after Ice Age was finished. Line that gave birth to Your world.

Respect that Oasis of your ancestral culture. Dont speak of them as of past.
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Nov 2020   #38
One moment you claim they are "Poles of Jewish origin" then a moment later they are "Jews who lived in Poland".

So, you stubbornly refuse to think logically while talking to me? And again you display that appalling ignorance of Polish history.

I always give my students a second chance. Think again and tell us what I am mildly rebuking you for.

Go on, we are waiting.

Your post didn't answer it.

As usual with Iron. Another poster here who has huge problems with logical thinking.
17 Nov 2020   #39
Aside from a few dishes and songs, Jews had surprisingly little contribution to mainstrea. Polish culture, despite Western propaganda that makes it out as if gentile Poles were peasants. They lived mostly isolated in their ghettoes. I hate travel guides on Poland as they're all about talking about Nazis and Jews. That's like a travel guide om London talking about just Indian food.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Nov 2020   #40
Aside from a few dishes and songs, Jews had surprisingly little contribution to mainstrea. Polish culture

That's because Jews never have been and never will be Poles. They are genetically and culturally distinct from Poles - that is why they've been pushing to establish their own seperate state within Poland and/or have Jewish control over Poland through Germany. These are people who despise Poland and have been a destructive force ever since their arrival. Many Poles view the 1939 German invasion as a tragedy and it was, but the silver lining is that as a result even 50+ years later we're almost judenfrei.

hat's like a travel guide om London talking about just Indian food.

Wouldn't be a surprise considering the fact that there's more non-British living in Londonistan than natives...
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Nov 2020   #41
That's because Jews never have been and never will be Poles.

Of course you are wrong. Read this thread: about Jewish Poles who were more Polish than Jewish.

Aside from a few dishes and songs, Jews had surprisingly little contribution to mainstrea. Polish culture,

Another "expert" on Polish issues. You too should visit the thread mentioned above to see the scale of Jewish Poles contribution.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Nov 2020   #42
I only hope that Slask also, like Kashubs, isnt accused to be pro-Germanic. Its no secret that Germany dream of Slask and after all of entire Poland and even much more of Slavic world. But those are dreams of Germany, of one insane and near to oblivion country. In other words why would Polani accuse their kin Slavic brethren because of deranged German dreams. Really, why?

See? Why force Polonization? Much better for all Slavs of todays Poland, Polani included to return to their real self, to their Sarmatian meta-ethnicity and spirit of Sarmatism.
18 Nov 2020   #43
Slavic is a language group, not a gene imo. Most Serbs and Macedonians look nothing like Poles and I see difference between Poles and Russians. As a third party I even see difference between Bohemian Czechs and Moravian Czechs/Slovaks physically. There never was a pan Slavic culture. In every Slavic culture the genes are predominantly locals with some external admixtures. So most Poles are...guess it Poles, Kashunians mixed with some Belarussian and some Baltic/Swedish. Less German as Polkas look much better than the masculine German women.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Nov 2020   #44
Know history. Sarmatian civilization for a long time existed on truly mega inter-continental level. Ancients didn't need to mix with strangers to differ from one another in every next 100 km. And their realm was from British islands, over entire Europe, Near East, Anatolia, Eurasia all to the Ind river.
kaprys  3 | 2076
18 Nov 2020   #45
Heard of Tuwim, Brzechwa, Lem, Korczak? Just to name few of the names that every Pole knows.
The list is much longer. You need to do some reading about Polish culture. There is so much more to Polish Jews than WW2.
Read about the history of Polish cities - how multicultural they were.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Nov 2020   #46
Jews are fine. Not perfect but fine. Same as us Sarmats (ie Slavs). Vatican and Constantinople poluted world much more with hate then Jews did.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Nov 2020   #47
Jewish Poles

I don't need to read a thread or book to know there's no such thing. Nor do I need to read some PF thread to know that jews have completely different genetics, culture, religion and customs than actual Roman Catholic Poles. Hell the Tatars are more Polish than the Jews - at least they stood alongside Poland fighting the motherland's enemies while the Jews conspired with every partition power to **** the country over even more and continue to do so till today. There is only Jews who live or lived in Poland, no "Polish Jews" and just like in every country they reside they p1ssed off the majority population with their behavior. They are the only group to have been kicked out of over 100 countries, city-states, principalities, etc. over the course of 2 millenia. But of course they're all anti-semites, it couldn't be possibly the Jews own fault for pissing off over 100 different countries over 2000 years. Poland let them in when they literally had no where else to go in Europe as they overstayed their welcome and were driven out by force everywhere else.

What have the Jews done to repay us? Conspire with the Germans to create their own seperate country, join the commies at the drop of a hat, form a 5th column with the Bolsheviks during the invasion of Poland, kill of tons of Polish patriots after WW2, and to top it off now they demand billions in reparations and disrespect and slander Poland in all the media outlets they own. What a joke!

True Polish patriots during the interwar period were very clear about the jewish problem - they wanted them gone from Poland just as bad as Hitler did.

Jews are fine. Not perfect but fine. Same as us Sarmats (ie Slavs).

ROFL!!! Wow you are brainwashed... Go tell a Polish "Sarmat" patriot that they're the same as Jews and you'll see their reaction.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Nov 2020   #48
True Polish patriots wanted them gone from Poland just as bad as Hitler did.

There is a shorter name for them - fascists. I just want to help you save time and energy.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Nov 2020   #49
If Dirk was wrong you would see "Jewish Poles" used all over, meaning: Poles who happen to be Jewish. But it's in reverse and it's "Polish Jews" - meaning Jews who happen to live in Poland.

Another one: "Poles and Jews" when the world war dead are discussed. Nobody ever said: Americans and Baptists as co-equal and separate subsets.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
19 Nov 2020   #50
For that the Americans have their Afro-Americans...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Nov 2020   #51
You can call them whatever you want, the fact is there's a lot of damn good reasons why Poles and hundreds of millions if not billions of others don't like jews. Maybe if the jews stopped trying to extort billions from us, influencing our politics, media, and financial structures, and stopped all their **** talking in the media outlets they own things would be different. But of course that's asking too much from them. They can't help being what they are though.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
19 Nov 2020   #52
Maybe if the jews stopped trying to extort billions from us, influencing our politics, media, and financial structures, and stopped all their ****

I really wonder how they still managed to nearly get spite of all that power and might....
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Nov 2020   #53
there's a lot of damn good reasons why Poles

You forgot to add: some Poles. :):)
OP Curious Cat UK
19 Nov 2020   #54
How many Sarmatian people live in Poland today? I cannot find any statistics. Also how many British people live in Poland today in the year 2020?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Nov 2020   #55
Some Poles? More like half the country... Stop trying to downplay reality - it's not going to work. No matter how much you lie and propoganda you spew the facts remain - most Poles are anti-LGBT and doesn't support gay marraige or adoption, most Poles don't want turd world migrants in their midst, and according to the ADL half the country is anti-semitic although in reality I'm confident that number is much higher. Poland is not some liberal western utopia - if that's what you want go to Germanistan or the United Kaliphate.

Oy vey! Antisemitism!! Send in Silvershekelbergstein & Co.!!

Couldn't be more proud of my fellow Poles for making us top the list = ) I'd rather have Poland be the most anti-semitic country in Europe than win 100 gold medals - it'll take us much further as a country and people that's for sure. Otherwise the jews would've already got their hundred billion dollar extortion.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Nov 2020   #56
Some Poles? More like at least half the country...

Some can be a half, too.
But even if we call it half, it differs from your previous claim:Poles.

Dirk, I am impressed with your progress in learning. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Nov 2020   #57
Well no **** it's not going to be all, 100% of Poles. There's idiots and brainwashed people in even the most superior of nationalities and peoples. Tens of millions of people, half, 3/4 of the country, is not "some" people - that's a force to be reckoned with and respected. And that's why Poles and Hungarians, two very close allies, have been an enemy of the jews - we're onto their bullshit more so than other Europeans.

I really wonder how they still managed to nearly get spite of all that power and might....

Who cares? I'm just glad that as a result Poland doesn't have to deal with a fraction of the bullshit coming from them than if WW2 never happened. WW2 hurt Poland, sure, but hey you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. And thanks to that Poland is nearly judenfrei. We'd have a worse ZOG than the USA's if Germany never attacked us.

But the answer is the jews didn't have quite the political control that they do now - they were just building up on it. Afterall, it was shortly after WW1 that they conned the British government into two timing the Saudis for helping them against the Ottomans and gave them Palestine instead. Also, the USA was still ruled by the WASP families at the time - not jews like it is today.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Nov 2020   #58
is not "some" people -

Yes, it is. Read this meaning of some:

a large amount or number of something:
It'll be some time before we meet again.
It was some years later when they next met.
We discussed the problem at some length.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Nov 2020   #59
When you say "some Poles" and a "large amount of Poles" it clearly means two different things so don't twist words - we both know what you meant
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Nov 2020   #60
Didn`t I provide you a dictionary entry meaning for some? Yes, I did. So? Can you read in English? It clearly says: a large amount of sth.

You dont` like Cambridge? Here is an Oxford dictionary:

a large number or amount of something

It was with some surprise that I heard the news.
We've known each other for some years now.
We're going to be working together for some time (= a long time).

Home / Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%?

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